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Bittersweet: A Collection of Short Stories
Bittersweet: A Collection of Short Stories
Bittersweet: A Collection of Short Stories
Ebook30 pages21 minutes

Bittersweet: A Collection of Short Stories

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The first story, "Fond Memories," follows Erik and Melody as they contemplate life and love in a small motel room by the Savannah, Georgia riverside. Erik came here for a reason, but will he be able to go through with it?

The second story, "A Little Something," is a romance set on a starship headed towards Saturn. Jon and Emma have dated for quite some time. As Jon readies himself to pop the question, Emma brings news that could change their relationship and lives forever.

"The Lonely Road," the third story in this collection, is about Richard--a traveler who is stuck on a seemingly abandoned stretch of road. When a truck driver appears and offers him a ride, Richard must decide if he is willing to take this chance or wait for another car. Through his eyes, we see the thrill and terror of hitchhiking on a dark and lonely road.

In the fourth story, "The Reward," Eddie Martin and his brother Rey have just pulled off the heist of a lifetime and made off with over five hundred million in stolen art. Now, Eddie finds himself at the office of Jacob Richards, the client of this heist to claim his just reward.

The last story of this collection, "The Witch Cottage," is a tale of childhood romance, and a dark, supernatural curse. Andy and Sarah have heard the legends of the haunted house in the woods just outside of town, but neither dared to explore it alone. When Sarah asks Andy to go inside the old house with her, Andy must decide if impressing his crush is worth facing the curse.

PublisherBlaed Woodley
Release dateMar 21, 2021
Bittersweet: A Collection of Short Stories

Blaed Woodley

Blaed A. Woodley is a novelist with a passion for writing Romance, Science Fiction and Fantasy, and Horror stories. Currently, he is enrolled at Full Sail University for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing. Blaed’s stories “The Reward,” and “The Lonely Road,” are published in SCARLET LEAF REVIEW. When he isn’t writing, Blaed enjoys running and participating in various tabletop roleplaying games such as DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, WARHAMMER, and VAMPIRE THE MASQUERADE. He can be reached at

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    Book preview

    Bittersweet - Blaed Woodley


    A Collection of Short Stories

    By Blaed A. Woodley

    Copyright  Blaed A. Woodley, 2020

    All Rights Reserved

    First Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Table of Contents

    Fond Memories

    A Little Something

    The Lonely Road

    The Reward

    The Witch Cottage

    About the Author

    Fond Memories

    Erik breathed in the stench of the mold and detergent that clung to the stale air of the hotel room.

    Not a lot has changed, huh? said Melody, already inside and sitting down on the edge of the king-sized bed. She was looking towards the sliding glass door that led out to the small porch, which gave a great view of the Savannah riverside.

    Sighing, Erik stepped through the threshold of the room. He laid his backpack on the bed behind Melody and began unzipping it. As he reached a hand inside, she grabbed his wrist, drawing his attention to her.

    Hey, don’t just ignore me like that, she said, smiling. Her touch formed goose pimples up along his forearm.

    Sorry, wasn’t doin’ it on purpose, just--

    I know, you’re just focused on the task at hand, she said with a wink. That can wait. Come on, sit with me. Melody patted the

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