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Red Steel: The Leeward Files, #5
Red Steel: The Leeward Files, #5
Red Steel: The Leeward Files, #5
Ebook279 pages4 hours

Red Steel: The Leeward Files, #5

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A cold case gets hotter when arson is involved. It all becomes personal for firefighter Billy Grimes when more than fire gets ignited between him and reporter, Tracy Harrell.

The New Year comes in with a bang for the town of Leeward when a series of explosions uncovers dark secrets that rock the town of Leeward to its foundation. Dead bodies dating back decades are linked to a present-day serial rapist as they discover the lengths a powerful family is willing to go to hide a monster.

For firefighter Billy Grimes, it all becomes personal when a cold case leads to his mother's murderer. Who will be the next victim? Billy can't protect everyone he cares about, but he'll try.

Reporter Tracy Harrell is in the right place at the right time for the story of a lifetime, if it doesn't kill her. The case pits her against firefighter Billy Grimes and his law enforcement pals. Who will come out on top? Sometimes the best man for the job is a woman.

The Leeward Files joins forces with a new series, The Harrell Family Chronicles in this suspense-thriller, Red Steel. Adult language, situations, explicit sex, strong romantic elements and murder.


The town of Leeward is heating up when volunteer firefighter Billy Grimes clashes with local reporter Tracy Harrell. Sparks will fly!

romantic elements and murder.



The town of Leeward is heating up when volunteer firefighter Billy Grimes clashes with local reporter Tracy Harrell.


A cold case gets hotter when arson is involved. It all becomes personal for firefighter Billy Grimes when more than fire gets ignited between him and reporter, Tracy Harrell.


Release dateFeb 20, 2020
Red Steel: The Leeward Files, #5

Sherri Lupton Hollister

People have often asked me why I don’t write about my adventures raising six sons. I have to admit that I prefer to write their stories as fiction because no one believes the stuff they put me through if I tell it as fact. In fiction I can clean my boys up a little when I like them and make them the heroes of my stories and if they’ve pissed me off, I can make them the villains. It’s been a running joke around our house that mom will put you in her book and kill you off on page fifty, but some know they’re the smelly corpse discovered in the ditch at the very beginning of the story. Heck, it’s not even a threat anymore my grandkids are begging to be put in my books and even telling me how I can kill them off. I mean really, where’s the threat in that? We put the fun in dysfunctional, what can I say? I have long conversations with my children and grandchildren about blowing things up and how to get rid of bodies. The holidays are never boring around our house.

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    Book preview

    Red Steel - Sherri Lupton Hollister

    Chapter 1: Melanie, Into the Fire

    New Year’s Eve

    Melanie gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white. Panic turned to dread as the realization of what had happened to Jonas finally hit her. She pressed the gas. The little clunker sputtered as she sped towards her ex-boyfriend’s farm. Boyfriend, she snorted. Tears blurring her vision. She’d met the biker outside Jacksonville, Florida at the hole she’d been working. He’d been handsome and kind. He’d seemed like the perfect knight to rescue her from her life of waiting tables and giving guys blow jobs in the backseat of their cars for extra money just so she could have enough money to pay bills and feed her kid. Out of the frying pan into the fire as her grandma would say. She should have stayed with Jonas’ daddy. He wasn’t that bad. He was controlling and he’d hit her but...

    Her head connected with the roof of the car as she hit another pothole. She cursed the long winding dirt lane that passed for a road. This one was big enough to bury a dog, a very big dog. She prayed she didn’t mess up the car before she reached Midas. Cursing, she swerved around another pothole and swiped at the blinding tears. That sorry son-of-a-bitch has a lot to answer for. The pistol in her purse shifted as she jerked the wheel to avoid another pothole. She grabbed the purse to keep it from sliding out. This road was not designed to be taken at top speed, but Melanie had no time to lose. She’d wasted too many precious hours already. Her stomach lurched as fear threatened to consume her. The phone call with her ex-husband kept playing in her mind. How could you lose our son? She couldn’t allow her fears to freeze her into inactivity. Guilt, fear, dread mingled with the exhaust of the ragged little car. She would not be ill. She would have answers tonight or someone was going to die. A shiver ran up her spine. She knew by confronting Midas at his farm, she would probably be the one to die but she hoped she wasn’t alone.  

    Finally, she pulled into the yard. A line of motorcycles stood in front of one of the old barns. The bikers had converted several of the outbuildings into barracks. One served as a brothel. Melanie shuddered knowing she’d barely escaped that fate. Winston, before he’d become Midas, hadn’t been that bad. It was only after he’d joined the bikers and started working his way up that he’d truly became an asshole.

    Only a half dozen or so bikes were out at the barn. That was good news, maybe she could survive this night. She wondered where the rest of the bikers were. It was unusual that they all weren’t celebrating the holiday together. She didn’t have time to worry about biker politics as she sped into the clearing that served as parking for the mildewed, old doublewide. Stopping the car inches from the front porch, she threw the shifter in park and pocketed the keys. Snatching her purse from the seat, she started towards the porch only to have her way blocked by Midas’ second in command, Nick Golden. She would find it funny that a man who called himself Midas would have an enforcer called Golden, but she suspected that there was a link between the two, and at the moment, the only thing Melanie had time to think about was her son. Pulling the pistol from her purse she pointed it at Nick’s chest. I got business with Midas. If you try to stop me, I will shoot you.

    Nick put his hands in the air and called out, Midas, company. Mel’s here. He grinned at her showing surprisingly white teeth. And she’s pissed. He stepped out of her way and nodded for her to proceed him into the trailer.

    Shouts, laughter and fireworks came from the field beside the house. The bikers were drunk, but she had no illusions, if she threatened their boss, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill her. Melanie’s heart sank, she didn’t regret dying to avenge her son, she only wished she could have seen him one last time. If I’m not getting out of here alive, I’ll take as many of them with me as I can. Even if someone heard a gunshot, they’d just think it was part of the New Year’s celebration.

    A young blond had her head in Winston’s crotch, giving him a blow job. Mel rolled her eyes and dropped her gun into her purse. She walked over and kicked the girl in the foot. Leave.

    The girl looked up, her dark eyes startled. She couldn’t be more than fourteen. Melanie’s stomach heaved. The child hesitated. Midas pushed her away. Go on, we’ll finish this later. He didn’t bother to put his dick in his pants. He watched the young girl go and asked. You planning to take her place. You always were better at giving head. He leaned back in the well-worn recliner.

    Fuck you Midas, where’s my son? Melanie tried not to let her fear show.

    He shrugged. How should I know?

    I just got off the phone with my ex, he’s been deployed for the past ten months. He’s not seen or heard from Jonas. So where is my son?

    Midas, real name, Winston Jarvis, righted his clothes and stood. I told you Mel, I don’t know. I sold the kid...

    The crack reverberated surprising them both. Melanie didn’t remember moving, only the sting in her hand and the imprint on Midas’ face gave proof that she’d slapped him. With a shuddering breath she demanded, When? When did you sell him?

    Rubbing the side of his face, Midas shrugged. Right after you went to the hospital.

    Tears filled her eyes. You bastard.

    Yeah, what else was I going to do with a kid? I’m not into boys.

    Melanie pulled the pistol from her purse. Who did you sell him to?

    Put your toy gun away Mel, you know I have bigger guns and more of them. He nodded behind her, but she refused to look.

    Keeping the pistol trained on Midas she demanded, Who has my son?

    He laughed. Well see, that’s the thing, we don’t know. My buyer got misdirected and the person who bought him, well, they still owe me money...

    She felt the air shift behind her and pulled the trigger.

    I can’t believe you let her bring a fucking gun in here, she heard Midas scream as the butt of a gun connected with the side of her head. The pain in her head exploded in a blinding light, then everything went dark.


    Phil cursed and reached for the computer monitor.

    Is that my mom? Jonas asked.

    Cringing, Phil nodded.

    Is she hurt? He moved to the computer shifting the mouse around to get a better angle on the cameras.

    Yeah, Phil said and sighed. He knew what was coming next. As soon as he told him why his mother was at Midas’ house, they’d be in the van heading to her rescue.

    Why is she at Midas’ house? Jonas asked.

    Get the drones we need to hurry, I’ll tell you everything I know in the van. He began packing up guns and explosives while the kid grabbed the drone cases.

    Chapter 2: The First Responders’ Ball

    New Year’s Eve

    The First Responders’ Ball, held this year at the Leeward Community Center, is the brainchild of local businesswoman and entrepreneur, Dana Windley.

    It is my great honor to be the first to announce that Ms. Windley will be tossing her hat into the voting ring for Leeward Mayor. Due to the untimely death of the former mayor and subsequent arrests, including two of the town’s commissioners, an emergency election will be held for both mayor and the three vacant seats on the Leeward Town Board.  

    As the citizens of Leeward are aware the town has been under the guidance of town commissioner, Tom Pharaoh and the town clerk since the untimely death of mayor, Todd Bryant. Pharaoh has agreed to stay on to assist the new mayor but has no desire to run for the office himself.

    From the dance floor at the First Responders’ New Year’s Eve Ball, Happy New Year, this is Tracy Harrell,

    Beaufort County Spotlight, WBCS.


    That’s a wrap Tracy, great job. Are you heading to your parents’ party now?

    Tracy handed Darius the microphone. Yeah, my mother would have a fit if I didn’t make an appearance. How about you?

    Some friends are hosting a little get together, I told them I would try to come by.

    She nodded. Well, Happy New Year. I hope we get to sleep in tomorrow.

    I’ll see you next year. He packed up the rest of the gear and headed out.

    Tracy spotted the artist, Rae Lynne Grimes, well, recently Birdsong. She’d heard the couple had married during Christmas. She’d been trying to get an interview for weeks. Smiling, she wandered over. Rae, Logan, congratulations on your marriage, she said sincerely pleased for the handsome couple. They truly deserved their happy ever after story. She didn’t know all of the details, but she’d heard rumors about Rae Lynne when she was away at college.

    Rae thanked her.

    Logan put his hand possessively on his wife’s shoulder.

    I just wanted to stop by and offer my good wishes for your happiness and remind you that I’d truly love to do an interview with you. Your work is fascinating. I’d love to see your studio.

    Rae grinned. It’s more workshop than studio but I’ll give you a call next week.

    Tracy smiled. Thank you, I’d better go, my mother will have a fit if I’m not at her party in time for a late supper. Happy New Year to both of you. She waved goodbye and hurried to her car.


    Billy sipping his warm beer, watched his sister and her new husband as they twirled around the dance floor amid the other glittering couples. He didn’t begrudge Rae her happiness. It was a long time coming. But he couldn’t help but feel a bit melancholy. He sighed as he watched them, the three friends, couples now, best friends since middle school. They’d always had Rae’s back, even when he’d failed her. He turned away from the scene, refusing to allow the depressing thoughts to seep inside him. He’d been feeling this way since his mother’s death. First the anger, then the guilt, now this whatever it was. He sighed.

    Happy New Year’s AC, one of the paramedics greeted him.

    Billy grinned. AC for assistant chief had become his acronym. He had to admit, he liked it. It was an honor to be elected to the position. The fire department and rescue squad felt more like his family than some of his blood kin. Hey Blade, he greeted the tall blonde.

    Brenda, aka Blade rolled her eyes. Y’all ain’t gonna let me live that one down, are you? She’d proved herself handy with a knife. Saving one of his guys at a fire her first week on the job. It had earned her the nickname Blade.

    He raised his bottle to her. You could have a worse nick name.

    She cringed aware of some of the other monikers that had been bestowed upon the rookies of both teams. You here alone?

    Yeah, looks like. He grimaced. Lifting his shoulders in a careless shrug, he blushed. I got stood up. He was known in town and especially among the first responders as a bit of a ladies’ man. It kinda dented his image to be to a big function like this dateless.

    She frowned, crossing her long muscular arm under her impressive chest. What’d you do?

    Momentarily distracted by her display, Billy mentally shook himself. He didn’t date other members of the team. Besides, Blade was married, and he’d learned his lesson about messing with married folks. But she was a good-looking woman with a great rack, focus Grimes, the lady asked you a question. Now what makes you think I did anything? Billy complained.

    You’re a guy. Realizing her arms were crossed under her breasts, and his eyes had once more strayed there, she dropped them, blushing. Really AC?

    He shrugged, grinning. What? You said it, I’m a guy. They’re nice. I’m gonna look.

    She rolled her eyes. You’re an ass.

    Yes ma’am, but I’m honest and you really do look nice tonight. Where’s Chris? She did look pretty in her royal blue gown with all the sparkly things on it.

    My husband had to work tonight, she said and sighed. Do you wanna dance? I hate just standing around.

    You don’t think he’d get jealous? Billy asked setting his beer down on a nearby table.

    She grinned. Of you, nah?

    Her sharp wit was one of the reasons he liked Blade, Brenda, she was tough but still sweet. I think I should be offended by that, he drawled.

    Probably, she replied nodding, her blue eyes twinkling.

    He met her bright eyes and grinned. Damn, why are all the best girls already taken? He asked as he pulled her into his arms.

    She laughed. That’s because it took you too long to figure out what was truly best.

    Billy sighed. I can’t argue with that. How is the nursing going?

    She frowned, they were of a similar height, and Blade had no trouble looking him in the eye. Slow, I’m not sure I did the right thing going back to school at my age.

    Your age, you’re hardly ancient.

    It’s just not easy with a family and trying to work too.

    He couldn’t imagine the sacrifices she’d had to make to see her dream come true. He was glad for the distraction and waltzed her out onto the dance floor. She kept up a steady chatter, but it didn’t stop his mind from wandering. It was New Year’s and his resolution was to find his mother’s killer and bring him to justice. He just wasn’t sure how to go about doing that.

    He stiffened as he met Jake Monroe’s eyes, they nodded politely as they steered the women about the floor. The agent had first come to Leeward looking for clues in his mother’s allegation of sex trafficking and murder. He’d found more than he bargained for. Billy forced a smile at Dana as Jake spun her around. Jake had also ended up with the lovely and smart Dana Windley whom Billy himself had been too stupid to realize was the most perfect woman and probably the love of his life. It was too late now. She was madly in love with Jake. He needed to talk to Jake about Marisol. They needed to move forward with her investigation. He needed answers.

    Hey, I get that I’m not your date, but I thought you’d at least pay attention to me on the dance floor, Blade chided. Blade, Brenda was a beautiful woman inside and out. She could curse like a sailor, but she’d give you her last dime.

    I’m sorry, a lot on my mind. I didn’t mean to be rude. He grinned down at her. But I didn’t want to tempt you with the full force of my charm.

    She rolled her pretty blue eyes and said, I know some of what’s happened this past year. I hope the new year is a better year. Her sympathy was going to slide him back into that blue abyss. He couldn’t allow himself to wallow in all the emotional stuff.

    Billy spun the charming paramedic around making her gasp and squeal in delight. It will be, he promised.

    But Ms. Brenda Jones was too observant, and he registered the knowledge in her soulful eyes, but she didn’t contradict him. Brenda was a good friend and so was her husband, he knew if he asked either of them for help, they would. Tell Chris he’s a lucky man.

    She smiled. Oh, he knows.

    They finished their dance and Billy led her back to a group of her fellow paramedics. He asked another of her crew to dance and systematically went through all the lone females and a few of the one’s whose dates didn’t dance. Some of the girls were like Brenda, just friends and coworkers, but a few wanted to take it a step further. Some tried to give him their phone numbers, a few tried to dirty dance him into agreeing to take them home, and one, a very married EMT, wouldn’t take no for an answer.

    Billy had learned his lesson about dating anyone from the squad. Any of the female firefighters or paramedics were off limits. He was relieved when Rae tapped the clingy chic on the shoulder and asked, Mind if I cut in. I’d like to dance with my brother.

    The girl pouted. But we’re dancing, she whined.

    Billy pried her hands off him and tried to gently push her away. I’m sorry, I promised to dance with my sister.

    Rae put her hand on the girl’s shoulder and pressed until she finally relented. 

    The girl wasn’t happy about stepping away but after leaning in to whisper her phone number in his ear, she went back to her date.

    Thanks, she was starting to scare me. Billy opened his arms and led Rae into the dance. I don’t think we’ve ever danced together?

    She kissed his cheek. I’ve never been big on dancing. Are you okay? Where’s Melanie?

    I’m fine. I’m not sure where Melanie is, I went to pick her up and she wasn’t home.

    Rae frowned. Do you think she finally got up with her son?

    He shrugged. I’d have thought she’d have at least called or sent me a text.

    So that’s not what’s bothering you? Rae said, studying him.

    What makes you think...?

    She simply glared at him.

    He shrugged. It’s the case. It seems finding mom’s killer keeps getting shuffled to the bottom of the pile.

    She nodded. I know how you feel.

    No, she didn’t. She didn’t understand that he blamed himself that he felt as if he’d let their mother down, let her down. He’d not protected either of them.

    Billy remembered the dream he’d had of watching their mother as she was getting ready to leave for work. She’d hugged Rae bye and wanted him to come give her a hug. He’d been too big to hug his mother good-bye. He’d ran off with his cousin, part of him wanting to punish her for fighting with his dad and part of him wanting to be wrapped in her warm embrace.

    One way or another, the bastard that killed Marisol will pay. Why had she had to go to work and leave them?

    He hugged his sister. Well, that’s a problem for another day, this is New Year’s and you’re a newlywed, and soon to be a mom. I’m going to be an uncle. We should be celebrating not commiserating. We’ve had enough of that this past year.

    She squeezed his arm when he deposited her back with her husband. Billy stayed a moment to chat with Logan and moved around the room. Talking to friends, neighbors and fellow firefighters. These were his people. Unlike the ball team he’d thought were his brothers in high school, his fellow first responders were men and women cut from the same cloth. They might have different reasons for doing the job, but they were all about the job, all about serving others.

    He wasn’t sure when he’d decided to be a firefighter. He knew he couldn’t leave his dad to run the shop by himself but there were times when he wished he could be a real firefighter, not just a volunteer. It was one of the reasons he took all the training he was offered.

    He didn’t want to fail someone else depending on him. He didn’t want to fail anyone the way he’d failed his mother and sister.

    He shook off the melancholy and forced a smile. He was at a party, this wasn’t the time to be wallowing in his past mistakes. "May old acquaintance be forgot

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