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Enneagram Types
Enneagram Types
Enneagram Types
Ebook163 pages2 hours

Enneagram Types

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"Self-awareness With Enneagram and Discover What Each Type Brings to the Relationship"

This Enneagram Type book covers the basics that you will need to understand how the Enneagram works in your life and relationships.
This book will help you understand the basic facets of self-discovery, growth, and changes, therefore allow you to know yourself much better as a result.
Understanding who you are, what makes you the person you are, and recognizing the personality traits you display yourself can allow you to understand your reactions to situations much better, allow you to make stronger decisions, and also help you understand other people much better as a result.

The Enneagram refers to the nine different personality types and styles, but it is much more than a personality profile or diagram that has nine points on an intersection of a triangle and a hexagon. It is a psycho-dynamic framework that provides a powerful model for understanding how development and integration operate.

Enneagram is a powerful guide towards finding your self-awareness, as well as finding the strengths of others around you so you can use that to build your relationships with one another.  
The Enneagram is not the easiest subject in the world to grasp at first. The key is to find out your core personality type because from that point you can begin to explore your actual internal personality, based on the Enneagram Types. 

Determining your personality type through the Enneagram does not put you in a box, but help you see the box from which we experience the world. With this awareness, you can step outside of your limited perspective. Ideally, personality is an effective way to express yourself, but challenges arise when your point of view becomes rigid and you get stuck in automatic habits. By discovering these unconscious patterns, you can lead more fulfilling lives, enjoy healthier relationships, and connect to your true essence.

By reading this book, you will be able to recognize underlying patterns of The Enneagram that influence the way you and the people in your life have been feeling and behaving. This will increase your compassion for yourself and others.

What you'll find in this book

  • You will learn the history of the enneagram, the basics of each type, the movements, and subtypes.

  • You will be able to recognize underlying patterns that influence the way you and the people in your life

  • You will have the tools to discover your own enneatype and others in your life.

  • You will understand the basics of The Enneagram

Release dateFeb 10, 2020
Enneagram Types

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    Book preview

    Enneagram Types - Donald L. Harris


    Self-discovery With Enneagram and Discover What Each Type Brings to the Relationships

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: What is Enneagram, and what does it mean for You?..........6

    What is the Enneagram?......................................................................................6

    Where did the Enneagram come from?.............................................................7

    Chapter 2: Spiritual Roots: The Enneagram in History............................9

    Psychological insights..........................................................................................9

    The enneagram today.........................................................................................10

    Toward Self-Discovery.......................................................................................10

    Chapter 3: A Guide to Spiritual Transformation.......................................12

    Chapter 4: Enneagram as a self-discovery tool to benefit your life....14

    Chapter 5: Understanding yourself and those around you-Personality Types................17

    Type 1: The Perfectionist...................................................................................18

    Type 2: The Giver................................................................................................20

    Type 3: The Performer.......................................................................................21

    Type 4: The Romantic.........................................................................................22

    Type 5: The Observer.........................................................................................23

    Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic..................................................................................23

    Type 7: The Epicure............................................................................................24

    Type 8: The Protector.........................................................................................25

    Type 9: The Mediators.......................................................................................26

    Chapter 6: Reading a Soul................................................................................28

    Chapter 7: Understanding Enneagram Characters..................................32

    Characteristic role..............................................................................................32

    Ego Fixation.........................................................................................................32

    Holy Idea/Ideal....................................................................................................32

    Basic Fear............................................................................................................32

    Basic desire..........................................................................................................33




    Integration and Disintegration types...............................................................34

    Chapter 8: The Path to Greatness..................................................................40

    Chapter 9: The awakening soul......................................................................52

    What Is the Soul?................................................................................................52

    Twentieth Century Messengers of Soul Awareness......................................54

    Chapter 10: Self-Awareness Through Your Personality Type...............55

    Type One: The Reformer................................................................................55

    Type Two: The Helper....................................................................................56

    Type Three: The Achiever..............................................................................56

    Type Four: The Individualist.........................................................................57

    Type Five: The Investigator...........................................................................57

    Type Six: The Loyalist.....................................................................................58

    Type Seven: The Enthusiast..........................................................................58

    Type Eight: The Challenger...........................................................................59

    Type Nine: The Peacemaker..........................................................................59

    Benefits of self-awareness.................................................................................60

    Your coping skills will improve.....................................................................60

    You will heal yourself.....................................................................................60

    Your internal sense of balance will increase..............................................60

    Your relationships will get better.................................................................61

    You will develop presence and mindfulness...............................................61

    Chapter 11: Enneagram and Relationships................................................62

    Enneagram Ones and Twos...............................................................................62

    Enneagram Type Three and Three...................................................................63

    Enneagram Type Four Goes with Type Five...................................................63

    Enneagram Type Ones and Sixes.....................................................................64

    Enneagram Type Six and Three........................................................................65

    Enneagram Type Six and Eight........................................................................65

    Enneagram Type Seven and Nine....................................................................66

    Bottom line...........................................................................................................66

    Chapter 12: Accelerating your personal growth and self-expression 68

    Chapter 13: Cultivating Healthy Loving Relationships..........................69

    Bringing back the magic of passionate love...................................................70

    Finding love and cultivating relationships through Your personality type 71

    Type One: The Reformer................................................................................71

    Type Two: The Giver.......................................................................................71

    Type Three: The Achiever..............................................................................71

    Type Four: The Romantic...............................................................................72

    Type Five: The Observer................................................................................72

    Type Six: The Loyalist.....................................................................................72

    Type seven: The Enthusiast...........................................................................73

    Type eight: The Challenger...........................................................................73

    Type nine: The Peacemaker...........................................................................73

    Chapter 14: Mapping out your path of most joy and fulfillment.........75

    Chapter 15: How the Enneagram can help you grow and manifest a joy-filled life.................78

    Chapter 16: Discovering the self....................................................................80

    The road to self-discovery..................................................................................80

    Chapter 17: Spiritual application of the enneagram...............................83

    Resolving relationship conflicts........................................................................83

    Communication Styles........................................................................................85

    Family Relationships and Roles........................................................................87

    Strengthening connections................................................................................88

    Chapter 18: Growth and change.....................................................................89

    The Enneagram and Growth.............................................................................89

    Living with Accountability.................................................................................90

    Recognizing and changing bad habits.............................................................91



    This Enneagram book covers the basics that you will need to understand how the Enneagram works in your life and relationships.

    This book will help you understand the basic facets of self-discovery, growth, and changes, therefore allow you to know yourself much better as a result.

    Understanding who you are, what makes you the person you are, and recognizing the personality traits you display yourself can allow you to understand your reactions to situations much better, allow you to make stronger decisions, and also help you understand other people much better as a result.

    The Enneagram refers to the nine different personality types and styles, but it is much more than a personality profile or diagram that has nine points on an intersection of a triangle and a hexagon. It is a psycho-dynamic framework that provides a powerful model for understanding how development and integration operate.

    By reading this book, you will be able to recognize underlying patterns of the Enneagram that influence the way you and the people in your life have been feeling and behaving. This will increase your compassion for yourself and others.

    Chapter 1: What is Enneagram, and what does it mean for You?

    At first glance, the Enneagram can seem a little complicated, but once you look into it further and read this book, you will quickly see that it is not only fascinating, but also once you learn your actual core type, the whole process becomes much easier as a result.

    First things first however, let’s explore a little more what the Enneagram of Personality actually is.

    What is the Enneagram?

    Known simply as the Enneagram, or the Enneagram of Personality if you want to be a little more formal, this is a model of teaching which helps individuals learn more about their personality, thus helping them get to know themselves much better, as well as those around them.

    The Enneagram is a framework of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types.

    The whole process is summed up by using a diagram, which is made up of three different parts – a circle, a triangle within the circle, and hexagonal shape. The circle is there to show unity, the triangle shows the law of three, and the hexagon shows the law of seven. Again, this may sound complicated at this stage, but the murky waters will clear as we go on into our next chapter.

    The Enneagram figure shows and lays out nine different personality types. The figure not only shows the individual’s main core personality type, but it also shows connections with other types, via the lines which connect the various points.

    The great thing about the Enneagram is that it is a very useful tool to help us recognize not only our faults, but our strengths too, and by understanding both of these sides of the coin, we can improve our weaknesses, and build on our strengths. The key to becoming a ‘better person’, as we all want to be, is to recognize our pros and cons, and if we can learn what are downsides are, we can do something about them, perhaps even catch ourselves in the moment of reaction, and question why we are reacting in a certain way.

    Where did the Enneagram come from?

    There is some debate over where Enneagram actually came from, because there are much of the modern side of things, i.e. the actual psychological breakdown of the different personality types and their interconnection influences, have been developed over the last few years, by various Enneagram teachers.

    It is thought that the diagram can be dated back to Pythagoras, and the actual concept of the personality types could be as far back as the 4th century, or around the development of the Kabbalah, in the 12th century.


    kabbalah tree of life

    From this, you can understand that Enneagram is not just a theory to be taken lightly, and that it has been used for countless centuries, developed over time to its current state.

    Such is the influence of the Enneagram that it is now used in the business world, to help employers understand their employees and how they work together. If you can figure out the different personality types with a team, you can move various personnel around to get the most out of their strengths and weaknesses.

    On top of this, Enneagram is commonly used in spirituality, to help individuals gain enlightenment and to help them ‘get to know themselves’ – as much as that might sound like a ridiculous statement, of course you know yourself; think about it – do you really? Do you really know what type of person you are? Do you really understand the way you react the way you do?

    Probably not, but this is where the Enneagram can come in very useful indeed. Self-development and the Enneagram go together hand in hand.

    If you have ever read anything about Enneagram before, you might have given up at the first hurdle because it all seemed a little complicated, but once you find out your core type, you can easily look at lines and wings, which basically give you an idea on what else can affect your reactions and personality overall.

    WINGSMoving around the circle to connect to points on either side of your core type, ‘close neighbours.


    Movement to connected points across the circle, your points of ‘stretch and release’.

    To break this down to simplicity – ‘wings’ are the adjacent personality types to the core type, which can have some effect; look at it a little like a horoscope – whilst you have a primary star sign, the neighboring signs can affect you, depending on the date you were born, as well as the position of the moon and other planets. Nothing is ever as simple as black and white!

    Moving on from ‘wings’, we have ‘lines’. Now, there is some debate over whether this is actually credible, and teachers do have a slight 0-100 viewpoint on it – some believe it, some don’t, but basically ‘lines’ are the lines which connect to the points on the Enneagram. These can sometimes be called ‘stress’ or ‘security’ points, or ‘integration or ‘disintegration’ points, and again, these add to a person’s overall picture of personality.

    So, from looking at the

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