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Bent Over A Barrel Bundle
Bent Over A Barrel Bundle
Bent Over A Barrel Bundle
Ebook52 pages36 minutes

Bent Over A Barrel Bundle

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These western bad boys are a rare breed:

Bent Over In The Barn
With a deadbeat husband who takes advantage of her good nature, two ruggedly handsome employees who are always pressing their luck, and a sex life that doesn't even exist anymore... What's a girl to do? Mark and Ted have an answer to her question... but can she bring herself to cheat on her husband and allow herself to be used?

Exposed And Shared By The Tycoon
Eligible bachelors are few and far between in Elizabeth's southern town, so when word got out that Mr. Wayne, the wild west cowboy turned billionaire, was looking for a wife Elizabeth knew she had to make a move. When she arrives, however, nothing is as it seems. Mr. Wayne is friendly enough and shows interest in her much faster than she expects, but he seems to be hinting at wanting something more than a traditional relationship. Mr. Wayne sits down and gives it to her straight: He'll marry her, only if she can give him what he really wants... and what he wants, is to strip her right then and there and let his two ranchhands use her any way they want!
Mail Order Bride
When Debbie is betrothed to a man she's never met, West, she's more nervous than excited to meet him. She's surprised to find out he's a muscular, handsome, and rich cowboy, but that's not the only surprise West has in store for her. Soon she finds herself being stripped of not just her clothing but her previous life as West dominates her completely. From the train, to the chapel, to his house in a single day - West has everything set up, and wastes no time in letting her know exactly what her duties as his wife will be. All Debbie can do is hold on and try not to let the pleasure and pain overwhelm her.

Release dateApr 14, 2020
Bent Over A Barrel Bundle

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    Book preview

    Bent Over A Barrel Bundle - Elle London



    xposed And Shared By The Tycoon

    Elle London

    The dust seemed to come from every direction, threatening to stop me halfway to Mr. Wayne’s house. I had spent almost two hours getting dressed making sure I looked attractive enough for him to consider me for his wife, and hot tears stung my eyes as I realized I would be at a disadvantage to all the other whores trying to win his affection. Handsome and wealthy men were few and far between in the deep south, especially after the war, and I knew that he could have any woman he wanted and do whatever he wanted to do to her.

    Wayne was a secretive man, a cowboy through and through, but in his travels across the south he had managed to accumulate a fortune to rival any land baron, and when word came out that he was looking for a woman to settle down with there was hardly a woman in town who wasn’t interested. It was comical, really... here I was, going to his ranch, as if to audition for a play and not to be his lawfully wedded wife!

    I gritted my teeth through the dust and after another hard hour in the saddle, I was there.

    An impeccably dressed servant greeted me at the gate, a sly grin on his face as he looked up and down my dust covered body quite distastefully.

    Hello M’Lady, who are you and what’s your business here?

    My name is Elizabeth Jackson, and I’m here to entertain the company of Mr. Boone for a short while.

    His eyebrows raised.

    Oh? May I ask why?


    After three hours in the saddle I wasn’t in the mood for manners or smart-ass servants. I urged my horse forward, indicating for him to open the gate. He swung it open and waved me in reluctantly, and I paid him no further attention as I made my way down the windy driveway, my heart beating out of my chest as I realized that I would finally be meeting him in person.

    Another servant came forward as I dismounted, taking my horse around the back. I looked down at my dress and sighed – what was once a beautiful blue dress of the highest quality was now a dirt covered rag. I tried to maintain my composure, and hoped that I would have a chance to freshen up at least before meeting him. I walked up to the door and with a deep breath knocked loudly.

    I waited there in silence for so long I started to raise my hand to knock again, when the door swung open and Mr. Wayne stood there in front of me. He didn’t have to introduce himself – I just knew. His grin lit up his masculine face, and his flannel with rolled up sleeves did little to hide the powerful muscles rippling across his chest and arms. He looked me up and down so quick I barely noticed, before stepping forward with a cocky smile and an outstretched hand welcoming me inside.

    Come in.

    Yes please. I mean, thank you Sir. I could feel my cheeks blushing as I stumbled over my words, and I stepped inside. He closed the door behind us, and I barely had time to take in the luxurious surroundings before he commanded my attention again.

    To whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?

    Taken off guard by the gentlemen-like way he was talking given his time spent as a cowboy in the west, it took me a moment just to remember my own name.

    Elizabeth Jackson.

    And what is a beautiful woman like you visiting a humble cowboy like me for?

    I don’t want to seem too forward, but I heard you were looking for a woman to take as a wife, and well, I thought I would come here and...

    My voice trailed off, and all of a sudden I felt stupid. There I was, covered in dust and looking like hell, practically begging a man I didn’t know to consider me as his wife. The stress of the ride and my nervousness finally overwhelmed me, and I started to tear up

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