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The Destiny Chronicles: Guardian of the Forest
The Destiny Chronicles: Guardian of the Forest
The Destiny Chronicles: Guardian of the Forest
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The Destiny Chronicles: Guardian of the Forest

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Arianna is lost. Torn from her modern world and flung headfirst into a reality where dragons and monsters exist, she must find her purpose and her way. Abandoned by everything and everyone she had depended on, she must find not only the courage to stand on her own and save those she comes to love but also the compassion to save those who failed her.

Tyr Oakenleaf is a guardian at his wits' end. The threat to his people grows daily, and their refusal to abandon tradition is slowly suffocating them into extinction. When a young girl stumbles across his path, he must put aside his own doubts and fears so that he can mold her into the savior an age-old prophecy foretells her to be.

Can they, together, overcome the darkness bred within her and save the Elven Nation from an ancient threat of annihilation?
Release dateFeb 28, 2020
The Destiny Chronicles: Guardian of the Forest

C. J. Smith

C. J. Smith is a self-proclaimed fantasy nerd, having spent most of her life immersed in fantasy role-playing games and novels. She holds a Master’s Degree in English from Southern New Hampshire University, where her thesis examined the influence of literature in Dungeons & Dragons. She currently resides in Tennessee with her husband and can frequently be found with her nose in a book.

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    The Destiny Chronicles - C. J. Smith


    About the Author

    C. J. Smith is a self-proclaimed fantasy nerd, having spent most of her life immersed in fantasy role-playing games and novels. She holds a Masters in English from Southern New Hampshire University, where her thesis examined the influence of literature in dungeons and dragons. She currently resides in Tennessee with her husband and two cats.


    This book is dedicated to Douglas Howard. Thank you for inspiring me to bring this wonderful world to life.

    Copyright Information ©

    C. J. Smith (2020)

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    Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

    Smith, C. J.

    The Destiny Chronicles: Guardian of the Forest

    ISBN 9781643785417 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781643785424 (Hardback)

    ISBN 9781645368106 (ePub e-book)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019955238

    First Published (2020)

    Austin Macauley Publishers LLC

    40 Wall Street, 28th Floor

    New York, NY 10005




    Special thanks to Austin Macauley Publishers that believed in me and helped bring my dream into reality.

    Special thanks also to my husband, Josh. Without his encouragement and support, this would not have been possible.


    The youth of the Elven nation gathered around the fire pit, each with a blanket and snacks. Tonight was one of the great councils, where histories and legends came alive through stories and songs. Everyone, both youth and elders were excited and anxious, for tonight a living legend was among them, and had agreed to share some of her own story with them.

    Within the center of the glade was an orb, glowing with clerical power. Within it the stories would come to life, visual representations of the words that flowed around it. Brianna, the council’s Ehlvanhan stood next to it, her hair flowing with green and brown leaf patterns, her skin white as bark of the Ghost trees that grew near human graveyards. Her eyes held secrets of the Forest Lord, secrets that had taken her centuries to acquire. Nature itself gave her a respect seldom seen even in the Elven lands. Her husband, Iston the Wise, one of the famous Blood Bows, sat nearby, whittling arrow shafts from Oak limbs. Brianna raised her arms, and the people settled, turning their sparkling almond eyes to her direction.

    Tonight is the night of the harvest moon. Tonight is the time of songs and stories. Tonight is the time of love and family. Here you have come to learn, to grow, and to flourish. Welcome my people, her voice drifted upon the soft breeze that echoed through the glade, soft and musical, carried to all within the gathering. Tonight is also the time to celebrate our freedom from the oppression of the Elvenbane, to remember the sacrifices of those dear to us, and the gift of our Forest Lord of our salvation from ourselves. Tonight we are also blessed with the presence of two personages that lived our history, who were instrumental in bringing about this Age of Unity. People of the Forest, please rise and welcome our very own Tyr Oakenleaf, and his A’lahanna, Arianna!

    The crowd of elves stood with silent respect, and formed a path through their very ranks. From out of the shadows strode the two of legend, Tyr, first of the Blood Bow, and Arianna, Queen of the Forest. The youth gasped at the pair, both tall, both majestic. Arianna was arm and arm with Tyr, and trailing behind them was a very large lynx. One of the smaller children squirmed from her mother’s hand and ran up to the big cat, who promptly licked her face and nudged her back to her mother.

    Arianna smiled as they took their place on the ground near Brianna and the history orb. The lynx moved in behind her, lying down to act as a backrest for her and Tyr. The people settled back down, taking a few minutes to get comfortable. From out of the crowd a small voice called, Are you really a Queen, mistress Arianna?

    Arianna smiled, and spoke softly, her voice carrying over the crowd. Yes and no, little one. I am a Queen of the Forest, in the sense that I have been here for centuries and consider it my charge and my home, but I do not have subjects to rule, nor do I care to.

    There was a murmured apology from the crowd, and Tyr smiled. Worry not, and neither should anyone apologize for the curiosity of the young. My A’lahanna and I welcome questions, and encourage knowledge. His voice was deep, but kind.

    Brianna motioned for silence, and Arianna took a deep breath. My friends, my people, many of you know me, and you all have accepted me for longer than I care to consider. But what you may hear tonight will be strange… for I am not a child born of Bareel, but from somewhere much stranger. Here now my tale of how I came to my home; how I found where I belonged, and the love I have found in each of you…

    Chapter One

    She let the front door slam shut as she raced into the house. The police car in the driveway had made her anxious for the entire run from the bus stop. David had been missing for days, and she had hoped they had finally found him. She stopped dead in her tracks when her brother raised his head. The sorrow in his face told her all there was to know. Either they had found him dead, or had yet to find him. She refused to believe the first, so she simply headed to her room and shut the door. She grabbed one of her books and began to read, studiously ignoring the knocks upon her door. She knew John was trying to tell her something, but she refused to hear it. David was not dead, he was missing. And as soon as he was ready to be found he would be. Her stubborn teenage pride would not allow her to embrace any other possibility. Eventually John left her alone, muttering about her stubbornness as he walked away. It did not matter to her; she was a girl alone in the world, and her stubbornness was the only thing that allowed her to cope. Well, that and her dreams. Someday she would find someone who loved her, and she would have a real family. Not like this hodgepodge of people who came around her room to pester her. John was the only one that really seemed interested in her well-being, and unfortunately the only one there was to take out her anger on. Her mom was not around much, and Dad had left them years ago, to see on weekends and special occasions, but that was it. Her grandmother took care of her, but she was old, and did not quite understand. John did, and although she was mean to him often, he loved her anyway.

    It had been through John that she met David. He was the kind of big brother to her that John was…they took her everywhere and made sure she was not left out of too much. That is why his disappearance upset her so. She talked to David a lot, and it just was not right for him to be gone like this from her. Settling into her fantasy book, she repeated to herself that he would be found when the time was right. She had to believe it, because the other options hurt too much.

    As night drifted in, there was a strange fog around the house. She really paid it no mind at the time, still living in the world of her own creation. But looking back now she could see how strange a night it was. The house was silent, something rather unusual as they always had people in and out, either her friends or her brothers. Even the cat was acting strange, hiding under her bed instead of purring on the pillow beside her. And for some reason, that night, she was sleepy.

    Now typically she had been a night owl, staying up as long as she could, but on that night, she passed out rather early, and then the strangeness really began. She could not remember much of what happened, but she thought she must have been dreaming, because there was David, dressed in some kind of mystic robe, and there was John, still in his pajamas. They were kind of ghosts in their house, and she could tell they had not noticed her yet. They were talking, and John was nodding all seriously, but the voices were blurred and strange. She could not quite make out what it was they were discussing. She would later remember it was like some decision was being made, and then David and John started fading out of sight. She flung her door open and dove for John, determined that they were not going to leave her behind. She felt her hand wrap around his ankle, and then pain ripped through her. It felt like she was being torn into, but she refused to let go. She would not lose them, no matter what she had to go through, she was not going to lose them! She screamed, but the rest was darkness…

    She woke up to the sound of arguing.

    Do not look at me like that! I have no idea how she got here. That voice was so familiar, but she could not quite open her eyes just yet. It was if they were glued together.

    You said it would just be me coming over with you! That is my sister, and you have brought her into a world full of danger! How can I possibly help you if I have to look after her!? That voice she knew very well. John was pissed…and evidently about her.

    She forced one eye open to see both, her real brother and her adopted one, glaring at each other across the room. She immediately shut her eye again and wished she had never seen what she just saw. The image of her older brother standing naked, in what appeared to be a stone walled room, arguing with David, who was still wearing that stupid robe, was not one she wanted to remember. But evidently, it was one that was going to be glued to the back of her eyelids in horror.

    Well, what do you want me to do about it? Just because I managed to pull you here, that does not mean I know how to send people back! And obviously something else must have gone wrong because SHE was not supposed to be here in the first place!

    She had never heard David so mad. He was usually an even-tempered guy, like John, but they sure were not being quiet. She sighed inwardly, looks like she had messed up again.

    You have to send her back. She will only get into trouble here! She could not tell if John was really worried, or just did not want her around. She knew she had been a handful before, but he had never acted as if he did not want her.

    We will do something with her for now. Maybe Kara can teach her something. We will figure it out…but for right now, there is nothing I can do. I will keep researching and see if I can find a way back for her, but I just do not know if it can be done. She cracked her eye back open to see him run his hand down his face in frustration.

    I swear my friend, I will do everything I can to send her back, or make sure she is taken care of.

    She sighed inwardly again. It never changed. They immediately assumed that she had to be taken care of. Had not they realized she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself? Really, she had been tending to herself for two years! And in the olden times, 15 was old enough to be married. She almost got up to tell them that, but quickly realized she was also naked, albeit covered by a fur blanket. Instead, she decided to try a different route.

    Please do not send me back… she said. I promise I will not get in your way. Just do not make me go back without you…please? She put on her best sad face, even sniffed a time or two for good measure. They both jerked around to face her as soon as she had started speaking, and just as she had hoped, John’s face softened, just a tiny bit, even if he did not relinquish his stance on her well-being.

    You are going back as soon as Whitemage can figure out how to send you. End of story.

    Her temper got the best of her then. And who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do? You are not my parent. And I do not need ‘taking care of!’ I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself! She hated being told what to do…and she had a bad temper. It really did not take much to set her off. And who the hell is Whitemage? she demanded.

    John sighed, and it was that long-suffering sigh he seemed to get whenever she lost her temper. She liked to think he used it to remind himself he had asked for her when he was five. Most boys she knew would have rather had a puppy than a baby sister, but not him. He wanted her; he got her…every inch of her.

    John pointed to David, His name here is Whitemage. We are not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. She rolled her eyes at his lame quote from The Wizard of Oz. Here, true names have power. And those who are wise do not utter their true names.

    OK, she could go along with this. After all, she was the one who believed in fairy tales and fantasy realms anyway. She deliberately refused to look at her brother. Fine, but could you please put some clothes on… I may have impaired vision, but I can still go blind here. And I am not coming out from under this blanket until you have me some clothes here as well…Whitemage. She glared at her friend, who just threw his hands up and left her and her brother to hash things out.

    She sat up a bit and wrapped the blanket around her, still refusing to look anywhere near her brother. She wiped the tears from her face, (she cried when she gets that angry) and stared a hole into the bed she was on. So…where are we and why are you so mad? Am I that much of a burden to you? She sniffed, but inside she was afraid of the answer he would give.

    She felt him settle on the bed behind her, and wrap his arm around her shoulders. No, but I am not sure you are going to believe me. I did not really believe it myself the first time Whitemage came to me.

    Try me.

    He laughed at that. Evidently, Whitemage somehow got sucked out of our world into this one. Here, magic and monsters exist, and the society is stuck in what we called the middle ages. It is like he was pulled into a realm similar to the Dungeons & Dragons games we play; only real.

    Dungeons & Dragons…a world like Dungeons & Dragons! She was excited. This was her wildest dream come to life! Oh my God…can I be a rogue? Please? I want to be a rogue!

    He hung his head. You do not get it, do you? This is real! No hospitals, no electronics, no fast food. It is not a GAME!

    She smiled. John did not realize just how much she wanted this. I do not care. If it is like D&D, then there are priests to heal, and who needs electronics anyway.

    He sighed again, and probably shook his head, but there was no way she was going to turn around and look at him.

    Sis, it is not going to be a game, and you are going home just as soon as Whitemage can figure out how to get you there.

    He got up then, just as a servant arrived with clothes for them. She knew he thought this was the end of the conversation, but it was not. She was finally away from everyone who wanted to hold her back and she was going to live her life on her terms.

    Whitemage came back not long after and took them down from what turned out to be his tower and gave them rooms in the keep. She knew it was going to take some time to get used to this, especially as her glasses had not come over from, what she was already calling, the Other World with her. She was almost as blind as a bat. Upon hitting her room, she waited until they left and rang the bell she had been shown to summon a servant. That is when she hit her first obstacle…no one spoke English. She was not sure exactly what she had expected, but her 15-year-old assumption that English was the universal language was suddenly thrown back in her face.

    Staring at the servant who just kept shaking her head at her, she willed her brain to figure this out. No way was she going to ask for help from the two who were determined to send her away. She was going to prove that she could make it here. She finally hit upon kneeling in a prayer position and the servant sighed in relief and nodded. She gestured for her to follow. After wrapping a ribbon on her door (so she could identify it later) she followed along. The servant led her out a side door and across a wide expanse of dirt, what she assumed was the courtyard, and into a small building. Her blurred vision did its best to reassure her that this was a church. She inched her way toward the altar and knelt. She did not know who it was she prayed to, or even who the gods here were…so she offered up a simple plea.

    Look, I do not know who may be listening. I do not know if my God is in this world, or what, but I am not going to make it here without my sight. Please…whoever is there, help me.

    She knelt there for several minutes, until she felt a hand upon her shoulder. Looking up, all she could see was a blurry robed figure. She felt a cool rush upon her face as a finger touched her forehead, and then her vision began to sharpen slowly. She closed her eyes and whispered up a prayer of thanks, and when she opened them she was alone. In her hand was a symbol, a small wooden disk emblazoned with a tree. She nodded to herself, and tucked it safe within a pouch around her waist.

    She made her way back to her room based on what turns she had taken, and the direction she had come. It was not as hard as she had feared, but the ribbon on her doorknob was definitely a good idea. She slipped back inside and went to the desk. There was a vial of ink and a quill pen there, and although she had never used one, she knew the theory. It took her a couple of tries, but she finally got it working, and sat down to make her a list of things she needed to do…first thing’s first, it was to learn the language here.

    Whitemage came back several hours later to check on her, Hey, Pooh Bear. It had always been his nickname for her.

    I am not going back. I do not want to go back. I want to stay here with you and…well, my brother. She was not sure exactly what to call John now…since real names were out of the question.

    He sighed. You need to. This is not a safe place for a little girl.

    I am not so little. I can help. Just tell me what you need for me to do, she responded.

    I need for you to be ready to go home…or whatever else your brother and I decide to do. He is the eldest and therefore he has a say in what goes on in your life. Whitemage looked absently out the window. Until then, what will keep you out of mischief? Help me here kid. I need your brother, and I need him undistracted.

    She thought for a few minutes about how to get what she needed here. Normally she would just ask David for what it was she wanted, but something told her it was not going to be that easy this time. So she had to plan…and sure enough, an idea emerged.

    She sighed unhappily, as if giving in. I guess you probably should have someone teach me the language here. At least that way if you cannot send me home, you will have some options on what to do with me. I can already sew and embroider, and I am accomplished on the piano… She deliberately let that train of thought dangle. Let them think they could marry her off, at least this way she could learn the language without rousing any suspicion, and then she could decide what to do with herself.

    He nodded, with that knowing look in his eye. He always did read her like a book. Her real brother either did not, or just did not let on he could, but there was very little she could get past Whitemage.

    Alright, for now, but do not get any crazy ideas. I taught Kara to speak English, just in case, so she will be able to help you. But it is going to cost you. There was a wicked gleam in his eye when he said that.

    Cost me what exactly? She had learned long ago not to promise anything without knowing what it was first. And her friend had a wicked sense of humor, so she was not about to abandon that principle here.

    You are going to have to wear dresses. No pants. They consider that barbaric and unseemly. He had the audacity to smile at her. He knew she hated dresses, had absolutely refused to wear them at home.

    She ground her teeth for a minute. Fine. Deal. I will wear your dresses, as long as they are plain and nothing fancy. I do not want to be decked out like some kind of prize on display. She crossed her arms and stared hard. She was not going to give any more than she already had.

    Her friend laughed out loud. I would not expect it any other way. Now, shoes you will have to be fit for, so I guess you are going to be barefoot for a few days, not that you have ever minded that. He grinned at her; he knew she hated shoes too. But you are going to have to think up a name. Like your brother said, real names here have power, and if the wrong people knew them, well, they would have power over you.

    She nodded. She had not thought about that much, but it was not hard. She had a character in one of her role-playing games she loved, and it was easy enough to go by her name. Call me Shala. I can remember that, and it is not too common a name.

    Shala it is. Now, be a good girl and I will go let Kara know to come find you. See you at dinner. Whitemage hugged her tight, and headed out. It briefly crossed her mind to ask him what

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