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Scriptures for Faith, Deliverance, and Healing: A Topical Guide to Spiritual and Personal Growth
Scriptures for Faith, Deliverance, and Healing: A Topical Guide to Spiritual and Personal Growth
Scriptures for Faith, Deliverance, and Healing: A Topical Guide to Spiritual and Personal Growth
Ebook196 pages2 hours

Scriptures for Faith, Deliverance, and Healing: A Topical Guide to Spiritual and Personal Growth

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Pray and Believe the Word
Healing and deliverance are the two most central parts of your salvation experience. It is God’s good pleasure to heal you of all your diseases and to set you free from the hand of the enemy. One of the ways to activate these salvation benefits in your life is through faith in God. Even our small, mustard seed faith can move the mountains of sickness, disease, and demonic oppression.
Best-selling author John Eckhardt provides this handy reference tool for those who want to have a greater understanding of healing and deliverance to incorporate God’s Word into their prayers.  
Release dateOct 3, 2017
Scriptures for Faith, Deliverance, and Healing: A Topical Guide to Spiritual and Personal Growth

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    Scriptures for Faith, Deliverance, and Healing - John Eckhardt




    Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits, who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The LORD does righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the people of Israel.

    —PSALM 103:2–7

    HEALING AND DELIVERANCE are two central parts of our salvation experience. It is God’s good pleasure to heal you of all your diseases and to set you free from the hand of the enemy. One of the ways we activate these salvation benefits in our lives is through faith in God. Even our small, mustard seed faith can move the mountains of sickness, disease, and demonic oppression from our lives. But there is such a thing as strong faith, and strong faith is built by hearing, and hearing, by the Word of God.

    Through the Bible God has given us His word on which we can build a foundation of faith. Psalm 107:20 says, He sent His word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction. We have access to the healing and delivering power of God every time we open His Word. His Word is alive and active, ready to reveal to us His faithfulness to His people generation after generation. When we read God’s Word, we witness the acts of God and His intervention on behalf of His people. We become witnesses to the lovingkindness of God, and our faith is built. We are able to believe that if God did it for them then, He will do it for us now.

    For the past thirty-plus years in ministry healing and deliverance have been my passion. I believe that God wants to see everyone set free and walking in the shalom—peace, prosperity, and blessing—of God. It’s what Jesus died for. And if we are tormented by the enemy, we should be able to set up an effective offense and defense against him. It has been my mission to teach and preach the deliverance of God and see His people armed and ready to stand against any devil with the authority of Jesus Christ, who is the living Word of God (John 1:1).

    Healing and Deliverance Are Your Covenant Rights

    The whole theme of Scripture is about God’s covenant with man to rescue, restore, heal, and deliver them, even while they have historically and consistently broken their end of the deal. God remains faithful; man is unfaithful. God keeps covenants; man breaks covenants. But there is always a remnant.

    Healing and deliverance come to those who are in covenant with God—the ones who remain faithful. We see an example of this when God told Elijah, I have preserved seven thousand men in Israel for Myself, all of whose knees have not bowed to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him (1 Kings 19:18). These seven thousand men had been faithful to God and to the covenant; they had not worshipped idols. In Scripture they are known as the remnant. We need to understand remnant in terms of covenant. God promised He would save this remnant because of His covenant promises with Abraham, and as the Israelites were part of the seed of Abraham, God extended His covenant of mercy to them. The covenant was simply this, that through Abraham’s seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed. (See Genesis 22:18.)

    God made good on His covenant to Abraham by showing His mercy to the people of Israel when they would get into trouble. Because God is righteous, He would judge them, but then His mercy would come, and He would save, deliver, and restore them.

    Deliverance out of trouble is a form of God’s mercy being enacted because of a covenant. If it weren’t for the mercy of God, every covenant violation that we commit today would cause us to be destroyed. Our actions outside of God’s plans for our lives put us in violation of the covenant and open us up to all kinds of evil and torment from the enemy. But God has created a way for us to be delivered out of all our troubles, then healed and restored to a place of authority in Him. The Bible says, Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all (Ps. 34:19).

    It is through Jesus that we now are also the seed of Abraham. We have been grafted in, and because of this covenant we experience the mercy of God. Any work of salvation, healing, and deliverance is an act of mercy on our behalf because of God’s covenant with Abraham. When we see God acting on behalf of the people of Israel—delivering them from the hands of their physical enemies, providing for them in the wilderness, and healing them from all their diseases—and then we see Jesus healing all those who were sick and casting out demons from those who were oppressed by the devil, we can see these as acts of God’s covenant of mercy.

    When Jesus would come into a town, people would say, Son of David, have mercy on me! (Mark 10:47; Luke 18:38; see also Mark 10:46, 48–52). They knew that Jesus was in the line of David and David was in the line of Abraham. But this covenant of mercy is much more than forgiveness of sin. Mercy is help for whatever you need help with—healing, deliverance in times of trouble, peace, and prosperity in every area of life. We can therefore imagine that the cry Son of David, have mercy on me! could be an expression of any of the following:

    • If I need my sins forgiven, have mercy.

    • If I need healing in my body, have mercy.

    • If I need to be delivered from demons, have mercy.

    • If I need breakthrough in finances, have mercy.

    God has an infinite amount of compassion and willingness to help and deliver you. His compassion compels Him to want to intervene on your behalf and grant you mercy. And through His covenant you have a right to mercy in the area of healing and deliverance.

    Praying and Believing the Word

    Many years ago the Lord led me to find key scriptures on healing, deliverance, and warfare and turn them into short prayers. He told me these prayers have power against the enemy when prayed because they are based in the supernatural power of the Word of God. As I began to develop these prayers and declarations and then used them in ministry, we began to see that praying the Word had tremendous power to heal and deliver people from all kinds of bondages. My book Prayers That Rout Demons and the others in that series developed out of this season of ministry. To this day we get reports of people being healed and delivered because of these short prayers.

    But now the Lord has led me to do something new. He has instructed me to develop topical Bibles on various principles of the kingdom to help people focus in on just what they need from God’s Word when they need it. What you have in your hand is a combination of faith, deliverance, and healing scriptures in both the Old Testament and the New Testament: 1) to show you that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever—that if He healed and delivered His people then, He will heal and deliver them today; and 2) to help you develop the discipline to use the power of God’s Word to build faith for breakthrough. You do not have to run to your pastor every time the enemy tries to attack you or your family. The Bible is a formidable spiritual weapon that will send devils running out of your life. You have access to one of the most powerful weapons in the spiritual realm. When you speak the Word of God in faith, as Jesus did in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1–11), the enemy will back off. He will have to restore to you sevenfold the things He has stolen.

    I encourage you to take these verses and speak them over your situation. There is power in confession. There is power in declaring the benefits of God over every part of your life.

    In each section I break down how healing and deliverance are shadowed and mirrored in each of the testaments. I also break down the Hebrew and Greek meanings of these key words for greater understanding and stronger faith.

    I pray that as you read this book, God will bring you to a place of confidence in His desire to save you and to give you an abundant life in the here and now. It is my firm belief that believers do not have to wait until the sweet by and by to experience peace, health, prosperity, and blessing. I believe that the shalom of God is our covenant right for the here and now.

    PART I




    THE SCRIPTURES REVEAL the importance of faith in the believer’s life. Faith is connected to hearing the Word of God. (See Romans 10:17.) And without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). We can’t even approach God properly without a measure of faith. In 2 Corinthians 5:7 we see that we are called to live by faith and not by sight. Faith is central to the life of a believer, and it affects every area of our lives. In the first part of this book I list every scripture in the Bible concerning faith. This will be an easy reference tool for believers who desire to grow in their faith.

    My prayer is that you will be strengthened by these verses. Read them aloud to yourself so you are hearing the Word of God and therefore building yourself up in your most holy faith (Jude 20). Unbelief and doubt will hinder you from receiving the promises of God. Fear is another enemy of faith and will hinder you from receiving from the Lord.

    In the appendix I added some teaching on fasting to overcome unbelief as well as some prayers and declarations to help you build the strong faith you need to see healing and deliverance flow freely in your life.

    The following scriptures are key for this section on faith:

    And without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

    —HEBREWS 11:6

    We are bound to thank God always for you, brothers, as it is fitting, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you abounds toward each other.


    So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

    —ROMANS 10:17



    IN THE OLD TESTAMENT faith is expressed in three ways. The first is the Hebrew word aman, meaning agreement or firm regulation; in other words, it is agreeing with God and His Word and saying amen.¹ Amen means to support or uphold. It is usually translated believe. ² It is used in the context of the kind of faith used when coming to salvation and gives the picture of someone leaning on God (Gen. 15:6). Second, yaqal (Job 13:15) means to trust in extreme pain; to trust under pressure and is usually translated hope. ³ The third is qavah, the strongest Hebrew word for faith, which is translated as wait. ⁴ Psalm 25:5 says, "Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day (emphasis added). Here, wait means to look for, hope, expect; to wait or look eagerly for." ⁵ Faith and expectancy draw out miracles.

    In the Old Testament there are many miraculous stories of people exercising their faith in a God some didn’t even know. Their acts of faith were so profound that many of these individuals were mentioned in the Hall of Faith found in Hebrews 11. Their stories endured through both testaments, a span that stretched thousands

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