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Hot Cross Nuns Book 2: A Rendezvous in Shadow
Hot Cross Nuns Book 2: A Rendezvous in Shadow
Hot Cross Nuns Book 2: A Rendezvous in Shadow
Ebook42 pages28 minutes

Hot Cross Nuns Book 2: A Rendezvous in Shadow

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About this ebook

The Hot Cross Nuns saga continues!

Andrea's time at St. Raphael's has not been easy. Torn between navigating her relationship with her roommate, Celeste and a battle of wills with the stern and alluring headmistress, Andrea must ask herself some deeply probing questions that could affect the rest of her life. A flame has arisen deep inside of her. Will she be able to quench it before it consumes her, or is her desire to rebel too great?

Release dateFeb 10, 2020
Hot Cross Nuns Book 2: A Rendezvous in Shadow

Veronica Hartnell

Veronica Hartnell is an average housewife with an above-average libido. However, what she lacks in a vast, storied background, she more than makes up for with the characters she writes. Veronica likes to give a real-world feel to her everyday characters who partake in sensual and arousing adventures. Veronica has always been fascinated by human sexuality and what makes each person tick. The brain is the largest sex organ a person possesses. She wants to tap into that; to explore kinks in a safe environment where the reader won't feel judged and occasionally implement elements of humor into your spank material.When she's not busy reading erotic fiction, she's busy writing it, or at least thinking about it. Tired of seeing the eBook world abound with sub-par tales of the titillating and tantalizing, Veronica took it upon herself to get into the game and share a few of her kinks with you.Visit my website at

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    Book preview

    Hot Cross Nuns Book 2 - Veronica Hartnell

    Hot Cross Nuns Book 2: A Rendezvous in Shadow

    By Veronica Hartnell

    © Copyright 2019 David Daugherty

    Smashwords edition

    All rights reserved

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold

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    work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Connect with Veronica Hartnell

    More books by Veronica Hartnell

    An excerpt from No Holes Barred

    For Brendon


    W-what? the headmistress’ voice broke in surprise at the request that had just fallen from my lips. Her unrelenting command of the room slipped momentarily. I could feel it. This temporary break in control gave my entire body a rush. It fueled me. Emboldened me.

    Don’t stop, I repeated more confidently; this time dropping the nicety of ‘please’. I could feel my face was flush from the heat of the room and the physical exertion of the beating I’d just received. I didn’t let this deter me. I knew what I wanted. I’d known for a while now. I wanted her. I turned over my shoulder to look at her and gauge her reaction.

    Her eyes were like fire. Glaring back at me, they danced between my own eyes and the spreading, throbbing redness emanating from the deep crimson lines crisscrossing all over my ass. Her grip repeatedly tightened and loosened around the ruler in her hand, the instrument of my destruction and desire, throbbing seemingly in rhythm with my own body.

    My head swam with dizziness. I ached with both pain and unbridled want, wishing more than anything to just have her touch me again. My clitoris was screaming at me in desperation to touch it; throbbing violently. I dug my fingernails into the chair in an attempt to prevent myself from giving in and masturbating then and there. I focused instead on the stinging from the ruler, and the headmistress’ dark, fiery

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