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For My Thug: A Dope Love Story
For My Thug: A Dope Love Story
For My Thug: A Dope Love Story
Ebook449 pages4 hours

For My Thug: A Dope Love Story

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After College, Chance, Dayton, and Choice continued in their careers and building their futures. Chance continued with her modeling, which brought some interesting people into her life, not to mention a person from her past who managed to set Chance back a few steps. However, her sister, Choice, had her back as always. The James sisters were determined to be in each other’s corners while getting through the storms that life sent their way.

Meanwhile, Dayton enjoyed having his wife support him in his decision to keep his operation going after linking up with Dahlia as his plug. He even appreciated Choice frequenting Birmingham, Alabama, to keep Chance company, but he wasn’t prepared for the chaos that their presence in Alabama would bring. Dayton never thought that going home to help out his childhood friends and big brother, Braxton, would bring car chases, setups, drive-bys, and damn sure not more infidelity issues. Dayton fought through it all and kept his mind on what was important to him, which was his family.
Release dateAug 12, 2019
For My Thug: A Dope Love Story

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    For My Thug - Shaytrece


    "A ah! Get them out, get them out."

    I was trying to keep my cool since giving natural birth was at my request, but I had a hard time keeping up with that lie because, currently, my babies felt like they were trying to tear me a new ass hole.

    Come on, Chance. Try to push through, Ma. I know you can.

    I was grateful to have my husband by my side through the birth of our boys because we had faced times when I didn’t see that being possible.

    Give me another big push, Mrs. Maxwell.

    I did as the nurse asked then felt a small amount of pressure leave my body. That’s baby A.

    Just as I thought I would have a second to catch my breath, I felt another contraction coming.

    "Aah! I have to push again."

    Go ahead. I see these two are going to be something else. One minute they can’t figure out who’s coming first. But now that baby A has made his way out, baby B is trying to deliver himself, my doctor informed us then focused back on bringing my baby boy into the world.

    Although I was in plenty of pain, my doctor, the nurses, and my mother’s humor along with my husband’s calm kept me at ease. But I was with my son; I wanted him here, and the torture I received while helping him and his big brother along the way was enough for him to have a heart for his mommy.

    I heard my mother say, Bear down and push, Chance. And I did. One, two, three… keep pushing, he’s coming out.

    As my mother continued to count, hearing that our second child was coming into the world, Dayton eased his way between my legs for a better view.

    Push, baby, he’s comin’. He then made his way back to me, leaned over, kissed my forehead, and thanked me for making him the happiest man on earth.

    I felt our second and last baby make his way out of my body. Hell yeah, unlike my brother, my husband was all for us to end birthing babies, so my tubes were soon to be tied.

    My mind, body, and soul were exhausted, and all I wanted to do was close my eyes.

    Just as I did, I heard my mother say, Chance, now that I know you’re fine, your father and I are going to check in on Dyah, the baby, and Cons. Then we’re going back to Brook’s room.

    Yeah, my family had recently gone through some bullshit that had us all on our toes and laying up in the hospital. From my little cousin, Brooklyn’s ex-boyfriend and baby daddy pulling a fatal attraction move by beating her up and kidnapping her to avoid us seeing her battered and bruised, to me and Dyah’s water breaking at the same damn time.

    I gave my parents a weak smile, then said, Okay. Tell her I’m sorry the boys decided to come today. I would’ve been in her room too.

    You just worry about getting yourself and my grandbabies home. Everything is being handled with Brook, and I’ll send you pictures of the baby.

    After telling me how proud she was, my mother kissed my cheeks and hugged me tightly. My father did the same and even thanked me for his twin grandsons.

    When my parents left to check on my brother, his wife, my nephew, and little cousin, Dayton’s attention was on the boys. My mind was having flashbacks on how I’d gotten to this point in my life. Dayton and I weren’t supposed to be parents, let alone parents of twins, but sure as shit, they were here.

    As I looked up into my husband’s eyes that were filled with so much joy, I wanted to cry. My baby had come so far, and to see that in the end, he was with me to welcome such a wonderful gift was priceless.

    Here, Ma. Dayton handed me one of the babies, and I felt less than a mother to not know them apart. You have our firstborn. It’s finally time to reveal what we’ve come up with in names.

    Dayton was right. We chose to hold off on announcing any names until the birth of the boys, including telling each other what we came up with individually. See, we figured the multiple-birth gene skipping my siblings and hitting me meant that Dayton and I were making the right decision to not produce anymore since we were blessed with two in our first pregnancy. Therefore, we wanted to leave something surprising toward the end of our contribution to grandchildren that Conic and Love James shared.

    I like Cason and Case.

    Nah, I’m not feelin’ that, Ma.

    Okay, so what did you come up with?

    Messiah and Legend. They sound like two strong names that I can hear me calling out to my boys.

    I do like them.

    Guess it was official; my two little five pounders’ father had blessed them with nice names of their own, but they shared a middle name along with many other things as twins. No one could’ve paid me to believe I would’ve been lying here picking out names for twin boys, but that’s what was going down.

    Dayton Maxwell and Chance James-Maxwell were the proud parents of Messiah Ripton Maxell and his baby brother, Legend Ripton Maxwell. Nah, shit wasn’t peaches and cream getting to this point. Dayton and I had gone through some shit. And although it wasn’t over, let me take you back to where it all started….

    Chapter One


    When I say, I have a story to tell that stemmed from a baecation to my husband’s hometown, I’m not bullshitting. I had some certified psycho in-laws who I couldn’t care less to associate with. Yeah, I knew they were crazy and dysfunctional, but I didn’t think their world would somehow intertwine with mine and Dayton’s.

    My man and I had been together since middle school, engaged by fifteen, and married by the time I was twenty-one and he was twenty-two. I loved everything about Dayton Maxwell and couldn’t see myself without him, but like my husband, I too had made some selfish mistakes that almost ruined all we’d built for the past nine years.

    See, after learning of another bond Dayton made with another female, I left him for a brief moment. Within that break, I got close with a college professor of mine, who turned out to be a stalker. He walked into my wedding and professed his love for me in front of not only my friends and family but my husband too. Hell, I thought for sure that Dayton wouldn’t walk back into the building and continue our wedding.

    When my past events began to invade my mind beyond what I wanted it to do, I brushed the thoughts out of my head then tried to focus on my current situation which was wondering why in the hell did I take this trip with Dayton and not at least bring my sister, Choice, with me. But we were all grown and doing our own thing, and mine was, trying to be a supportive wife.

    Unfortunately, my husband chose a whole other route than the rest of the crew. Instead of using that nice business degree that he earned in college for a legit career, Dayton managed to slip back into the field that he grew up in. Yeah, my husband was a dope boy, and I had kept my mouth shut on the shit thus far. But I couldn’t continue on like I was with him jeopardizing mine and his future.

    I wanted to call Quin and vent about being in Alabama, but I knew that doing so would have her questioning me on whether I thought her man, Omari, was selling dope too. Now that he was a father, and he and Quin had twin daughters plus had taken on the responsibilities of his twin sister and brother, I couldn’t say for sure if Omari was still out there.

    With Dayton handling business and me acting as if I had a major headache, I was in our hotel room alone and in desperate need to talk to someone. So, that someone had to be Choice. I half ass didn’t expect her to answer since I was in Alabama and she would more than likely think her ex-boyfriend, Warden, was around me. Plus, our brother, Cons, was dealing with a lot of bullshit just as he decided to retire from rapping.

    Hey, Chance, how’s the trip going?

    I’m surprised you answered my call, but to answer your question, it’s going to hell. Girl, things might’ve changed with a few of them, but these fucking Maxwells are something else.

    Day-Day’s sisters fucking with you? was Choice first question.

    Grown and all, nothing had changed about my sister.

    I would never forget the day my father told me that Choice was conceived so I would have someone to play with. It took a while since I was a momma’s girl, and Choice always rolled out with our father, but we were closer than ever now.

    Nah, I guess Day-Day set their asses straight before our arrival. You know I pay them no mind. Never have and never will until they learn how to act. Oh, I did see Niq’s cousin, Prisha, still hanging around them. Wonder which brother she’s doing now.

    Chance, you need to stop, especially with you being there alone. If Cons didn’t have all his bullshit going on with Sia and that bitch, Rish, and I didn’t think that War would track me down and cause me to catch a case while being there, I would’ve flown out with y’all.

    Um, we still have several days, I told my sister, hoping she would figure something out since she was the solo one.

    Now, you know I don’t feel like being bothered with War or catching a case dealing with their people.

    Choice, leave it to you, and everything will be the cause of you having a case.

    Oh, excuse me for not being a big bullshitter, my evil ass sister said. When I heard a brief pause followed by an exhale, I knew I was breaking her down, especially when she said, I’ll come that way for a few days, but I’m getting a rental the second I get there in case I need to bounce ASAP.

    I’m cool with that. Hell, you might not have to ride back by yourself.

    Alright, and be prepared for Momma or Daddy to call you.

    I laughed right along with Choice, but I stopped long enough to remind her, You know Daddy would be down for you coming this way.

    Choice knew what I was getting at. Therefore, she said, Yeah, keep talking like that, and I won’t come. I swear, this better not be some set up you and Day-Day have going on, Chance.

    I wouldn’t do you like that, Choice. Besides, I told you, Day-Day’s working right now. Plus, I haven't seen War since we’ve been here.

    Yeah, I heard. You and that brother-in-law of mine better be easy. I’m shocked Ripple hasn’t whooped Day-Day’s ass by now.

    Oh, believe me, he went in on my husband. But Day-Day used the lines we use on our parents. Nah, I would prefer he used that degree he rightfully earned, but my man is addicted to the hustle. So, he told Ripple that he did what was asked of him, and that’s getting that education before anything else.

    Ripple wasn’t mad about Day-Day not going overseas?

    Yes and no, but it’s mainly due to the risk that Day-Day’s taking by staying in the game. But Professor Branson set him up lovely because all he does is deliver shit to the professor. Then, he handles distributing it to his friends, and in turn, my baby lets Professor Branson get his at a discounted price.

    Before I knew it, Choice said, Seems like you know the ropes pretty well. Don’t let me find out you’re out here being Day-Day’s, Bonnie.

    I’m not crazy, Choice. Shit, I value my life and freedom. That’s why I’m going to pull the plug on Day-Day’s involvement in the dope game soon. Like I said, things were good when he was only dealing to Professor Branson and his friends. Now, Braxton can’t seem to get his shit on point like Day-Day managed to do. He never planned to continue with his hustle other than dealing with the same people who Day-Day has been associating with. Braxton’s ass had to call begging for help, and instead of telling his brother that he was done, he brought his ass here and dragged me along with him.

    Well, you know why, don’t you?

    No, so tell me.

    Because of Professor Garrick. From what I heard, the fellas saw him while they were all together, and of course, your husband was ready to get at him again.

    When Choice asked me if I had sex with the professor, I quickly said, No, I told y’all what happened, and I regret even going that far. So, let’s drop this conversation. Hell, I almost lost my man behind some shit he told me that I could do.

    And you believed that, Chance? Shit, even I knew Day-Day told you that just to get you back.

    Yep, especially when it was his ass jumping the shit off. I didn’t step out on Day-Day until I found out about him and that hoe, GiGi. I know it’s been a while, but I hate that bitch for having that moment with him, and till this very day, I believe they did fuck.

    Just as I told Choice that part, I had an incoming call, so I said, Well, throw you a few things in your duffle and hit the road. I have a call coming in, so I’ll hit you back.

    When I ended my call with Choice then clicked over to the other line, I said, Hello?

    Hi, I’m Vanessa Cruz from Chic modeling agency. May I speak with Chance James?

    Although my last name was now James-Maxwell, I didn’t trip since I still went by my maiden name within my career. Therefore, I didn’t correct her before letting the agent know I was who she was trying to contact.

    Hi, I hope you don’t mind me personally calling you, but I was informed by your agency that it would be okay. I recently saw several of your photos and loved them. I’m having a show coming up next month and would be honored if you graced the stage in my line.

    I had heard of Vanessa Cruz. At one point, she too was a model, but several years ago, she became a successful designer. Ms. Cruz wasn’t the only one honored, I was too, so I said, Of course, I would love to do the show.

    Great. Now that I got that out the way, I have another proposition for you.

    Hell, I thought being personally asked to walk the runway was plenty, but I was taking all the blessings that came my way, especially when they involved my passion for modeling.

    Okay, what’s the proposition, Ms. Cruz?

    I would also like you to do the next two ads that I have coming out soon. Now, before you jump on that offer, the ads would take a bit longer and actually blend right into the show. So, are you able to be away for the next four weeks or so?

    I wouldn’t dare hesitate on an opportunity like this and knowing it was Dayton’s turn to support me, I could finally get his ass away from Braxton. At least, for a while. Even though the offer was a great one, I was a wife first and needed to discuss this with my husband. I mean, that’s a month guaranteed off top, and I didn’t miss the month or so part. Therefore, I could be in Hollywood a lot longer than that.

    I’m going to run that offer by my husband. But I could definitely do the show. Would it be okay if I called you back tomorrow about the ads?

    Sure, I planned to you till next week anyway, so tomorrow is even better.

    Hell, I just needed a few minutes with my husband about taking a gig. Shit, Dayton knew how much money I made in my career. Yeah, I came from a wealthy family, but we’ve all learned some form of a hustle then stuck to what we did best. Modeling was mine, and I had done well in the industry enough to live a wonderful life without my parents’ help.

    However, my angle was to get my husband on the jet with me by using a little pussy persuasion. So, I thanked Ms. Cruz, ended the call, then hit up Dayton.

    What’s up, Chance?

    Hey, can you talk?

    Yeah, what’s good?

    I just got a call about doing a show in Hollywood. I stopped right there just to get Dayton hyped enough to hear the big banger.

    That’s what’s up. Proud of you, Ma. So, when’s the show?

    The show is next month, but that’s not all I was offered, Bae.

    What else were you blessed with?

    The designer wants me to do two ads for her.

    Damn, Ma, you’re doing your thing. It’s time to find our own shit, Chance. I know we’re all used to being around each other, but we’re all grown, so it’s time to move on.

    Thinking that Dayton was referring to being in the house with him, myself, Quin, Omari, and their kids, I said, I can check into my daddy’s realtors and see if one of them could set up something for us to find one. You know Ms. Kay helped Dahlia and Lil Q find their house. Maybe she could help us.

    Chance, I’m not talking about moving closer to your family nor mine. Aren’t you ready to experience something different?

    I wanted to tell his ass no because I loved living near my family. And since his and Omari’s house sat between his family and mine, I thought it fit us well. I was all for moving into our own house but leaving the city of Miami, or even the state of Florida had never crossed my mind enough to act on my thoughts.

    Something different like what, Day-Day?

    I don’t know. Anywhere but staying in Miami. We’ll always have the house to go back to, and even if Omari and Quin fill that muthafucka up with several more children, we can buy us one to have when we go home to visit.

    Everything within me said that Dayton’s mind was set on leaving Miami. I just hoped he had no intention of uprooting me to Alabama. Hell, I was trying to figure out ways to keep my man away from his brother, short of going to Ripple and having him put an end to his dealings in the dope game.

    Where were you thinking about moving, Day-Day?

    I mean, we can sit down and talk about a few places. But I’m having War link up with me while he’s in town, and I’m going to find a small place for us here.

    I don’t want to live here. I didn’t mean for my words to come out that way, but they were the truth, so I couldn’t take them back.

    Damn, it’s like that, Chance? You wouldn’t come here with me?

    Since I didn’t want to argue nor ruin the happiness I just received, I said, Day-Day, I would cross the ocean for you, and you know that. But I thought we were talking about this job offer I have. How did thoughts of moving come up?

    My bad. Like I said, we can sit and talk about it later. Anyway, so when do you start on the ads?

    Well, the ads follow the show. That’s why I called you. Ms. Cruz wants me to give her an answer by tomorrow, but I wanted to talk to you before making decisions without you, I sarcastically said and wished I could see the look on Dayton’s face.

    Shit, how much she talkin’, and when does she expect you to start?

    I’m guessing within the next few days, so you need to wrap up what you’re doing here, and we can get our things together to leave. I threw that last part out there for good measure, hoping Dayton caught my drift.

    When I heard dead silence, I knew Dayton was going to say something to set me off, and that wasn’t the purpose of this call.

    Chapter Two


    Iwas the eleventh child out of twelve, and ever since I could remember my eldest brother, Rippleton aka Ripple, hustled his ass off, and I wanted to be just like him. Now, several years later, I was right where I wanted to be.

    Yeah, after peeping out my hustle, Ripple snatched my ass up, but I told him what, when, and how I hustled with the quickness. Nah, this wasn’t what he wanted for me, and it was the very reason Ripple came to Alabama and took me back to Miami with him.

    With me being the youngest of the boys, I was born into the game. And while being exposed to it all, I studied the game firsthand. After sneaking behind Ripple’s back and selling my first supply of dope the second he moved away, I felt a rush and never looked back. Well, that was until Ripple snatched my ass away from Alabama where I had built my clientele off selling weed back then.

    My hush-hush hustle extended beyond weed. I was in the big leagues now and was glad to have married a street legend’s daughter because my wife didn’t complain until Gi-Gi’s ass ran her mouth on our dealings. Although Chance’s complaints weren’t about my hustle, they were about me associating with Gi-Gi too much for her liking. I instantly ended me and Gi-Gi’s friendship, only for Chance to leave my ass anyway.

    Shit, my woman of nine years leaving me had me fucked up in the head, which caused me to try my hand at anything, just for one more chance with her. Needless to say, taking a dose of my own medicine was one of Chance’s options that I didn’t think she would’ve taken seriously. But the joke was on me when she actually did.

    I swallowed my pride and took the knockout punch that Chance sent my way when I learned that she allowed her professor to eat some pussy that I felt was mine. But in return, I made Professor Garrick take several knockouts for cutting into my woman.

    Just thinking back to that nigga walking into our wedding had my mind going to places it shouldn’t, and since I needed to stay focused, I brushed the shit that Chance pulled out my head. I then turned my attention back to my current situation, which was helping my brother, Braxton, or Brax, get his hustle off the ground.

    Now, I was pissed that I had invited Chance to come with me because Braxton had no clue what the fuck he was doing. If Ripple ever found out that I linked up with his ass, there was going to be some smoke in the city.

    Brax, I’m telling you, your team is the holdup. None of their asses know how to hustle. They’re too busy living off your fame that they don’t have any direction but taking your route.

    Come on now, Day-Day. My people are handling business. Shit is just different for you because you’re out there with Ripple in that big city. Plus, I have Lil Sax to care for, so shits been a little off.

    A, little off? Shit, you could’ve fooled me when you only have five-grand in your bank account, Brax. And as far as caring for Lil Sax, that’s what yo’ ass supposed to do. He’s your son. Real-talk, you should be paying Ripple child support and War his back pay when he was the very person taking care of Prisha’s baby from jump without even knowing if he was indeed the pappy.

    It’s not like that. You act like I knew he was my son. So, you have to give me credit for trying.

    Truth be told, I didn’t want to give my brother any credit because he still only got his son for summer visits, and this past summer, Lil Sax didn’t want to visit his daddy. Ripple and I didn’t know what was up with Lil Sax since he didn’t do a lot of talking.

    Just thinking of my nephew’s mild disabilities had my mind on the bitch who caused some delays in Lil Sax, which irritated me and had my ass wanting to cuss Braxton’s ass out. Yeah, that was one thing I did plan to tell Ripple. Hell, the last thing I thought I would’ve come home to see was my brother fucking with Prisha again. Shit, maybe that’s why his ass didn’t have a lot of money in the bank.

    As if the rat-bitch could hear my thoughts, she called Braxton’s phone. The minute he thought they would politic while I sat there trying to rethink my brother’s team and hustle, I had to let him know that shit wasn’t going down like that. My fucking wife was at the hotel laid up due to a headache. Therefore, if he had time to entertain a chick who had brought nothing but hell to this family, I damn sure could be at the room tending to who was more important to me.

    Yo, dead that call. We got shit to figure out. Otherwise, I’m out this bitch. You’re the one losing money by the day, not me. Shit, I even handled mine before hopping on that jet, so get yo’ mind in the game before I remove mine.

    I knew the look on Braxton’s face said that he was the oldest of us two, and I was out of bounds for coming at him that way. However, I was dead ass about every word I spoke and thought.

    Guess my brother got the big picture because he told Prisha, Aye, I need to call you back. I’m handling business. Nah, I’m not choosing my business over you, but we got to eat, right?

    When I heard that shit, I stood up, then headed to the kitchen. Apparently, Braxton’s ass knew I wasn’t bullshitting with his ass because I heard him tell Prisha, Aye, I said we’ll talk later, a’ight?

    I just shook my head, but I couldn’t shake the red flags that continued to pop into my mind. When I thought to call it a day with Braxton, I heard a knock at the door. While I fixed a drink, I kept my ears to the conversation going on in the living room.

    My nigga, when you get back? Braxton asked the person as I heard what sounded like them slapping hands and giving each other a brotherly hug.

    As I took a sip from my drink and heard the person talking, the last thing I thought I would hear was a female’s voice. Although the person talked as if they were indeed a man, I knew a female’s voice when I heard one.

    After I poured another drink, I walked back into the living room. Sure indeed, a woman stood in front of Braxton talking. At first glance, one would assume the chick Braxton called Rah was a man. From her long braids with tapered sides and demeanor to her choice of clothes and talk. I could see clear as day that Rah was a woman who dressed like a man.

    Yo, Day-Day, this my nigga, Zorah or Rah as we call her. She’s originally from Jacksonville but has been living here since she was a kid.

    Oh, so this lil bruh, huh? Rah asked Braxton.

    I don’t know about that little part, but this is Day-Day’s big-head ass that I’m always talking about.

    Rah looked at me, held out her fist for a pound, then said, Nice to finally meet you, Day-Day. I dapped her up then returned the comment since I didn’t get a bad vibe from her. I wasn’t going to tell Rah that I’d heard about her and thought she was actually a real dude.

    Well, now that y’all finally met, you’re the very person I wanted to sit down with my brother and talk, Braxton told Rah as we all took our seats. He then turned to me, and said, Day-Day, Rah has her shit together, but I feel she can learn a lot from you while you’re here. If there are any of my people that I want to succeed, it’s her.

    If she had her shit together, I had no clue what I could teach her in the short time that I would be there, but I didn’t mind filling her in on my skills. Braxton, Rah, and I all sat around talking for the next few hours before the rest of my brother’s crew began to pop up one at a time.

    It wasn’t until I sat back and observed Braxton and his whole crew together and just the brief moment without his other friends that I instantly picked up on who was the brightest crayon on his team. Hands down, it was definitely Rah out doing them all. Shit, her mindset was even better than my brother’s.

    I also noticed how Rah only engaged in conversations about work or sports. Other than that, she texted away on her phone. When Rah took a second from her phone to look up, she looked directly at me, so I quickly turned my head.

    When she stood up then came and sat next to me, she asked, Day-Day, is it cool if I swop numbers with you? I wouldn’t mind linking up with you before you leave. As you can see, not too many people care to tighten up their game these days, I knew she was referring to their crew. Hell, the majority of their conversation was about running a train on two thots last night.

    I was feeling Rah. Plus, she reminded me of Zanity because she too loved sports. The only difference between the two was that Zanity liked men while Rah was into women. Or at least she came across as an alpha woman.

    That’s cool. Here, put your number in mine then hit send. I’ll be here another four or five days, then we’re out.

    Oh, Brax going back with you?

    Nah, my wife and I came here to get away for a while.

    Brax didn’t tell me you were married. Congrats. When Rah finished putting her number in my phone, she said, Uh-oh, it’s wifey calling now.

    When I grabbed my phone from Rah, sure indeed, Chance’s ID was on the screen as Wifey. I excused myself then answered Chance’s call. Hearing all the good news that she just received. I hoped it would ease the tension my wife was experiencing. Yeah, Chance might actually have a headache, and if she did, it stemmed from being around my family.

    That was another reason that I’ve kept my secret from Chance until now. I was ready to move away from Miami, and since I felt a need to step in Braxton’s world and clean house, I reached out to my cousin, Warden, and asked him to find me a small house here. I had no clue how Chance would take my news, but I felt she had to be open like she wanted me to be after hearing of this new gig that would have her busy for the next month.

    By the time I got off the phone with my wife, my mind was everywhere. Right now, I needed to be here straightening things out for my dumb-ass brother before, he found his ass somewhere stinking or behind bars. But I also wanted to be by Chance’s side for several reasons.

    One, I had to be the supportive husband because Chance had shown me time and time again, the love and loyalty that she had for me. Two, this was a wonderful opportunity for her, and since we made a pact to take turns supporting each other and she was here, I had no choice but to figure out how I could be in two places at one time.

    Then, there was this tiny part of me that didn’t fully trust Chance. Nah, I would never admit that shit since it was due to me getting caught up with Gi-Gi. Then I made the dumb-ass decision to allow Chance the freedom to roam if that’s what she felt would get her past what I didn’t do. And since she went through with lying down with Professor Garrick, I couldn’t say she wouldn’t be in that position again if it were presented to her.

    After talking to Chance, I interrupted Braxton’s conversation. Yo, bruh, I’m out. I’ll hit you up later. Got to go check on the wife.

    A’ight. Tell Chance I hope she feels better. Shit, you sure, she’s not knocked up? You and your boys usually do shit together, and with everybody else popping out kids, I figured you and Chance would be next.

    Hearing Braxton’s flunkies laughing had me puzzled because I didn’t have a clue what was funny about Braxton’s comment? Apparently, he didn’t either since he told them that he was serious.

    I let my brother know, The wife and I are about our paper right now. Good thing I can say about my woman. She knows how to get out there and get hers to bring to the table.

    I hoped Braxton caught my drift, but after seeing my brother in action lately, I would say he didn’t. However, I spoke facts on my wife and didn’t see kids in our near future. I couldn’t front and say that Braxton didn’t have a point, though, because he did. I have thought about a child with Chance, but our careers were booming. Therefore, it wasn’t a need to bring more responsibilities into our world at the moment.

    After saying my goodbyes, I headed back to the hotel where Chance and I stayed since I wasn’t sure which family member she was cool staying with. Shortly after arriving, I noticed that Chance didn’t seem ill anymore and was even hyped about my sister-in-law, Choice, meeting up with her.

    Our conversation went well for the most part, but when I brought up buying a house in Alabama, Chance’s whole aura changed up on me. I don’t see a need for me to be here while you’re doing what you’re doing, Day-Day.

    Oh, so you’re breaking the pact, huh? What happened to ‘I’ll support you till the end,’ Chance?

    I’m not?

    She had me there because I couldn’t say no. It would only make me out to be a liar. So, I exhaled then looked Chance in the eyes. Of course, you’re a wonderful support to me, Ma. I’m just fucked up that you didn’t hold off and tell the lady you could’ve flown to Hollywood in several days.

    So, I’m supposed to miss work because you’re working?

    I knew my wife, and this conversation was headed into left field, where we didn’t need to be. As much as Chance wanted to believe otherwise, she needed to face facts that she was very much like her mother.

    Look, don’t let me stop you from playing savior to a grown man. I’ll just see you when I’m done working. I guess we’ll link up and swap stories.

    When I saw Chance walk over to the side of the dresser and grab her suitcase, I wanted to know where she was going. "I’m going home. I need to pack

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