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A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair
A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair
A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair
Ebook168 pages2 hours

A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair

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After moving to Virginia to start her life over, the last thing Lady was looking for was love. Things changed when she was introduced to the rude, slick talking, smart mouthed, Sire. Feelings that she never thought she would experience again came rushing back and she knew she would never be able to shake him.

Sire is known as one of Richmond's richest right along with his best friend, Toine. He was every hood girls' dream man and with a failing relationship on the line, it seemed as if Lady walked into his life right on time. Or did she?

When skeletons from Lady's past come back to haunt her in the worst way possible, will Sire be her knight in hood armor? Or will the deceit be too much for him to handle?
Release dateFeb 21, 2016
A Lady & Her Sire: A Royal Love Affair

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    A Lady & Her Sire - Charmanie Saquea



    A rghh! I screamed out in frustration as I scrubbed my skin.

    It seemed that no matter how much body wash I used or how hard I scrubbed my skin, I couldn't wash off the blood that stained my skin. How did this happen? How did it get to this point? Question upon question crammed into my mind as I continued to try to wash away my sins and transgressions.

    Everything was just good a few hours ago and now here I am cooped up in a motel room, trying to erase visions and memories of what took place less than an hour ago. I placed my whole head under the hot water and that's when the floodgates to my soul opened.

    What did I dooo? I yelled as I cried. Oh fuck, what did I do? I said as I slid down in the shower.

    This wasn't the life that I was supposed to be living. I didn't ask for this but was more like pulled into against my will, with no way out. I've heard that people did crazy things all in the name of love but this shit, I never seen myself doing. I can't do this anymore.

    Slowly picking myself up from the floor of the shower, I got myself together. I turned the shower off and wrapped the towel around my body before stepping out. I stood in front of the mirror just staring at myself. I had no clue who this girl was that was staring back at me.

    I had fallen off so deep that I didn't even recognize myself, and that was sad. I used to live so happily and carefree, but now my life was one dramatic episode after another. All the drama stemmed from one person, Omar. If I could rewind the hands of time and fast forward the part where I met him or skip, I would.

    Walking out of the bathroom, I snatched up the sweatpants and t-shirt, throwing them on without even moisturizing my body. As I was placing the bloody clothes in a plastic bag, my phone started ringing, scaring the shit out of me. I rushed over to pick it up off the dresser and hit ignore on the call before placing a call of my own.

    Hello? Umm, yes, I would like a cab as soon as possible, please, I said into the phone as I continued to move about the room.

    Address? the man on the other end asked.

    I gave him the address to the motel and let him know what room I was in before disconnecting the call. I threw the phone on the floor and stomped on it, crushing it instantly just as another call was coming through.

    After taking care of that, I pulled my bag from under the bed and unzipped it. I gently ran my hand over all the bills in there as tears started to well up in my eyes once again.

    I'm so sorry, I whispered.

    I zipped the bag back up and wiped my eyes as I sat on the bed to put my shoes on. I grabbed all of my stuff and made my way over to the window. As I looked out, my mind drifted away from me. I have to get my shit together, I thought to myself.

    Beep, beep!

    Snapping out of my thoughts, I made my way out to the waiting cab. I rushed to climb in the back seat and let out a sigh of relief once I shut the door.

    Where to? the cab driver asked.

    The bus station.

    Ahh, going on vacation, eh? he asked with a smile.

    Yea, vacation, I answered.

    It was going to be more like a permanent vacation. I had to get the fuck out of Detroit and I had to do it quickly. When I got to the bus station, I was buying a one-way ticket to get on the first thing available for me. Where I was going? I didn't know and I didn't even care at this point, as long as it was far away from Michigan.



    Six months later

    Ipaced back and forth with a metal bat over my shoulder. If it was one thing I hated, it was my personal time being interrupted and people messing with my money. Unfortunately for the man sitting in the chair, bruised, bloody, and battered, he had done both.

    Sire, please! I told you I don’t know what happened to your money, Tyrone said as he spit blood out of his mouth along with a tooth.

    I didn’t even waste my time addressing him because I knew he was full of shit and lying his ass off.

    So his shit just vanished into thin air? Niggas just lying on you, huh? Antoine asked.

    Antoine was my man a hundred grand. It wasn’t a lot of niggas that I trusted, let alone trusted with my life, but I knew without a doubt that Antoine was one loyal ass nigga. We met four years ago while I was doing a bid. Some niggas tried to get buck and roll up on me on some hating ass shit, but Antoine had my back like Rico had Mitch’s back in Paid in Full. Only difference is, I know my nigga not on no opps shit like Rico’s bitch ass.

    I got out a year before Antoine did but I was already making plans to be on top. When he got out, we merged our crews of our most loyal men together, and built our own empire from the ground up. By us doing that, we’re known as Richmond’s richest and most hated niggas. It's a lot of niggas out there talking but ain't none of them making no noise, so we pay the shit no mind.


    You know in some places, when you steal they cut your hand off, I cut him off as I put the bat down and picked up a machete. But me, I like to cut niggas’ heads off.

    Upon hearing that, Tyrone starting screaming and moving like a little bitch. I put on gloves and what looked like a lab coat, before smoothly walking behind Tyrone. I took the machete and sliced his throat. The blood gushing out of his neck didn’t even faze me one bit.

    Have the clean-up crew take his head and send it to his mama, I told them before taking my equipment off and walking out the warehouse as smoothly as I walked in.

    I jumped in my truck and shook my head as I thought about the shit I had just done. I really hated to be known as a ruthless nigga, but that was the way my dad taught me how to be.

    Every day when I was growing up, my dad would abuse me as much as he could without getting in trouble with the law, and use the excuse that he was making me a man. He swore up and down that was the only way I would get respect, by being cold blooded. I now realize that nigga was a crazy and sick individual who needed a bullet put in his head, and if I ever saw him again I vowed to do just that.

    Yea? I answered my ringing phone.

    You good, man? Antoine asked me.

    I'm good, I just hate when niggas take me to that point, I told him.

    I understand. I just wanted to hit you and make sure you're straight.

    That's love, what you about to get into though? I asked him.

    Some pussy, he chuckled.

    I just shook my head at his ass. Typical Antoine, I thought to myself.

    Wrap that shit up, muthafucka; I'm tired of you sowing these seeds all over town. Yo’ ass about to have a football team of kids in a minute you keep playing around, I half joked.

    One thing I would never understand about Antoine is how the fuck he dealt with not only five kids, but four baby mamas. I could do the kids, but all five of them had to come from the same cooch. Ain't no way in hell I was putting up with all them females in my life at one damn time. Antoine acted like the shit didn't bother him at all and that was the crazy thing about it. No nigga in their right mind would want to have all them damn baby mamas. That's just adding unnecessary drama to your life.

    Don't worry about me nigga, I’m good. Your ass just better catch up before it's too late, he laughed.

    If you would slow the fuck down, maybe I could catch up. Yo’ slick ass makes another baby every year, if not twice a year, I cracked.

    Fuck you nigga, get the fuck off my line.

    You called me, fuck boy! I reminded him as I continued to laugh at his ass.

    Antoine rambled off some more obscenities to my ass before hanging up on me. All jokes and bullshit aside though, if my nigga Toine wasn't shit else, his ass was a damn good father. He provided for and spent time with all his seeds. Never neglecting or discriminating against any of them. What he did for one, he did for the other four and I respected that about him.

    Pulling up to my brother’s house, I jumped out of the car and hit the locks. As I got out of my car, I checked my surroundings before heading into the house. Just because you loved your city didn't necessarily mean it loved you back. Niggas couldn’t wait to catch you slipping. Walking up to the house, I knocked on the door. A few moments later, I heard the locks turning before I was greeted by the little nigga’s girlfriend.

    Hey Sire, she said as she stepped to the side, granting me entrance.

    What up, where ya at boy? I asked keeping it short and simple.

    Ole girl and I weren't really on that level like that; she was cool I guess. I just never took the time out to get to know her. I mean, she really wasn't for me to like or not because I wasn't the one fucking her. Half the time I couldn't even remember her name.

    He’s downstairs, she told me.

    I hit her with a head nod before making my way towards the stairs. When I reached the basement, or as my brother called it, The Ry Cave, he had the bitch smoked out while sitting in front of his big ass TV playing 2k16.

    Bet on it, I told him, making my presence known.

    You don't wanna see me, he said with a blunt hanging from his lips, never removing his eyes from the TV.

    Put your money where your mouth is, little nigga, I said as I snatched up his other controller.

    He stopped the game he was playing before reaching in his pocket and pulling out two rolls of cash. He slammed them on the table before taking a toke of his blunt and looking at me.

    Fuck is you trying to do? he asked with a raised eyebrow.

    Oh, you showing out, huh? I laughed. How much is that? I asked him.

    Fuck we need to count for? Just reach in your pocket and pull something out, winner takes all, he said.

    I just smiled and nodded my head as I reached into my pocket and came out with a wad of bills with a rubber band around it. Just as Ryan did, I slapped it on the table. I knew that was about $3,500 but that was just pocket change to me. My little brother loved talking cash shit and betting on anything, so I had to show him that even though he thought he was a grown ass man, he was still a little nigga to me.

    What's up with you though? You don't usually make house visits unannounced unless some shit done popped up, Ryan said as he picked his team.

    Man, I sighed. I just had to handle Tyrone’s bitch ass, I informed him.

    Damn, without me? He looked at me with his face scrunched up.

    It wasn't planned, trust me. I was at home chilling, enjoying my day off when I get a phone call about his ass.

    You don't get days off in this shit, Sire, Ryan told me.

    I'm starting to see that shit.

    At least you got his ass, that's one less thing for us to worry about. His thieving ass won't be missed anyway. I just really wished you would've let me get at his ass.

    No, you just stick to the plan for right now, I told him.

    Ry let out a little groan but he didn't complain or argue. My little brother was down to ride at all costs, but I had bigger and better things for him to do right now. After three games, I was $7,000 richer than I was when I walked through the front door. Of course Ry wasn't about to let me go that easy after whooping his ass. He tried to up the bet by making the pot bigger but I wasn't fucking with him.

    Someday he was going to have to learn not to be a sore loser. I kept trying to tell him that no matter what, his big brother would always school

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