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The Mike Black Saga Volume 8
The Mike Black Saga Volume 8
The Mike Black Saga Volume 8
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The Mike Black Saga Volume 8

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The Mike Black Saga Volume 8 includes, The Boss Wears Heels, This Is Mine, Revenge and Who's Next.

The Boss Wears Heels (The Mike Black Saga Book 26)
After being literally run out of New York, Jada West has returned to Nassau and the party to end all parties is thrown in her honor. Now it was time for to get back to running Paraíso, the establishment that she and Mike Black own. However, prior to her departure, there was a saying on the island, ‘If you want some done, go see Jada West’, and now that she’s back, Black’s people have once again, began to come to her to settle their issues. And Jada handled them in pure Jada West fashion; focus on what’s important. Making the money.
But when a major problem occurs on the island, Jada is forced to step up. When the people around her tell Jada that she should call Black and ask him what he wants her to do, Jada refuses, because; “Mr. Black expects me to handle this.”
Find out if Jada West is up to the task.

This Is Mine (The Mike Black Saga Book 27)
Now that other less important matters (namely Jada West) have been dealt with to her satisfaction, Black and Shy have moved on, stronger than ever. Shy has finally gone back to get her master of business administration degree and has committed to opening her own import/export business. With Wanda’s war behind them, Black has promised to spend more time at home with his family; time that Shy promises will be time well spent. But there is one more matter that Shy will have to deal with—The attention being paid to her by Dr. Spencer Mensforth.
As for Black, he knows that he still has The Grenadine Boys to deal with and the threat they pose to his Caribbean operation. He understands that if he is going to get on top of it, he must have information. For that, Black must face one of the demons from his past.

Revenge (The Mike Black Saga Book 28)
After an unsuccessful attempt, by some of their own people, to kill Black, Bobby and Rain, they brace themselves for another civil war. But Black thinks that this time is different. There are too many things that either don’t make sense or cannot be easily explained. Now Black and Rain are in the streets and they will kill any and everybody they think might be involved, and they won’t stop until they get answers. Not willing to sit around and wait, Wanda and Shy hit the streets too. Wanda didn’t necessarily want the whole city dead. “Unless that’s what it takes.” Wanda just had some questions and with Shy's help, she will get the answers that they are looking for.

Who's Next (The Mike Black Saga Book 29)
Now that the people responsible have been dealt with, it’s time to clean up the mess they made. Wanda sat at Cuisine the night that Leon Copeland explained to Black that everything that was going on, began while she was in command of the family. Now Wanda knows that she has to make things right.
“I’m the one that’s gonna fix this. But I need your help.”
Rain thinks that it is her fault. Even though everyone has told her that she just doing what the boss of the family told her to do, Rain still feels responsible. “I should have known anyway.” And just the thought of it makes her furious.

PublisherRoy Glenn
Release dateFeb 18, 2020
The Mike Black Saga Volume 8

Roy Glenn

Multi-genre author Roy Glenn is best known as the Master of Urban Suspense for his iconic Mike Black Saga. A three-time Bestselling Author, winner of The Reader Warrior Choice award for Best Male Author and a B.R.A.B award for Best Duo, Roy Glenn always had a very vivid imagination. He began making up stories at a very early age, but his passion for writing those stories didn't come until much later in life.   His first novel, Is It a Crime, became a bestseller and gave birth to the popular character Mike Black. The Black series has spun off two other series, The Reign of Rain Robinson and a look into the past with The Vicious Black years. Roy was born and raised in the Bronx, and currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida, where he is working on the Above The Law series and Boss of the Family for television.  

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    Book preview

    The Mike Black Saga Volume 8 - Roy Glenn


    The Boss Wears Heels

    By Roy Glenn

    © Copyright Roy Glenn 2014

    Escapism Entertainment, LLC

    Atlantic Beach, Florida

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

    Chapter One

    Jada West

    When Kenneth opened the umbrella for me, I looped my arm in his and he escorted me to the car. Then he and Leonard got in the front seat and we drove away from Shaggy’s gambling house. I’ve seen my share of blood and dead bodies before. I sat and watched Mr. Black beat a man half to death and then he fed the man to the sharks. But tonight shook me to my core.

    Earlier this evening, I was at Paraíso when I looked up and saw Jamaica's right-hand man, Leonard, come in Paraíso. There was a sense of urgency about the way he was making his way through the crowd to get to me; that let me know that something was wrong.

    Good evening, Ms. West, Leonard said.

    I was beginning to think that you were avoiding me.

    The last time I saw Leonard was at the coming home party that Mommy threw for me when I returned to Nassau, after practically getting run out of New York. However, Leonard had no time for pleasantries.

    It is important that you come with me. There is something I must show you right away.

    What’s wrong?

    In the entire time I’ve been acquainted with Leonard, I’ve never known him to be shaken by anything.

    I need you to come; see for yourself.

    After letting my mother know that I was going, I left Paraíso with Leonard. His driver, Kenneth, drove me out to the gambling spot that Mr. Black took me to when I first arrived on the island. He had invited me down here to be partners in what would eventually become Paraíso. At first, I wasn’t interested in his offer; I was doing well in New York and saw absolutely no reason to leave. All that ended on the day the police questioned me following the suicide of Congressman Geoffrey Canfield, and an investigation was opened into my activities.

    I think that it’s interesting that the reason that I’m back in Nassau is because of another police investigation. This time I was arrested for promoting and compelling prostitution. Both are class B felonies, so I am facing twenty-five years in prison. Or I could have made it all go away if I had given Lieutenant Gineconna my client list and helped the police apprehend certain individuals. He said I would be a confidential informant.

    I call that snitching.

    So instead of that, I decided to come back to Nassau. Maybe the police were trying to tell me something.

    When we arrived at the gambling house, I went inside with Leonard and he showed me to the back room. When he opened the door, I was first overwhelmed by the smell, and then horrified by the sight of three dead bodies. Each one was bound, gagged, and shot in the back of their heads and their throats were cut as well.

    I steadied myself. What happened here?

    Four men come and rob the place. Then them come in here and do this, Leonard said.

    Where is Jamaica?

    Leonard dropped his head. Best you come see for yourself.

    While Kenneth drove, I sat in the backseat and tried to compose myself and I tried to put the images of what I’d just seen out of my mind, but I couldn’t. There was so much blood. As I stood there, it seemed as though the room began to spin. Suddenly I felt tired, nauseated and lightheaded, like I was about to break out in a cold sweat.

    When we arrived at Jamaica’s house, Kenneth remained in the car while Leonard and I went in the house. When he closed the door, an older woman wearing a nurse’s uniform came into the foyer and greeted Leonard.

    Ms. West, this is Lauren Curtis.

    Good to meet you, Lauren, I said. Now I was more curious about what I came here to see than I already was. Lauren chose not to speak. She nodded her head in recognition of my presence in the room, and then she turned back to Leonard.

    Where is he?

    Once again, Lauren didn’t answer with words; she just pointed toward the second level and rolled her eyes at me. Then she turned, walked away, and led us up a flight of stairs to one of the rooms at the end of the hall.

    I just injected them— Lauren looked at her watch, eleven minutes ago. She opened the door and looked inside. They’re still deep in that nod.

    The words inject and nod told me all I needed to know without going in the room.


    Leonard extended his hand and I stepped in the room and found Jamaica and two women passed out in the bed. All I could do was shake my head in disgust and leave the room. With both Leonard and Lauren following behind me, I went back downstairs and went in to the living room.

    How long has this been going on?

    Leonard explained that it began about six months ago when Jamaica was remembering a friend of his that died of an overdose of cocaine. After that, Jamaica drifted into shooting heroin heavily. Leonard explained. I believe that’s when it began.

    Mr. Black told me about her once. Her name was Vickie Payne, and her dying was a pivotal point in his life. It changed his opinion about drugs, which caused him to get out of the drug business. However, and may I say, not surprisingly, Mr. Black never mentioned the effect that her death had on Jamaica.

    Leonard went on to explain that he found Jamaica nodded out one day with the needle in his arm. When I began finding him nodded out on a regular basis, I tried to get him to go to Miami for a while and get into a program, but he refused. He said he didn’t want the boss to know that he had relapsed after all these years. He make me promise not to tell a soul and he promise me, Ms. West, he promise me that he could kick it on his own. Leonard dropped his head. You see how that worked out.

    Yes. I see that it didn’t work out at all.

    No, Ms. West, it didn’t, Lauren said, choosing to speak to me for the first time. I started to say, Well hello, Lauren. It really is a pleasure to meet you, but this really was not the time.

    When I came here one night and find him unconscious I call Lauren, and she come to revive him.

    That is when Jamaica make Leonard hire me to inject him, Lauren said. I also make sure them eat something from time to time and bathe them, because them seem to throw up a lot, you know.

    Now he doesn’t leave this house, Leonard continued. The three of them shoot up, sleep and shoot-up again.

    They have sex after they shoot up sometimes. Lauren laughed. But that’s only when I put less poison in the shot I pour into him veins.

    But after them finish, them call Lauren to come shoot them up again, Leonard mused.

    You forget to tell she ’bout the preacher, Lauren said.

    Preacher? I could not wait to hear what a priest had to do with this set-up.

    At least once, sometimes twice a day, Jamaica will send for Father Cartwright to come pray for his soul, Leonard said.

    Lauren laughed. He’ll pray in one room, and then go in the next room and have me push the poison in his arm.

    Who else knows about this? I asked and then I thought about the question I’d just asked. Wait. I didn’t really care who else knew about this, because it didn’t matter to me. So I asked one of the two real questions that I had: Does Mr. Black know about this?

    The boss was here two days ago.

    Was he, I said as my fists hit my hips.

    Leonard paused. Mrs. Black was with him.

    I see. I thought for a second and then I asked my other question: Why did you come to me with any of this?

    The boss tell me that when Jamaica is not able to make decisions that I must come to you. That time is now.

    Chapter Two

    On the ride back to Paraíso, I began to understand what Mr. Black meant when he said that it would be best for all parties concerned, if I returned to Nassau. He wanted me here. I started to get mad about it, but for Mr. Black, this made perfect sense. He has told me on more than one occasion, of the importance of knowing everything that is going on in the organization that I run.

    Him knowing what was happening on the island and having me in place is the logical move. And believe me; I have every reason to believe that Mr. Black knew exactly what was going on. Instead of being mad at him, the fact that he trusted and had this type of confidence in me, made me warm in places. Places that I was trying not to allow Mr. Black to get me warm, ever again.

    When we arrived back at Paraíso, once again, Kenneth remained with the car while Leonard escorted me to my office. As I walked through Paraíso I saw my mother and the look on her face was priceless. I knew that she was dying to know what it was that would make me go out in the rain. Once we were in the office, I offered Leonard a seat.

    Can I get you something to drink? I asked.

    Thank you, Ms. West. I could certainly use one.

    I went to the bar and made Leonard a glass of Ridgemont Reserve Bourbon, and a French 75 for myself. I handed Leonard his drink and then I went to sit down behind my desk. Before I could actually sit, Leonard very quickly drained the glass and then he asked the question I’d been dreading answering since we left Jamaica’s house.

    What do you want me to do, Ms. West?

    I sat down and looked at him for what seemed like a long time before I answered him. Then I finally said, Find who is responsible.

    Leonard sprang to his feet. I will take care of it.

    But do not, under any circumstances, take any action until you discuss the matter with me. Is that clear, Leonard?

    I understand, Ms. West.

    And let’s keep this quiet for a while. The fewer people that know about what happened, the better.

    That may be hard, but I’ll do my best, Leonard said, and then he left my office.

    Once the door closed, I took a deep breath and slowly, but ever so surely, the reality of the situation began to sink in. With the exception of Paraíso, there are only a few gambling spots that Mr. Black operates on the island. His primary business is the extortion of money from the tourism industry. If you made money, you had to pay Mr. Black. Just about all of the tour operators, bus and cab companies fishing boat tour operators, the port merchants and a host of other businesses, all paid Mr. Black for the privilege of doing business on his island.

    I shook my head, got up and went to the bar to pour myself another drink. Then I picked up the phone and called Caprice.

    Before I left to go back to New York, Caprice was one of my best earners, so I took her and Simone with me to help me rebuild. While we were there, Simone took over dispatching the ladies and Caprice became my personal assistant.

    After my arrest and the decision had been made that I was returning to the island, I took steps to shut down my New York operation. Since either the police or the IRS had somehow obtained the address of the apartment I had just rented, we moved. Simone wanted to keep it running, but I was able to convince her that even though I would be gone, the police would still be investigating the operation.

    I assure you, Simone, it will only be a matter of time before they come after you to try and get you to give up the client list.

    She reluctantly agreed.

    While Simone and I were rebuilding, Victor had been busy. He had opened up two new spots outside of the city and was about to open another. I told Simone to divide the ladies between the four houses and try to stay off Lieutenant Gineconna’s radar.

    Yes, Jada, Caprice said when she answered the phone.

    Would you find my mother and ask her to join me in the office, please.

    I’ll take care of it.

    Thank you, Caprice, I said and hung up the phone. It wasn’t too much longer before Mommy tapped once and came in the office.

    You know I am dying to know what Leonard could have possibly wanted that would make you rush outta here in the pouring rain wearing an Emilio Pucci dress and Manolo Blahnik sandals, she said, and went straight for the bar.

    I thought you might.

    You want me to fix you one too?

    No thank you. I held up my flute. I already have one.

    When has that ever stopped you?

    What are you trying to say?

    That we both drink too much. Now stop messing around and tell me what Leonard wanted.

    Have a seat and I’ll tell you.

    I took my time and explained to her everything that had happened. I did, however, leave out the part about Jamaica being on heroin. I didn’t think she needed to know all that. While I was explaining the situation to her, something interesting occurred to me, but I would pursue that in earnest later.

    Mommy got up to make herself another drink. I’ll take one this time, please.

    While she made the drinks, I got up and went into my dressing room to change, as well as to avoid answering her question. All I really wanted to do is take off these heels, come out of this dress and soak in a nice hot bath. I changed into something a bit more comfortable and thought about whether I was going to stay there or go home to the Yellow Rose. When I came out, Mommy handed me my drink and I sat down.

    So what did you tell him? Mommy wasted no time in asking.

    I told him to find out who was responsible, but not to do anything until he speaks to me.

    And then what?

    I don’t know. I’ll worry about that when I get to it.

    Are you really gonna order Leonard to kill those men?

    I said I don’t know, Mommy. I was trying not to get irritated with her. She just wanted answers, and I didn’t have any answers to give her. I forced out a little giggle. It’s my first day on the job.

    This shit ain’t funny, Babygirl. I think you should call Black and ask him what he wants you to do.

    No, I said quickly and adamantly. Calling Mr. Black was the last thing I was about to do. I already know what Mr. Black expects me to do.

    What’s that?

    Mr. Black expects me to handle this.

    I think you’re making a mistake.

    Do you really? I asked sarcastically.

    Yes, I really do. I know that you were practically running the island before you left, but the word to remember is practically. She took a big swallow of her drink. You did fine because you left all the rough stuff to Jamaica.

    That may have been true then, but now— I paused. Now there is no Jamaica, so I have to do it. The realization slowly began to sink in that I am running this island now.

    And yes, that realization is going to take a while to get used to.

    I finished my drink and told Mommy I was going home for the night. I had my bodyguard, Alex, drive me to Lyford Cay to the Yellow Rose. It’s a ten thousand square foot house, which is built on a half-acre of land that sits on the canal. The main house consists of four bedrooms; all with en suite bathrooms, as well as a one-bedroom one-bathroom apartment on the grounds. It’s the house Mr. Black used to live in before he left the island.

    Mommy calls it part of my consolation prize.

    She may have got that man, but you got this ten million dollar house, Babygirl.

    I was never amused by the statement, but I do love this house.

    That night I couldn’t sleep, and I tossed and turned until I finally got up. The more I thought about what I was faced with, the more it bothered me. I poured myself a glass of Rémy XO and went out on the balcony. It’s my favorite spot because the view of the canal from here is awe-inspiring. I sat there looking out at the water and hoped that it would give me answers to all the questions I had. The question Mommy asked me earlier that evening was uppermost on my mind.

    Could I really order Leonard to have men killed?

    It was a huge responsibility and I have to be honest; it was one that I wasn’t sure that I was up to.

    Was it really Mr. Black’s intention for me to actually take command of his family on the island?

    Leonard’s words answered that question.

    The boss tell me that when Jamaica is not able to make decisions that I must come to you. That time is now.

    And if that is the case, I had to be sure that I was making the right decisions. And that meant that I needed information, so after my third Rémy XO I went inside and got in bed, determined to learn what I needed to know.

    The next day I selected an Akris Saint Gallen lace V-neck dress to wear, and after we ate the delicious lunch Bernadette had prepared for us, Alex and I left the Yellow Rose. When we stepped outside, I was surprised to see Kenneth standing with the back door open to a candy apple red Lexus LS.

    Good morning, Ms. West, Kenneth said.

    Good morning, Kenneth.

    What are you doing here? Alex demanded to know.

    Leonard told me this is my job now, Kenneth said politely.

    That’s my job! Alex said louder than he needed to. I protect Ms. West!

    Yes, sir. I am just her driver.

    I smiled, but I knew without question, what was happening here. I extended my hand. And the car?

    Comes with the job, he said, and then he helped me in the car. Once Kenneth and Alex got in the front seat, he asked, Where to, Ms. West.

    The Grill.

    Chapter Three

    The Grill was a popular tourist spot near the beach that Mr. Black owned. The food in the restaurant is excellent and the Reggae bands that they bring in from Kingston are extraordinary. Because of its downtown beachfront location, parking on the street around The Grill is always a problem. So Kenneth let Alex and I out in front of The Grill, and then he parked the car.

    The lunch rush was just about over, and things were beginning to slow down when Alex opened the door for me, and I went inside. While I allowed the waitress to seat me, Alex went to the bar.

    Tell Vonetta that Ms. West is here and would like to speak with her, I heard Alex say to the bartender. He immediately removed his apron and walked quickly to the office. It didn’t take very long after that for Vonetta to come out of her office and head straight for my table.

    Hello, Jada. Vonetta pulled out a chair, I wasn’t expecting you this afternoon. Had I known you were coming; I would have had the cook make something special for you.

    I was just in the area and I thought I’d stop by to say hello and see how you were doing.

    That’s nice of you, Jada. So would you like something to eat?

    No thank you, I smiled, because a lady is always polite. Bernadette prepared something for me before I left the house.

    Say no more, Vonetta said, because Bernadette’s reputation for cooking is legendary on the island. She came with the house.

    Can I get you something from the bar?

    French 75, please.

    Vonetta bounced up and went to the bar. Once the bartender fixed my drink, she placed the champagne flute down in front of me and reclaimed her seat.

    So, how are you, Vonetta?

    Busy. You know how that goes, but I’m good. What about you?

    Same here. Busy, busy, busy. Always something that needs doing in my world.

    Tell me about it.

    At that point I was done with chit-chat and the polite smile disappeared. When was the last time you spoke to Jamaica?

    The look on Vonetta’s face told me exactly what I suspected. She knew more than she had told me. It’s been a while.

    What’s a while, Vonetta?

    A couple of months, Vonetta answered sheepishly.

    "So you haven’t spoken to him directly since I’ve been back on the island; is that correct?"

    Yes, Jada.

    Don’t you think that was worth mentioning when you came to me with your issue?

    Yes, Jada.

    I took a sip of my drink. Tell me what you’ve heard.

    All I know is that something was going on with Jamaica, but I don’t know what. In the last few months, anytime anybody tries to talk to him, Leonard puts them off.

    I see. So what you’re telling me is that everybody on the island knows something is going on with Jamaica.

    Pretty much, Vonetta admitted.

    Is there anything else that you’re keeping from me?

    No, Jada there’s nothing else that I’m not telling you.

    See to it that it doesn’t happen again, I said and finished my drink. I was about to get up and leave, but then I remembered the one other question I wanted to ask: What happened with Nassau distribution?

    I had to get a new distributor.


    Because they stopped delivering.

    Why did they stop delivering?

    I don’t know. I just got a new distributor.

    I see. I looked at Alex. Call for the car, please.

    When I left The Grill, my next stop was The Fashion Gallery, the boutique that Deidra Walker operated out of. It was Mr. Black who suggested that she move her office out of the gambling house and into a legitimate business.

    When Kenneth drove past the store, I could see Deidra and her right-hand, Melyssa, standing in the window. That told me that Vonetta had called and that they were expecting me.

    All the better.

    When I walked in the boutique, Deidra and Melyssa were all smiles. But I wasn’t.

    Hi, Jada, they both said.

    I’d like to speak with you in your office, Deidra, I said as I walked past her on my way to her office. Once I was in the office, I sat down behind Deidra’s desk. She closed the door and sat down in front of me.

    Since it’s obvious that Vonetta called, why don’t you save us both some time and tell me what I want to know.

    I heard Jamaica was sick, but I knew that there was more to it by the way Leonard would act whenever I’d ask him anything about Jamaica, Deidra said.

    So you lied to me?

    I didn’t lie to you, not really. I just didn’t tell you everything.

    Really, Deidra. I call you not telling me everything I need to know lying to me.

    Okay, Jada, you’re right. I should have told you everything.

    Deidra looked at me like she had something else to say. Go ahead and say it.

    Would that have changed what you told me to do?

    No, Deidra, it wouldn’t. But that is so not the point. I need to know that I can trust you, I said and hoped that I could. Not wonder if you’re telling me everything that I need to know to make decisions; especially ones that effect other people. So you don’t like the word lie. Fine. I sat back. Don’t ever not tell me everything that I need to know again, I said and cringed at my own use of a double negative. Is that understood?

    I understand and you're right. I’m sorry, Jada, and it won’t happen again.

    Now tell me what happened with this so called drug gang that is harassing your ladies?

    I made a deal with Johnny to have three of his men to protect the women.

    Did that take care of the problem?

    Not right away.

    What does that mean?

    There were two incidents, but Johnny’s people took care of it.

    Okay. I paused and waited for her to tell me what happened. But she didn’t, so I had to ask. What happened? I wondered why she was making this harder than it needed to be.

    Deidra shifted uncomfortably in her chair. One of the girls started laughing at one of the men because he had a little dick, they put him out. But the other one ended with somebody getting shot.

    I stood up and smiled. Thank you, Deidra.

    She looked surprised. You’re welcome, Deidra said tentatively, and followed me out of her office.

    On the way she kept talking, trying to elaborate on the half-story she just half told. It was obvious to me that she had no idea what happened, because like she said, Johnny’s people took care of it. I knew then that if I was going to find out what happened, I was going to have to ask Johnny myself.

    On the way back to Paraíso, I thought about what Vonetta and Deidra had told me. Or more to the point, what they didn’t tell me. One of Vonetta’s distributor’s stops delivering, and she doesn’t follow up, especially after she asked me to intervene. And Deidra, how could she not know how that situation was resolved?

    Mr. Black’s voice danced in my ear.

    Always know everything about the organization you’re running.

    How could these people work for Mr. Black and that not be rule number one?

    The answer to that question is that Jamaica was running this island and he is not, by any stretch of the imagination, Mr. Black.

    Once we arrived at Paraíso, I told Kenneth to tell Johnny that I needed to speak with him, and began to get the house ready for the night. It was less than an hour later when Caprice told me that Johnny was there to see me.

    See to it that his needs are taken care of, and then escort him to my office and I’ll be there shortly.

    When I got to the office, Johnny explained to me how his men dealt with Deidra’s issue. One of her ladies did indeed laugh at one of them because of the size of his dick, but he was escorted out with no problem.

    It is the other that you must know ’bout. A man want to have anal sex and the girl, she not want to do it. Johnny paused. Him put a gun to her head and take it, but since it not her first time, she take it. But then, him not pay she and she scream bloody murder. Me men, them bust in the room; he point his gun and them kill him.

    Johnny and I looked at each other for a moment. What night did this occur?

    It was two … no … it was three nights ago.

    And your men haven’t had any other problems?

    No, Ms. West. They have not. Not at that spot. Johnny finished his drink. I took his glass and went to make him another drink. Now, you wanted to know why Deidra couldn’t tell you that.

    I do.

    A man named Desmond Garland is Deidra’s lap dog. I handed Johnny his drink and sat down. He runs things for her. Deidra is— he paused, more of a behind the scenes woman. Not really about the details. That is how it was when Deidra husband, Harry was around. Deidra would tell Harry what she want done and Harry, him run go do it.

    I laughed; but at the same time I knew it was unacceptable for her to continue to run her operation that way. What do you know about this gang she told me about?

    Honestly, Ms. West, not much. What I can tell you is that they are not from this island. And them have plenty of money to throw around.

    I need to know everything that there is to know about these men, and I need to know it yesterday. Can you do that for me?

    I can. Johnny finished his drink and stood up. I just want you to know that you have my loyalty. Anything you need, Ms. West, anything at all, you just have to call on me. Tell me what it is I must do, and it will be done.

    Thank you, Johnny. I appreciate your loyalty. Johnny bowed slightly and left the office.

    Chapter Four

    Once he was gone, I made myself a drink and went in my dressing room to get dressed. I selected a teal Donna Karan strapless, sequined gown and gold Jimmy Choo metallic leather sandals for the night. I came out of the office, went back downstairs, and walked around Paraíso.

    Despite the few lapses in standards during my absence, everything was once again, running smoothly. My mother was doing an excellent job running the place. She has the style and flair for dealing with clientele and keeping a tight reign over the ladies; all while running the bars, the kitchen and the gambling. Not an easy task, trust me. Confident that Paraíso was in good hands, I knew that I needed to focus my attention on other more pressing matters.

    It couldn’t have been more than fifteen minutes later when I saw Henry Clay come in. Mr. Henry, as he prefers to be called, used to own The Grill until a tropical storm did substantial damage to the roof, and he went to Mr. Black for help. He gladly gave Mr. Henry enough money to make repairs on the damaged roof. Two months later, Jamaica told Mr. Henry at gunpoint that he had a new partner. He wisely decided to retire. Mr. Black took over The Grill the next day.

    Now Mr. Henry is here just about every night, because as part of his compensation, we allow him to eat, drink, and have his way with any of the ladies free of charge. He’s a very nice man. Always the perfect gentleman; always has fascinating stories to tell, and the ladies all love him.

    I would make it my business to speak with him before he left the premises. And then I went back to running my business.

    It was maybe an hour later when I finally got around to Mr. Henry. At the time, he was sitting out by the pool being entertained by Shatoya. Mr. Henry came to his feet when he saw me coming.

    Good evening, Ms. West.

    Good evening, Mr. Henry. I hope that you’re enjoying your evening?

    Yes, of course, Ms. West. Shatoya has taken very good care of me.

    That’s excellent, I said and then looked at Shatoya. Would you excuse us for a minute? I promise to take good care of him while you’re gone.

    Of course, Jada. Shatoya looked at Mr. Henry and touched his hand. Can I get you anything while I’m gone, Mr. Henry?

    I don’t think so, darling. You just be sure not to wander too far.

    Once Shatoya was gone I sat down and had polite chit chat with Mr. Henry for a while, before I got to my point.

    What can you tell me about Nassau Distribution?

    At this point, all I can give you is history and just a bit of speculation. To add the necessary amount of color to the story, don’t you know.

    To be sure, I said and smiled at him.

    Mr. Henry sipped his drink. Now, Nassau Distribution was once owned and operated by an old Jewish man named Asher Selig. Asher ran that business for forty years, until he died fifteen years ago.

    Who took over the business then?

    Asher had no family. Never married, had no children, so he left everything he had to his foreman, Barrett Easton. Mr. Henry laughed. There were plenty of rumors about those two when they were younger men. Anyway, three years ago, Barrett had a stroke and died six months later.

    What happened to the business after that?

    Since then, his son, Malkiel, has taken over the business. He has always had a problem putting that powder up his nose. Now this is important because over the years Malkiel has been selling off everything that the old Jew left his father. To my knowledge, all that was left is the distributor.

    Thank you, Mr. Henry. You’ve been most helpful to me. I stood up and signaled for Shatoya. As always, Mr. Henry, it was a pleasure speaking with you.

    Believe me, Ms. West, the pleasure is always mine.

    I gave him my girlish giggle. Oh, Mr. Henry, you always say the nicest things to me. I smiled sweetly and touched his face as Shatoya rejoined us. I’ll leave you in Shatoya’s tender hands, I said and walked away.

    While I moved around Paraíso socializing with the clients, I thought about everything I’d heard that day and considered the possibility that Vonetta’s distribution issues were in some way related to everything else that was going on. And if that were the case, each of the actions that I had taken, was what escalated to the robbery and murders at the gambling house.

    If that were actually the case, then I was responsible for everything. That realization forced me to wonder once again if I could give the order for men to die. That’s when it dawned on me. I already had given orders and men died because of it. Once again, Mr. Black’s voice was in my ear.

    Always know everything about the organization you’re running.

    I knew that was what I had to do. I had to get on top of everything if I were truly going to run this organization. With that thought in mind, I rounded up Alex and Kenneth, and then I told my mother that I would be gone for a while.

    Where to, Ms. West?

    Are either of you gentleman acquainted with a man named Desmond Garland?

    I know him, Kenneth said as he opened the back door for me. Him Deidra lap dog.

    I laughed and wondered if everybody called him that. Take me to him.

    Right away, Kenneth said as he and Alex got in the front seat.

    Kenneth turned off of Bay Street and he drove us into an area of Nassau that I had never been to before. I saw what I assumed were Deidra’s ladies walking the street. Pull over and park.

    Kenneth parked and for the next ten minutes I sat and watched as the ladies did their business, so I could get a feel for how Deidra ran her program. I had to laugh at myself. Two days on the job and I’m already starting to talk like Mr. Black. Once I had seen enough, I told Kenneth to drive on, and it wasn’t long before he parked in front of a small house.

    You will find Desmond Garland inside, Kenneth said and then he started to get out of the car to open my door.

    Wait a minute, Kenneth. I definitely want to see how this works.

    I sat there for a while in silence and watched as a steady stream of Deidra’s ladies came and left the house with their clients, before I went inside with Alex. When I walked in the house, there were two tables set up with men talking, drinking, and playing cards. That was, until they saw me come in. Suddenly, there was complete silence in the house and all eyes were on me. I guess they didn’t see a lot of women come in that house wearing a teal sequined gown and gold metallic leather sandals.

    When a man approached, Alex leaned close and told me that he was one of Johnny’s men, Pete. He very quickly told Pete that I was there to see Desmond Garland and he went to get him for me. While I waited for him, I made note of the fact that this really was, but at the same time wasn’t, very far from what I did at Paraíso.

    Who? I heard a loud voice say.

    Jada West, I heard Pete answer.

    Who the fuck is that?

    She’s the boss.

    I’m going to say that Desmond had a change of attitude, because he came charging into the room, suddenly anxious to greet me. After we dispensed with the so nice to meet you pleasantries, I asked Desmond to show me the house and tell me how things worked. He said the women that work the street bring their men there. There are two bedrooms in the house with two beds in each room, with a sheet hanging from the ceiling. So they have some privacy, Desmond said.

    After that I asked him to explain what had happened there with the man who got shot. Desmond told his story in more detail than I needed for a story I’d heard twice, but that was fine with me. Especially after listening to Deidra and Vonetta’s half answers.

    "Thank you, Desmond. That was exactly what I wanted to hear. Now, would you mind explaining to

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