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Eugenicus III
Eugenicus III
Eugenicus III
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Eugenicus III

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This is the third book in the Eugenicus series. Continuing the story of one family’s fight against the ‘Priory of Sion’, an ancient secret society which has existed for many centuries, a society that was tasked with the preservation of the earth through control by mass eugenicide.

The Priory of Sion had a long history, the umbrella organisation of all societies that came after, the mother of the Knight’s Templars, Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, The Bilderberg Group, Freemasons, and often wrongly misidentified as being the Illuminati. This misidentification was much welcomed, it helped to maintain their secrecy and it helped cover their murderous attempts at population control.

The previous two books explain how one family unwittingly became involved with them, how an accidentally overheard conversation by a family member led to them finding out about a plan to destroy London. Trying to alert the authorities and save many thousands of lives, brought the family to the attention of the Priory. The Priory’s elite ‘Knight’s of Silence’ were dispatched to eliminate the threat, which led to the murderous eradication of three generations of family members. Hank Junior the youngest member was kidnapped and whisked away to a mountain retreat, unable to approach the authorities, many of which were under the Priory’s control, only a member of the family could get him back. With the help of a Professor of Linguistics, a specialist in Egyptology and Symbolism, and once a member of the French Special Forces, they rescued the boy and caused havoc to the Priory.
For years the boy was hidden away in the outback of Australia, brought up by his mother’s sister and the professor. But the Priory’s work continued, unknowingly almost on their doorstep. The family’s deep need for retribution for the many deaths of Hank’s family initiates the revived attempt of the professor and his growing team of ex-special forces servicemen to try to find and eliminate them.

In this third book, Hank has a little grown older, after moving back to America he now has a family of his own. Phillipe the professor, after losing his beloved wife to the Knight’s of Silence, continues his determined efforts to gain his revenge. When once again the evil Priory accidentally shows it’s head, it starts the urgent hunt to find them, to track down the leaders who most of the time hide-away in plain sight, as politicians, as businessmen, as celebrities, as royalty and even as everyday people just like yourselves. Once again the team uses their many skills to locate the Priory’s brand new Headquarters, and the battle to live starts all over again. Not only for their own revenge but also for the survival of mankind itself.

Release dateMar 9, 2020
Eugenicus III

Paul S. Medland

The author has a wide background in the medical and care fields, previously working as a Physiological Measurement Technician specialising in Audiology; a Operating Department Assistant in a busy operating theatre; and spending many years in both the NHS and Private Ambulance Services as a Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). He also has qualifications in Health & Safety and has extensive background knowledge of working with Abuse, Learning Disabilities and Autism.He enjoys writing about a variety of subjects, both factual and fictional, Following giving up work due to illness, he uses his factual books to teach and to share his gained knowledge and experiences with others.He also has interests in the Unknown and unexplainable.. UFOs / ghosts / conspiracies etc. and in his fictional books mixes both fact and fiction (Faction), creating fictional stories but based in real places or with real people and events. Written in a way to make you think, but leaving you to make up your own mind.

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    Eugenicus III - Paul S. Medland

    Paul S. Medland.

    Copyright Paul S. Medland 2020


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    Eugenicus III

    This is the third book in the Eugenicus series. Continuing the story of one family’s fight against the ‘Priory of Sion’, an ancient secret society which has existed for many centuries, a society that was tasked with the preservation of the earth through control by mass eugenicide.

    The Priory of Sion had a long history, the umbrella organisation of all societies that came after, the mother of the Knight’s Templars, Rosicrucians, Skull and Bones, The Bilderberg Group, Freemasons, and often wrongly misidentified as being the Illuminati. This misidentification was much welcomed, it helped to maintain their secrecy and it helped cover their murderous attempts at population control.

    The previous two books explain how one family unwittingly became involved with them, how an accidentally overheard conversation by a family member led to them finding out about a plan to destroy London. Trying to alert the authorities and save many thousands of lives, brought the family to the attention of the Priory. The Priory’s elite ‘Knight’s of Silence’ were dispatched to eliminate the threat, which led to the murderous eradication of three generations of family members. Hank Junior the youngest member was kidnapped and whisked away to a mountain retreat, unable to approach the authorities, many of which were under the Priory’s control, only a member of the family could get him back. With the help of a Professor of Linguistics, a specialist in Egyptology and Symbolism, and once a member of the French Special Forces, they rescued the boy and caused havoc to the Priory.

    For years the boy was hidden away in the outback of Australia, brought up by his mother’s sister and the professor. But the Priory’s work continued, unknowingly almost on their doorstep. The family’s deep need for retribution for the many deaths of Hank’s family initiates the revived attempt of the professor and his growing team of ex-special forces servicemen to try to find and eliminate them.

    In this third book, Hank has a little grown older, after moving back to America he now has a family of his own. Phillipe the professor, after losing his beloved wife to the Knight’s of Silence, continues his determined efforts to gain his revenge. When once again the evil Priory accidentally shows it’s head, it starts the urgent hunt to find them, to track down the leaders who most of the time hide-away in plain sight, as politicians, as businessmen, as celebrities, as royalty and even as everyday people just like yourselves. Once again the team uses their many skills to locate the Priory’s brand new Headquarters, and the battle to live starts all over again. Not only for their own revenge but also for the survival of mankind itself.

    The Eugenicus Series are written as ‘Faction’ not fiction. Although the story itself is fictitious, it revolves around real events, real locations, real equipment, real people and real ideas. It is Immersive reading, meaning you can explore it deeper, you can follow the path that the storyline takes using Google-Earth, or lookup the events, people, equipment or ideas mentioned on the internet to gain a deeper insight.



    Chapter 01. The Farm.

    Chapter 02. Denver.

    Chapter 03. Sparse Information.

    Chapter 04. The Inauguration.

    Chapter 05. A Little Drip Here, A Little Drip There!.

    Chapter 06. Plans Of Eugenicide.

    Chapter 07. Something’s Amiss In The Highlands.

    Chapter 08. Time To Build A New Team.

    Chapter 09. Setting Up Base.

    Chapter 10. The Summary.

    Chapter 11. The Attack!

    Chapter 12. Just How Do You Give Bad News?

    About the author.

    Other books in this series.

    Other books by this author.

    Extra Information.

    Chapter One

    The Farm

    Hank wiped the dripping sweat away from his forehead, it was a hot morning as he finished cutting the grass of the strip they now used as an airstrip. He took the ride-on mower back to the newly rebuilt garages that had once been his Great-grandfather’s workshops, parking it inside beside the fully restored truck, that as a young child he had spent so many hours washing down and polishing it, as he had eagerly listened to his elderly ‘Grandpop’s’ many and sometimes exaggerated wartime stories.

    The new garage, like nearly all of the old farm buildings, had now been totally rebuilt, the old crumbling wood coverings had been removed and new stronger A-frames resting on new stronger Cinder block walls supported the new more insulated tiled roof. Hank had rebuilt the garage to twice its original size, now with the room to store the ancient pick-up truck along with a few extra cars, it now had its own maintenance bay along with a lift where he could do his repairs. At the other end of the long grass strip now sat a large hangar, capable of storing both their newer smaller twin-engined plane and their beloved ‘Empress Elise’, the old Dakota that they had shipped back from the farmstead in northern Australia.

    There had been quite a few changes made to the old farm since they had returned all those years ago, the farm had held many memories for Hank, but now, unfortunately, the bad ones were far more prominent than the good. Hank’s early childhood years spent along with his adored and much-loved great-grandfather, were now completely overwhelmed with the loss of his great-grandfather, closely followed by that of Josie his great-grandmother inside the house, then the horrific murders of both of his parents outside in the old garage.

    Elise too had not felt at ease living there with all its bad memories, she had often seen the sad hurting look on Hank’s face as he repaired the odd creaky door, or had repainted the frames of the many draughty windows, and was more than relieved when he had finally agreed to rebuild it. They had initially purchased an old caravan, placing it just inside the main gate they had lived in it for the time it took until all the building work was done.

    The old wooden house had been completely demolished, Hank along with Philippe and a small group of his ex-military friends, had levelled out a new area of the field that was closer to the rear boundary wall, which better allowed for the extension of the small airstrip they had built when they first moved back. Hiring out a large mechanical digger they had dug out the very deep pit that would form the large basement shelter. Just like many others living in the States, they had both felt it necessary to provide themselves with protection, to future proof their home in case of the worst scenario’s, and the new basement would be made as self-sufficient and bomb-proof as they could make it.

    Hank had got the idea after passing a breakers yard in the nearest major town, out of the corner of his eye he had noticed the three bright yellow box-like shapes that had been closely aligned down one side of a yard. He had pulled over and parking up the old pick-up had walked back to take a closer look. As he climbed onto the step to peer inside, his interest in the old school buses soon brought the attention of the yard owner. However, these three buses had seen the last of their useful life, now they were un-drivable due to heavy accident damage, one was almost in a V-shape where it had been hit broadside by a semi, the only future these buses had was with the noisy crusher that was operating at the rear of the yard. The friendly yard manager started talking with Hank and told him that if he was after an old bus then he should visit the company who had brought in these, a company that sold-on out of date school vehicles for conversion into such things as motor-homes. Hank had explained that he wasn’t really after reconditioned ones and that the engines were not important for what he wanted, but the manager informed him that they also had a selection of buses that were beyond restoration. Hank had taken down the name and address and headed home, the after making a few telephone calls and finally getting to talk to the man he wanted, Hank made an appointment to visit him the very next day.

    Hank had pulled out the small twin-engined plane from the hanger, and they had both flown the hundred and sixty miles down to Tulsa. They visited the premises of the ‘National Bus Sales’, a company that bought up old fleets of school buses when they had been replaced with new ones, then restored them for resale at an affordable price to scout groups, churches and rural school’s. They met up with Steve and Shannon who were the owners and Hank told them of his plans, intrigued about the idea, Steve informed him that they did have a selection of old buses with very high mileage that they would be hard-pressed to sell on, and by the end of their meeting, they had both come to a mutually suitable arrangement to supply Hank with ten matching buses from a depot nearer to Wichita and have them delivered to them over two days in the following week, as long as Hank could return the drivers to Wichita once they delivered.

    But why did Hank need ten buses?, He had remembered once seeing an article on the internet, it was about a man called Bruce Beach from a place called Horning’s Mill in Ontario. Bruce had buried many similar school buses underground. Hank once again researched it on the internet, then made contact with Bruce to discuss it further. Bruce had intensive knowledge after burying not just ten, but forty-two buses, creating what he called ‘Ark 2’, an apocalypse survival bunker that could house hundreds.

    *** - ***

    Bruce’s Ark 2 had been created with a large number of survivalists in mind, it had over a 1000 feet of internal room space, containing areas for dormitories, day rooms, kitchens and dining rooms, a school and a play area, it even a medical surgery and dental unit. It was of a far bigger scale than that of Hank’s requirements, although many of the necessary survival items would still be needed. Bruce was able to help them plan construction, arrange ways to power it, provide air, heating and water, and also the ways to remove any unwanted waste.

    The buses had all been delivered, parked up along the edge of the field Hank, Phillipe and a few of his buddies had set to work. The first job was to create a ramp that would enable them to drive the buses one by one down into the pit, a matrix of old drainpipe was then fitted across the floor area, this would house wiring, act as waste pipe, and supply of fresh water from the well. They then used the wheels of the buses, laid down on the floor between the pipes and covered in concrete, creating a level base.

    As each bus was driven down into the pit its engines and fuel tanks of each were removed and all fluids drained away and one by one the shells were welded together. There were two rows of five buses, all set face to face with their doors aligned it enabled them to cut out a doorway in the opposite wall to make two long corridors, one at each end.

    They had cut- away some of the buses’ side-walls to create even larger areas, creating a kitchen, sleeping rooms and areas that would be used as a communications centre and storage. The buses’ old fuel tanks had all been removed and then joined together and buried in a separate pit surrounded with brick walls, these would hopefully house enough diesel to provide power and heating for a considerable time. Two of the working bus engines had been converted to generate power and were now housed in another separate area hidden behind the buses that had been made with the remnants of Hank’s great-grandfather's garage, and provision had been put in place for the addition of solar power once the house was built.

    Filling and insulating the remaining gaps with expanding foam from a spray unit, they had covered the buses roof’s with old tyres and then topped it with corrugated sheeting, the tyres would compress down once the thick concrete was poured to cover everything. With nearly six feet of concrete providing protection and which also created the foundations of their new home, the rest of the area was then once again covered with soil leaving just the staircase that led down to the hidden bunker below.

    They had then had built the brand new house above it, maintaining its original outward style as much as they could, but now being far better insulated and fitted with more modern double glazing, air-conditioning and central heating. Elise had made the new place her own, she had designed its internal layout and had chosen all the furnishings, it still had the homely feel of the old farmstead, but now utilised the far more modern equipment available. The basement area she had left to Hank and Philippe, just as they had built back at the farm in Australia they had created what could only be described as a ‘Command Centre’, within the protection of the Nuclear safe bunker, they had equipped a large area with their advanced computers and a wide range of communications equipment.

    Elise really didn’t want Hank to be involved with Philippe’s continued pursuance of those that had killed his Rose and all of Hank’s family, yet she fully understood that even after they had eradicated the Priory’s headquarters in Australia, she knew that not one of them could ever relax, drop their guard and be truly safe. They had just taken the Queen Bee and its current workers out from the Hive, but they would be instantly replaced and were just one hive out of many scattered right across the world.

    Elise had found the first few years in America the hardest, the frightening memories of being abducted by the monks the last time she had been there still very much played in her thoughts, as did all the heart-breaking events that soon followed back in Australia. Being distanced from her Father was also very hard, they had both always been very close with their joint love of flying and anything to do with aeroplanes, and her dreams of a career as a ‘Flying Doctor’ in the outback of Australia, had instantly been shattered. But once their ‘Empress Elise’ had arrived back in the States and it had all been put back together and re-assessed and certified for air-worthiness, she had instantly returned to flying, working independently and airlifting goods across the country between local airports and airfields, while she earned enough money to pay for the last of her medical training and the gaining of her final qualifications. Once a fully qualified ‘Doctor’ she had opened up her own surgery nearby to the farmstead and she had also worked as a ‘Locum’ for both hospitals and other local surgeries. The money earned from this had paid for all the furnishing of her new house, now, at last, she had begun to feel a little more at ease in her new home.

    Since their return to America, Hank had originally spent his time working on the farm and using his mechanical skills repairing cars, in his spare moments he had continued to learn to fly at the flight school at the Wichita Eisenhower National Airport, and gained even more hours flying both with Elise in the Dakota and with Philippe in the small twin-engined plane that he had bought and left with them to use. Once fully qualified Hank had all but taken over Elise’s work air-lifting goods for nearby businesses, while she fully concentrated on her medical studies.

    Trying to remain under the radar and concentrating on providing a safe home and life for Elise, Hank had tried to keep away from any incidents to do with the Priory, although not directly involved with Philippe’s activities, he had from time to time provided transport, normally at very short notice to Phillipe or his comrades, either delivering them with their equipment or retrieving them from their mercenary style activities. He also continued to operate the new basement control centre, both with doing research and by providing a centralised base of communication with Phillipe’s many operatives around the world. Although it felt good to be back where he originally came from, he too missed Australia where he had really grown up, he missed the farm and the solitude and quietness of the outback that he had grown so used to, and although they were still out of town here at the farm, it wasn’t quite the same.

    *** - ***

    Daddy drink for you, the small sweet voice of the young child called out as he closed the garage door, the small blonde-haired girl with her hair tied to the side in piglets, tried so hard as she carried the small tray across the path that led down from the house, its solitary cup now less than a third full where she had spilt it. Behind her, Elise followed closely on her tail with a nearly full jug of cold home-made lemonade.

    Wow you are such a clever girl, I so need that cold drink after cutting down all that long grass. Hank told her.

    Little Rose was now three, although sometimes he felt she was much older and already could have the attitude of a hormonal teenager, she certainly knew how to twist them around her finger to get her own way. Rose had come along completely unexpected, just as they had almost finished the building of the new house Elise had felt a little sick, at first she had brushed it off as just being stress, but one afternoon as they were all mapping out the inner walls she had suddenly told them she wanted it all changed, scribbling her plans on the large architectural drawing they were working from, she drew a square creating another new room on the upper floor, watching the confused faces of Hank and Phillipe she suddenly burst into laughter and said ‘Well we will need a nursery in eight months, so it will be far better if we build it now!’. Hank was over the moon, and so was Phillipe when after the birth they revealed they had named the girl after his dearly loved and departed Rose.

    Hank drank the little bit that was left in the plastic cup then refilled it again from the glass jug, then picking the little girl up and putting her on his shoulders they all headed back up to the house to clean up and have some much-needed lunch.

    Is it all done?, What time is Phillipe due? Elise asked.

    Yes the strip is all cut back, as for Phillipe well you know him, he will arrive spot on time at two o’clock, you can set the clocks by him, a hurricane or tornado wouldn’t make him late!.

    Have you got lots to do? I take it that something is going on and that it’s not just a social visit.

    I’m not sure Elise, he just said that some information has come to light and he needs to urgently investigate, you know we don’t say much over the phone or radio, we will just have to wait and see.

    Well after he arrives I am taking Rose into town for some shopping, then I thought I would take her swimming first, you know how much she loves to do that, so you will be free to talk and do what you have to without any interruption. Elise told him.

    *** - ***

    As Hank looked up at his Great-grandfathers old wall clock he heard the whomp whomp of the blades of a helicopter, it was 13.58 and just as expected Phillipe was dead on time. Picking up little Rose he carried her outside to watch the small red helicopter touching down over near to the hanger. As the engine closed down and the rotors stopped spinning, Phillipe emerged from the door and ran over, scooping up little Rose and swinging her around him.

    You have a new one? Hank asked Phillipe as they started back.

    No, the old Huey is having an overhaul, I borrowed this from a friend back at the airfield. I was going to hire a car and drive up, but I didn’t want to waste any more time.

    Walking back to the house Elise had already made them some colds drinks, then after saying hello, she began to get Rose ready for swimming, picking up the keys to the saloon car she headed over to the garage and set off with a very excited Rose into town.

    Phillipe appeared as fit as ever, although his remaining hair had now turned a little more grey, Hank noticed the remains of a recent cut still visible and healing on his cheek, no doubt from a recent exercise or adventure that he had not mentioned. Phillipe and many of his ‘Buddies’ had eased off working as mercenaries, after losing their friends in Australia when they had attacked the Priory’s headquarters and following the tragic murder of Rose, they had all become intent on retribution against the evil Priory of Sion, determined to eliminate as many of their members as possible they now concentrated on this. Phillipe still gave the odd lecture on Egyptology; symbolism and languages to Universities and also to archaeological student groups around the world, but had kept a very low profile since their return to the states and his attack on the then president.

    His long-distance sniper shot had only winged the president’s shoulder sending him flying backwards inside of Airforce One. It had been no accident that the bullet had hit high in the President’s shoulder, Phillipe intended to send a message to the Priory, not kill the President. A message to the Priory that he was out there, that he knew exactly who belonged to them, and that no matter what their status he was able to take them out whenever he wanted. His team had used social media and the ‘Deep Web’ to let the Priory know they were going to find them, and once they did they would not be holding back.

    Shall we go downstairs, I want you to do some research for me and I need to contact some of the team. One of our observers has come across what we believe to be one of the Monks at a fuel stop, he followed him back to a vehicle and then followed him over to Denver Airport, but he slipped in through a side gate so our man could not follow him any further. Something is going on there and I want to know what! Phillipe told him.

    The two opened the small broom cupboard doorway in the hall, stepping inside they opened the heavy air-tight door that they had bought from a salvage company who had stripped out a disused governmental base. They descended the narrow the staircase, turning on the light switch the room it sprang to life, resembling something you would more expect to find at Nasa amid a space expedition. The walls were lined with large flat television screens, racks of computer servers sat behind the partition that cut the old bus body by a third, and racks of various radio transmitters filled the rest of the shelved section.

    Looks like Alfie has done a good job here Hank, it’s a shame he has returned to Australia. Phillipe said.

    Yes, he has finished it at last and it’s all operational now, the ultra-high and ultra-low radio aerials have been installed high up in the woods behind the house, and the Sat-Dish is now mounted on the highest tree, he has also fitted the surveillance cameras and motion detectors all around the farm. He has sent over the first batch of his new modified comms unit, it’s based on the military’s newest field communications tablets, so they should help you keep in touch with your operatives wherever they are in the world, I think there are ten units so far, he has the others in various levels of modification back at Lake Makay and said he will post them out to wherever you want them Hank informed him.

    And how is the rest of the work here coming along? Have you managed to get much done?. Phillipe asked.

    Yes, the Solar panels are now all working and charging up the batteries very well, and I’ve just finished installing the showers and toilets. Elly has managed to stock all the supplies rooms to the full with non-deteriorating food, she has also equipped the medical room, we managed to get some operating room equipment from a closed down hospital just outside of Kansas City. She has also finished kitting out the dormitory rooms, she bought pillows and bedding for all the bunks, and equipped the kitchen with a cooking range and some freezers that she got second hand from the local papers. I think the bunker is now as ready as it can be!.

    Brilliant Hank, from outside you would have no idea it was here, let us just hope we never have to use it for what it’s been designed for, but it will certainly be of use to the troops, both as a bed down facility prior or post operations, and for training. With the facility for landing here and the new hanger space, and also with it being so far away from prying eyes, it will be a great training centre when needed.

    There are some good places within the small woods at the back to set up a shooting range, with the heavy tree canopy covering it completely, it would be impossible to spot from the air. I think it has given Elise a little peace of mind too, knowing the bunker is here where she and Rose can run to and be safe if they ever found us again. Hank told him.

    "I doubt whether they would even think twice about returning

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