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Winter's Wolf (A Court of Shifters Chronicles #1)
Winter's Wolf (A Court of Shifters Chronicles #1)
Winter's Wolf (A Court of Shifters Chronicles #1)
Ebook166 pages2 hours

Winter's Wolf (A Court of Shifters Chronicles #1)

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Four Courts. Four Fae princesses in need of a shifter mate. And a war for the ages.
Wren is heir to the Winter Court. That doesn’t mean she’s cold at heart, especially not when it comes to her best friend and wolf shifter, Frost.
Frost is sworn to protect Winter Court, but he wishes he could do way more than protect Wren.
As war brews, and the pair find themselves in a literal different world, will Frost be able to defend his Court and also become the Winter heir’s Wolf?

*New Adult Paranormal/Fantasy Romance*

Release dateMar 27, 2020
Winter's Wolf (A Court of Shifters Chronicles #1)

Alyssa Rose Ivy

Alyssa Rose Ivy is the bestselling author of more than fifty novels with over one million books sold worldwide. She loves to weave stories with romance and humor, and she is best known for writing about college boys with wings. After surviving law school and earning her masters in library science, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. She lives in Alabama with her two children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.Series by Alyssa Rose IvyThe Chronicles- New Adult Paranormal and Fantasy Romance-The Crescent Chronicles-The Empire Chronicles-The Dire Wolves Chronicles-The Allure Chronicles-The Forged Chronicles-The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles-The Pteron Chronicles-The Heart Chronicles-The Triton ChroniclesOther Paranormal/Fantasy/Dystopian Romance- Full Moons- The Corded Saga- Willow Harbor- Vampire Emails- Lunar Academy-Ghostly ShadowsYA Fantasy Romance-The Afterglow TrilogyNA/Mature YA Science Fiction Romance-Half LightContemporary Romance/ Romantic Comedy-The Hazards Series-Clayton Falls-The Mixology Series-Life After FallingVisit me on the web at: up for my new release newsletter:

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    Winter's Wolf (A Court of Shifters Chronicles #1) - Alyssa Rose Ivy


    Ineeded a man. A wolf to be specific. Not because I needed sex, although I needed that too, but because my mother was going to kill me if I didn’t find one soon.

    It’s not as if there were lots of options. Men? Sure. There were plenty. But not wolf-shifter men. At least not the kind that checked off the other boxes for me. And I had a lot of boxes that needed to be checked.

    You have to go home eventually. Lacey wrung water from her long black hair.

    Do I? I sprawled out on the soft grass beside the river we’d just taken a swim in. Because I really like it here.

    But this isn’t your home. Lacey sat down beside me.

    Some kind of friend you are.

    I’m a friend who doesn’t want you to lose your own court just to spend time in mine. She patted the ground beside her.

    I won’t lose my court. Well, that is unless I refuse to settle down and find a mate. I used a high-pitched voice reserved for when I was mimicking my mother. She wasn’t a bad mother, but she was a tough queen to live up to. Nothing I did would ever be good enough.

    Lacey lay back. She has a point.

    Oh? I rolled over onto my side. She has a point, does she? Where’s your wolf then?

    I’ll find one. Soon enough. She started to braid her hair.

    You can’t talk.

    Well, my parents aren’t pushing me. They say I have time.

    Of course they do. You have normal parents. Not only do you get to spend your life living in Spring, your parents aren’t on your back all the time.

    Spring isn’t perfect. She moved on to creating a second braid without missing a single strand.

    It isn’t? I sat up and grabbed a towel. A cool breeze moved through the valley. It was warm, but not hot at all. We weren’t in Summer, which was a good thing. I didn't exactly get along with Coral, the heir to the throne in the Summer Court.

    Come on, Wren. I love when you visit, you know that. But this isn’t a visit anymore. This is avoidance.

    I pulled a lightweight dress on over my wet one-piece swimsuit. You’ll eat your words when your parents start pushing you.

    Probably, and then you’ll get sick and tired of me hanging out at your place all the time.

    Sick and tired? Didn’t you just say you love when I come and visit?

    You’ve been here over a month.

    I shook my head. No, I haven’t.

    Yes, you have. You’ve been here thirty-six days.

    You’re counting the days now? I wasn’t remotely surprised. Lacey was all about attention to detail.

    Is there anything else keeping you from going back? She ignored my question and asked one of her own.

    What else would there be?

    Nothing… well, aside from what happened with Frost. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth.

    That was nothing.

    Nothing? She raised an eyebrow. Kissing your best friend isn’t nothing.

    You are my best friend. Last time I checked we haven’t kissed. When trying to avoid an unwanted conversation a little bit of deflection and humor can work wonders.

    Ok. Your best friend in Winter Court. She wrapped up in a towel.

    Fine, sure. But it’s over. It only happened once. It had been one heck of a kiss. But that’s all it had been. A kiss. And no matter how good he’d tasted, I wasn’t going back for more. I was lucky our friendship had survived that indiscretion.

    You know he could be the perfect mate for you. She went where I’d known she was heading.

    I laughed. Oh yeah. That’s a good one.

    What? Don’t tell me you haven’t considered it.

    Of course I haven’t. Of course I had. But I knew it was impossible. He’s a great guy, a great wolf, but we’re friends. That’s it.

    Friends who kissed.

    So what?

    You’ve been talking about him in your sleep.

    What? Panic seized me. Real and clear panic. If I’d talked about Frost, what else had slipped out of my mouth while I slept?

    You have. She undid her braids. And if you don’t want me to know these things, stay in your room. The guest room you were so generously given.

    I like your room. I miss having sleepovers. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of the sun beating down on my face.

    We never had sleepovers.

    Ok. I opened my eyes. I miss the idea of sleepovers.

    You could be having sleepovers with Frost if you wanted. She grinned, clearly proud of herself for throwing that one in.

    Thoughts of a very naked Frost on top of me entered my head, but I pushed them away. Who says I want that?

    I didn’t say you did. I said if you wanted.

    Well, you implied it. I so hoped my momentary fantasy wasn’t clear on my face.

    If you want to argue with me, why are you even here?

    Don’t make me go back. I was only half joking. Returning to Winter Court sounded anything but thrilling.

    I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t push you to do the right thing.

    Oh? Like pushing me to have the third glass of honeydew last night? Thankfully the headache I’d woken up with was now only a dull memory.

    She laughed. Oh, come on. I didn’t push you to have that. You wanted it.

    Still, you didn’t try to stop me.

    But I did stop you from hooking up with my cousin.

    And thank you for that. I cringed just thinking about it. That might have ended badly.

    Might have? She raised an eyebrow.

    Ok, it would have ended badly. But it was only because you let me have the third glass of honeydew.

    So now it’s not that I pushed you, but I let you? Come on, Wren. Eventually you are going to have to take responsibility for your own decisions. She led the way toward the gazebo and took a seat at the long table. Wordlessly two servants set out tall glasses of nectar juice.

    I sighed. I suppose. Just like I suppose I should head home. I took a seat across from her.

    You don’t have to yet. She took a long sip of her nectar. But soon.

    See. I knew it. You like having me around.

    Of course I like having you around. You’re my best friend.

    Oh, you are taking that title back now? I wrapped my hands around my glass and inhaled the sweet scent of nectar. The smell was nearly as good as the taste as far as I was concerned.

    I never wanted to get rid of it, but I was trying to make a point.

    Yes, I get it. Absolutely. I took a tiny sip of the sweet, sticky liquid.

    What do you want to do tonight? She set her glass down.

    Shouldn’t I be shipping out?

    Come on. Like I said, you don’t have to go quite yet. You can wait.

    No. I get it. My presence isn’t wanted here anymore. I put my hand over my head dramatically in my best impression of a damsel in distress.

    I’m not going to beg you to stay if that’s what you want to hear.

    You think I want you to beg me to stay? I laughed. Are you serious?

    No need to put on an act for me.

    I wouldn’t dream of it. I never put on an act. I burst out laughing then abruptly stopped.

    Ok. Fine. Beg me to stay. Please.

    Fine, but on one condition. She leaned forward on her elbows.


    You admit you’ve secretly wondered what it would be like to sleep with Frost.

    Nope. Not going there. It was nice knowing you, Lacey. If she’d only known just how recently I’d been picturing it.

    You can’t be serious. You’re just going to leave?

    You know. Time to face responsibility and all that, yada, yada. I looked at my nearly full glass of nectar longingly. Surely I could take that with me. Spring Court had plenty more glasses.

    You really don’t have to leave now.

    Then when will I leave? Huh? I pushed back my chair. Never?

    Keep me posted.

    Oh? You want to hear about all my exciting adventures? Oh, wait. That’s right, I don’t have any exciting adventures. I downed half my nectar. One less thing to carry.

    Like I do? If you haven’t noticed not much happens in Spring Court.

    Well, the only things that happen back home relate to Summer causing trouble, and there is nothing fun about that. Have I mentioned how little I get along with the Summer Court heir?

    Of course there is something fun about it. Feuds can be fun.

    I set down my glass. That isn’t a very Spring thing to say.

    You’ve said plenty that isn’t Winter.

    Maybe I was born into the wrong court.

    No. She shook her head. I don’t want to switch with you.

    Of course you don’t. You can say I have it good all you want, but you know you wouldn't want to be stuck in Winter.

    No one wants to be stuck in Winter. There was nothing mean in her words, just sobering truth.

    No. No, they don’t.


    What kind of trouble had she gotten me into this time? Being friends with Wren wasn’t a choice for me; I was like a moth drawn to the flame, completely unable to stay away. But it sure did come with its share of consequences.

    I waited outside the palace door with absolutely no interest in going inside but knew staying away was out of the question. Ignoring a summons from the queen was a surefire way to get yourself into hot water—or worse.

    Are you ever going to enter? A light voice asked.

    I glanced over to see Genevieve, Wren’s much younger sister, peeking at me from behind a fir tree. Are you ever going to stop spying on me?

    Are you ever going to tell my sister you love her? Genevieve tugged on her long, blond, side ponytail.

    Ok. That’s enough of this game for today.

    Come on. It’s a fair question. She climbed up on the ice-covered wall and took a seat. Most people would be freezing, but not Genevieve. She had ice in her blood.

    Speaking of Wren, do you know what she did to get me summoned here today?

    What makes you think that’s why you were summoned?

    Is there ever another reason? If it weren’t for my friendship with Wren, I’d have stayed well off of the queen’s radar. That would have been a far safer place to be, but also a far less colorful and enjoyable one. Wren got me in trouble, but she also made me feel alive in a way no one else could. Especially when we kissed. It had been one kiss, a drunken one at that, but she’d tasted even better than I imagined. And the spark? It had been off the charts. Sometimes we build things up so much we get disappointed, but not with Wren. And I could only imagine what sex with her would be like.

    Of course there could be another reason. Genevieve swung her legs.

    As in you know something you aren’t telling me?

    Isn’t that fun?

    Fun isn’t the way I’d describe it. I stared at the doors again. I’d been summoned plenty of times before, yet I was dreading it more than usual this time.

    Well, either way you should probably get inside. You know how my mother gets when she’s kept waiting.

    Yes, I know all too well. I had enough problems. But if she didn’t want me there because of some trouble Wren was in, what was it?

    I took a few steps toward the tall double doors, and they slowly opened for me. There was nothing magical about it. The two guards waiting just inside had undoubtedly been watching and waiting for me to finally decide to enter the giant marble and ice palace.

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