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No Stakes Allowed: Grimalkin Vampires, #1
No Stakes Allowed: Grimalkin Vampires, #1
No Stakes Allowed: Grimalkin Vampires, #1
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No Stakes Allowed: Grimalkin Vampires, #1

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A vampire hunter in an academy full of vampires...what could possibly go wrong?

When vampire hunter turned prisoner Lily is given the chance to leave the vampire den she's being held in, she agrees on being sent to Grimalkin Academy. 

The only human among the vampires, she's thrown into a different world from the one she grew up in. With her old enemies all around her, she has to rely on the protection of her vampire bodyguard. But even his presence can't keep her safe from all attempts at revenge. 

Can she convince the vampire she's no longer a threat? Or is Lily too much of a hunter at heart?

No Stakes Allowed is book one of Grimalkin Vampires, an urban fantasy paranormal academy series with an enemies-to-lovers-lite romantic subplot.

If you enjoy strong heroines trying to make amends, vampires, university-age academy settings, and an opposites attract romantic subplot, you should try the Grimalkin Vampires series, starting with No Stakes Allowed.


Release dateMar 12, 2020
No Stakes Allowed: Grimalkin Vampires, #1

Laura Greenwood

Laura is a USA Today Bestselling Author of paranormal romance, urban fantasy, and fantasy romance. When she's not writing, she drinks a lot of tea, tries to resist French macarons, and works towards a diploma in Egyptology. She lives in the UK, where most of her books are set. Laura specialises in quick reads, with healthy relationships and consent positive moments regardless of if she's writing light-hearted romance, mythology-heavy urban fantasy, or anything in between. You can find a full book list and more information on her website, or in The Paranormal Council Facebook Group. Happy Reading!

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Bite me! Laura brought it, seizing the reigns and kicking up dust, riding roughshod, revving up the heat and magic, showcasing this tantalizing storyline and engaging plot, displaying such passion, finesse, style and a unique insight for detail, welding this gem together sleek, shiny and tight. Toss in drama, turmoil, misgivings, mounting suspense and nerve racking situations along with a boatload of danger while dodging mayhem, you have one block busting masterpiece. The dynamics and presentation in layer upon layer that you peel back with each page your drawn into this web so deep until everything else ceases to exist. Anarchy, escapades and havoc run amuck, kicking this gem into a swirling tempest, blasting it into a frenzy with a mind-blowing culmination. A tightly spinning vortex of fervent events and unexpected circumstances, thrusts those churning emotions into play front and center. Cognizant of the instant realization and charged atmosphere, along with a slew of astonishing twists and stunning turns, testing our characters in ways they could have never envisioned. Non-stop, action packed, hard hitting, pulse racing, heart pounding, nailbiting, page flipping bombshell, melding this baby together sleek, shiny and tight. The characters are authentic and realistic with depth and qualities that transform into outstanding personalities. The scenes are so abundantly detailed to give you a full understanding and realism that balance out fluidly. Remarkable job Laura, thanks for sharing this little fella with us.

Book preview

No Stakes Allowed - Laura Greenwood

Chapter One

I wring my hands nervously, waiting for the woman who changed my life to appear in my room and do it all over again. She's been trying to get me to rejoin some society or other for months, but I keep refusing. I'm not sure of my place anymore, and I don't want to make the wrong decision.

The door creaks open a moment later, as if summoned by my thoughts. I can get used to that happening.

Ashryn steps inside, her vampire senses giving her an elegant approach I can't help but envy, even if it puts me on edge. I've trained my entire life to hunt and kill vampires, the irony of now living in their den doesn't escape me.

I've decided what I want, I announce, my voice shaking with nerves as the red-haired former hunter stares at me.

And? She raises an eyebrow, clearly not expecting me to say anything she can give.

I don't even know why she's still trying with me. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that she is, just like I'm grateful she saved me from the guild when it was about to explode, but I know I wouldn't have the patience.

I want to go to university, I blurt out.

She shakes her head in surprise. University? she echoes.

Yes. I never got to go, because...

I know why you never got to go, she snaps. Guilt wells up in me. She might have been the one that brought down the vampire hunters guild, but she also had her childhood taken by them, just like me.

I'd like to go now.

She sighs. I can ask, but I can't promise anything. I doubt Dimitri will let you go to a human university.

My heart pounds in my chest. I know what that means. What I've been asking for since I got here could be within my reach.

Does that mean you'll turn me into a vampire? I ask despite myself. Every other time I've voiced the question I've ended up shot down, but it's at least worth an attempt. If not, I'll never know.

Ashryn laughs. I wouldn't get your hopes up.

They turned you into a vampire.

Because I was technically dead, she points out. Trust me, you don't want to be a vampire.

You don't know that...

I do. The blood's fine. But you know what isn't? Never seeing the sun again. It burns like hell. She shudders at what is clearly a memory of being burned.

I gulp loudly. But if you can't send me to a human university, you'll have to send me to Grimalkin, I point out. That's the academy closest to the den, and one that admits both witches and vampires. But not normally humans.

Yes. We will, she acknowledges. But you'll be sent with a guard.

You're giving me a bodyguard?

I don't know for sure. This is only what I'm guessing will happen. She shrugs.

Right. I don't know how I feel about that. I know I want out of this room, but the vampires haven't let me since we got back from the guild. Which could be my own fault. Probably because I refuse to live somewhere they can keep an eye on me. Or perhaps because despite only being twenty-one, I've killed a lot of them over the years. Ashryn has been visiting me for weeks trying to get me to tell them what I want to do next so they can let me out. Apparently, it's what they've been doing with all the hunters. Some have gone back to human lives, though I have no idea how they can after what we've seen. Others have started living with the vampires and even taking vampire lovers.

Anything else? she asks.

Turn me into a vampire? I say sweetly.

She shakes her head. Not on my watch.

Please? It's the least you can do for me...

She chuckles dryly, but I'm not fooled. I can see the darkness that flashes through her eyes. Your boyfriend tried to torture me to death and told me he was going to do unspeakable things to my body afterwards. And that you used to watch him do it to people...

A shiver rushes through me at the memories. Not of what Ravi did to her, I wasn't there for that. But of the other things he made me watch. I told you...

You have foresight, yes. And that he'd have done much worse to you if you'd said no. But that doesn't mean you get to tell me what I should be doing for you. If anything you owe me your life. Don't forget that, Lily. She stands up and makes her way to the door. Don't worry, I'll still ask Dimitri about university, she assures me.

Thanks. I smile weakly, wishing I hadn't pissed her off. She's surprisingly laid back for someone who died, but that didn't mean I could just go around insulting her.

The door clicks shut behind her and the turn of a key is all I need to know I'm locked away again.

I sigh and sit back down on the bed, leaning my back against the wall and thinking things through. Can I really do it? Go to an academy full of vampires while I'm human? Having been around more of them here, I know they're not likely to start munching on my neck without a good reason, but it seems to be tempting fate a little.

I need to stop overthinking things. Ashryn knows what she's doing. Despite being one of the best vampire hunters at the guild, with a kill count as high as anyone's, she still managed to convince one of the most powerful vampires in the country that she was on his side. There are things I can learn from her.

Chapter Two

I wring my hands together, trying not to let my nerves overtake me. Ashryn sent word ahead that she's coming, and I know it's about the academy.

The lock clicks and the door swings open and Ashryn steps in with a tall, dark-haired vampire behind her. At least, I assume he's a vampire. Despite what the guild tried to tell us our entire lives, it isn't easy to tell vampires apart from humans, so long as they're not sucking blood or something like that.

I stand against the back wall, not moving or saying anything. I'm not usually the tongue-tied type, but this is a special circumstance.

This mouse killed how many of our kind? the male vampire sneers.

I glare at him. More than you can count, I respond smoothly.

Ashryn smothers a smile. She may be a vampire now, but she started out as a hunter and I'm sure she hasn't forgotten that.

He steps forward and studies me up and down. You don't look like you could hurt a fly.

I move without even thinking about it, spinning my leg around and kicking him back into the wall. I hold my forearm across his throat, pressing too hard for his comfort, I'm certain.

Don't underestimate me, I growl.

Lily, enough, Ashryn commands, though I can hear the amusement in her tone. She's not as annoyed at my actions as she should be. Perhaps she should examine why that is.

I pull away from the unknown man and dust off my hands. Just because I'm small and blonde, it doesn't mean I can be taken advantage of.

She's right, Bryce. Don't underestimate her.

Ah, that must be his name. Perhaps a proper introduction may have been a better idea. I'm not sure why no one thought of that.

Your request has been granted, Ashryn says to me. You can attend Grimalkin Academy.

I can? I'm sure my eyes light up, but I don't care if the two of them find out how excited by this I am. I'm finally going to be able to get out of this room, and that's the main thing.

There are rules, she says, eyeing me carefully. You won't be allowed to wander around the academy while vampires are asleep. They're enchanting a small flat for you. The door won't open during daylight hours, providing protection.

Protection for me, or from me? I quip.

Bryce snorts. At least he has a sense of humour. That's something.

Both, Ashryn replies flatly. People there aren't going to like you.

I guessed as much. But that's the same as being in vampire society full stop for me anyway. I shrug, letting the implications of that roll off me. What do I care if people like me? I've got this far in life without that being the case. Unless I count Ravi, though like is the wrong word. He just chose to coerce me into doing his bidding. That's not exactly the best way to form a friendship.

Bryce will be accompanying you. He'll live in the same flat, go to your lessons...

What? I stare at her, my mouth hanging open.

It's for your own safety, Ashryn assures me.

Bryce huffs. I don't like it any more than you do.

Then why are you doing it? I meet his eyes, challenging him to answer me. I'm not sure what it is about this man.

My reasons aren't important. He crosses his arms in a move I'm reasonably certain is meant to be confrontational.

It fails. I've known

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