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Ebook47 pages38 minutes


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A small collection of shocking demented, gross and disturbing tales that will leave you sick to your stomach and will stay with you long through the night. Not for the faint of heart. Read at your own risk.

Release dateFeb 29, 2020

Christopher Ridge

Christopher Ridge is a creature feature horror and sci-fi writer. He enjoys B horror movies, aliens, monsters and mutant insects and such. To get an idea of what his stories and short novels are like think ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES, THEM, and IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE. He lives in Indianapolis Indiana with his wife and two sons.

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    Captive - Christopher Ridge


    Not quite sure where to begin with all this. I woke up with my legs tied to the bed posts.

    I felt like I was lying in a pool of water. My forehead was sweating profusely. The room was dark but there was enough light peeking through the partially boarded up window for me to see.

    It smelt like piss and urine in here.

    I didn’t know how I got here.

    Help! Help.


    My voice sounded all echo like which meant this place was probably vacant. It kind of looked a lot like my great grandfather’s house when he lived out in the country.

    I could see a bug crawling up my leg.

    Oh my God. Oh my God. Get off of me.

    It was tiny and flat like a tick. With my brother being an exterminator I knew enough about bugs to know that was a bed bug.

    I couldn’t feel it but I knew it was there.

    Sucking on me.

    I twisted and turned trying to shake it off but those things snatch on tight and you have to pry if off with your fingers.

    I had no choice but to lie there and let is suck away. It would suck enough till it got it feel then it will crawl off.

    I saw another one crawling up the side of the mattress edge. It must’ve gotten word there was a body lying here and wanted to come and feast.

    Another and then another came.

    Still I wasn’t going to be able to do anything about it. Before I knew there were thirty to forty bugs all over my leg. Some crawled up my belly.

    You disgusting things. Get off me.

    I knew somebody would be coming in soon. What other reason would they have me tied up here in this bug infested place.

    How long had I been out?

    I tried replaying the night back in my mind. The last thing I remembered was I was having a drink at the club over on Elm St. It was a hole-in-the-wall place but my best friend, Bridget had just broken up with her boyfriend and she wanted to go out and party. The drinks were cheap so the plan was to get our buzz going there and go out dancing.

    I don’t recall us ever making it to the dance club.

    My only thought was that somebody had drugged our drinks. I’ve heard of this kind of stuff happening so I wasn’t completely ignorant about it, I just thought I was careful enough.

    I don’t remember talking to anybody. There were only two grungy old guys at the bar and they had to be in their seventies. Hardly the pick of the litter.

    One of them kept looking at us and licking his lips. His false teeth were yellow and I could see them moving around in his mouth. I would hear them softly clickety-clank- clickety-clank moving around in his mouth.

    I told Bridget Jeeez that dude needs to get those more fixdent or whatever that glue stuff is.


    She thought he was cute.

    How can a shriveled up old man be cute?

    She just thought it was cute the way he was

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