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Malevolent Intent: Noir Fairy Tales, #2
Malevolent Intent: Noir Fairy Tales, #2
Malevolent Intent: Noir Fairy Tales, #2
Ebook166 pages2 hours

Malevolent Intent: Noir Fairy Tales, #2

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The 1940s. Life in Grimm City can be just as fabulous as it is dangerous. But it's not a place that can be found on any map. Welcome to a world of gun-toting, hard-drinking, cigarette-smoking fairies, elves, dwarfs, shifters, and witches, as well as human beings.

Welcome to Noir Fairy Tales.


Rose White has had a string of bad luck, and it doesn't seem to be ending any time soon. When two fairies are found dead in her nightclub, her livelihood is shut down until further notice. With no income coming in, and her employees left hanging, she's forced to look for other alternatives.

Detective Rich Florian is on the case of the dead fairies, and soon learns they were poisoned. The nightclub owner and the Miner gang, her partners, are his first suspects, but Rich isn't so quick to pin it on them. He'll need to investigate further, and not just the DBs—something about Rose is drawing him in as well. And he's convinced she's innocent.


Just like every other bad thing that's happened to Rose, her stepmother, Queenie, seems to be right in the middle of it. She offers to loan Rose the money to pay her way out and stay afloat, but as always, Rose knows the help would come with a much higher price.


How far would Queenie go to get what she wants? Murder? Arson? Even with the protection of the gang and her handsome detective, Rose still needs to keep her eyes open. But sometimes the most obvious suspect isn't who you need to look out for.

As we've learned before, things in Grimm City are almost always not what they seem.

PublisherLinda Mooney
Release dateApr 2, 2020
Malevolent Intent: Noir Fairy Tales, #2

Linda Mooney

Linda loves to write sensuously erotic romance with a fantasy, paranormal, or science fiction flair. Her technique is often described as being as visual as a motion picture or graphic novel. A wife, mother, grandmother, and retired Kindergarten and music teacher, she lives in a small south Texas town near the Gulf coast where she delves into other worlds filled with daring exploits, adventure, and intense love. She has numerous best sellers, including 10 consecutive #1s. In 2009, she was named Whiskey Creek Press Torrid's Author of the Year, and her book My Strength, My Power, My Love was named the 2009 WCPT Book of the Year. In 2011, her book Lord of Thunder was named the Epic Ebook "Eppie" Award Winner for Best Erotic Sci-Fi Romance. In addition, she write naughty erotic romances under the name of Carolyn Gregg, and horror under the pseudonym of Gail Smith. For more information about Linda Mooney books and titles, and to sign up for her newsletter, please visit her website.

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    Book preview

    Malevolent Intent - Linda Mooney

    Chapter One


    The bodies were lying on top of the bar when Detective Rich Florian arrived at the nightclub. Someone had thrown a bar towel over the two fairies to protect the evidence until the coroner arrived.

    Officer Malone stood nearby, guarding the crime scene and keeping curious onlookers from getting too close. Didn’t matter anyway. Most of the clientele had already left, and it wasn’t yet nine o’clock. Shame, Rich thought to himself. Like she don’t have enough problems already. This little incident is going to put a huge hole in her pocketbook.

    Curious, he went over and lifted the edge of the towel to get a glimpse of the deceased. They appeared to be two males. By their dungarees, they looked to be factory workers. Most likely hard-working family men who’d stopped by their favorite haunt for a beer before heading home. He wouldn’t be surprised if their addresses were across the river.

    He glanced over at Malone. Who called it in?

    The officer gave a nod over to the far side of the room. The owner.

    That would be Miss Rose White.

    Dropping the towel, he strode over to where a solitary figure sat at a table. She remained in the shadows, out of sight from the rest of them. Only the occasional reddish glow from the tip of her cigarette gave away her location.

    He stopped on the other side of the table and pulled out his notepad and pencil from the inside pocket of his jacket. Miss White?

    Most people around here call me Rose. Otherwise they’ll think you’re referring to my stepmother.

    Rich paused as her words sank in. She was right. Knowing what he did of the family’s history, he couldn’t begin to imagine what this young woman had been forced to put up with after her father’s death.

    Rose snorted softly. Sit down, Detective. I promise I don’t bite.

    He took the chair across from her and watched as she snuffed out the barely smoked cig.

    As if reading his mind, she made a face. I’m really not into these things, but I needed something to calm my nerves, and I couldn’t throw back a couple of belts because I knew the cops were going to want to question me. I needed to keep a clear head.

    So why were you smoking one? he inquired, somewhat curious, partially amused by her confession.

    Al suggested it. Her eyes darted across the floor, over to where a raised stage was located. Behind it was a set of curtains. The dressing rooms were behind those curtains. Rich got the impression this Al person might also be back there.

    Rose, can you tell me what happened? He leaned back and crossed his legs, hoping to keep her at ease.

    She leaned forward, placing her elbows on the table, and laced her fingers together. That was when he noticed how badly she was trembling. A crazy urge came over him to draw her into his arms to comfort her, but he quickly clamped that idea down and grit his teeth.

    It really… She took a deep breath to steady herself, but her voice continued to shake. The self-assured woman of a few minutes ago melted away, revealing the shaken and deeply-affected person underneath.

    Take your time, he murmured.

    She cleared her throat. It was a typical week night. Not real busy, but constant. The usual crowd. Know what I mean?

    He nodded in answer.

    Next thing I know, Morrie is yelling for Eugene to come check out the two fairies who had passed out on the bar. At least, he thought they’d passed out. She lowered her head, and her thick black hair fell over her forehead, partially obscuring her face. Again, Rich was hit with the need to reach out and brush it away. Instead, he gripped his pencil and notepad tighter.

    Rose suddenly lifted her face to stare directly at him. Detective, are you going to arrest us?

    Did you kill them?

    A harsh look came over her. No!

    Then you don’t have anything to worry about, he informed her. Unless, of course, the coroner discovers something fishy.

    She seemed relieved. All right.

    However, I am going to have to close this place down until further notice.

    He couldn’t blame her next reaction. She sat up straight, halfway out of her chair, hands flat on the table. "What? No!"

    Sorry, Rose, but that’s procedure until the coroner can determine whether or not this place might have had something to do with their deaths. He gestured for her to sit down, which she reluctantly did. One of the stage’s overhead lights managed to catch a glimmer in her left eye. The woman was on the verge of tears, and probably fighting back the need to break down here in front of him.

    He continued, keeping his tone soothing. However, if it’s determined they died, say, of natural causes, then you’re off the hook, and we can give you a clean bill of health to open your doors again.

    "What do you mean, natural causes? Like a heart attack? The both of them? At the same time?" She was just as incredulous as he was at the prospect. Still…

    Yeah, I know it’s a long shot, but stranger things have happened.

    How long do you think this’ll take? I mean, I’m not unmoved by the fact that two people are dead now, and they’ve got grieving families, but I gotta business to run. I’ve got people depending on me to put food on their tables and help keep a roof over their heads.

    Rich nodded to himself. It was evident this woman cared about her staff. Moreso than a lot of employers did regarding their employees.

    I’m sorry. I can’t give you any sort of timeline right now. As it stands, we’re gonna have to take this one day at a time. He checked what he’d jotted down in his notebook. You said Morrie discovered the bodies?

    Yeah. He was tending bar. She furtively swiped at her eyes and sniffed. She was keeping a tight rein on her composure.

    I need to speak to him.

    She swiveled around in her seat to face the stage. Hey! Tell Morrie the cops need to talk to him!

    And Eugene, too, Rich hurriedly added.

    And Eugene, too! she hollered. Turning back around, he saw her gaze land on the bar behind him. A deep sadness clouded her face. We didn’t kill those fairies, she firmly stated.

    I hope not. I’d hate to have to charge you with negligent homicide, he remarked.

    She appeared startled by his comment, but before she could say anything, they were interrupted by the sight of two dwarfs ambling up to the table. Both men grabbed a chair from a nearby table, dragging them over to where Rich and the woman were sitting, and climbed into them.

    This is Detective Florian, she informed them.

    One man stuck out a beefy hand. I’m Morrie Miner.

    Eugene Miner, the other one introduced himself, also shoving a hand in Rich’s direction.

    The detective shook both as he made a mental note. Miner. These men were members of the Miner gang. Not necessarily bloodthirsty or ruthless, but they were notorious in their own right. He cast a side eye at Rose. It was clearly apparent she’d hooked up with these guys more for their protection than to use them as business partners.

    Mr… He hesitated. How would he let them know which one he was talking to? There were seven brothers in the Miner gang.

    Morrie must have guessed his problem, and quickly helped him over that hump. Just call us by our first names, Detective. We know how confusing it can get.

    Thanks. Morrie, you were working the bar tonight?


    Tell me what happened.

    Not much. Those two fairies came in around seven-thirtyish. Sat at the bar like they usually do.

    They came in together?

    Yeah. They’re regulars. They both work the day shift over at Dumpty Industries.

    Go on.

    Morrie shrugged. They ordered their beers. Next thing I know, they’ve keeled over, face down in the pretzels. I thought for a second there that they’d passed out drunk, until I turned one of them over and saw his face was black.

    Rich stared at him. His face was black?

    Yeah. Sick, ugly dark gray color, and slowly darkening.

    Then what did you do?

    Morrie pointed to the dwarf sitting next to him. That’s when I yelled for Eugene to come over.

    Rich cast his eyes over at the other man, who picked up where Morrie left off. Unlike Morrie, Eugene had heavy eyelids, making him appear to be half-asleep. It made it easy for the detective to keep the two apart in his head.

    I took one good look at the first guy, then I turned the other one over. And he was just as black as his friend.

    Morrie made a nod toward Rose. I covered up the bodies with a towel while Eugene fetched Rose. She’s the one who called the cops.

    Eugene leaned over the table, closer to Rich. Those fairies, they didn’t pass out drunk, the little man stated. We’ve had drunk fairies in here before, and they never acted like that. Do you think it could’ve been because of something they caught in the factory?

    The dwarf cast him a hopeful look, as did Rose and the other one. They all needed to hear that the nightclub wasn’t going to be held responsible for those men’s deaths. That it had to have been because of something that had occurred prior to them coming here.

    Seeing the silent plea in Rose’s eyes, Rich wished he could give them that reassurance. Unfortunately, he couldn’t.

    We’ll have to wait and see what the medical examiner has to say, the detective replied.

    Hey, Detective! Malone called from the bar. Coroner’s here.

    Rich tossed him a nod of acknowledgment, and turned to the people sitting with him at the table. If you’ll excuse me. Miss Rose, I’ll be getting in touch as soon as I hear something.

    She didn’t reply as he got to his feet, but he was aware of her eyes following him when he returned to the bar.

    Chapter Two


    Rich was in his office, reading the newest report handed to him to include in the brand-new folder labeled for this case. He wasn’t the least bit happy with what he was reading. The phone call he received moments later did nothing to improve his mood, either.

    Florian, he answered.

    This is Dr. Hollow at the medical examiner’s office.

    Rich recognized the man’s voice. Yes, Doctor. Is this about our two DBs?

    Yes. Although several of my tests haven’t come back yet, I can at least give you a preliminary estimation. Both fairies were poisoned.

    Poisoned? Rich gasped. Although he’d suspected that to be the case, given what he’d heard about the creatures’ faces turning black, it was still a shock to have the ME verify it. Do you know what kind of poison?

    No. That’s one of the reports I’m waiting for the hospital to send back to me.

    Are you certain there was no other foul play, like a gunshot or stabbing?

    No. There are no open wounds on either body.

    Rich jotted that information down on the file folder. So, in your estimation, how did the poison kill them?

    It looks like it shut down their respiratory systems. They literally suffocated.

    Rich blinked. Suffocated? What kind of poison does that?

    There are several that could, depending on if the victim is a Static, or a non, or human.

    So, if they suffocated, they must have breathed in the poison?

    Not necessarily, Hollow contested. They could have ingested it, or been exposed to it where it got on their skin.

    "Either way, since

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