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Thrust (Book 2): Gravediggers MC, #2
Thrust (Book 2): Gravediggers MC, #2
Thrust (Book 2): Gravediggers MC, #2
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Thrust (Book 2): Gravediggers MC, #2

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This is book 2 of the Gravediggers MC romance series! Book 3 of this motorcycle club romance is available everywhere now!


Every thrust is tearing my world apart.


The thugs surrounding me in that dark alley weren't the type to bargain.

They gave me only two choices:

Strip or die.


I would've faced humiliation, death, or worse if it hadn't been for the mysterious biker.

He saved me…


But only so he could keep me for myself.


Now, I belong to a scarred, tattooed outlaw with a hidden past.

His touch is savage and his words are filthy.

I want to run for the hills, but disobeying him is not an option.

So when he tells me to bend for him, I've got no choice but to fall to my knees.


But when someone tries to steal me from Breaker, everything I know gets flipped on its head.


I'm no longer just the outlaw's possession.

Now, I'm about to be his wife.

Release dateApr 2, 2020
Thrust (Book 2): Gravediggers MC, #2

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    Thrust (Book 2) - Evelyn Glass

    Thrust: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Gravediggers MC Book 2)

    By Evelyn Glass

    Every thrust is tearing my world apart.

    THE THUGS SURROUNDING me in that dark alley weren’t the type to bargain.

    They gave me only two choices:

    Strip or die.

    I would’ve faced humiliation, death, or worse if it hadn’t been for the mysterious biker.

    He saved me...

    But only so he could keep me for myself.

    Now, I belong to a scarred, tattooed outlaw with a hidden past.

    His touch is savage and his words are filthy.

    I want to run for the hills, but disobeying him is not an option.

    So when he tells me to bend for him, I’ve got no choice but to fall to my knees.

    But when someone tries to steal me from Breaker, everything I know gets flipped on its head.

    I’m no longer just the outlaw’s possession.

    Now, I’m about to be his wife.

    Chapter 1


    Y ou get her in line , Breaker. You’re an enforcer. You should know how to keep a woman in line... I’m on minute twenty of Biggs’ lecture, and quite frankly, it’s becoming nothing but a long stream of bullshit. He continues on, though, even as my eyes glaze over. The situation with Wesley can’t happen again. She’s just a little bitch. She’s not worth breaking the fucking club up over it!

    Finally, I can’t take it any longer. I find myself standing up and walking towards the door with my back to Biggs. He spins me around with his hand. What the hell do you think you’re doing, Breaker? You dare to walk out on me?

    Yeah, I snap, my nostrils flaring. I’m walking the fuck out of here. I’m done with you scolding me like a kid. I’m not a fucking kid. I’ve been in this club for fifteen years now. I know the rules. You know I’m loyal and wouldn’t do shit to bring it down over some girl. I sigh as I add, If you can’t see that, then I’m more than happy to take my services elsewhere.

    Don’t be such a fucking bitch, he snarls. He walks back towards the dresser and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. Lighting one up, he continues speaking through the fresh smoke. She’s a nice pair of titties and has a sweet little ass. I’m more of a blonde kind of guy, but that’s what the boys want nowadays.

    What’s the goddamn point, Biggs?

    "The point is that when we get to Texas, we’re going to need new avenues, and she could be a start. You keep her in line, or I’ll make the decision to send her out walking with the rest of the ladies I’ve got lined up."

    You wouldn’t, I respond in disbelief. You gave her your word that she could work for you fair and square.

    He laughs, but it catches in his throat, and he ends up hacking up half a lung before he can continue. If you’ve been in this club as long as you say, he says, a quiet menace seething through his voice, you know my word means shit to anyone but real club members. I can do whatever the fuck I want to do with her if it’s good for business.

    My blood boils as I growl back, She’s my woman now. You agreed. Whatever decision you make goes through me.

    He lifts his hands in defense as he continues to shake with laughter. Bitter sarcasm fills his voice and darkens his face. Oh, I hear you, he says with a nasty grin, I really hear you, Breaker. She’s your girl.

    Again, I’ve had enough. I walk back towards the door, swinging it open in a rage. I walk the short distance back to my motel room, not caring about the few men watching me from their windows or Henry waiting for me outside. I’ve had to deal with too much shit today as it is.

    I shut the door behind me and peel back the bedding, which is still a mess from earlier—it even still smells like Aimee. In the room next to me, Biggs turns the volume up on his TV again. I turn off the lights and try to drown out everything, including the thoughts running rampant through my head.

    A few minutes pass, and I hear the click of the door. Someone fumbles with the lock, shaking the handle. I sit up straight, wondering if this was Biggs exacting some revenge. I reach for the gun I placed earlier on the bedside table, and my hand wraps around the handle.

    Who the fuck is there? I ask louder, puffing out my chest.

    The door clicks again, unlocking this time. A beam of light creeps in, and a figure appears. My grip tightens on the gun until I hear her voice.

    It’s me. It’s Aimee. Henry said I should sleep in here tonight. The door shuts, and she enters the darkness.

    I watch her shadow sit down on the old upholstered chair near the desk. Can I borrow a blanket? Her voice cracks as if she’s been crying; though I can’t imagine a girl like her shedding any tears no what matter the reason.

    Why don’t you just sleep here? I say before I can stop myself.

    Are you sure?

    Even she senses my reluctance.

    Yeah, I’m sure. Just lay down. We’ve got a long day tomorrow, and we’re both going to feel it in the morning.

    Without a word, she slips in next to me, and I notice she must have stripped down on the chair, as she’s only wearing her bra and a pair of panties. Her sun-kissed skin is still warm, though. We both lay facing the ceiling, neither turning towards the other nor rolling away. Eventually, she falls even more still, and the small amount of light on her face shows that her eyes are closed, with her lips slightly open.

    Hours pass where I do nothing but listen to the sound of her deep breathing into the pillow. It’s oddly comforting, though, in the past, the last thing I have ever wanted is someone laying next to me like this. I’m not one for body heat and compromising the middle part of the bed. Most girls got kicked to the curb the minute I pulled out of them. Still, I listen to each breath, eventually counting them down until my eyes finally grow heavy and her breathing becomes my breathing.


    Good morning Colorado! It’s another beautiful day out there. Sunny, high of eighty-two, and not a cloud in sight. For all of you already out on the road and on your way to work, here’s a song to start your day off right...

    The bedroom fills with the sound of some 70’s pop song I vaguely recognize playing over that damn alarm clock I forgot I had set yesterday. I moan into the pillow as I look over at the time. It’s a little after eight. No one should be that goddamn cheerful this early. I slam my fist into the clock until I hit the right button.

    Can you fucking believe that? Why can’t it just be an alarm and not set to some whack-ass... I turn towards the side of the bed where Aimee slept last night, but there’s nothing. Aimee? I call out several times, hoping for a response.

    I glance over at the mirror directly across from the bathroom. It’s steamed up, but I can make out the door of the bathroom cracked open just a little. The sound of the water beats in soft rivets, and then there’s a voice. Shit if I can believe it, but Aimee is in there, singing. I don’t recognize the lyrics. They’re in a language I’m not familiar with, but she murmurs the words to herself as she tries to find the

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