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Mail Order Bride and The Mix-up (A Western Romance Book)
Mail Order Bride and The Mix-up (A Western Romance Book)
Mail Order Bride and The Mix-up (A Western Romance Book)
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Mail Order Bride and The Mix-up (A Western Romance Book)

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Sometimes being a mail order bride means uncovering secrets you'd rather leave hidden…

Belle Reid ran away from her old life only to find her new one lacking. Her abusive husband is gone, but his memory still haunts her. The women of Angel's Reach are like family, but she needs more. She wants a real family. A husband, children… love.

She longs for children to nurture… to give what she never had. But when she answers an ad for a mail order bride, she gets the surprise of her life. Her home in Angel's Reach might not be perfect, but it's better then the secrets waiting for her in Mellow Pass. With her heart torn in two, Belle must make a choice. Only there are no easy choices in life, and this is the hardest one she's ever had to make.

Ira Sullivan is a rich hotel owner with a good heart but a cynical attitude towards love. He wasn't looking for a bride, but when Belle walked in, he knew he wanted her. Too bad she's already taken. Now he'll have to fight to win her hand as well as her heart.

But is he fighting a losing battle, or is there hope for him and Belle yet?

PublisherAshley Walter
Release dateFeb 21, 2020
Mail Order Bride and The Mix-up (A Western Romance Book)

Ashley Walter

Author of Historical Western Romance in Mail Order Bride theme. She writes poignant stories often with heart warming ending.

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    Mail Order Bride and The Mix-up (A Western Romance Book) - Ashley Walter

    chapter 1

    *   *   *

    Angel’s Reach, Utah Territory, 1850

    Belle Reid stepped out of the hotel that she’d called home for the past few months now and let the early autumn air blow her pale-yellow hair around her head. She stretched her back and felt the knots in her tight muscles yank this way and then that trying to loosen themselves up. Her lower back twinged and, for one horrible second, she thought it might give out, then youth won out over pain and Belle was able to walk off her discomfort.

    At only eighteen, Belle had already experienced a lifetime’s worth of heartache, but her spirit had yet to be beaten down entirely by life and she managed to find hope where others in her position might find none. It helped to be surrounded by so many women who’d experienced pain as she had. If she’d been left to herself, she was almost certain that, youth or no youth, she’d have withered away and died.

    The camaraderie of the women in her town had saved her at a time in her life when she’d been falling fast. In a lot of ways, she thought it was a good thing that men were still banned from Angel’s Reach. Barrett, Estelle’s husband, and Austin, Cadence’s husband, were the only two men allowed inside the borders of their town on a permanent basis. Unless one counted young Ernie, but he was only a child. At six years old, he was not deemed a threat and would probably be allowed to stay in Angel’s Reach even when he reached adulthood, if he so chose.

    Morning, a woman’s voice called, and she saw Gertrude Larson headed towards her. She had soft, wavy hair that created an ember halo around her head and took long strides to close the distance between them.

    Shoot, Belle muttered to herself and ducked behind one of the still-abandoned buildings.

    Belle! Wait! Gertrude cried, hurrying after her.

    Belle hurried to the other side of the building, peeking around the corner and waiting for Gertrude to pass her by, a confused expression on her face. Her head swiveled from side to side, and Belle heard her mutter, Where did she go? She was just here. She must not have heard me. Then she shrugged and went on her way. Belle breathed relief and went about her business, her heart’s pace slowing again as she looked out across the land.

    She pushed her blonde hair behind her ear as her blue eyes took in the scene before her. She’d sketched it a thousand times already and would probably sketch it a thousand more. She thought Utah Territory, so near the California border, was some of the prettiest land she’d ever seen before.

    Mountains rose in waves all around her, a picturesque backdrop to the blue sky and green trees which surrounded them. The town itself sat on a flat piece of land but hills rolled out around them as one got closer to the mountains. There were three towns all within a day’s ride—Badpeaks, Mellow Pass, and Giant’s Point. Belle had visited Badpeaks on more than one occasion, but the others remained a mystery to her. Though, she supposed, not for much longer.

    It was a lucky thing the wagon train she’d taken on her way out here had been derailed by bandits, or else this town, once vacant and sad, might have continued to sit here and fall further into ruin. Belle’s stomach rumbled but she hushed it, reminding it that she had work to do first before she could eat. Well, not work precisely, but she supposed the term was close enough. After all, there was nothing easy in what she had to do.

    Angel’s Reach had already grown so much in the months since she’d arrived in this tiny ghost town. When she’d first gotten here, there’d been ten women running the place. Now there was somewhere around fifty, plus two men who’d initially been considered outsiders, but were now husbands to the town’s mayor and sheriff.

    Part of her hoped the town wouldn’t grow too big; she was afraid if it did it would lose some of the charm and warmth she’d found here, but then she realized how selfish she was being with such thoughts. This town was a safe haven for women who had suffered at the hands of men, and everyone living in it had good reason to be here. Would she really wish for that to be taken away from others who might now be suffering and seeking shelter?

    Belle waved to Mayor Cadence Fairbanks, recently Cadence Wilkes, her eyes already scanning for Austin, who was never far behind the woman. Belle didn’t see him and was glad of it. She needed to talk to Cadence alone and having her husband or anyone else hanging around would only drag things out as she waited for them to leave.

    Where are you off to? asked Cadence. She’d recently become the first mayor of Angel’s Reach and had led the charge for building the town’s irrigation system. She had dark hair that was as straight as it was long, and her smooth pale skin had an uncharacteristic tan from working in the sun.

    Just out for a walk, Belle said.

    Feeling better? Cadence asked. Belle had been suffering from a cold these last few days, which had kept her mostly indoors.

    Yes, thanks. She fell into step beside Cadence, her trim figure working to keep up with Cadence’ pace despite the limp Cadence walked with. Cadence had been born with a clubfoot, and though it sometimes caused her pain, she’d learned long ago to adapt to it and could outrun most of the women in town.

    Did Velma say it was all right for you to be out of doors? asked Cadence, concern etched in her voice.

    Belle laughed. Velma’s been trying to get me out of doors for the last three days. She says the fresh air and sunshine will do me well. She sneezed and caught Cadence’s look. Whenever one of the women in town grew ill, everyone worried. Velma was an excellent healer, though, and Belle had found herself the least worried of the women in town despite being the one who was actually ill.

    I promise you I’m fine, Belle reassured Cadence.

    Cadence smiled, but Belle noticed that she slowed her pace.

    Are you checking the irrigation fields? Belle asked, and Cadence nodded. The irrigation of their land had been Cadence’s project from the beginning. Her parents had been farmers, and together with her husband, Austin, Cadence had managed to save the town from drying up.

    Want to help me? Cadence asked. You can check the east ditches while I check the west. I want to make sure the winds last night did not move anything out of place.

    Belle nodded but suspected Cadence was only giving her this task so that she wouldn’t go off somewhere on her own when she was still fighting illness. They continued on in silence for a bit, and Belle thought this might be her best opportunity to speak what was on her mind. She had to force the voice from her mouth though, and even then, she almost choked on her words.

    Cadence, she said, clearing her throat. Cadence looked at her form the corner of her eye. I, um... I wanted to tell you that... I’m leaving Angel’s Reach. She said these last few words in a rush, barely getting them out. They jumbled together on her tongue and for one horrible moment Belle was certain that Cadence hadn’t understood her, and she’d have to say it all over again.

    Cadence’s pace slowed that much further. Is this about your brother? Cadence asked.

    Belle’s eyebrows arched in a surprise. What? No. She quickly shook her head.

    I know you wonder about him, Cadence went on as if she hadn’t heard her. I would too, if I were you, but wherever he might be, he’d want you to be happy and safe. Stay in Angel’s Reach and we’ll help you find him.

    Belle smiled. Estelle and the others have already tried to help, and it’s led me to nowhere.

    Give us more time. We have little to work on. You haven’t seen him in a decade and it’s a large country. He could be anywhere.

    Yes, I know. She shook her head again. This wasn’t the point. I’m not leaving Angel’s Reach to go in search of Anthony, she said and took a breath.

    Then what is it?

    Tabitha brought me a letter the other day.

    She reached into her pocket and produced the letter she’d been hiding from the other women. Tabitha was Belle’s age and the two shared a certain bond. Tabitha had known about the letters she’d been passing back and forth between here and Mellow Pass, but she’d kept silent about it and not asked questions—something which Belle was eternally grateful for. Had Tabitha asked her anything, she was almost certain she’d have caved in and confessed all before she was ready.

    Cadence stopped walking entirely now and looked at Belle with a mixture of confusion and wariness. What letter is that?

    Belle started to hand it to her then hesitated, remembering suddenly that Cadence was still learning to read. She opened the letter and read it aloud herself instead. Cadence listened with rapt attention as the sentiments conveyed within became clear.

    I look forward to our first meeting, Belle read. When you will become my wife and make me the happiest man alive. It’s signed Hale Mackery.

    Cadence’s confused expression turned to a glare. Just who is Hale Mackery, and how long have you known him? she demanded, almost as a mother to a daughter.

    I’ve never met him before, said Belle. I saw his ad in one of the newspapers brought to town and responded to it.

    Cadence’s eyes widened. You don’t mean... a mail order bride? You? But why?

    Belle looked around her. I love Angel’s Reach, she said, searching for the right words to explain her feelings on the matter, but I want more.

    What more can you want? Cadence said. Have you talked this over with Gertrude?

    Belle shook her head. She would speak to Gertrude next, but she knew her reaction would be difficult to take. Gertrude was like an older sister to her, and she would not be happy that Belle was leaving. In speaking to Cadence first, Belle had thought it more of a practical matter. She was the town’s mayor, and Belle would have to borrow one of the town’s few horses for her journey.

    I’ll tell Gertrude next, Belle said. I only... I want a family, one day. I want children and— She didn’t know how to explain that growing up without parents had produced in her a desire to have children stronger than anything she’d felt before. She wanted to give them the joy she’d never had growing up.

    But you’re still so young. You can have children at any time. Why rush it?

    It’s not rushing things when I know what I want, she said. I want a family, and I want to be in love.

    If you want to be in love, said Cadence, then the most foolish thing you could do is become a mail order bride. Wait and find love on your own; that is the only sure way to go about it.

    "How can I

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