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Hopes and Disasters
Hopes and Disasters
Hopes and Disasters
Ebook27 pages19 minutes

Hopes and Disasters

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About this ebook

HOPES AND DISASTERS offers readers a variety of perspectives that focus on achieving a hopeful and brighter future in a world of traumatizing events.

“A Change in the Air” introduces an insecure but caregiving high schooler, Dillan, as he seeks to join the police force and overcome his fear of endangering events. After his family discovers and provides shelter for an injured animal outside their home, he then wakes up in his bedroom to a startling noise. Concerned about his family’s safety, and the opportunity of becoming brave, he investigates the sound, where he makes an unexpecting encounter. Every second from this moment forward pits him against situations that not only threaten his life but his family’s as well.

“Breakthrough” explores a post-apocalyptic and dystopian world of future Manhattan; an inconsiderate soldier seeks to annihilate hordes of violent creatures as a mandatory mission by an authorative government. As one mission rolls out, he discovers that one of the primary targets is an innocent and desperate young woman; discomforted by the situation, the soldier is left with an emotional decision that could cost his life.

“Liftoff” follows a hopeless and emotional father, who has trouble reconnecting with his young son. When the child locks himself away upon his father refusing to finish a heartful message to his deceased mother, the father will have a painful decision to make; will he overcome his negative emotions from the loss of his wife to save the bond with his son, or will he succumb to the burden of holding onto the upsetting past?

Release dateFeb 29, 2020
Hopes and Disasters

Dominic Sventor

Dominic Sventor is a creative writer for prose, film, games, comics, and television. He writes for horror, thriller, and drama--including interactive fiction. He is earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Full Sail University.

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    Book preview

    Hopes and Disasters - Dominic Sventor

    Hopes and Disasters

    Dominic Sventor

    Published by Dominic Sventor at Smashwords

    Copyright by Dominic Sventor, 2020

    First Smashwords Edition

    ISBN: 9780463864784

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Info

    Table of Contents

    A Change in the Air



    About the Author

    A Change in the Air

    Dillan scratches graphite to paper as his eyes scan through the black and white blocks of text and images of crime across the computer screen. The high school library brightens as multiple rays of light shine through the transparent windows. Through the silence in the air, Irene shuts off her animal sticker-decorated laptop. Alex animates the library window with two action figures of police officers, which he tosses up and down in the air and clashes them together like tiny blue kites. Beyond the window resides a large group of skyscrapers that reflect a slice of light within the blanket of clouds.

    Sounds of a keyboard clack throughout the walls of the library. As Dillan goes through article after article on the internet, he discovers heading titles, such as, BREAKING NEWS: Father Kills Entire Family and "Hostage Situation

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