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Boy Man Patriot
Boy Man Patriot
Boy Man Patriot
Ebook208 pages2 hours

Boy Man Patriot

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Twenty-seven days metamorphose the ideologies and essence of living of a twenty-one-year-old boy Neev, when he sets on a unique journey to claim and sell all the properties of his father in various parts of the world.

Surprisingly, Neev is made aware of the existence of all such properties only after his father Raj Kapoor’s untimely demise, when he reads his father’s will. But along with the revelation of this fortune
named after him, the Will also discloses something else which leaves Neev appalled.

In his will, Raj decides to gift all his foreign properties to his son Neev only on one condition that Neev would be awarded those properties if he is capable enough to discover them. The location of the first property is mentioned in the will. Raj had a total of seven properties in Canada, United States of America, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, Russia and Spain. He had meticulously set clues in all the properties, for Neev to solve.

The first half of the book primarily delves into an inexplicable relationship of a father and son as well as Neev’s transformation from a brat to a gentleman.

The second part of the story depicts another journey of Neev wherein he starts working for his country India. Further self-introspection coaxes Neev to work towards fulfilling his late mother’s only wish to see her son do something recognizable for his country.

Coincidently, a high-profile undercover team working directly under the prime minister of India unearths Neev during the same time. The five-membered team named ‘the ph-factor’ eagerly needs a replacement for their counterpart. They select Neev after multiple layers of a hidden selection process and approach him. Neev ends up becoming the prime-minister’s closest confidante owing to the diligence with which he solves a plethora of cases handed over to him.

In the end, an accomplished gentleman and patriot, who despite being an orphan, ends up feeling
positive and content for the person he has become now. The prime minister's role is a treat to read and learn from as well.

PublisherNipun Goel
Release dateMar 26, 2020
Boy Man Patriot

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    Book preview

    Boy Man Patriot - Nipun Goel


    [Live Basketball match going on] [Jampacked Stadium]

    Hello Sir, would you like to buy a raffle ticket? asked a man with heavy curly hair, short built and long face. He was wearing purple-coloured circular glasses along with a grin. 

    I would love to, if you assure me that I would win, Neev chuckled.

    How much does one ticket cost? Neev added.

    [Noise of the cheering crowd increases]

    You can buy one ticket for five dollars, twenty for fifteen, fifty for twenty-five and eighty tickets for forty dollars! the raffle-ticket seller said in a high-pitched tone.

    Would buying eighty tickets increase my chances of winning? Neev winked.

    If destiny needs to bestow you with a lottery, it would do so even with a single ticket, came a voice from behind. Neev turned around in surprise.

    Whoa! Hey! That is a cool way of thinking, Neev exclaimed. Hi my name is Neev. I am a student at the Harvard University,

    That’s impressive. I am Charu Birla, Charu said. Neev smirked.

    You look like an Indian! Neev looked happily surprised.

    How many tickets shall I give? interrupted the man selling the raffle ticket.

    I will buy one, said Neev. He seemed confident now. He took out the money from his wallet and bought the ticket.

    The raffle results were to be announced at the end of the fourth quarter. The excitement had risen up immensely by that time.

    Neev did not win the lottery.

    I wish I had the power to change the number being displayed on the screen, Neev laughed.

    We all have a hidden power inside us. We only need to realise and bring it out, Charu whispered in Neev’s ears. As Neev turned to look at her, he was taken aback. There was nobody sitting behind him.

    He got up and ran towards the exit, but in vain. Neev stood there baffled. He noticed a paper-strip hanging out from his coat’s pocket. Neev immediately took it out. There was something written on it.

    Fire is such a lovely creation by God. It erases everything! the slip read.

    Do remember what I said at the end, the other side of the slip read.

    [Hubbub everywhere] [All the CCTV cameras present in the stadium catch fire]

    The fire alarms started ringing loudly. Neev was startled. He stealthily put the slip inside his pocket and left.

    [Firemen arrive]

    As he walked towards the parking, a tornado of questions was rising within him, the answers to which only Charu could give. Neev sat in his car and drove towards the highway. Whenever he needed to ponder over something, he went for a drive on the highway.

    Who was she?

    How did she manage to set all CCTVs on fire simultaneously?

    What did she want from me?

    The questions revolved in Neev’s mind as he drove.

    There is no way to find her, Neev sighed. He resumed college the next day.

    [Indistinct chattering]

    Neev entered his college premises. Neev was pursuing his graduation from one of the best grad-schools in the world. He had been a brilliant student throughout, with perseverance and focus being his forte. Neev used to talk less and work more. He was different from other students. Perhaps he had a story of his own, which only he knew. He had come from India to study over here.

    Campus placement interviews were in their last leg. Neev had an interview scheduled with the prestigious company ‘Amazon’ today. He was a bit nervous as he hadn’t got placed till now- a fact which was contradictory to his brilliance. He entered the interview room.

    [Three panellists sitting and scrutinising Neev’s Resume]

    A very good morning, Neev smiled and sat on the chair in front of them. The panellists acknowledged the greeting.

    So.. Mr. Neev Kapoor, your resume looks promising. Please enlighten us on what you have accomplished besides all you have mentioned, asked one interviewer. Neev looked confident. He felt thirsty at the same time. 

    Neev poured some water from the bottle in a glass. The water slightly overflowed from the glass while filling.

    Are you nervous?" asked another interviewer.

    Not at all sir. I like giving my hundred and ten percent to whatever I do, said Neev. He had smartly handled the mistake.

    Her only dream was to see you do something big for your country! these words suddenly reverberated in Neev’s mind. Neev tried to shun the thought and concentrate.

    We all have a hidden power inside us. We only need to realise and bring it out the previous thought was followed by this one. Neev felt frustrated. The silence had been prolonged now.

    I am extremely sorry. I can’t give this interview, Neev said, got up and walked out of the room swiftly.

    The panellists sat there with their eyes and mouth wide open.

    Neev knew he could face serious trouble from the college authorities. He badly wanted the graduation degree. He went straight to the dean’s office.

    May I come in sir?


    I am Neev Kapoor. I am a final year student. I had an interview with Amazon today

    That’s wonderful. I have heard praises about you before. How did the interview go?

    Sir, I left the interview room in an abrupt manner in the middle of my interview, Neev said in a gloomy way.

    I was missing my mother a lot. I could not concentrate. I apologize for my action, sobbed Neev, before the dean could react.

    Oh my! I am sorry for your loss. I will handle the situation

    I just said that I was missing my mother. How do you know that she left for her heavenly abode? asked a perplexed Neev.

    I said something when I started - ‘I have heard a lot about you’. All the best for your future endeavours. God bless you! smiled the dean. 

    Neev felt at peace.

    I could not do it. We didn’t have the facilities back then. I dreamt of you graduating from Harvard University, Neev remembered these golden words told to him by his father. He had a feeling of accomplishment.

    Her only dream was to see you do something big for your country! the thought struck again.

    I need to do this! I have finally become a man- the one my father wanted me to be. I also need to become the person my mother wanted me to be. Perhaps this is the only gift an orphan can give back to his parents, Neev said to himself, as he walked towards his dormitory.

    I got the job! came a voice from behind. Neev looked back. Hiteshi, a good friend, had been shortlisted for the interview with Amazon too. She was elated beyond limits.

    She came running and hugged Neev.

    Woah! Congratulations my dear friend! I need a treat, smiled Neev. He hid his sadness behind that smile.

    The night belongs to you Mister, winked Hiteshi. Hiteshi hailed from Shimla, India. Shimla was one of the most visited hill stations in India. It had its own charm and beauty.

    Hiteshi was a resplendent human being. Of all she wore, honesty and humour were the shiniest ornaments. Simplicity and care were some other ones. She had got admission in Harvard on the basis of full scholarship. Hiteshi had a strong liking for Neev. However, Neev had never reciprocated the feeling. He had been dedicated towards his education. But they both gelled well and became great friends.

    Thanks for the honour. I will see you in the evening, said Neev.

    Neev bought a bottle of wine before leaving for Hiteshi’s apartment. Hiteshi used to stay with three other friends in a two-bedroom apartment. Coincidently and luckily for Hiteshi, the rest of her flatmates were not at home as they had an interview with a company in San Francisco. 

    Hiteshi perfectly utilised their absence. This was the first time during her graduation that she got the apartment to herself. It couldn’t have been more blissful than having Neev over.

    She decorated the apartment in the nicest way- romantic ambient lighting, soothing fragrance, mouth-watering food and a majestically decorated area for dinner.

    Hiteshi looked her best tonight. 

    The bell rang. 

    Hello dear, hugged Hiteshi, as Neev entered. Neev handed over some savouries and the bottle of wine.

    I want to thank you for everything Hiteshi. You have been a great friend, perhaps the only one, said an emotional Neev.

    Aww, the pleasure is all mine. Please come inside and make yourself comfortable

    The house looks amazing. You look pretty, smiled Neev. They both sat on the couch. Hiteshi smiled back in gratitude.

    I am so sorry. I forgot to ask you. How did your interview go?

    Neev had so wanted to avoid that question. But he did not want to lie.

    I left it in between. I could not sit

    What?! Why? a shocked Hiteshi asked, in a comparatively louder tone.

    I..I was not feeling well

    This is the most stupid excuse you could give to your only friend

    Neev seemed in a vulnerable mood today. He wanted to share feelings which he had never shared with anyone. Hiteshi had always been eager to know everything about Neev.

    I can’t tell. Let’s forget it, said Neev. Neev’s hesitation wasn’t strong enough. Hiteshi was quick enough to grab the opportunity. They were sitting on a couch.

    Hiteshi moved a bit closer and held Neev’s hand. Where there is love, a touch is enough.

    Everybody in our batch has admired you as a person. But you never hung out with anyone. You made no friends. You simply studied in grad-school, worked part-time at two places and studied more in the free time you got. You did so all these years. I have always wanted to know you well. I still want to, if you are willing to tell, the sweetness and softness in Hiteshi’s voice engulfed Neev with a mesmerising feeling.

    Yes, I like you! But I wish to love you. I can’t love you until I know you, added a courageous Hiteshi.

    Neev was swept off his feet. He felt an instant connection. Hiteshi’s words had touched his heart. Neev was ready to spill the beans.

    This night truly belongs to you. I want to confess something. I will return to India after giving the final exams

    Hiteshi looked disappointed at first on hearing so. She felt numb. She did not want to interrupt the person who was finally willing to share his side of the story. Neev continued.

    I used to maintain a distance from everybody. Why did I become friends with you? Did you ever think about this?

    I did. I simply thanked God for this magic, Hiteshi shared a light laugh.

    My mother’s name was Hiteshi. She belonged to Shimla too. That was the reason I could not avoid your presence in my life. My journey till Harvard is not as flowery as it looks. It’s a life I would not want God to bestow to anyone, ever!

    Why did you never tell me about your mother? asked a poignant Hiteshi. Hiteshi wanted to ask less and know more. She was flabbergasted by the unexpected revelations.

    Neev was carrying a purple-coloured folder along. He had it rolled and hidden in the inner pocket of his jacket. He took it out and opened the folder. He took out a bunch of loosely held papers in it.

    I never used to study more in my free time. This is what I have done in my free time all these years. I just love writing. The author in me has always made me react less, speak little and pen down more. Can I narrate this story which took me a whole grad-life to finish? Neev asked. He looked happy to share his dream project with somebody.

    Hiteshi decided to react collectively at the end. She switched on her shock-absorber.

    I would love for you to speak for the rest of the night, be it totally out of context as well. It would be an honour to listen to the story that you wrote with such tenacity. It would definitely reveal more about you as a person. I am all ears, Hiteshi added, before Neev could reply to her questions.

    The handwriting on the sheets was miserable, one which only the writer could understand. Neev held the papers in his hand, put on his reading glasses and started narrating the story.


    Never feel superior or inferior to anybody. A peaceful life can be led only when you draw no comparison to others, Ashutosh pondered upon such profound realities of life, which were totally in contrast with the breath-taking view in front of his eyes. The sun and an immense ocean stood against a magnificent backdrop of plush mountains stretching as far back as the eyes could see. Alluring Cockatoos perched on the rails of the room’s balcony where Ashutosh stood, sunk in grief and disbelief. The last twenty-seven days of Ashutosh’s life had

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