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I'll Walk Beside You!
I'll Walk Beside You!
I'll Walk Beside You!
Ebook219 pages1 hour

I'll Walk Beside You!

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Hello and thank you once again for looking at my eBooks on short stories of the unexplained and the supernatural. This is my 5th eBook on the subject called, I'll walk beside you by Spooks, and dare I say, it will really make you think about the other side and what happens to us after we die, It might even shock you. Every story is true, and every real photo of spirits is genuine. I am amazed at how many people out there have experiences with the spirit world. My books are best read at night when you are alone for the full effect of ghostly encounters. I hope you enjoy this book as much as the others. Sleep well, if you can?

Release dateMar 25, 2020
I'll Walk Beside You!


I am at this moment 65 years old. I still work in a fantastic job and love it. However my big love is contacting with the spirit world, talking to those who have passed over. My first book tells it all really so I do not want to put too much here and spoil your read.I have at present no reason to stop working, though in my spare time I write about my spiritual experiences and visitations from the other side, which happen on a regular basis. I seem to be a magnet for ghosts and spiritual beings. Most nights someone in spirit visits my bedroom trying to attract my attention or trying to tell me something that I need to pass on to someone else.What I have learned over the last 25 years has turned me into a very different person, I do believe there is a God, and I now know 100% there is life after death, I have seen them. I have lost a lot of my family over the years, wife and brother included, but what I have learned about dying and where we go and how easy it is for those loved ones to get in touch has changed my views totally.Oh how far I have travelled from my days of drinking smoking clubbing and girls. I will tell you that being able to contact those in the spirit world is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. If you want to know more about true hauntings, visions I have had, ghosts and things that go bump in the night, this book tells everything I went through to be where I am now and believe me it was a tough old journey. Also true stories of others in a similar situation as myself. These stories have never been printed before, the photos of real spirits have never been seen. If you get scared easily this book may well give you some sleepless nights.My second book, "A Walk on Spirit Street" is out now. Again a book crammed with true stories and photos of real hauntings and spiritual visitors. Over 18s only. My face book name is, `Spookybooks` should you want a peek at my Face book page.

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    Book preview

    I'll Walk Beside You! - Spooks


    Over 18s only

    Hello, my name is Spooks and I communicate with the spirit world. Welcome to my fifth book called `I’ll walk beside you`. We are here forever one way or another and our loved ones never leave our side after they pass on, as you will see in my first story. That in itself is a great comfort to us all. This is definitely not a book of gore, horror stories, or monsters, as in made up horror films. It is the simple truth of how loved ones, friends, pets and even strangers come back from the other side once they have passed on to heaven, to give us spiritual help or guidance, to let us know they are with us, or just to let us know that they are ok. It may even be on an anniversary of theirs, a birthday, a death or wedding.

    When I started to write my first book some years ago, I never imagined that there were so many stories of spiritual visitors photographed, noises in the night, people being touched, sightings of ghosts and also unexplained mysteries. I never get tired of listening to people telling me about their experiences with the other side. If you have not read my other four books, let me just quickly tell you about myself and what I do. I was told in my first book that I write very simply like a child and my critic did not like it. I still do ha ha!

    I do it for a reason. This subject is quite difficult to understand and take in, so I write in a very simple way; this helps the new comers understand just what it’s all about without using the huge words and professional jargon. That is so off putting when you are trying to learn something new and you can’t understand what they mean by certain words and phrases.

    I began to see, hear and communicate with the spirit world in about 1992/3. I was introduced in a roundabout way to it I guess. I had been living as a tramp on the streets and scrounging whatever I could to survive. Eating raw vegetables and stealing milk off the doorsteps, which I have put right since by telling the people what I did; all was forgiven I’m glad to say. I was helped out of trouble and started to get my life back together again when all of a sudden it fell apart yet again. There I was homeless again. I was helped again but this time by a lady who was into the spiritual ways; she taught me a lot about what I know now. I started to see ghosts in my house and also voices from goodness knows where. Then I started to have visions like a dream, but I was wide awake at the time. Some of these visions scared me half to death and were of the future, but things I saw were actually happening a week or so later; oh my God I was seeing the future, how could that be?

    I am a great believer in stories of the supernatural and the unexplained. It’s like a calling I guess, but maybe we all need to have something in our lives to believe in. Some are avid church-goers; some look on football as their belief. Others believe in crystal healing as a way of life, some choose alternative ways and medicines. Other countries have their own beliefs; I for one will never knock anyone’s beliefs whatever they are. Who has the God given right to do that? Certainly not me or anyone else, although some people do think that their way is the only way and that nothing else matters or exists; that’s fine, providing you are not annoying or upsetting anyone else.

    I have moved on from my early stages, now being more knowledgeable about the spirit world and not scared like I was when I first started, which is understandable I guess, seeing a ghost for the first time ever and while I was living alone. I still see hear and feel the energy of the dead, but I now am able to talk to them and receive answers back. Sadly, some that come through are very unwelcome. Looking back through the years I do have to smile and wonder why I was so scared in the first place. I now know there really was no reason ever to be frightened. The majority of the spirit world are caring, loving, beautiful souls who want nothing but the best for us. This book is the same as the last four books; the stories I tell are all true to the best of my knowledge and any photos of the spirit world are genuine and have not been doctored in any way; most have not been seen before. So please read on and discover the wonders that have unfolded, the stories I have been told and the strangest things that I have seen and heard in my life.

    Sleep tight if you can because some of these stories will be playing on your mind for some time to come. So, if you’re ready let us begin.


    When we have passed over to the spirit world, it does not mean that’s it over and done with and we will never be seen or heard of again; that’s negative to think that. Take a look at this photo, a genuine photo of a young girl, or should I say a young spirit, and see how clear this photo is. This spirit was peering through the window of her own home where she lived in her lifetime. A paranormal research team were asked to go into the house to see if they could pick her up. I spoke a lot about them in my last book; they are called, The Keepers of The Lost Souls from the USA. I think in some respect this is very heart-warming knowing we have not lost our loved ones all together, so thank you Holly for this photo. Remember they are only a thought away, and they will always be with you in some way. There are many ways they will do this, maybe a familiar smell that reminds you of them, a sound, maybe a favourite song of theirs could play on the radio as you send them a thought, you may hear their voice or even if you are very privileged they might even show themselves to you as in this photograph. Many will look at this picture and say it is faked, not real, it’s just a real person. That’s ok to do that, I welcome sceptics with open arms. But my question is why are you reading this book in the first place if you don’t believe?

    My late brother has visited me many times and I have chatted to him about many things. How was he, where was he, what was heaven like, why did you have to die? I did receive answers to all of my questions. I know he is in a good place and happy. Although it still hurts losing my older brother, I don’t worry about him at all, I know I don’t need to. So, you see what I am trying to say, your loved one may be gone in a physical sense, but they are really only just around the corner, and I love that. I know it’s not everyone’s idea of fun, but the feeling you get when you have been visited by a loved one is one of pure love; I don’t even think I can explain that feeling to you. You just need to experience it to know.

    My prayers are with all who have lost a loved one. God bless.


    Yet more orbs. What are orbs? I have spoken about orbs in most of my previous books, but they just keep on popping up all over the place. Many people have different views as to what orbs are and why they appear. Orbs are usually round ball shapes of light. They are quite visible to the naked eye and are caught many times on photographs.

    They are thought of as energy or the beginning of a manifestation of a spirit or ghost. But why are they different colours? I have two pictures here from a paranormal research team; investigator Holly Bell had a huge section in my last book on her haunted house. This is Holly’s house. These are still photos taken from a video Holly had sent to me; the white orb is huge, one of the biggest I have ever seen and appeared from the left of the photo moving very quickly. It is believed that white orbs are positive energy, a good energy, a protective energy.

    The following picture is of a reddish orb which came out of the mirror in Holly’s bathroom. I sat and watched it happen on the video. They say that red orbs are meant to be a protection also, a spirit watching over you and keeping you safe. So not only does Holly gets negative spirits appearing in her mirror, but there is always a spirit watching over her and making sure that’s as far as the negative spirits go, the mirror and not into the house. Although Holly’s house is filled to the brim with spirits, she is perfectly safe and well protected.

    Who is this pretty lady?

    How unfortunate I can’t get these pictures any bigger. Well, I can, but they would be too distorted to make out. These two faces appeared on the wall of a house right in front of a team of ghost hunters. A very pretty face with beautiful flowing blonde hair. But who is she and why did she suddenly appear? Remember as I always say, these are not police photo fit pictures, they are spirits, so will not in many cases be very clear.

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