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Political Power: Rand Paul and Ron Paul: Don't Tread on Me
Political Power: Rand Paul and Ron Paul: Don't Tread on Me
Political Power: Rand Paul and Ron Paul: Don't Tread on Me
Ebook47 pages

Political Power: Rand Paul and Ron Paul: Don't Tread on Me

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The doctors Paul, Ron and his son, Rand, are champions of constitutional government, support low taxes and free markets, and are staunchly pro-America in their take on foreign policy matters. But Ron, an icon of the Libertarian movement, and Rand, an outspoken product of the Tea Party era, are their own men, and their influence on American politics cannot be denied. This explosive volume collects the best selling Political Power: Ron Paul by New York Times bestselling writer Marc Shapiro and Luciano Kars and Political Power: Rand Paul by Michael Frizell and Joe Paradise with a new cover by Paradise.
Release dateNov 17, 2015
Political Power: Rand Paul and Ron Paul: Don't Tread on Me

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    Political Power - Michael L. Frizell

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