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Flower Powered and Crystal Clear: An Earth Lodge® Guide to Healing with Vibrational Essences
Flower Powered and Crystal Clear: An Earth Lodge® Guide to Healing with Vibrational Essences
Flower Powered and Crystal Clear: An Earth Lodge® Guide to Healing with Vibrational Essences
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Flower Powered and Crystal Clear: An Earth Lodge® Guide to Healing with Vibrational Essences

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Magic is brewing on planet Earth.

Humanity is releasing old karmic and genetic programs as we rise out of survival mode and enter a time of faith, hope, and love. Learn how to harness the magic of your environment through flowers, stones, earth, wind, and sky as you explore the world of essences and elixirs. Learn how to transmute old heavy energies into light and love and rise easily to greet the new earth energies as you create your own essences, make crystal grids, and connect more intimately with the true spirit of nature.

Flower Powered and Crystal Clear contains detailed information on more than 220 flowers and crystals and 15 environmental power sources that you can use to create harmonizing, healing essences, as well as full instructions on how to make, empower, and use your elixirs.

PublisherEarth Lodge
Release dateMar 24, 2020
Flower Powered and Crystal Clear: An Earth Lodge® Guide to Healing with Vibrational Essences

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    Flower Powered and Crystal Clear - Maya Cointreau

    Flower Powered & Crystal Clear

    An Earth Lodge® Guide to Healing with Vibrational Essences

    Maya Cointreau

    An Earth Lodge® Publication

    Wallingford, Vermont, U.S.A

    Copyright & Disclaimer

    *** This guide contains valuable, carefully researched, information but it is not intended to take the place of proper health care and expertise. Please seek qualified professional care for health problems. Your purchase of this book supports continuing research aimed to benefit the well-being of humans, animals, and the earth. Thank you. ***

    Copyright 2020 by Maya Cointreau

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work in any form whatsoever, without written permission, except in the case of brief quotation in critical articles or reviews. All information in this Earth Lodge® book is based upon the experiences of the author. For information contact Earth Lodge®, 125 Creek Road, Wallingford, VT 05773 or visit

    Earth Lodge® online at

    Printed & Published in the United States by

    Earth Lodge®

    What are Essences and How are They Made?

    Essences work on similar principals to homeopathy, engaging the belief that we may harness the energetic imprint of something in the physical realm to benefit our own energetic blueprint or biofield. Ingesting essences initiates spiritual healing, which in turn opens pathways for clearing physical and mental distortions, emotions, and subcoscious belief systems. Essences cannot interfere with medication or exacerbate conditions. They can only improve a situation, never harm.

    When you make vibrational essences you capture an energetic imprint using the elements of water and light. Most often, you will work with a flower, crystal or environmental event, although you can make an essence based on practically any item or being. Want to harness the spirit of the snow leopard? Try taking yourself to the zoo with a bottle of pure spring water and a good book, put the water as near as possible so that it can soak up the big cat’s energy and wait an hour or so while you read your book. Yearning to connect with the spirit of Frieda Kahlo? Try the same thing in a museum, or place your water on a picture of your favorite Kahlo painting.

    Flower essences can be taken as a few drops under the tongue or in a glass of water. They may be placed next to the bed while you sleep or in your pocket during the day. Their beneficial harmonies are far-reaching, and they do not always need to be ingested to exert their influences. Try placing a few drops in the water bottle you carry throughout the day, or in your drink with dinner. Most importantly, use them with love and affection, for they will bloom under good attentions.

    Flower essences are energetic infusions of flowers, made with water and preserved with alcohol, vinegar, or glycerin. The first person to bring flower essences to market was the British surgeon Dr. Edward Bach, who came up with over thirty flower essences and created a combination formula called Rescue Remedy made from five of his essences to calm the mind and ease stress on the body and psyche. He found each of his remedies within walking distance of his country home and used them to treat his own disorders as well as those around him.

    Nowadays there are many companies producing essences of many kinds: flowers, the environment, minerals, you name it. Essences are very simple to produce, and often the plants growing near you are the plants that will best heal you. Many herbalists believe that one need look no further than one’s back yard for herbs: the same can hold true for flower essences. The plants I most need always seem to cross my path on walks or find their way into my yard.

    Flower essences are made by filling a clean glass jar or container with pure spring water. My favorite containers to use at home are small glass food storage bowls I bought online that came with very secure plastic lids. If I am going hiking, I like to bring small bottles of spring water just in case I find a special flower.

    Select the flower you wish to use, and ask the plant’s permission (silently or out loud) to use it for making an essence. It might sound crazy to suggest you can talk with  plants, but plenty of studies have shown that they feel pain, feer, and joy in response to the world around them, and that plants have biofields, auras, just like ours. To start, sit quietly by the plant and relax your mind. Try to quiet your thoughts for a  moment or meditate if that is comfortable, and then open your eyes and gaze at the plant, appreciating its beauty and structure. Expand your heart center, so that you are sending waves of love towards the plant. Try to feel your auras blending. How does it feel? Do you get any sensations from the connection? Ask the plant if you may use one of its flowers to create and essence. You may hear the plant resopnd, a quiet and joyful voice or thought in your head that isn’t quite your own, or you might simply feel the answer in your body. An affirmative answer will generally feel like an expansion of the chest and heart area, often accompanied by a feeling of warmth and joy. A negative answer will feel constricting, like your shoulders and chest are caving in, and you might feel sad, lonely or irritable – empathic sensations echoing the sentiment of the plant. If you receive a negative reply from the plant, respect its wishes and move on to a different plant. If you feel you have an affirmative reply, this is a good time to also ask what it’s specific flowers are good for and how they might benefit the human condition.  Then, gently pluck the flower at its base, leaving the stem intact, and float the flower gently on the water, or, if the flower is from a toxic plant such as Foxglove or Castor, place the flower on top of the container’s lid (the indirect method). Cover the container with its lid, and place it in direct sun or moonlight for several hours.

    When you feel it is ready, remove the lid and the flower, and store the water in a dark glass container, mixed with vodka or brandy (any 40% or higher alcohol will generally do) in a 50/50 solution. White or apple cider vinegar may also be used. If in doubt, ask your local nature spirits or personal guides fairies for their advice. At Earth Lodge®, we have been directed by the local devas for the past ten years to preserve our essences in rose-infused vodka. Once the infused water and spirits have been blended to a 50/50 solution it is called the mother essence. This is what you use to make your flower essence dosage bottles. Any extra, unused essence water that you did not blend can be used to water your house plants and lift their vibration.

    When you wish to make dosage bottles to use the flower essence or give to clients, fill the dropper bottles with ¼ alcohol and ¾ pure water, and then add 12 drops of mother essence per ounce. If you are making a combination bottle that will hold multiple essences, add 3 drops of each mother essence per ounce. Working on an energetic level, flower essences remain dormant until they are needed, so that whichever ones are relevant at the time a combination formula is taken will be activated and work for the user. 

    As you’ve probably guessed from the title of this books, flowers aren’t the only thing you can use to make essences. To make a crystal elixir or essence simply place the stone of your choice in a bowl of pure spring water and allow the water time to infuse with the stone’s energies. Stones that may leach toxins should be extracted using the indirect method, by simply placing the stone on or near your bowl of water.

    To strengthen the elixir, place it in the sun, make it during a full or new moon, a solar event or thunderstorm, or surround it with an empowering crystal grid of multiple crystal points. When you are ready, remove the crystal, and store the water in a dark glass container, mixed with vinegar, vodka or brandy in a 50/50 solution. Make your dosage bottles in the same

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