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I'll Ride For My Thug
I'll Ride For My Thug
I'll Ride For My Thug
Ebook238 pages4 hours

I'll Ride For My Thug

By Ari

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About this ebook

On the outside, Asha seems to have it all. She is a beautiful, intelligent, and successful business woman who has paved her own way at a young age without her father’s money. However, on a daily basis she struggles with the murder of her mother that she witnessed at the tender age of 9 years old. All the while her love life is causing her more grief than happiness. Joc is the protégé of Big E, the biggest drug dealer ever known to Chicago and the head of Terror Squad. His loyalty quickly moves him up the ranks as time progresses and he is now next in line to the throne that he helped Big E build. He’s tired of the chicks filled with hood drama and is looking for someone real; just for him. As their paths cross and sparks fly, they are both having doubts about seeing where things can lead. Although they have known each other since they were teenagers, Asha is also the daughter of his mentor who won't be too thrilled when he hears of their relationship. Joc is drawn to Asha like a moth to a flame even though she could possibly be the death of him. Not to mention both of their crazy exes refuse to let go of the love they once shared. Their lives are turned upside down in complete chaos as they fight for each other and to stay alive. Will their love be strong enough or will they crumble like the walls around them?
Release dateJun 7, 2015
I'll Ride For My Thug


Ari spent the first twelve years of his adult life working in the media: advertising, broadcasting, journalism and photography. During the last thirty-two years he has worked as a sculptor doing progressive free-form abstracts/modern sculptures in silver and gold and art to wear jewelry.

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    Book preview

    I'll Ride For My Thug - Ari


    B eep… Beep…. Beep…, is all I can here in the faint distance as I try to focus on what’s going on. I can hear someone faintly speaking to me, but it isn’t clear. I’m trying to open my eyes, but they feel so heavy. I feel groggy and tired.

    Baby can you hear me? someone asked. Who is speaking to me? Why can’t I respond to them?

    Baby please come back to me! I’m here and I love you. I promise I’m not going to leave your side. I have so much to tell you and I need you, someone explained. Who am I hurting and why can‘t I see their face? I can‘t get to her, but she needs me. Come on Joc, push through this shit nigga and get to her! I can feel myself drifting back into sleep. Come on man, no, no, no get to her! She needs you……

    Chapter One

    Asha was awakened by the horrible dream she had almost every night for the past 14 years. She breathed heavily and wiped away the sweat from her forehead. Tears streamed from her eyes, and no matter how many times she told herself it was all just a dream, she could not seem to stop her heart from racing. She reached over on the night stand next to her and looked at the clock; it was 3:45 A.M.

    Shit, Asha mumbled. She had to be up in 3 hours, and she always had trouble going back to sleep after one of her dreams. She decided to get a glass of water to calm herself. She got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. She turned on the kitchen light and poured herself a tall glass of water and drank it all down; her mouth felt like a desert. She decided to fill it up again and place it on the night stand, just in case she got thirsty.

    She then turned the light back out and proceeded back to her bedroom. Before she could even climb into bed, her cell phone was ringing. She checked the caller ID, even though she already knew who it was. Dad, Asha thought as his name and the picture of them both from her high school graduation lit up her screen; she answered.

    Hey Daddy.

    Hey baby girl. I see you are awake, so I know you had the dream again. Are you ok? he questioned.

    Hell no nigga I’m not okay I’m tired of this, Asha thought before saying Yes Dad, I’m fine now that you called.

    Baby girl, I hate that this keeps happening to you. I still remember the first time it happened. The way you fought and screamed scared me half to death! I ran into your room and had to shake you awake. The way you looked at me, those eyes just like hers, broke my heart. I…I...wish you didn’t have to go through this, her dad explained.

    I know, me too Daddy. I wish you, me, or Amari didn’t have to go through any of this. I’m a big girl now, Daddy, so I can handle things. It will be alright, Asha explained.

    I know, but no matter how grown you get, you’ll still always be my baby girl. You know you can come and stay at the house anytime you want. I mean, I know you a business woman and all, but me and your brother miss you, Asha, said her dad.

    I know, Dad. I’ve just been working late hours a lot and closing a lot of deals, you know. Trying to stay on top of the game, just like you taught me. I promise I’ll stop by tomorrow and spend some time with you guys, okay? Asha asked.

    Sure baby girl. Well you get some sleep, and don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything. I can always have Joc or someone come pick you up and bring you to the house, aight? her dad explained.

    Ok Dad, but I’ll be fine, love you, goodnight, Asha said before hanging up.

    Asha picked up her glass of water and drank some more. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. 4 buildings and 5 houses to show tomorrow. I’d better get some sleep. Before going to sleep, Asha turned over and glanced at the picture of her mother that she always kept on the nightstand beside her bed. A single tear fell from her eye as she thought about that night she witnessed her mother’s death.

    But mama, I just have to make the team, Asha exclaimed as her and her mother, Celeste, exited Westchester Mall.

    Asha, you will make the team baby! You did great, don’t you even worry about it, you got it, Celeste encouraged while smiling at her beautiful little girl.

    I am so happy you came, mama. It really meant a lot to me for you to be there. I wish Daddy could have come, Asha said.

    I know baby, but you know Daddy has to work. He is the provider of our family, and the man of the household. It is his responsibility to take care of us, honey. Besides, he promised he would make sure he came to every game, Celeste explained while gently grabbing her daughter’s hand.

    Celeste watched the loving father pushing his baby’s stroller through the parking lot and instantly thought of her children. It just seemed like yesterday she gave birth to her only daughter. Now she was looking at a 9-year-old little diva. She reminded her so much of herself when she was just her age. It was 2:00 p.m. when they had arrived, and now the mall was closing and it was dark.

    Asha continued to sip on the blue slurpee her mother had just bought her as they walked to her mother’s black Range Rover. Celeste pushed the automatic unlock button on her remote, and they began loading the bags into the back seat.

    Mama, we should bring Amari and Daddy some ice cream since we been out so long, Asha said.

    Sure baby. I know both of my men are missing us, so let’s hurry home, Celeste said. Asha climbed inside the enormous truck and closed the door. She turned to put on her seatbelt when she heard someone say, Bitch if you move I’ll blow yo fucking brains all over the dash! Asha looked over to see the man they thought was a loving father, who was pushing a baby stroller, with a gun pointed at her mother’s head. Asha was speechless.

    Asha baby, everything is going to be okay, Celeste cried as she saw the fear in her daughter’s eyes.

    Shut the fuck up bitch and give me all yo shit! the gunmen yelled.

    Okay….Okay you can take whatever you want, just don’t hurt me and my baby, Celeste begged as she began taking off her jewelry, including her 5 carat princess cut wedding ring. She reached over to grab her purse, and when she dug down, the gunman could see her silver .22. Her husband always made sure she kept it for protection.

    Oh so you think you slick huh bitch? You and that little bitch get the fuck out of the car! he yelled.

    Get out of the car baby, Celeste said to Asha while never taking her eyes off of the gunman. Asha did as she was told. Before Asha’s feet could fully touch the ground, she heard 3 shots. Asha ducked down on the side of the car and held her ears, screaming. She heard a loud thud as her mother’s body hit the ground, and the gunman hopped in her mother’s truck. He then turned and pointed the gun directly at her. She stared into Celeste’s killers cold-blooded eyes as the tears poured.

    Tell your pops to watch where the fuck he stepping! the killer declared as he closed the passenger door and sped off.

    Asha rushed to her mother’s side, screaming as her mother lay on the cold ground in a puddle of blood. There were tears coming from her eyes, and she was bleeding from her nose and mouth.

    Mama! Mama please don’t leave me! Somebody help us please! My mommy is hurt please somebody help us! Asha screamed. Security came running towards them and radioed in for an ambulance. Asha I love you. You, your father, and Amari are my heart, Celeste mouthed as she gasped for air and spit up blood.

    "Mommy no! Please mommy please I need you! You said you’d never leave us mommy you promised!" Asha sobbed as she held her mother’s hand. Asha could hear the ambulance screaming, coming directly towards them. She could also see the red and white lights flashing in the distance, but in her heart, she already knew it was too late. She stayed with her mother, holding her hand until she witnessed her mother’s soul leaving her body. Why? Why would anyone ever want to hurt the most loving and considerate woman in the world. I miss you mama and I’ll always love you.

    Asha closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep as her tears dried into her pillow.

    Chapter Two

    It was 11:45 P.M. and Asha was on the prowl for her man. She was tired of sitting up and wondering where he was; she was going to find his ass tonight. She rode through every spot she knew that he ran to see if she could get a glimpse of his car. She had got wind of some chick from the projects he was fucking with through her girl Toya.

    Asha, I don’t know why you fuck with his dog ass! He is the biggest hoe walking, girl. I love you and I hate to see you stuck on a nigga who gon’ only be who he is, no matter how much you try to change his ass. Cease loves Cease, and no matter which way he serve it, eventually you gon’ wake up and realize it. I mean, look at you Asha. You are a successful business woman who has paved a way for yourself without using your daddy’s money or his reputation. Do you know how many niggas would love a beautiful black woman like yourself? You must learn your worth, girl. Once you know that, you’ll never come back to a piece of shit like Cease–EVER! Toya explained.

    Asha rode and rode until 2:45 A.M. and she was dead tired, only driving off of anger. Look at me! What the fuck am I doing? This is pointless and I need to take my ass home, Asha thought to herself as she looked at her reflection in the rearview mirror. Asha turned down a side street, preparing to turn around, and that’s when she spotted Cease’s black Lexus parked. She pulled over three cars behind his and cut the engine.

    After about 20 min of waiting, Cease and a girl came walking out of a house. He had his arms wrapped tightly around her waist and was nibbling on her ear. Asha felt like her heart had just stopped. Could this really be the man she loved, right in front of her with another woman? I should hop out this car and kick him and that bitch’s ass! Asha was so mad that all she saw was red. There was no way she was going to allow this man to disrespect her! Asha grabbed the handle on her door and could hear her heart beating in her ears. No! Hell no I’m too fly for this shit! I hope it was worth it because I am fucking done! Asha watched as Cease placed the other woman in the car and closed the door behind her. He looked around and then got in the car as well. Asha sat in tears as she watched him drive away.

    Fuck Asha yelled as she sat in her pearl white Mercedes outside the newly renovated Salon on 128 th Street. It had been 4 weeks since that incident, and she hadn’t broken down to call him until today. No! I am not calling his ass back. Cease had been blowing up her phone for the past week and had even been calling her office. She had her secretary to tell him she was out of the office or in a meeting every time he called. She knew it was only a matter of time before he stopped by her apartment or the office. She knew she had to eventually face the issue, but she was not ready to just yet.

    Although he had hurt her, she still did love him. She had been with him for the past 2 years and knew no one else. She was still feeling vulnerable and didn’t want to be caught in a weak moment. She had too much respect for herself to allow this man to mistreat her, and deep down, she knew she deserved better. Besides, she had her own money and was doing well on her own. The tears slowly began to fall from her eyes. Too many times, she had cried and stayed up all night, worried about Cease and his well-being, while he ran the streets. She knew she couldn’t do it anymore. Shit, she refused to do it anymore. There had to be something better out there than the mess she was dealing with.

    Her thoughts were interrupted when someone rapped on her car window. It was Joc, her father’s right hand man. She quickly wiped away her tears, rolled down the window, and asked, Hey Joc. You ready? as if nothing had just happened.

    He responded, Yeah. I am sorry I’m late, but I got held up on some business. You know how that shit goes.

    Of course I do. Let’s go take a look, she smiled.

    Joc opened her car door and closed it behind her. They walked across the busy street and up to the door of the Salon. She typed in the code to the lock that was on the doorknob. Once the door was open, they both went inside. Asha reached for the light switch so that Joc could see the property. When the lights came on, he immediately started to walk around and check it out

    So how long ago did they renovate this place? he questioned.

    About 6 months ago, and might I add they did a good job, she admitted.

    Yeah they did the damn thang, he added.

    So it does suit you? she questioned.

    Yeah, I think it’s definitely her style. She gon’ flip the fuck out when she see this shit, he confirmed. Joc was buying the brand spanking new salon for his little sister, LaShae. She had just graduated from Star Quality Hair College and wanted to open her own salon. He knew it had always been a dream of hers since she was a little girl; she was very good at what she loved. He had already made up his mind; it was sold. It was the perfect location; still in the hood, but not in the ghetto. She would be safe and secure and only a phone call away. Not that anyone would dare fuck with his little sister. Everybody across the whole city knew she was his family.

    Jabari Joc Smith was once a top soldier in the empire Big E had built and had been with him since he was 14 years old. He had taught him everything he needed to know about the hustle. Joc started as a foot soldier, and quickly climbed his way to the top. Now at 24, it was only right that he became Big E right hand man, and was the head nigga of the Terror Squad. He ate niggas for breakfast and wouldn‘t think twice about it. He would murk any nigga that could possibly fuck up his money, or get them popped off due to stupidity. His name rang bells in them streets, and niggas feared him. He was that nigga; every nigga wanted to be him and he was every bitch’s dream. He was a beast on the streets, and everyone knew if they crossed him or Terror Squad, they would end up in a fucking body bag.

    So do you want it? Asha inquired.

    Hell yeah, it’s sold baby girl. Don’t even worry about the price, just draw up the paperwork and drop it off at my crib when it’s ready, he exlaimed, still looking around in amazement at what he was able to purchase.

    At your crib? she stammered. Asha had never been to Joc’s crib. They had encountered each other through business with her father and properties, but never had he invited her to his crib. She did not know how to feel.

    Asha was a real estate agent. She graduated from Morgan Park High school at the age of 17 and was already in college by the time her friends had just graduated from high school. She graduated with honors from Spellman by the age of 21, and immediately opened her own company and looked out for family. Now, everyone who was anyone came to her when they wanted some property. In Joc’s case, she considered him family and had practically known him forever, but she still was a little leery.

    Her father, Eric, taught her everything there was to know about the family business. Her father was the biggest drug supplier in Chicago and flipped his money over to legit. He opened his own nightclub, liquor stores, and two car dealerships in Chicago. He even invested money into small business across Chicago, just to give back. He was a smart man. He was also hard working, but did not tolerate bullshit and could spot it a mile away.

    Is that cool with you, Baby Girl, Joc asked.

    Yeah, that’s cool. I should have all the papers for you to sign no later than tonight, she replied.

    Okay, well go work your magic, girl, he smiled. They both locked eyes for a brief second, and Asha could have sworn there was something there. She had always known his potential, and the more she looked at him, the more she noticed how sexy his ass was. Joc was 6’2, caramel-skinned, and had deep dimples not to mention the most beautiful hazel eyes and most radiant smile she had ever seen. He was dressed to kill every time she laid eyes on him and exuded confidence. He was a paid nigga; he had large money, but was single.

    Asha started turning off the lights and locked the salon up tight to make sure no one could enter. Joc walked her across the street to her car and opened the car door once again to let her in. What a gentleman. A thug ass nigga who has manners; how cute. Cease use to do shit like that when we first started dating. Now I’m lucky if he even spends the night at home twice a week.

    Aight, you be safe and just call me later when you coming to drop that off to me, he uttered.

    Of course Joc. I’ll hit your phone, Asha smiled as he closed her car door. She started her car and pulled off on her way to the office. She needed this money and wanted Joc to have the papers tonight as she had promised.

    Chapter Three

    "R ing! Ring! Ring!" was all Joc could hear as he started up his black Range Rover and drove down Western and 127 th Street. What the fuck does this stalking ass bitch want? I don’t know why she can’t get it through her head that our relationship is dead. Lisa was Joc’s ex-girlfriend. They had been together for one year, and her jealous and devious ways lead to their down fall. There were two things that Joc could not stand in a woman. One was jealousy, and the other was constant nagging. Lisa had both of those qualities down pat.

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