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Public Speaking Principles: The Success Guide for Beginners to Efficient Communication and Presentation Skills. How To Rapidly Lose Fear and Excite Your Audience as a Confident Speaker Without Anxiety: Communication Series
Public Speaking Principles: The Success Guide for Beginners to Efficient Communication and Presentation Skills. How To Rapidly Lose Fear and Excite Your Audience as a Confident Speaker Without Anxiety: Communication Series
Public Speaking Principles: The Success Guide for Beginners to Efficient Communication and Presentation Skills. How To Rapidly Lose Fear and Excite Your Audience as a Confident Speaker Without Anxiety: Communication Series
Ebook191 pages2 hours

Public Speaking Principles: The Success Guide for Beginners to Efficient Communication and Presentation Skills. How To Rapidly Lose Fear and Excite Your Audience as a Confident Speaker Without Anxiety: Communication Series

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This Book Will Help You Master Public Speaking Even If You're Introverted Or Anxious

If you're like most of us, you openly admire – and maybe secretly envy – those who can stand fearlessly in front of a crowd of strangers and deliver an inspiring speech without any visible effort.

But what if you could be one of these chosen few? What if you could make your message clear and powerful and deliver it without fear? What if you could turn passive listeners into excited followers?

Would you give up your job, unveil that brilliant business idea that's been incubating in the back of your mind, and make the world fall in love with it?

Would you fearlessly expand your social circle and easily befriend dozens of awesome people?

Would you use your unique persuasion skills to advocate for social justice, climate protection, or any other issue that's important to you?

Yes, you can do it even if you're deeply introverted, if you've been scared of public speaking since middle school, and if just hearing the word "networking" makes you deeply anxious. If you think that you're "just not cut out for public speaking", stop and think again. You just didn't have the opportunity to learn public speaking skills from a trusted mentor!

It's time to act.

Don't let your amazing ideas wither away unheard and don't let career opportunities pass you by. Communication coach Gerard Shaw is here to help you. A self-confessed introvert, he knows exactly what you're going through and how to empower you with actionable, scientifically proven techniques.


Here's what you'll learn:

Strategies to face down your fears and regain confidence

How to harness the full potential of verbal and non-verbal communication and make your message strikingly powerful

Expert-approved techniques to plan and structure your speech and visuals

The three factors that will help you create a strong but sympathetic presence

The beginner mistakes that could ruin your speech – and how to avoid them!

You may have tried consulting other public speaking books but ended up disappointed. But this book is different because it's so practical and relatable. It contains step-by-step guides that won't overwhelm you, allowing for calm, steady progress.


Some Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can I use this book if I'm a student, not a businessperson?

A: Of course! The strategies presented in the book are guaranteed to help everyone boost their public speaking skills, regardless of gender, age, or social status.

Q: I'm extremely introverted and people just make me terribly tired. Can I overcome this if I want to be a successful public speaker?

A: Introverts can be successful leaders and public speakers! In fact, Gerard Shaw himself is an introvert. When you apply his tips and tricks, you'll see a great reduction in your stress levels and you'll find social situations much easier to cope with.

Boost your social skills, become a great public speaker, and let your ideas conquer the world!

PublisherGerard Shaw
Release dateApr 1, 2020
Public Speaking Principles: The Success Guide for Beginners to Efficient Communication and Presentation Skills. How To Rapidly Lose Fear and Excite Your Audience as a Confident Speaker Without Anxiety: Communication Series

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    Book preview

    Public Speaking Principles - Gerard Shaw


    The Success Guide for Beginners for Efficient Communication and Presentation Skills:

    How to Rapidly Lose Fear and Excite Your Audience as a Confident Speaker, Without Anxiety

    Gerard Shaw

    © Copyright Gerard Shaw 2019 - All rights reserved.

    The content contained within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated, or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher.

    Under no circumstances will any blame or legal responsibility be held against the publisher, or author, for any damages, reparation, or monetary loss due to the information contained within this book. Either directly or indirectly. You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results.

    Legal Notice:

    This book is copyright protected. This book is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author or publisher.

    Disclaimer Notice:

    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, and reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical, or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, which are incurred as a result of the use of the information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, — errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.




    Modern Predators Can’t Eat You

    The Psychology of Fear

    Acknowledging and Accepting Fear

    Facing Down Your Fear

    Most of Our Fears are Absurd

    The NBA Star Turned Interview Comedian


    Your Audience Expects A Fearless Speaker

    The Effects of Fear

    Fear Paralyzes Thought

    Fear Stifles Expression

    Fear Disrupts Connection

    Fear Affects Your Mental Health

    To Fully Express Yourself, Be Fearless

    From Fired to Hired


    Bravery in Modern Jungles

    Practical Steps to Get Rid of Fear and Stage Fright

    Silence Your Inner Critic


    Be in the Moment

    Fake It ‘Till You Make It

    Don’t be Afraid to Learn

    Believe in Yourself

    Comparison Depletes Confidence

    Attitude of Gratitude

    The Celebrity Who Fumbled, Only to Rise Again


    Building Communication Skills

    Communication is About Connection

    How to Adapt to an Audience

    Meet Them Before

    Speak Their Language

    Find Out More

    Get to Know Them

    They Want You to Succeed

    Verbal Communication


    Slowing It Down



    Non-Verbal Communication





    Communication! Who Is It Good For?

    The Singer Who Rose Above Her Fear with A Little Help


    Crafting Amazing Speeches

    Pillars of a Speech




    Well-Defined Message

    The Ultimate Beginnin


    Ask Away

    Make A Statement

    Be Thankful

    Be Complementary

    Using Imagination

    Your Speech Outline

    Introduce Yourself

    Grab Their Attention

    Establish Credibility

    Core Message

    Preview of Presentation

    Part Two - Key Points and Subpoints

    Part Three - Argue for Your Message

    Part Four - Say It Again for the People in the Back

    Conclusion - Say Your Last Words

    Challenge Them



    Thank you, Thank you

    Visual Stimuli

    The Business Mogul Who Overcame His Fear


    Designing a Stellar Presentation

    Tools to Use

    Google Slides


    Photostage Slideshow Software

    Movavi Slideshow Maker

    Building Your Slideshow



    Utilize Your Key Points

    Your Visuals Speak for You

    Visual Style

    Leave Some Space

    Colors Are A Crowds’ Best Friend

    Charts and Diagrams

    Animation and Transitions

    Finding the Words

    Wrapping It Up

    How A Golf Great Overcame His Stutter


    Successfully Attract Your Audience

    Lead the Way

    All About Interest

    Strength - Not the Muscle Kind

    Use Your Experiences

    Don’t Fear Silence

    Be Authentic

    Finding Your Authentic Voice

    Practicing Authenticity

    Variety Show

    Add Some Sparks

    Disrupt It


    Metaphorically Speaking

    Have the Answers

    Magnetism Comes from Within

    The Actor Who Stepped Up Despite His Fears


    Avoiding Self-Sabotages

    About the Audience

    Information Overload

    Don’t Assume Anything

    Ignorance Is Not Bliss


    Offensive Is Not Effective

    Avoid the Ego

    About the Presentation

    Using Fillers

    Is That A Question?

    The Funny Guy

    Practice, Practice, Practice

    Timing Is Everything

    Houston, We Have Technical Issues

    Liar, Liar

    Let Go of Mistakes

    Overcoming Fear




    I N T R O D U C T I O N

    No one is born a naturally gifted public speaker. I wish I could say that I was phenomenal the first time I spoke in front of an audience but that would be a lie. It took several failures for me to learn how to master public speaking. It’s only now, after more than a decade of practicing and teaching public speaking, that I’ve come to have answers for those who want to take on their own career. Questions always range in topic but most of them have dealt with the fear that comes with public speaking. I began to realize that there are so many people starting out where I did, and so many of them want to learn how to overcome their fears before they step out onto the stage.

    I want you to learn from what I’ve gone through before you begin your own journey. The concepts in this book are ones that I’ve applied to my own career, and they’ve allowed me, and those I’ve mentored, success in their own public speaking goals. I know there’ll be a time when you run into the same moments I did in my early career and, where I failed miserably, I know you’ll prosper.

    In this book, I’ll go over empowering solutions, along with detailed guidelines on how you can overcome your crippling fears. You’ll gain the knowledge to help you develop and transform yourself into a confident and inspiring speaker. These are practical strategies for crafting winning speeches and being able to properly articulate your core message. I know these strategies will work for you because they’ve worked for me over my lengthy and, in the beginning, sometimes difficult, career.

    You picked up this book, which means there’s a fire inside you that’s pushing you forward and wanting you to become the kind of presenter that leaves an audience in awe. Seeing that you have an interest in public speaking, there’s a good chance that you’re already engaged in giving speeches and presentations, maybe for professional, academic, civic, or social reasons. Whatever your reasons, I can only imagine the weight placed on you when you speak. Perhaps these engagements will lead to a new career path or a promotion; regardless of the reasons, it’s clear that you want to enhance your skills.

    When I was younger the thought of speaking in front of others made me cringe with fear. Having to stand in front of a class and introduce myself was enough to put me on edge. I had to forge a long and tedious path to become the successful public speaker I am now. I don’t want you to have to tread that long, tedious path that I suffered through. Throughout this arduous journey, I’ve learned these concepts I’m about to share. It was only after my own success that I began offering my knowledge to clients. I’ve seen incredible changes in numerous public speakers. Once they adopted the techniques, strategies, and methods in this book, new speakers always returned with an overwhelming amount of appreciation for the confidence I helped them learn and the ways their public speaking career improved. Because of my coaching, I’ve seen people go from not even being able to step onto a stage, to wowing a crowd of hundreds while talking about what they love most; it didn’t matter if the audience was at a university lecture, socially telling their own stories, or advocating changes that they felt needed to be made in the world.

    You, too, can become a successful public speaker, overcome your fears, and forge your own path to success. The journey begins with knowledge:

    We will go over fear and the many ways it can cripple your ability to captivate an audience.

    You’ll learn how to defeat your anxiety by using proven, science-backed techniques.

    You’ll be given techniques on how to build a speech, find your message, and deliver it with confidence!

    All the concepts in this book have come from years of experience in training world-class speakers, managing to perfect them over the years. You can now use them to build your own public speaking career. You’ll be receiving all of this now!

    Early experiences might mean there's a chance you may have even considered giving up public speaking. By choosing this book you’ve proven that giving up isn’t the solution. You know enough time has been wasted giving into your negative feedback loops. Beginning

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