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Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Ebook202 pages3 hours

Lost and Found

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Warning: Mature Adult Audiences 18+. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Potential triggers. Sexually explicit content. MFM.
In the unexpected book nine of the Ops Warriors: Tom ‘Raven’ Lourd has lost everything. With nothing else left to lose, he has become reckless, and the Ops Warriors refuse to lose him again. Pulling together, they will do what needs to be done for fear of losing him permanently.
Rick ‘Knight’ Temes has sat back and watched his once best friend drowning in sorrow. Knight has been a Nomad of the Ops Warriors, but his worry for Raven and the close bond they shared while in the military, brings him home. Failure isn’t an option, and he’d be damned if he would allow his friend to give up.
The Warriors and Lady Riders pull together to bring their brother home to them. When they think they are ready, they are proven wrong. Tensions become high as they fight to give Raven something to live for.

PublisherJana Leigh
Release dateFeb 22, 2020
Lost and Found

Harley McRide

I was on the back of a bike as soon as I was big enough to hold on. My love of the lifestyle, combined with my experience and imagination drove me to writing.Now that my two kids are grown and off to college, My husband and I enjoy the great outdoors with our three great Danes: Bowser, Killer, and Maddie.I grew up in Illinois, moving from place to place with my single mother until I was twelve. I now call the little town of Arkadelphia, Arkansas home. With it’s small town charm and population just over 10,000, it is the perfect place to hit the open road. When I need to get away, the hot springs are my go to unwind spot located less than thirty minutes from my cabin in the woods

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    Book preview

    Lost and Found - Harley McRide

    Lost and Found

    Ops Warriors MC

    Book Nine

    by Harley McRide

    © Copyright 2018 Harley McRide

    Cover art and logo © Copyright 2018 Harley McRide

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN-13 # 9780463149744 Digital

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    I just couldn’t let it go; the Ops will always be in my heart!

    Table of Contents


    Bound by Moon

    Lost and Found


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve


    Books by Harley

    About the Author

    Due to the fact I have received many messages from readers about being confused on what happened with Raven—I have attached the short story, Bound by Moon, which was part of an anthology (When Clubs Collide) you may have missed.

    In case you have read it, you can skip it or reread to refresh your memory.

    Bound by Moon

    by Harley McRide


    Carson Mackenzie

    © Copyright March 2017 KO Ink Books, LLC

    Logo ™ by KO Ink Books, LLC

    All rights reserved.


    Luna Moon Madison thought she put one of the worst days of her life behind her for the most part. But she’d been wrong, and she knew the moment he whispered her name. Braxton Carver. He’d been a friend, a neighbor, and the first and only man to step on her heart. The funny part, he hadn’t even known he’d done it. As she looked up at the six-foot-five man in front of her, she cataloged every visible change in him from the last day she’d seen him. He sported a shaved head now, instead of the close-cut military style that had at least shown some of his black hair, but the biggest change in him was his gray eyes. Where they once shined with warmth, humor, and kindness, they were harder, and the hurt in their depths almost made her stagger back.

    Moon wondered if she would have made the trip with the others to San Jose to pick up Jas if she’d known Brax was going to be one of the men from Black Hawk at the meet. But then again, she hadn’t known he’d become a part of them.

    The voices around her sounded distant and muffled, and she knew Harmony was talking and probably wanted to know who and where she knew Brax from, but Moon couldn’t bring herself to answer. She didn’t even protest when Brax grabbed her arm and led her away from the others. Her friend would figure it out because all the Lady Riders knew the story. Thanks to one drunken girls’ night and a bottle of Tequila. Moon hadn’t drunk Tequila since. The click of the motel room door and the sound of the lock being thrown was what snapped her out of the initial shock.

    What the hell are you doing, Brax?

    What am I doing? What the hell are you doing with the Ops, Luna? Is that where you’ve been this whole time? Christ, even Stormy hadn’t known where you went. Fuck, we were friends, and you couldn’t be bothered to keep in touch? Brax asked, ran his hand over his head, then across the back of his neck.

    How are your wife and kid? Moon asked with a bite to her tone, and Brax frowned. Moon knew that hadn’t been fair. Brax had no clue what had happened.

    Dead. The single word had Moon taking a seat on the bed.

    How? When?

    Head-on collision the day before I landed from a mission. Stormy and BJ were on their way to welcome me home. It’s been a year and a half since it happened. Brax sat down beside Moon on the bed and leaned his elbows on his knees.

    I’m sorry, Brax. Brax nodded but kept his head bent.

    Thanks. It was quiet for a minute until Brax spoke again, She told me, you know? Everything.

    What? Moon whispered.

    Why didn’t you say anything that last day instead of letting me leave for BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) school, thinking everything was fine? Brax turned his face toward her.

    Does it really matter, Brax? Any of it? Moon stood. She needed to put distance between them. It was years ago. I had no claim on you, just feelings that I didn’t act on, then it was too late. What was I supposed to do on your last day home on leave? Tell you, ‘Hey, Brax, saw you and Stormy fucking and oh, by the way, I’ve had a crush on you for the past two years and catching the two of you broke my heart.’ Would that have helped in the long run? Would it have stopped you from marrying Stormy when you found out she was pregnant? Moon stopped pacing and looked at Brax as she ran her hand over her short blond hair. From the look of sadness on his face, she knew she wasn’t going to like his answer, but he wouldn’t have been the Brax she remembered if he had given her the answer she wanted.

    No, it wouldn’t have stopped me. Even if you had told me your feelings, the results would have still been the same when I found out Stormy was carrying my kid. And yeah, I know you can be an active parent without marrying, but I was raised to take responsibility for my actions. You knew my parents. They were great together. My dad had married my mom after he had done twenty years in the service. I was that late in life baby surprise that happens. Brax stood and walked till he stood in front of Moon.

    Stormy told me after we married that you two had a fight over something stupid and she’d known you had feelings for me, so when she ran into me while I was out with some of the guys, she volunteered to drive me home. I told her I was meeting you in the parking lot at the cinema. That you and I were going to see a movie for my last night in town and she said she would drive me there and wait with me. I can give you a hundred lame excuses for fucking her in her car, but like you said, does it make a difference now?

    No, so I don’t understand why you pulled me into this room? It’s all in the past.

    Is that why you took off after you graduated high school? Moon knew she could lie, but what was the use. While each of her friends was finding their men, she often wondered if it was the past that kept her from settling down instead of jumping beds with the men at Ops. Not like she did that as often as some of the other single women anyway.

    When Stormy admitted she was pregnant, I knew I couldn’t be in Phoenix when you came back to marry her. Brax frown down at Moon, and she continued, We grew up together, Brax. We were friends. I knew you would do right by her and the baby. But I couldn’t be there to watch it. I graduated and took off. Traveled around for about six months, waitressing when I needed to earn some more money before moving on until I ended up in Riverton, Nevada. I took a waitress job in town at a small diner, and it was a place the Ops frequented. I was there about a month, got to know some of the Ops women and they told me I could make a shit ton of money stripping and dancing at Bitches, the Ops’ club, so I did. Before I knew it, I was part of the Ops and have been ever since. Moon shrugged.

    Is that what you’re doing now? Stripping for a bunch of bikers? It was Moon’s turn to frown at Brax’s tone. She wouldn’t apologize for anything she chose in her life, not to Brax or anyone else.

    When I want to, but that isn’t any of your business. Like I said before, I didn’t have a claim on you, and you don’t have one on me. I’m a Lady Rider; I can damn fucking well do exactly what I want. If I want to strip, I strip. If I want to fuck one of the men, I fuck him. I imagine it’s no different with you since you’re part of Black Hawk. I know they have a strip club and you’re a single male. Bet your bed doesn’t stay cold for long. Moon was being bitchy, and she didn’t give a damn. Being shut in that room with Brax was bringing feelings back that had long ago been put to rest.

    Goddammit, Luna—

    "It is Moon now. Ghost. Isn’t that what they called you?" Moon interrupted, and Brax sneered.

    What. The. Fuck. Ever. Brax stepped forward, and Moon took a step back and hated herself for it. She wasn’t scared of the big man, never had been.

    Don’t cop an attitude with me. I don’t have to stand here and put up with shit. Moon turned toward the door, and that was as far as she got when huge hands grabbed her arms, and before she could protest, she was facing him, and he held her at arm’s length and looked down at her.

    No, you don’t, but you’re going to listen anyway. We’ve been friends since I was seven and you were five, living next door to each other. I got used to looking after you, thought of you as a little sister. Moon went to jerk out of his hands, and he pulled her into him until she had to bend her head back to look up at him. Let me finish. Fuck, I don’t remember you being so damn prickly when we were growing up.

    Fuck you, Brax. Let me go. Moon refused to listen to anything more that proved her feelings for him were stupid and those of some naive young girl. She wasn’t that girl anymore.

    Yeah, like I haven’t thought of that a few hundred times over the years. I can tell by your expression that shocks the hell out of you and has left you speechless. Let’s see if I can stun you a little more. Like I was saying, I thought of you as a little sister until you hit puberty, then that went out the window right fucking quick. I will thank you for the patience you taught me because every time I was around you, all I wanted to do was strip you down. Lun...Moon, it was like I went to bed one night and you were my pal, the next day you had curves and breasts, which to a sixteen-year-old boy is everything good in the world.

    Moon didn’t think she could laugh, but she did because Brax had closed his eyes and his face looked pained as he remembered. When he opened his eyes back up, she saw want and desire, and she felt her stomach tighten.

    I wouldn’t risk our friendship because, Moon, I don’t think I could have lived without seeing you every day, but if I would have known that staying away from you was going to cost me years without yo—

    Brax, Moon whispered.

    "Sorry, I can’t say that because if I had gone after you, I wouldn’t have had the time with BJ, my son. I would never wish him away, not even for time with you, Moon. Stormy and I had a rocky start, but I grew to love her, she was the mother of my child. I mourned the loss of them, but the hardest part for me was wondering if I didn’t love her enough and that’s why she and BJ were

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