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Blazing for His Love
Blazing for His Love
Blazing for His Love
Ebook126 pages3 hours

Blazing for His Love

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About this ebook

Arabella is 19 and has the world at her feet. At such a young age she has a vision. She wants to be a fashion designer and own her own string of boutiques. The only thing is Bella is sheltered. She is the youngest of four and the only girl so the outside world isn’t something that she has ever had to deal with alone. She’s never had a date and never been kissed. But that’s fine she has her ambition to keep her warm at night.

In walks Blaze. At the age of 26 he has a string of clubs and real estate that afford him and his wife Shanice a life of luxury. The only problem seems to be that Shanice is only worried about the money. She doesn’t seem to give a rats ass about her husband or their marriage. Until Blaze’s focus is pulled by Bella who is beautiful inside and out.

With all these obstacles Blaze and Bella could never be. Or can they make it work?
Release dateNov 17, 2016
Blazing for His Love

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    Blazing for His Love - Vaneecia



    I swear I don’t know anything about anything. That was all I could think, as I sat by my best friend, living through her. I am the youngest of four kids, and the only girl. Needless to say, I didn’t do a damn thing. Between my three brothers and my dad, if I thought too hard about breaking out of my shell, they would shut it all the way down.

    Before I get too far ahead of myself, my name is Arabella. I have no clue as to why my parents picked that name. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is a beautiful name. I just live in a place where, when I say my name, everyone immediately asks if I’m mixed with anything. My friends and family cut it down to Bella, which was only minutely better.

    I am about five feet and four inches, and my skin is the color of hot chocolate. I have hazel eyes, with flecks of green in them, and I get told I’m beautiful. To be completely honest, I don’t think so, but my best friend assures me that it’s just because I’m so reserved. I know I have somewhat of a body, but I keep it covered. My breasts are a 34C, and my ass isn’t huge, but you definitely know it’s there. I’m 19, a junior in college, and I have never been on a date.

    I was all about my academics, which kept me busy enough to keep my family happy. I was able to take college courses because of how far ahead I was when I was in high school. That had set me up nice for college, and now, I could graduate early, if I stayed on track.

    I don’t think I’m going to see him again, Keisha finished. Keisha was my best friend since diapers. Her mother had named her TreeKeisha, and to be completely honest, it made me grateful for my name. It was literally pronounced tree-key-sha, but my best friend was just that…. my best friend. If anyone else said shit about her, or her name, it was on and popping.

    We actually looked a lot alike. Where I was short, she was about five feet and eight inches tall. Her eyes were gray, and she was what they call slim thick. I’m just thick, but I wouldn’t change a damn thing. We helped keep each other get in shape, and stayed in the gym, so I had a flat stomach with my ass and breast.

    Why are you gonna do him like that, best friend? I asked, trying not to laugh. That was her game though. She liked you when she liked you, so you had to keep up. I was the only constant in her life, partly because where we were from, too many bitches were quick to jump bad, if you were prettier than them. I didn’t understand that shit at all. Why hate a girl for being pretty? Just get on her level, and be pretty friends, but that’s just me.

    Honestly, he’s not that cute, and he bugs like hell. All he does is beg for sex, and I am not about to do all that with him, she said honestly. I couldn’t even hate on it. The other thing we had in common was that we were both virgins. We were proud of it too. If I didn’t think you were going to stick around, you couldn’t get no cookie from me. At least, that’s how I will feel if I ever actually get a man. I nodded, when a knock came through on my door.

    Come in, I said, without bothering to get up. I was pretty sure it was just one of my brothers, and I was correct. My brother, Bronx, walked in. I was so confused when it came to me and my brothers’ names, but that was another story for another day.

    Yo, man, both of y’all get dressed, he said, looking over both of us. Keisha and Bronx pissed me the hell off. She liked him, and wanted to give him the cookie. I hated hearing about it. He was still my brother, but I know you can’t control your feelings. I also knew that he was feeling her, from the look that was in his eyes every time she was in the same area. I just wished they would get it together, and be with each other. I honestly think his biggest issue was that he was four years older than us, and didn’t want to seem like a creep.

    Why? Where are we going? I asked as Keisha got up and walked to my closet. She always said I would make a terrible ride or die, because I asked too many questions. She was probably right, but I doubt that we would ever find out. He wrinkled his forehead up when he frowned at me.

    Why do you ask so many questions?

    Keisha started laughing at me, like she was thinking the exact same thing. I just shrugged and got up.

    I just want to know how I’m supposed to dress.

    He didn’t say anything else.

    My homeboy, Blaze, is having a party tonight, and I’m taking y’all, he said. I got up. I know it may seem silly, but I never really got to go out, without one of my brothers. This would be my first party. I know y’all are probably rolling your eyes at me like bitch, sneak the fuck out. I just didn’t have it in me. My mom and dad did everything for me, and I felt like it would be a disrespectful to them for me to do something like that.

    I pulled out a pair of high waisted jeans, and a black lace crop top. I knew how to dress. I just choose to keep myself covered up most of the time. Honestly, I wanted more than anything to be a fashion designer, and own a string of boutiques along the east side of the country. I felt it absolutely necessary to know how to dress myself.

    My brother walked out, and we started getting dressed. I pulled my outfit together with a pair of candy apple red pumps. I was a firm believer that a splash of color, and the right accessories could pull any outfit together. I grabbed my necklace with the red heart that said Bella in the middle of it, and threw that on.

    I took my hair out of the messy bun that I insisted on wearing when I was just lounging, and let the mess fall to my shoulders. It wasn’t actually a mess. It was just super curly, but I loved my curls. My mom had taken care of my hair all those years. My hair was thick and reached just past my shoulders when it was curly, and to the middle of my back when it was straight. Females loved to hate, and say they were tracks. I didn’t see anything wrong with a weave, as long as it was in correctly, but mine was not that. I sprayed myself with Chanel No.5, and was good to go. Keisha looked me over, before smirking.

    Now you know Bronx is going to have a fit and a half when he sees that outfit, Bella, she said. She was absolutely correct. My family needed to let me grow up sometime. Not saying I was about to go out, acting all fast or anything, but at the very least, I should be allowed to dress myself. I decided not to address it. I went ahead and opened the door. I swear, for the life of me, I couldn’t win. All three of my brothers were standing on the other side.

    HELL NAH! the oldest and most over protective one said. That was Zavier. My family had good genes, so everyone in my family looked good as hell. All three of my brothers shared the same cocoa complexion as me and hazel eyes. Zavier was about six feet and two inches, and he kept his hair tight with waves that would make the ocean jealous. Omari was the middle one of the three. He was an even six feet, and kept his hair in dreads. He also had tattoos that covered most of his body, and you’ve all met Bronx already. He and Zavier could pass for twins.

    Right then, all three of them were looking at me like they were planning on beating my ass. I smiled and grabbed Keisha’s hand. I headed straight for the door like I didn’t hear a damn thing. I made it to the living room, before I saw my parents. My dad looked like he was ready to blow a gasket, and my mom just smiled.

    You look nice, babies, my mom said to us.

    Nice? She ain’t got no damn clothes on! my dad yelled. Just then, my brothers walked down and started cosigning for my dad.

    Y’all have to let my baby breathe, and it’s not like everything is hanging all out. Boys, just make sure you keep a close eye on her. Make sure none of those young boys try to mess with her. That’s your only job, my mom said, fussing at all of them. My mama had my back. She knew they were suffocating me, and a lot of times, she would speak up on my behalf.

    Thanks, mommy, I said, kissing her cheek before turning to my dad to do the same. Tee and I got outside, and she damn near fell out laughing.

    You know… your mama is the only thing that saved you just now, she said. I couldn’t help but laugh, too. Tee was right. If my mom hadn’t been there, I would be in my room, changing right now. My brothers all walked out the house, taking turns frowning at me, as we got into the car. I didn’t give a damn about all that. I just wanted to go out, and have fun tonight.



    I was ready to get down tonight. It was time to celebrate my fourth club opening. That’s right. I was only 26, and I already had four clubs open in my name. I planned to open more. Speaking of my name, I’m Blaze. Yeah, that’s my real name. I like to think my parents named me that because they

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