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The Truth About Soulmates (Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Dual Souls, Karmic Partners) Part 1: Phases: Heavenly connection with infernal anguish
The Truth About Soulmates (Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Dual Souls, Karmic Partners) Part 1: Phases: Heavenly connection with infernal anguish
The Truth About Soulmates (Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Dual Souls, Karmic Partners) Part 1: Phases: Heavenly connection with infernal anguish
Ebook330 pages3 hours

The Truth About Soulmates (Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Dual Souls, Karmic Partners) Part 1: Phases: Heavenly connection with infernal anguish

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About this ebook

The first encounter with a soulmate isn`t something you can compare to any other encounter. Many people will instantly realize that this is a special kind of partner. Often, a feeling arises as if you were looking into your own eyes or as if you were standing in front of you in person, which is a result of great love connecting the two soulmates.

Usually, the male soulmate withdraws from his female soulmate after a short time, which is very difficult for her to understand because the only thing she`d like is to be together with him. The more he withdraws or acts in the opposite direction of what he has been saying to her, the more she believes that she`s imagining everything or even that she`s ready for a mental hospital. Thereby, she may get trapped in a waiting position or feel great suffering, which seems very much the same as infernal anguish.

These and further questions will be explained in this first part:

- Why the male soulmate always withdraws.
- Why at the time of their encounter, the male soulmate is mostly bound to someone (in a relationship).
- Why the male soulmate usually tries to start a relationship with other women.
- Why you`ll wear a stigma of a crazy person if you tell someone about this connection.
- Why she has to suffer so much because of his withdrawal and what it all means.
- Which individual phases you have to go through with your soulmate and what happens in each of them.
- What kinds of behavior you should possibly avoid with your soulmate, especially if you are experiencing neediness.
Release dateMar 12, 2020
The Truth About Soulmates (Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Dual Souls, Karmic Partners) Part 1: Phases: Heavenly connection with infernal anguish

Gabriele Hannemann

Since the age of 13, Gabriele Hannemann has been dealing with spirituality. With the knowledge she has gained over the years as a spiritual life coach, she supports many people in finding their own personal soul path again. The focus of her work is in the comprehensive area of "soul connections." Based on her own experience, she has studied the typical characteristics that mark the relationships between karmic partners, soul mates, twin souls and twin flames. Furthermore, her consultations have supplied a wealth of growing knowledge that also provided clear external confirmation on the topic. To make the challenging situations of soul connections more easily bearable for those affected by them, Gabriele Hannemann published her first soul mate guide on the Internet a few years ago. The gratitude of many people that subsequently literally poured in prompted her to continue communicating her knowledge in detail in her book entitled "The Truth About Soul Mates (Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Dual Souls, Karmic Partners)."You can find a wealth of information and reports on the topic of soul connections on her Website:

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The Truth About Soulmates (Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Dual Souls, Karmic Partners) Part 1 - Gabriele Hannemann

The Frog King

Whether a frog or a king or a man,

each of them as he likes or can,

the dream will be eternal

and the mind will never again keep it external;

I long so much for it to finally happen and smile

but I must tap in the dark for a while,

as long as I don‘t see it‘s time to mature,

I won‘t get a kiss from the Universe for sure,

showing its confidence in me

but having its own ways you see,

it wants me to build my own confidence first

and then it would help me grow in faith and feel in it immersed,

sothat I can make it on my own without needing

to arm and defend myself bleeding,

or, I might turn around and bury myself in an abyss,

instead of being true to myself like a small dog would handle this,

and showing to the Universe and thyself

that I‘m on a journey to meet myself

and learn to have faith,

and then I can also see

whether I‘m the King

or just the ordinary me.

(Gabriele Hannemann)




How to use this book

Guidance in this book

Male and female soulmate

About soulmate relationships

What can you expect from this first book?

When the two of you change roles

How can I recognize that I have taken the female role?


The mirror function serves for advancement and growth

How can I know what this situation wants to mirror?





How do female soulmates usually sense this first encounter?

How do male soulmates usually sense this first encounter?

How do both soulmates normally sense this first encounter?

What are the signs whereby I can recognize my soulmate?

Why do you meet your soulmate at all?

Why is it necessary to experience the phase of separateness?

The synchronicities between two soulmates

Possible external synchronicities

What is the purpose of these synchronicities?

How »asking the Universe« works – what can I ask (for)?

What do these »signs« mean and how can I interpret them?

Signs on license plates

To flip a book open as an Oracle form

Opening the doors of perception

What happens when no signs are given?

What is the meaning of constantly seeing signs but nothing happens and you become completely irritated?

Why does the male soulmate withdraw?

How can I interpret his withdrawal, what does it mean for me?

What types of withdrawal are there?

Why does he withdraw all over again?

Soulmate as a colleague at work

Why she waits and he doesn‘t come?

Why he withdraws even more when she keeps reaching out to him

Why you should not instruct your soulmate

Why letting go of your soulmate takes such a long time

Why cosmic ordering doesn’t work with soulmates

Why does she have to go through this »soul anguish?«

Why do such painful things bubble up when you want to release them?

Why does the male soulmate behave in a contradictory manner?

How the male soulmate experiences this phase

Why does she have to experience this Madhouse phase?

Why does she initially repress him and doesn‘t really let go?

Why do test candidates often appear in this phase?

Why is she always being tested?

How does the female soulmate pass her tests?

Why does everything reverse by 180° degree?

What changes in the female soulmate?

What changes in the male soulmate?

What happens when the male soulmate starts to open his heart during this phase?..

What is the purpose of all the suffering if the path was the goal?

What happens if »she« doesn‘t want to get involved with him anymore?



She shouldn‘t reach out to him or chase him

She shouldn‘t visit places just to see him again

She shouldn‘t pay so much attention to her male soulmate

She shouldn‘t give up on herself or let herself down because of sadness and doubt

She shouldn‘t keep contacting him take action) as long as she is in the state of neediness

»I don‘t want to play games!«

If I withdraw so that he would reach out to me, isn’t that playing games?

Why it‘s important for her to learn to distance herself

Why is she usually more aware than he?

How she can see if she remains authentic with her femininity (restraint)

Why she shouldn‘t give him presents all the time

She shouldn‘t talk or interrogate him about his feelings for her

When is the right time to reveal her feelings to the male soulmate?

»I am afraid of losing him if I don‘t get involved with him.«

What if she has already revealed her feelings to him?

Why she shouldn‘t tell him anything about this special connection

If the male soulmate works in a spiritual realm himself

She should hide her despair if he chooses not to get involved How can she build her self-worth?

She shouldn‘t interrogate him about his life, family or partner When he says that he would like to separate from his partner

She should keep back from giving him unasked advice

She shouldn‘t put him under pressure

She shouldn‘t be huffy if he doesn‘t contact her or withdraws from her

She shouldn‘t work out strategies to get him

She shouldn‘t emphasize the advantages he would have if he got involved with her

If he is still involved, she shouldn‘t contact his wife and tell her everything

She shouldn‘t react with jealousy if he talks about other women

She shouldn‘t intentionally make him jealous to get a confirmation of his love

She should avoid telling him about her problems all the time

What can she do if she feels the need to talk to someone about her problems?

She shouldn‘t get all over him

She shouldn`t seek consolation in alcohol and drugs

She shouldn‘t try to get him drunk to make him willing

She shouldn‘t tell her friends about this soulmate union unless they experienced one themselves


Karmic partner, soulmate, twin soul or dual soul?

What is the difference between karmic partners, soulmates, twin souls and dual souls?

How to recognize a test candidate?

Do these partners appear in a certain sequence?

Is it possible to have more than one karmic partner, soulmate, twin soul or dual soul?

How can I know who the right one is if I meet more than one karmic partner or soulmate?


The experience of a harmonious soulmate relationship

Do these partners stay together for a whole lifetime?

How do you know if certain learning tasks are completed?

If the relationshipis the goal

If the path of development is the goal



What does neediness mean?

What is (co)-dependence?

What exactly is spiritual growth?

What is quantum or morphogenetic field?

What are Akashic records?

What is resonance and what does it mean to come into resonance with something?

What is »primitive learning« in contrast to »higher-level learning?«

What exactly is unconditional love?

»When you realize that loving is more important than being loved,

being loved unfolds spontaneously.

(Unknown author)


First of all, I’d like to thank my soulmate of course, who helped me through our mutual experience by pulling out my highest potential from deeply within myself. Since we met, I’ve experienced a complete personality transformation and I‘ve learned to appreciate and love life like I never did before. This transformation is still an ongoing process. I‘ve probably caused him many sleepless nights as he did to me. It was indeed well worth all the agonies I went through because they’ve enriched me in such a way that, through my spiritual consulting I’ve been able to give support to lots of people in their soulmaterelationships and give them a kick-off to start their own transformation. Thanks to my dearest friend Karina Kilian who had to put up with my deepest and never-ending stories and who provided me with great information based on her own soulmate story. If I hadn‘t had her, who knows where I would’ve been today or where I would’ve ended up without her mindfulness and love. Thanks to my mother who just as well sensed all of my phases and stood by my side without grumbling or nagging, and who helped me to continue growing. My mother taught me to have faith and accept life, and to really face fear at times when I was eager to overcome it. Ever since I was a little girl, she taught me that I always had to work on myself and believe that everything in life happened for a reason. I‘d also like to thank my clients of course, as they have confirmed with their stories and experiences a lot of what I went through myself. This made it possible for me to round up all the information I’ve gathered based on their experiences, observations, my own experiences, card readings and information that I got from the Universe (the highest divine love source). In the end, I‘d like to express gratitude to all of those who were consciously or unconsciously at my disposal for the making of this book. With their help I was able to expand my boundaries and transform my own shadows. The path into the light always goes a bit through the darkness. With all this in mind, I‘ve gathered experiences and I paced onwards with an opened heart so that I could share my cognition

with people like yourself.

With deepest sympathy, yours Gabriele Hannemann

»Evolve yourself into unique,

distinctive, irreplaceable person you are deep within.«




I wrote this first book for all female soulmates, namely, for those who have taken the role of a female soulmate and who feel emotional neediness towards their soulmate. Please, don‘t be frightened by the title of my book as I‘ve chosen this title deliberately, so that those who are at the beginning of such a connection and seem to rediscover themselves in it, may feel directly addressed. Of course, there is no real infernal anguish one has to go through, although, at the beginning it feels that way for most people. This depends heavily on how deepa person has processed her issues from the past. For this reason, someone may feel a kind of infernal anguish while someone else may not see the whole thing that bad at all. In the first part of the book I describe particular phases which are activated from the first moment soulmates meet each other. They are followed by far-reaching information, support and aha moments. To all newbies in this area I recommend reading the book step-by-step because the book is built up chapter by chapter. Those who have already been occupied with their soul connection should just follow their gut and decide how to read this book or which parts to go through in order to get the needed information. Considering that this book offers a lot of deep explanations and further assistance, I use numerous headings to make it easier for you to make the connections. You can underline the passages you see as important so that you can find them later more easily. By doing so, you can see which topics are relevant for you and see whether these topics still cause resonance in you. Furthermore, some useful tips will probably sink deep into your memory and you’ll be able to find appropriate explanations in less time. This will be useful if your mind or Ego decide to keep on driving you mad.


Clearly, tips and guidance in my book are just recommendations. Primarily, spirituality teaches us to take full responsibility for our own thoughts, feelings and actions. There are no general formulas in my book saying it should work in one specific manner, but you‘ll find suggestions about how to take a closer look of yourself and consider your own attitudes about soul connections. This may be very difficult if you are feeling needy. Similarly, it may be possible to find understanding for your counterpart and recognize your own mirror with the purpose of healing and getting to know yourself. My concern is to help people and explain life learning lessons in such a way that the human mind can understand them. Once the human mind has conceived something, it can achieve the conceived in a short period of time. Thereby, it will be easier for a person to advance and get out of certain situations where she may be feeling stuck. This also helps to attract less repeating patterns and to heal and transform them in the best possible manner. Each individual is invited to tread the path of his own growth and development. It is important to make your own experiences regarding soul connections and not to be afraid of doing something wrong. The point is primarily to develop yourself and explore certain characteristics belonging to your personality.

Conclusion: If the title and contents of this book address you, you can make an assumption that you’ve most likely met your soulmate, karmic partner, twin or dual soul.


I‘d like to avoid repeating the full denomination »female« and »male soulmate, «so I‘ll talk mostly about »her« and »him.« This will make the text shorter and more enjoyable to read. If a male soulmate gets hold of this book, that‘s perfectly fine. My Soulmate – Guidebook, which has been going around the Internet for years and is still available on my website, has helped a lot of male soulmates. I‘ve met male soulmates asking me for guidance and being amazed by the fact that I have actually described their own stories. Besides, it may help a male soulmate to understand and accept this connection more easily.


Nobody can promise that you will end up with your soulmate after reading this book. It is possible that making the relationship happen is the goal here but the case may also be that the path of development itself is the real goal. This depends on what the two of you have decided to include in your soul plan and what you have agreed upon in your soul agreement. First of all, it’s not about whether you‘ll end up together, or when he‘ll reach out to you or open himself to you; these are just questions and answers in the service of the Ego. In order to grow and develop yourself further, you must learn to stop feeding your Ego. The main reason why you’ve met each other is spiritual growth and development of your own individual personalities. Here on Earth, this is the primary purpose. If you try hard and keep on working on yourself, you‘ll most probably be rewarded no matter how you may see the whole situation now. Never expect from others to take the next step, change or evolve because you‘ll wait in vain. Observe and work on yourself; otherwise, the Universe will do that for you.


In this first book you‘ll find a lot of tasks and learning potential, especially if you‘ve just met your soulmate. Those who have known their soulmates for a while (at least a few years) are probably more advanced and according to their own experience, they can recognize the initial situations and they’ll most likely identify themselves with these. To those throwing their hands up in despair, I can only say: »In reality, your soul rejoices because it can pursue this task and thereby, give you the chance to become the master of your own life.« To summarize, here are a few fundamental questions which are answered in this book:

Why you are destined to meet your soulmate.

How this encounter normally feels like.

Why you’ve chosen to live up this experience.

Why there are always life lessons related to soul connections.

Which soulmate phases normally get activated.

What kind of behavior should be avoided in the state of neediness.

Answers to questions from a conceptual and spiritual point of view.


As a spiritual consultant, I‘ve had cases where the roles described above got interchanged. Maybe you are a man and she is the one who withdraws and embodies the characteristics of the male soulmate described in the book. Also, the case may be that you are both female or male partners. As I describe the story and spiritual growth and maturing of soulmates in my book, I assume that in most cases women take the role of a female soulmate and men the role of a male soulmate. If it is the other way around in your case, I must ask you please, to rethink a little bit while reading my explanations. I‘ve described who takes which role in the next section.



If you are the one who would consciously like to deal with this situation.

If you are the one who questions everything about this connection.

If you are the one who repeatedly reaches out to him/her.

If you frequently suffer because of his/her withdrawal.

If you have the feeling you can‘t live without him/her.

If you have no patience and he/she seems to have a lot of it.

If you keep on doubting his/her characteristics and behavior.

If you are the one who can‘t let go of him/her (release him/her).

If you can identify yourself with all of these points and think »yes,« then you’ve most likely taken the role of the female soulmate.


Regardless of whether he/she is a karmic partner, soulmate, twin soul or dual soul, your counterpart represents a mirror for your own personality so that you can grow and further evolve yourself. If we didn‘t have our counterpart, we would stand still in our growth. Even if we’re not in a relationship with a partner, other people take over this function, like for example, our parents, neighbors, our children, people we meet, people who mean a lot to us, people who hurt us to the deepest, our enemies, our competition. Even our pets can take the function of our mirror.

There are always people and situations which mirror something to us, something that we have lately processed or something we still

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