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Last Run
Last Run
Last Run
Ebook34 pages30 minutes

Last Run

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About this ebook

Monica has enjoyed the Blu-Line app for the last year.It has secured her financially for the rest of her life. Neither she nor her family will ever want for anything.Like all good things though, it must come to an end.
Now for her last night, she plans to go out in a bang. A gangbang. Her clients are the ever eccentric, and ridiculously rich Knoxes. Tonight they have a very special evening planned and it might just be to intense for the expectant woman.
One pregnant black woman.
One house full of horny white men.
One large paycheck.
One last run.

PublisherIan Drake
Release dateMar 7, 2020
Last Run

Ian Drake

I am a creature of shadow, the fly on the wall, collecting sordid and naughty tales from all walks of life. All serve as inspiration into the pathways where lust and love collide with sense and sensibilities. I invite you to sit back and enjoy yourself.

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    Book preview

    Last Run - Ian Drake

    Blu-Line Chronicles: Last Run

    Ian Drake

    Published by Blu Pill Publishing

    at Smashwords

    Copyright 2020 Ian Drake

    Discover other titles by Ian Drake:

    First Call

    Turning the Tables (Coming Soon)

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite ebook retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Last Run

    Can’t believe it’s over, Monica Jenkins sighed as she rubbed her belly idly as she sat in a small waiting room at the Muncie Credit Union. Dressed in a purple half-shirt, her exposed and swollen dark brown belly all but covered her lap, nearly obscuring her matching black skirt. She looked over at the throng of people standing, in one of the three barely moving lines, that spanned the length of the building. Less than a year ago, she would have been one of them. She assumed they were like her too. At a credit union after screwing up regular checking accounts so bad, they could no longer get an account at a typical bank. That was then. Not only was she now a welcome regular, Monica had an assigned financial advisor to handle even the most mundane tasks.

    A movement in her belly drew her from her thoughts, and Monica reflexively patted the area gently. A smile came to her face. Won’t be long now Jeremiah, she whispered to the baby in her belly. She was well past eight and half months pregnant now, just shy of 36 weeks. While most single mothers found pregnancy to be a challenge, Monica was amazed at how fast the time flew by. This was her first baby. Once she discovered she was pregnant, Monica had fought hard to make sure that the baby’s needs and wants would be met. The sperm donor had vanished at the news, slipping out in the middle of the night, after lots of empty promises.

    Monica had prospered though thanks to her secret job. She turned on her phone again. The Blu-Line app had a message request for her. Another appointment. She put the phone down. She had told herself that last night was the last gig. The financial goals she set for herself had been

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