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Homies, Lovers & Friends 2: A Brooklyn Love Story
Homies, Lovers & Friends 2: A Brooklyn Love Story
Homies, Lovers & Friends 2: A Brooklyn Love Story
Ebook227 pages3 hours

Homies, Lovers & Friends 2: A Brooklyn Love Story

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In part two of Homies, Lovers & Friends, Michelle is left with the fact that her life with Tasheem just might have caused her cousin to be murdered. When taking four steps forward, she feels as if she's pushed back fifteen. Just when she thought she had gotten rid of Tasheem and his evil ways, he came back and decided to cause harm to not just her, but Miracle. Will she have the heart to deal with the pieces of her life that the choice to be with Tasheem has caused? Will Thor continue to help her rebuild her life, or does he have too much on his plate?

With his mother in the hospital fighting for her life and his newfound love screaming for his help, Thor is torn. Always being the one to run and be at this mother's beck and call, he's torn between coming to Michelle and Miracle's aide. Knowing that Michelle's life comes with a lot of baggage doesn't bother him, but it's the baggage that he carries for both he and his mother that he's worried with. Will his mother prove too much for Michelle? Will finally let his mother figure out things on her own and come and save Michelle?

Kelsie is carrying Milli's baby and doesn't know where they stand in a relationship. Then, she has Kyne who has proven that he would be the perfect man for her. Yet, it's something about a bad boy that keeps Kelsie torn between Milli and Kyne. When she gets the dreaded call about Miracle, will she be able to forgive Michelle? Or will she cut her off forever?

Patsy has proven to have the perfect life from the outside looking in. Her life is far from perfect and every day she's just one drink closer to being like her mother. With an absent husband, huge house and unlimited amounts of money, the only thing she could finds peace in, is a bottle of rum and Gin. Will Mello finally realize that his wife is crying out for help? Or will it be too late when he finally realizes it?
Release dateMar 12, 2017
Homies, Lovers & Friends 2: A Brooklyn Love Story

Jahquel J.

Jahquel J. has been writing since 2014 and has a bunch of books under her belt. Best known for her Staten Island Love Letter series, she has no plans on slowing down anytime soon. She lives in Georgia with her husband, sister, and seven dogs that are all full of character. She's known for her love of sneakers, fashion, and all things books.

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    Homies, Lovers & Friends 2 - Jahquel J.



    The gun went off and I fell to the ground as my baby cousin fell to the floor with blood spewing from her chest. Tasheem stood there with the smoking gun in his hand and looked at me, and then back at Miracle who was lying on the floor.

    You stupid dick head! I screamed with tears coming down my face. He stood there and allowed me to hit him before he hauled off and slapped me across the face. I fell to the floor and crawled over to Miracle. She was still breathing, yet it was faint, and she was trying to say something to me.

    See what the fuck you did? This would have never happened if you didn’t leave and try to be this independent woman, you dumb bitch! he barked with spit flying from his mouth.

    My hands trembled as I fumbled with the phone to dial 911. Tasheem was pacing with the phone before he bolted out the bedroom door. I held my left hand on Miracle’s chest and tried to apply pressure. It felt like I was breaking her chest with the amount of pressure I was applying to her.

    What’s your emergency? the operator asked calmly on the other end of the line. How could she be so calm when my little cousin was dying on my bedroom floor?

    My baby cousin was shot in the chest! I need help, please! I hysterically cried into the phone. Tears were blurring my vision, yet I made sure not to let go of the pressure I was applying to Miracle’s chest.

    Ma’am, where are you? How did your cousin get shot? How old is the victim? It seemed like she was tossing out so many questions that I couldn’t answer at one time.

    I’m at 76 Chester street, on the third floor, apartment 34… Please send someone, I don’t want her to die!

    Ma’am, I just dispatched emergency to your location. Please breathe because I need you to help save your cousin’s life. How old is she?

    She’s five or six, I can’t think! I screamed at her. It wasn’t her fault and it damn sure wasn’t her who got me into this situation. When Tasheem showed up to my place earlier, I should have gone to Thor’s house or even Kelsie’s place. Instead, I allowed Miracle to come over here thinking he was harmless and wouldn’t do anything.

    Okay, are you applying pressure to the wound?

    Yes. A small whimper escaped my mouth.

    Okay, is she breathing or conscious?

    Very faintly and her eyes are closed. Miracle, baby, open your eyes. She opened her eyes and looked at me. She didn’t even need to tell me the pain she was in, her eyes told it all.

    The banging on the door broke our stare down and I ran to the front door and let the paramedics in. No longer was I worried about the operator, I just needed these three burly men to save my baby cousin.

    Where is she? one asked, and I pointed to the room while holding my hand over my mouth. It felt like I was in the twilight zone and I couldn’t speak. All the screaming and speaking I did had went out the window, and I couldn’t form a sentence when the police officers and detectives followed behind them.

    Ma’am, what’s your name and is this your apartment? one detective asked. I nodded my head and tried to say my words, yet they wouldn’t come out. Take your time and come sit over here so they can work on the victim.

    Mi…Michelle, I finally got out.

    How do you know the victim?

    She’s my little cousin.

    And what happened? Be honest and tell us everything that happened.

    When they brought Miracle out on a stretcher, I quarterback tackled past them and followed the EMTs out the building. I need to be with her, was all I said as I ran out the apartment with no shoes on and just a skimpy nightshirt.

    Are you riding with her?


    Good, we’ll need some information from you, he said as he offered his hand and helped me step up into the back of the ambulance. People gathered out the window and on the block to find out why the cops and ambulance were there. It wasn’t nothing out the norm; there were people getting shot left and right in this part of Brooklyn. As the ambulance sped off the block, I thought about how I needed to call Kelsie and let her know what happened. I prayed my cousin could forgive me, although, if I was in her situation, I would never forgive myself.

    Everyone always said that Tasheem was going to put me six feet in the ground and I always shrugged it off. Never in a million years would I have thought that he was going to possibly put my little cousin in the grave because of my reckless mistakes.

    Where the fuck is my baby? Kelsie rushed through the automatic doors of the hospital. After sitting here and talking with the detectives, they finally allowed me to use the phone to call her.

    She’s in surgery. I stood up and embraced her. Before she could get to me, she collapsed on the floor in a loud sob.

    How the fuck could you allow this to happen, Michelle? I trusted you with my baby. She’s all I have and you allowed her to get shot, how? she continued to scream while everyone looked on and wondered what exactly went on.

    Bending down onto the floor, I touched her arm and she snatched it away from me. Kelsie, I had no clue he was going to do this. You think I would purposely put Miracle in harm’s way?

    You put yourself in harm’s way on the daily basis. It was only because you got some brains and finally left! she screamed. Leave! I don’t want you here! She pushed me away from her.


    Before I was able to get the rest of her name out, she lifted her hand and slapped the dog shit out of me. Spit flew from my mouth with the amount of force that was behind that slap. You like getting hit, don’t you? Get out of here before I call security on you! she screamed with tears streaming down her face.

    In this moment, I didn’t know what hurt the most; the fact that my baby cousin was fighting for her life, or that her mother was treating me so poorly. If I could, I would take back everything that happened. I wanted to be on the other side of the gun and take the bullets that Miracle took. Right now, I had no other choice except to get off the floor and leave the hospital. Security was looking and waiting for either one of us to make a scene bigger than the one we were already causing.

    How was I supposed to get home? I had no phone, coat, or shoes on because I rushed out the house to get in the ambulance with Miracle. As I stood outside the hospital looking lost and wondering how things went from sugar to shit so quickly, the detective walked over to me and offered a cigarette.

    No thanks, I don’t smoke. I politely turned down his offer of cancer.

    He took a long drag of his cigarette and then looked at me. Let me give you a ride back to your home to grab some clothes and at least some money and your cellphone.

    Why would I grab clothes?

    Love, your apartment is a crime scene. You have nothing right now, so I’m doing you a little favor and allowing you to grab some things and call someone. Your cousin didn’t look too pleased with you.

    Why would she be? I asked as he guided me to his car. He held the door open for me, and I slid into the front seat with ease.

    It wasn’t your fault. From what you told us, you didn’t invite him in the home. He broke into your apartment and tried to harm you. Your cousin won’t see it that way because that’s her baby in there fighting for her life.

    Still, I should have left when he showed up earlier. I shouldn’t have allowed my cousin to bring Miracle there. I put her in harm’s way.

    Truthfully, I wish I could say I didn’t see a lot of these same things happen, but I did. I was born and raised in Chicago and investigated a lot of cases where children were shot and killed. What you and your cousin need to do is pray, not fight.

    What the detective said was true, yet how could I go tell a distraught Kelsie that? She probably wished I was fighting for my life instead of her daughter. This whole mess hurt my heart and I wished I could change the whole dynamic, but I couldn’t. All I could do was sit in the front seat of this detective’s car and pray they allowed me to get some belongings. All Kelsie needed was a night to clear her head and then I could come and see and speak with her tomorrow. Hopefully, she allowed me to still see how Miracle was doing. The things she said to me, I deserved. I allowed Tasheem to mentally and physically abuse me for years and did nothing. When he did the worst things to me, I still allowed him to claim me as his and lived in his house.

    Come on, he said and put his hazard lights on as we got out the car. We took the steps up to my apartment and there was yellow tape across the opening of the door. Investigators were still on the inside, so he broke it down and stepped in.

    Curry, what you doing here? Thought you took off for the week, one of the men asked and gave him a handshake.

    I need this young lady to grab a few belongings so she can stay out of your hair.

    No problem… anything marked, don’t touch, he told me. Curry, what the hell were you thinking? You know I could get in trouble for this, he whispered when I walked away.

    Look, she has nothing and her cousin just called her everything except an angel. Do me this solid. He tried to smooth the older man over.

    Alright. If she’s not out in five minutes, I’m kicking her out.

    Thank you, man.

    That’s all I needed to hear. I grabbed a duffle bag and started tossing anything I could find in there. After getting my clothes in order, I grabbed my cellphone, charger, and a pair of sneakers, and was out of my bedroom in under five minutes. Thor had called me a bunch of times and left numerous voicemails on my phone.

    Thank you so much, sir. I know you can lose your job for helping me out, I really appreciate it.

    You’re welcome. We’ll try to gather all the evidence and get out of your home as soon as we can, he told me and smiled at me.

    The detective walked me back downstairs and stood and stared at me before he spoke. My name is Regan. If you can think of anywhere he could be, give me a call. He handed me another card. This time this one differed from the one his partner gave me. This card had his personal cellphone number along with the office number.

    I will, thank you!

    After accepting the card, I pulled my bag on my arm and made the walk down the block while dialing Thor’s number. He answered on the first ring and I was relieved.

    Where you at, babe? he questioned.

    I’m walking from my apartment. Everything is all wrong, Thor, I cried into the phone. My cousin hated me and there was nothing I could do. Not all the prayers in the world could probably repair what had just happened.

    I’m driving your way now, where exactly are you? he questioned, and I told him where I was.

    It took him five minutes to arrive to me and jump out his truck. He grabbed my bag and helped me into the truck before jogging around and getting back inside. Tears fell down my cheeks as I tried to catch my breath. I felt like I was having a panic attack and couldn’t breathe. My chest was tight and once again, the words I wanted to say wouldn’t form.

    Where’s Kelsie? he questioned, and I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Is she at the hospital? She knows what happened?

    She hates me, Thor! I wailed and cried into my hands. My cousin hated me and that was a feeling I couldn’t deal with. I would have rather put up with Tasheem beating me until he couldn’t any more than feeling like my relationship with Kelsie was over. She and Miracle were all I had here in New York.

    Look, we gonna get a hotel room and you’re going to get cleaned up. I’m going to head back to the hospital and find out what’s going on with her, alright? He told me the game plan and I nodded my head.

    Thor took me to the Marriott near the Brooklyn Bridge and got me settled, before he left to see what was going on with Miracle. As I peeled the bloody nightgown off my body and allowed it to hit the floor, I started to think about how this all happened. One minute I was resting peacefully, and the next moment, Miracle was fighting for her life. Either way, my baby girl was a fighter and was going to pull through this. I was praying that she did.



    Never in life did I think I would be hit with the hard decision to pick between my mother and a woman I hadn’t even known a year. My mother had overdosed and was being rushed to the hospital, while Michelle’s ex had forced his way into her crib and had a gun to her head. Both situations were extreme, and both people involved had done it to themselves. My mother continued to do drugs knowing what it did to her, and Michelle continued to let Tasheem off the hook instead of letting him get dealt with. Who did I go and save? My mother who birthed me, yet didn’t take the time to raise me into the man I was today. Or did I help the woman I saw a future with? The one who made everything seem perfect in that moment of time. The decision was made up when I heard the gunshot go off. I pulled onto the divider and jumped onto the other side and headed back to New York City.

    The automatic doors opened and I looked around the waiting room. Kelsie was nowhere to be found and I didn’t see any doctors anywhere. The nurse must have known who I was looking for because she came over to me like she knew who I was. Her blonde weave had seen better days, and the green contacts she had in her eyes looked creepy, not appealing.

    Are you looking for the one who was crying about her daughter? she questioned as she looked up at me.

    Yeah, where is she?

    She’s down the hall in the chapel. She pointed in the direction of the chapel.

    Thank you.

    You’re welcome. About your number though… She giggled like I was about to sit here and spit game to her. First off, she wasn’t my type, and even if she was, right now wasn’t the time for that.

    I guess when you worked in this field you were used to shit like this happening, so it wasn’t all that important to you. Leaving her standing there looking dumb, I walked down the hall and found the chapel. Quietly, I cracked the door open and saw Kelsie sitting there with her head bowed, praying. Taking a seat next to her, I didn’t say a word and neither did she when she looked up and saw I was sitting beside her.

    Michelle sent you?

    Nah, she’s worried about you though.

    She wiped her tears and looked at me. How could she do this to me? Us? Miracle didn’t deserve what she’s going through right now.

    I understand why you’re mad; your daughter is in the cold operating room fighting for her life. Still, you know Michelle’s heart and she would never put Miracle in this position, especially if she knew it would happen.

    I told her a million times to get him arrested. She should have listened. He shot my baby in the chest! she raised her voice and allowed the tears to fall down her cheek. My baby, Thor. She sniffled and laid her head on my shoulder.

    Look, right now Miracle needs all the prayers she can get. You and Michelle will work y’all differences out. Right now, it’s about Miracle and only Miracle.

    You’re right, she mumbled and bowed her head, then said another prayer before she got up and left.

    I wasn’t the type that prayed. Yet, for that little girl, I could send a prayer or two to make sure she pulls through. My hand was itching to catch Michelle’s ex. In the past, I had said I wouldn’t put hands on him until she was officially done with him. Yet, right now he crossed the line when he brought that shit to her front door. When he saw that little girl lying in the bed next to her, he should have backed out and left it for what it was. This pussy nigga gonna pull his gun out and let the shit go with a child in the room. Thinking about the shit had my blood boiling and trigger finger itching. The only way that I would be able to relieve the itch was to kill that nigga with my bare hands.

    We had been sitting in the waiting room upstairs for about four hours. Kelsie was in and out of sleep, while I kept Michelle updated about what was going on. She was so worried that each time I called she was crying. I knew she was beating herself up for what happened to Miracle. A doctor came from around the corner and was looking around. Since it was just me and Kelsie sitting, I gently nudged a sleeping Kelsie, and she stirred from her sleep while looking around.

    I think that’s Miracle’s doctor, I whispered to her, and she sat up almost immediately.

    She rushed over to the doctor with a worried expression on her face. Are you my daughter’s doctor? She held her hand over her mouth. Miracle! she yelped when he didn’t respond right away.

    Yes. Can we have a seat in the next room? He pointed to the other side of the waiting area. I started to sit back

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