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War Zone: Blinded By The Sight Of Revenge
War Zone: Blinded By The Sight Of Revenge
War Zone: Blinded By The Sight Of Revenge
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War Zone: Blinded By The Sight Of Revenge

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A big time drug dealer and his lifelong friend as well as partner, are living large. Into their lives steps a gorgeous, yellow boned, sophisticated, Goddess, with all of the right credentials. The Goddess is pursued, relentlessly, with a tragic outcome. A mournful partner slips into an insane mission of retribution while seeking vengeful repayment from the darkest shadows.

Release dateMar 15, 2020
War Zone: Blinded By The Sight Of Revenge

Michael Landers III

Biography Growing up in the inner city of Hamilton, Ohio I learned terrible survival skills at a very young age. It all began at the age of eight years old. That being when my father was hauled off to Federal prison to serve a fourteen years sentence on drug trafficking charges. Behind he left for my mother to care for me and my four other siblings. There is when things went downhill. My mother immediately began to do all she could, but her having five mouths in total to feed is wasn't much she could actually do. With her having a prior drug conviction, she wasn't eligible for any government assistance. Though, the drug conviction was from decades ago, she still was denied any & all assistance. So no matter how much she worked her fingers to bone, it was never enough. Especially with the expensive taste buds my father left behind. My grandmother even did her best to pitch in (R.I.P. Mama) and help. And when I say she did her best, I truly mean that statement. But even with the help from her, it was still a extremely uncomfortable way of living in my household. Soon I began watching and learning. First, hustling legitimately I became an outcast to my age group. Which caused problems. A lot of kids found it awkward for a kid of my age to be out doing consistent odd jobs while they were fooling around on a playground. At first I look over the problems as much as I possibly could. But when they became too unbearable, I found myself sliding into a life of crime. Crimes that fed my family and also gained me a tremendous amount of respect in the street. A sense respect that caused me to spend most of my life in some sort of locked down facility. Out of one, onto the street and then right back into another facility was my pattern. Not giving myself time have an actual life. It was so terrible, doing time seem to not even bother me after a while. I was so blind and always blamed my issues on others. That being until a twelve year prison sentence sat me down. That's when I actually began to evaluate my life and I ended up desperately wanting to change. For, I seen I wasn't only hurting myself but also all those who actually cared about me. I knew in order to change, I had to first figure out who I actually was. So I began reading books that not only helped me discover myself but also gave me sight of the actual life I was caught up in. One book that really struck a nerve was: 'The New Jim Crow' by Michelle Alexander. It was a book that truly woke me up. It changed my entire outlook on where I came from and how I ended up sitting where I now sit to this day: Prison. The book also allowed me to know one could be in handcuffs & shackles mentally just as much as they could be physically in the restraints. The more books I continued to read the wiser I became. Change coming with wisdom, I soon began to change. During my transformation I began looking back at all the good advice and even some of the bad advice I received over the years. One thing that really stood out was advice I received from a lady friend (M&M) of mine. She told me one day- a great while back, when I gain some actual maturity I should right a book. So I sat and tried it and immediately fell in love with it. Now, here I am at the old age of thirty one years old with a passion so strong for writing I have managed to create twelve complete page turning Novels. I guess one can say: one for every year I was forced to live in this madhouse. I'm now only anticipating on the day im released. So I can apply some positive into where I once applied so much negative. It's a lot of youth out there still as lost as I once was and I'm anxious to give them real insight of the troubled life they're actually living. I know with the respect I held and still so hold in the street a few will surely listen to what I have to say. Not only with open ears, but also with open hearts. I also anticipate on generating income from my Novels to create opportunity for them. For seeing is believing and having is achieving. One can give all the advice in the world, but the slightest action is promised more clarification. I just want the young to know when the going gets tough please don't make it tougher on yourself. And hopefully when it's does get tough in some sort of way I could be some help. Sincerely, Michael 'Personalities' Landers lll

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    Book preview

    War Zone - Michael Landers III

    War Zone

    Blinded By The Sight Of Revenge


    Michael Landers III

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author.

    Distributed by:

    ISBN: 9780463108680

    The characters and dialogues contained here-in are products of the author's imagination, and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, or any establishment, existing, or defunct, is entirely coincidental. The situations herein, although fictional, mirror real life situations. This novel is written for entertainment purposes only, and should not be considered or used as a reference material.

    Copyright © 2019 All rights reserved.

    Chapter 1

    Miss Thang

    All Night Long By Yfn Lucci (feat . Trey Songz) blasted out of club 'Twist' speakers. Out on the dance floor, several folks freaked one another, while those too stiff, held up the wall. The scent of 'Loud' (high grade marijuana) filled the clubs humid air and bouncers attempted to sniff out those doing the forbidden smoking outside of private booths.

    Up on the second level of the club, in their private booth, Free and Moe sat enjoying the scenery. On their table was reasonable size bags of 'Loud' and some of the best cocaine, bottles of expensive champagne sitting in ice, and a few bottles of hot liquor. The two of them arriving to club not long ago, they weren't yet accompanied by any females companions. Though, Free was scoping one female in particular.

    Walking up to the Booth's railing, with a spliff (Marijuana rolled into any sort of empty tobacco shell) in hand, Free gazed down at the club's first level dance floor. Resting his arms on the railing, he watched as- who he considered to be, the baddest bitch in the club rotated her hips to the rhythm 'Yfn Lucci' latest single. Taking a long drag off of his spliff, he slowly began falling into a trance watching her.

    She was so damn sexy to him. Dreadlocks fell down her back. she was very petite, was just enough curves. Curves that filled out the skimpy strapless dress she wore. Tattoos covered the visible parts of her upper yellow body. She was truly someone he felt he had to leave with that night at whatever cost.

    Noticing his Right Hand Man (Best friend) looking as if he was about ready to drool on himself, Moe made his way up to the railing...

    Bruh, what you got ya eyes set on? she asked, staring off into the large crowd.

    Bruh, Shorty right there fa'real thang, Free said, not removing his eyes from the yellow bone Goddess.

    Who? Moe asked, in an attempt to follow his man's eyes.

    Shorty right there with the dreads. Free nodded in the female's direction.

    Doing a quick scan of the crowd, Moe's eyes soon landed on who his guy was referring to and he had to agree with him one hundred percent. He was now only a bit upset he hadn't spotted the yellow bone first.

    So, I'm saying, you gonna go get her? Or what, you want me to do the honors? he questioned.

    Twisting his face up at Moe, Free passed him the remainder of the burning spliff and headed out of the booth in pursuit.

    He be lying if he said he wasn't a bit offended by his brother's simpleminded question. Him being a little overweight, while Moe was thin as a twig, he was sure it was a strong possibility Moe stood a better chance with the girl than he did. The females seem to always choose skin and bones over fat and muscles. Leading him to invest a lot more on his outer appearance than Moe did. He had spent close to a million dollars on cars, jewelry and designer clothing. In his head, he actually believed the valuables shed several pounds off of him.

    Call for me if you need me! Moe joked, taking a drag off of the spliff.

    He knew the statement would get to his brother. Friends with the man for half of their twenty six years on earth, he had genuine love for the big man. But he still enjoyed picking at Free's self esteem issues. For, he felt they were getting too much money to care what another thought about either of them.

    Ignoring Moe's last irritating statement, Free continued to march down to the dance floor. His mind was more on how he could approach the little Goddess and not get dissed as he had just witnessed others had...

    'La La' dancing to purposely seek the attention of a few in particular, she had a rude rejection for anyone outside of them who approach her. Moving her body as seductively as she possibly could, she kept an open eye on her prey.

    Latoya 'La La' Evans was a real piece of work and she knew it. She was very sophisticated in several area of the game; causing her to have one of the most remarkable finesses. Into woman as much as she was into men, she never got too comfortable with either. Only nineteen years of age, one wouldn't believe she was as gamed as she was and she preferred it that way.

    Shorty, grind on me. I swear I can handle it, Free whispered into the woman's ear.

    Swinging her head in the direction of the raspy voice, she swore the wrong man better not had again invaded her personal space. Becoming face to face with a big man who was a bit of her speed, she began given him what he asked of her.

    With his hand locked on her tiny waist, Free attempted to follow the woman's mesmerizing motion with two left feet. He was sure he looked foolish and he could really careless how he looked as long as she was cool with it.

    Feeling a gun on the man's hip as she grind her body against his, 'La La' knew he had to be trouble. Knowing she should actually part ways with him, she pulled away from him.

    Woo! I need a drink, she said, pretending to be out of breath.

    Pulling away from the sweaty big man, she headed in the direction of the bar.

    Wait! Where are you going? Free asked, pulling the woman back towards him.

    So you ain't just hear what I said?! 'La La' sucked her teeth. If it was one thing she hated, it was dumb ass questions.

    Nah, I heard you clearly. But it's just you're heading in the wrong direction. You now with me and we don't go to drinks, drinks come to us. Come on, he explained, reaching for her hand.

    Placing her small hand in the man's bear claw, against her better judgment, 'La La' allowed the man to lead the way. Led into a private booth, her eyes grew wide at the sight of one snorting a line of some sort of white powdery substance off of the booth's table.

    She wasn't sure what it actually was. But if she had to guess, she assumed it was either cocaine or Molly. Whether it was either or, in her head the man was a Dope head. Her only being an occasional drinker and weed smoker, she looked at those who did anything more in true disgust.

    Shorty, what you want to drink? Free asked, lifting the Booth's phone.

    Huh? 'La La' questioned, only hearing half of what the big man asked her. So disgusted by the Dope head inside the booth, her mind had slightly drifted off.

    I asked what would you like to drink? Free again asked, noticing the weird stare she was giving his brother.

    Something of anything not too strong on the rocks will be fine, she answered, taking a seat next to him as she continued to eye the Dope head.

    Filling his nose with what he swore to be one of the best drugs in the world, Moe tilted his head back and savored his drain. Soon noticing he had a set of pretty eyes on him, he smiled.

    Want some? he asked.

    Hell nah! 'La La' hissed.

    Chuckling to himself, Moe began filling with lust looking over Miss thang. She was even more amazing looking close up. Her neatly done pink and blonde dreadlocks fell down her back. Him having dreads himself, he was a bit jealous of the long length of hers. From her neck down was filled with tattoos. Beginning behind her earlobe a trail of dove fell down her neck and the size of them increased as they spilled onto her arm. Where it looked as if she had a very detailed memorial of some sort. A diamond piercing in her eye really brought out her bright brown eyes and a diamond piercing in her lip brought out the fullness of them. He had to admit Free had caught a great catch and he just hoped his brother was into sharing her.

    Shortly after 'La La' drink was ordered, it had arrived and she had found herself actually enjoying the attention the big man- she now knew as Free, had began showering her with. She had even blocked out the Dope head and lost track of time. That being until Free put their conversation on hold while he did a line of the mess his friend seemed to be seriously enjoying. Sure it was now time for her to go at the sight of Free confirming he to was a Dope head, she set her drank down and climbed to her feet.

    I'm sorry, but I really should be going, she said.

    Clearing his eyes of them watering up from the fairly sized line he had sent up his nose, Free jumped to his feet and blocked the Booth's exit.

    Wait! It's only midnight. Our night just beginning, he exclaimed.

    Nigga! That late as fuck for me. I'm into kicking it, but not that fuckin much, 'La La' snarled.

    Come on Shorty, I thought we were sharing something special here. Was I wrong? he asked, moving his large hands to her small waist.

    Immediately picking up on what the son of a bitch was implying, 'La La' took it highly offensive.

    Oh! So you think I'm one if them! You got me fucked up! Get the fuck out of my way! She shouted, pushing past the ignorant man.

    A bit tipsy, the push almost knocked Free off his feet. Quickly catching his balance, he chased after the female he had just began liking even a bit more.

    Shorty! Shorty! he called out, catching up with her.

    What?! she barked, moving towards the club's exit as fast as her heels would allow her to move.

    I do apologize! I didn't mean to offend you, he said, struggling to keep up with her pace.

    Yeah, whateva! she sucked her teeth, not at all the least bit convinced.

    Following the woman through the club's exit door, Free became a bit too winded. Close to collapsing in the middle of the parking lot, he stopped dead in his tracks.

    Aye! C-could y-you plea stop! he cried out.

    Understanding the man could no longer chase her, 'La La' reluctantly stopped.

    Lady Love, I honestly meant no disrespect. I-.

    You just what?! Thought I was some trashy bitch? she snarled, turning to face the pathetic man.

    Well, actually yeah.

    And that there is why we could never work out, she said, again turning to walk away.

    Nah Shorty, don't be like that. That's how felt. That's not how I now feel, he explained, following close behind her.

    Okay, so now I'm eager to how you now feel? she questioned, nearing her vehicle.

    Like a fool for not knowing how to recognize an Angel from a demon, he answered.

    Free's answer touching her a bit, 'La La' again turned to face him.

    I bet you'll just say anything, she said.

    Surely. I will say and also do anything to keep you happy.

    Oh yeah? But you don't even know me all like that.

    Well cut the games and give me the opportunity to do find out all it is to know about someone who is truly God sent.

    Looking over the man, 'La La' contemplated the fat man's request.

    Why you carry a gun? she asked, it really bothering her.

    Protection, he simply said.

    From what?

    I'm not able to answer that myself.

    Let me guess, you're a drug dealer. Am I correct?

    Not one to just tell someone he just met such business of his, Free grew silent to the woman's question.

    As I thought. A big waste of my time, 'La La' said, turning to climb into her vehicle.

    Lady Love, why must you give me such a hard time? he asked, grabbing her hand in a respectful manner.

    Turning to face the man, 'La La' used the moonlight to peer deep into his eyes.

    I only treat people how they treat themselves. You're not living right and I'm assuming you expect me to be okay with this?

    I didn't say that. But what if it concern you that much, help me do better.

    Help you do better huh?

    Now, that is what I said.

    I tell you what, she said, deactivating the alarm on her convertible. Hold up, she said, pulling open her car door.

    Standing there watching the woman dig into a new series Mercedes Benz coup, Free looked over the car admiring her taste.

    Here, 'La La' said, popping back out of the car with one of her business cards in hand. Hit me at reasonable hour and I just might consider your request, she said, placing the card in the man's hand.

    Latoya Evans. Real estate agent, he read the card out loud.

    Glancing back at the man as she climbed behind the wheel of her car, she secretly questioned if he could handle her or not?

    What's a reasonable time?! he asked.

    Figure it out, she said, shutting herself inside her vehicle.

    Again reading the card, Free knew he had a real challenge on his hands.

    Never had he dealt with such a sophisticated woman in his entire life. The females he dealt with on the norm wasn't even likely to own a vehicle, let alone a foreign one. Then for the woman to also be an entrepreneur was mind blowing. She was a true work of art all the way around the board and he felt he be damn if he allowed her to slip through his fingers.

    Watching the Benz taillights slowly fade out, he again glanced at the card and smiled. Swearing he would soon steal her attention as she had just stole his. He made his way back inside the club.

    CHAPTER 2.

    Mixing business with pleasure

    The continuing ringing of 'La La' cell phone slowly pulled her from deep sleep. Wiping the sleep from her heavy eyelids, she glanced at the time. finding it to be a little after eight in the morning, she wondered who had the nerves to call her at such time?

    The phone doing the ringing being specifically business purposes only, other was no telling which one of her new clients it may had been.

    Lifting the phone off the nightstand, she glanced at her white twin buried under the covers. Contemplating whether she should take the call the other room or not, she sucked he'd teeth and answered the call there in bed.

    Though she had mega respect for her lady friend, she was never to tip toe around her own home. Indeed the place was being rented in Amanda's name, but she paid all the bills there.

    Hello, she answered the phone.

    "Lady Love, I

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