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Wolf-Men of the Forest
Wolf-Men of the Forest
Wolf-Men of the Forest
Ebook32 pages33 minutes

Wolf-Men of the Forest

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Howling from a pack of wolves that were getting closer made me stretch my back with horror. I didn't have anything to defend myself with. They were most likely going to eat me alive. Maybe they already devoured my friends. I heard them sniffing, the howling that followed was so loud that I had to cover my ears. A red wolf slowly walked towards me. His shiny eyes were gray.

Release dateFeb 6, 2020
Wolf-Men of the Forest

Vianka Van Bokkem

Miss Van Bokkem is a Paranormal /Fantasy/Mythology/ Horror/Historical Fiction/Science Fiction author.

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    Wolf-Men of the Forest - Vianka Van Bokkem


    Eli! Lizbeth! Please answer! I screamed even if my throat hurt every time I inhaled the wind from the snowstorm. I was tired and wanted to sit down, but I promised mom that if I was ever in this kind of situation, I wouldn't stop walking until I found a safe place. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to get up and will forever be asleep because of hypothermia. I stopped for a moment and leaned against a tree. To my surprise, I spotted a cave about three meters from where I was. I immediately thought my friends were there, waiting for me. I walked with renovated energy. A burst of wind took the red scarf mom crocheted for me from my neck. I needed to reach the cave, so I decided to leave it behind. Lizbeth, Eli! I am here! I screamed with the little energy I had left as soon as I was inside. No one answered.

    The cave was bigger than it looked from the outside. I continued walking until it was too dark to see anything. I snuggled against a rock. They will be here any minute, They will be here any minute, I repeated while shaking from the cold. Eli is fifteen-years-old, Lizbeth, and I sixteen. It is not fair to die young. Howling from a pack of wolves that were getting closer made me stretch my back with horror. I didn't have anything to defend myself with. They were most likely going to eat me alive. Maybe they already devoured my friends. I heard them sniffing, the howling that followed was so loud that I had to cover my ears. A red wolf slowly walked towards me. His shiny eyes were gray. Suddenly, I remember Eli was afraid to lose the house key and she gave it to me. It was inside my jacket's right pocket. I took one of my gloves off and held the key tight. I could hear mom's voice telling me. Never think like prey, think like a predator!" I launched at the wolf and stabbed his eye. I felt a painful bite on my arm and I lost consciousness.


    The smell of alcohol woke me up. I looked around and everything looked blurry. After squinting a few times, I realized I was lying in a hospital bed. My right arm was bandaged. I saw a woman’s back standing by the door.

    Where is mom! What is happening? I screamed disoriented. The woman turned around, and I recognized her. It was Lieutenant Lund. She was mom’s friend.

    Sissel, you are finally awake. Where are Lizbeth and Eli? Their families are desperate.

    "I don't know where they are! We were on our way back home when

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