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Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing
Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing
Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing
Ebook122 pages2 hours

Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing

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Reiki heals, supports, energizes and empowers... It can be used to balance your chakras and the various "bodies" of being, and attain mental, emotional, physical and spiritual harmony. It can heal physical ailments, release emotional blockages, calm the mind, and soothe the spirit; all the while reminding you of your connection to soul and something greater, something mystical, infinite and timeless...

PublisherT.A. Campbell
Release dateMar 17, 2020
Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing

T.A. Campbell

Author T.A. Campbell started her spiritual journey over 20 years ago while studying holistic practices focusing on Massage Therapy specifically an ancient technique called Amma Therapy, which is a classical form of Asian bodywork that predates acupuncture. Where the acupuncturist would use needles, the Amma Therapist uses their fingers to manipulate these points. As her studies progressed she became more and more focused on the nutrition aspect of the therapy which led her to switch gears to become a culinary arts specialist with a focus on organic and local cuisine and how proper nutrition not only effects the body but the brain. T.A. has travelled the world and in doing so has met and studied with some of the greatest practitioners of spiritual and energy healing. This book and the several to follow will dive deep into these practices breaking them down in an approachable and easy to understand guide so that anyone will be able to benefit from her experience and all that she is learned in the last 2 decades.

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    Book preview

    Usui Reiki System of Natural Healing - T.A. Campbell

    Chapter 1

    Introduction: Reiki History

    Reiki is the word used to describe the healing system introduced by Mikau Usui. Reiki itself can be seen as the healing system, the Usui Reiki system of natural healing, or the energy itself. In essence, reiki means universal life force. Let’s repeat this for effect; reiki is universal life force energy. Similar to chi, ki and prana or source energy (more on this soon) Reiki is a subtle, or even spiritual and mystical energy responsible for health, longevity and vitality. One who is said to have a strong life force can be seen as being healthy, balanced and whole- unified and integrated within with all the varying aspects of self balanced and integrated. Your self is of course yourself, your true nature, personality and psyche otherwise known as the holistic part of you; the whole. Reiki stimulates your body’s natural healing mechanisms so you can achieve wholeness, unity and balance within. Reiki is essentially a chord or link to the universal energy and cosmic divine awareness.

    Reiki was introduced by Mikau Usui, a Buddhist monk who was studying in a temple in Japan. The history of reiki is quite fascinating, actually... Mikau Usui decided to go on an intensive fast and meditative journey, i.e. he fasted for 21 days and meditated to achieve a state of transcendental awareness and spiritual enlightenment. This was done on Mount Kurama, a cave known at that time for its spiritual significance (many monks would use that cave for meditation and deep contemplation!). For 21 days in 1922, Mikau Usui fasted, prayed and meditated. It is believed that he used stones to count how many days he spent in the cave, and this is highly significant as you will see later regarding Reiki’s link and connection to the elements of nature.

    On the morning of the 21st day M. Usui experienced something so transformational and real that it would change the course of human history. It is reported that he received a flash of light and insight, directly from the universe. Not only did he see and experience this light frequency- known now as en-lightenment, but he also began to see ancient Sanskrit symbols through the ether; the subtle planes and dimensions of consciousness. In addition to these two already magical experiences, on his way down from the mountain- top cave Mikau Usui tripped and hurt his big toe. Upon reaching out to soothe himself, he felt a rush of energy flow through his hands and then, as if by magic, he experienced an extraordinary sensation that instantly made his large toe feel better.

    Thus, the Usui Reiki system was born!

    Dr Mikau Usui, philosophies and background

    Mikau Usui was born on August 18th 1865. He was born to a wealthy Japanese family and had a very comfortable upbringing. Yet, despite being presented an opportunity for a life of riches, Mikau Usui spent a lot of time in his youth with the local Buddhist monastery. He was taught meditation, buddhist philosophy, martial arts, swordsmanship, and Kiko- the Japanese form of Chi Kung. Being educated, he was also well- studied in psychology, medicine and theology and further was encouraged by his parents. It was during his youth that he developed an interest in the healing arts and further sought more esoteric or spiritual forms of healing. Even before discovering the ancient Sanskrit symbols and his healing gifts from spirit, M. Usui had a burning desire to find a way to heal himself and others through mystical & natural means. His philosophy wasn’t limited to one religion or belief system, and his healing and medicine intentions reflected this; he wanted to discover something that could be of benefit to everyone. In short, M. Usui had a very rich and varied upbringing and tried a lot of different paths before finally committing to the monastery and the path of a Buddhist monk.

    So, that enlightening and awakening experience on Mount Kurama was the start of his journey, and the beginning of the Usui System of Reiki, otherwise known as Usui Shiki Ryoho. After his spiritual awakening M. Usui became Dr. Mikau Usui and opened his first clinic for healing. This was of course the practice of Usui Reiki, and this he became known for this healing practice; Usui Reiki. He is also often seen and known as Usui Sensei, Sensei meaning great teacher or one who teaches. The same title is given in art forms like Aikido and other martial arts.

    Chi, Ki & Reiki: Looking to Universal Archetypes & Symbolism

    As established Reiki means universal life force energy. Well, there are other known symbols and energies known as the same. Chi is also known as universal life force energy, as is ki. Chi is the vital energy received and absorbed during meditation. It contributes to holistic health and vitality, and longevity (just like reiki energy) and without chi many of the body’s vital systems would suffer. Not only would physical health suffer, but so does mental, emotional and psychological health. People who meditate often and spend time in nature have strong levels of chi, and this means they possess greater self- awareness and, generally speaking, are more spiritually aware. Without chi, internal strength and health connected the body’s self- healing systems would be in demise. The other word for chi is Qi, mainly used in eastern systems such as traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts.

    For example, two of the most well- known forms of martial arts are Tai Chi and Qi Gong. Qi translates as life force, energy flow and life force energy, so it may already be quite clear as to the similarities! Why know all of this? Because, being aware of chi and ki’s existence and use in other healing, health and self- development systems and practices can help you to understand the role reiki plays. Martial artists, for example, work with chi (Qi) to establish a connection the spiritual and more subtle aspects of life and being, and to improve physical health. Before expanding on, it is significant at this stage to know that ki is seen as spiritual energy, virtually the same as chi- life force energy- but with a specific emphasis on spirit. Like with chi and qi, ki is channeled during martial arts practice and healing practices such as energy or auric healing. No need to get confused, however; chi, ki and qi are all virtually the same thing!

    So going back to martial arts, we can understand Reiki and all it has to offer better by educating ourselves on the power and importance of other healing modalities and systems for self- development. Now we will look into two as already mentioned. If you gain anything from this, know that reiki works based on the same universal principles; life force energy flows through our own bodies and can therefore be used to stimulate self- healing and spiritual awareness, and spark steps to health in profound ways. 

    Tai Chi

    Tai chi is one of the most well- known and practiced forms of gentle martial arts in the UK, USA and West, but it is also an ancient artform with connections to ancient tradition in the East. Tai Chi is also known as Tai Chi Ch’uan and translates as the supreme ultimate- a balance and unity of yin and yang. Yin and yang are the natural forces or universal energies which both complement one another and act in opposition to each other. Together they make a whole, and this is the intention of Tai chi; the martial art form is practiced to bring together opposing forces and qualities within. The purposes of tai chi, in addition to unifying yin and yang and creating internal harmony? Longevity, vitality and integration; tai chi seeks to balance

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