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Words to Inspire: Words to Inspire, #2
Words to Inspire: Words to Inspire, #2
Words to Inspire: Words to Inspire, #2
Ebook69 pages55 minutes

Words to Inspire: Words to Inspire, #2

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Words to Inspire volume two is another powerful motivational book by Paul A. Blake written to help individuals find their purpose and reach for the stars.

PublisherPaul Blake
Release dateJan 21, 2016
Words to Inspire: Words to Inspire, #2

Paul Blake

Paul A. Blake is a man for all seasons; he is a dynamic presenter with several years of experience in public speaking locally and overseas. He is passionate about helping people to realize their full potential and believes that each individual has within him/herself the tools to unlocking their passions. He is a graduate of the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica, with a degree in Theology and is in the final stages of a master’s degree in Counselling and Pastoral Psychology from the International University of the Caribbean in Jamaica. He is CEO of the company Words Worthit Motivational Speaking and Training Co. Ltd. He is a trained Minister of Religion and Licensed Marriage Officer. He lectures with the National Youth Service in several areas including personal development, career development and gives motivational presentations and is heavily involved in the Churches of Christ throughout Jamaica and the Caribbean, especially in the field of youth development. Paul has been married to the beautiful and affable Racquel Wynter Blake for eight years and together they have an extraordinary son Timothy-Jordan. His greatest desire is to have all people experience the abundant life that Jesus Christ promised in John 10: 10 “I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly”.

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    Book preview

    Words to Inspire - Paul Blake


    Conquer your fear

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and fabulous? Actually, who are we not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not in just some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others (Marianne Williamson, 1992).

    The first time I came across this quote was in the movie Coach Carter and I have been fascinated with it ever since it left a profound impression on how I view life. So many people go through life believing they need the permission of others to legitimize their dreams. We often fail in the pursuit of happiness because unconsciously we give in to the false idea that we are unworthy and undeserving of living full lives. Sometimes we shrink into our shells because there are those around us who cannot handle the fact that this world does not belong to them alone. No one is more deserving of happiness and success than those who work hard for it.

    This quote captures three interesting components of what it takes to be successful, the first of which is the power to believe in your own right to be successful. Don’t allow your fear of what others think you deserve to keep you from going after what Almighty God himself has promised you (John 10: 10). We are all Children of God and He will never withhold any good thing from us, so why do we continue to limit ourselves by being fearful of success? As we are liberated from our fear a world of possibilities begins to be unlocked around us. Why not become liberated today by believing in yourself and that you are worthy of success?

    Secondly, we must remove from our minds the notion that we are not deserving of a place in this world. Too often we find ourselves caught in the web of believing the lie that the world belongs to just a privileged few. We were not created to allow others to dictate the terms of our success or happiness. Regardless of where we were born, what family we were born into, whatever class, colour or creed we belong to, we are all deserving of every good thing life has to offer. We should never be contented to be mere spectators when the world has so much to offer us. It is there for the taking, go out and claim it.

    Finally, don’t ever forget that no matter how small, your contribution is significant in the progression of this wonderful world. We often believe that those who make the news, are written about in magazines or are highlighted through various forms of awards and accolades are the main game-changers in the world’s affairs. Every single one of us has a part to play and we should play it with pride, confident that we affect the balance of this universe in some important way. When we step out of the shadow into our greatness imagine the strength that others draw from us?

    As Mrs. Williamson puts it when we dare to step out into our purpose others around us are illuminated by our power. The effect we have on the lives of people we come in contact with cannot be overstated. Our failure to become more and desire to be more does not only affect us but can mean the difference in the success of generations to come. When we commit to the task of stepping out into our purpose we are also giving affirmation to those coming after us that they also have within them the seed of greatness. It is not in just some of us but in all of us, today is the day you should find our purpose and step out into greatness.

    Chapter One

    Never share your dreams with people who can't appreciate that you are a visionary.

    Not everyone you know will appreciate that you are a dreamer who intends on seeing those dreams turn into reality. Some people will laugh in your face when you try to share your vision with them of a successful life. Others will

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