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The Mike Black Saga Volume 9
The Mike Black Saga Volume 9
The Mike Black Saga Volume 9
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The Mike Black Saga Volume 9

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The Mike Black Saga Volume 9 includes: The Name Of The Game, The Circle Remains Unbroken, and Mr. & Mrs. Black

The Name Of The Game
In the aftermath of war, there is peace.
With the events that began with the attempted assassination of Bobby Ray are behind them, Mike Black the opportunity to contemplate the way forward for his family. He knew, better than most, how fragile peace can be and how quickly things can change. Naturally, there was still the matter of Fleming Molson that had to be dealt with, but for right now, things were good. Without officially having the title, Rain Robinson has been functioning as underboss of the family. Wanda has settled comfortably into her new role as Rain’s consigliere and sometime assassin. And Nick is in love with April. Peace. But Black wasn’t just concerned about his organization; his thoughts were on Cassandra, Michelle and Easy.
Since she’s been in power in the islands, Jada West had been busy. She had opened an exclusive establishment in Freeport, was aggressively pushing her way into the Turks and Caicos, and she was just waiting on Black to give her the go ahead to move on Aruba. But Wanda was concerned that Jada was too focused on making money and not paying attention the threat posed by Fleming’s nephew, Malcolm and his people in Nassau. That changed when Jada arrived at Paraíso after returning from a business trip to find that her that two of the ladies, had been brutally murdered along with two Japanese businessmen. Because of their business and political connections, the Bahamian police and Japanese Consulate security believe the murders are the work of a Japanese terrorist group, but Jada sources tell a different story that leads her to do the last thing she wanted to do. She called Black and he told her to take no action until he got there; and then he looked at his wife. “Wanna go to Nassau?”
“When are we leaving?”

The Circle Remains Unbroken
Carter Garrison and Geno Crocker grew up in the game, and things were all good until that night when being able to run just a little faster meant the difference in which of them got away and which went to jail. That night started them on separate paths that led Geno to become a successful analyst, in love with beautiful Sabrina McMillan and Carter in jail for his loyalty to Mike Black and The Family.
Now Carter is getting out and Sabrina is worried that Geno will be drawn back to his past life. But Carter has other ideas that involve Mileena Hayes; she was, and still is, the love of his life. Their relationship ended the night that Mileena told him that she saw no future in a relationship with a man that would end up in jail or dead. He spent the last five years thinking about a future that doesn’t include going back to work for The Family at a time when Rain Robinson could use a man with Carter’s skills. Wait to see what happens when both love and allegiances call at the same time.

Mr. & Mrs. Black
With all of their enemies defeated and Rain Robinson firmly in command of his Family, Black and Shy have put that life of constant war and death behind them. They have moved back to the home that they built in The Bahamas; the home that they built to spend the rest of their lives in, so many years ago. Shy has promised to hang up her guns and live the quiet life with the man she loves; raising their children and focusing on running her legitimate import/export business. So when she is presented with the opportunity to become the U.S. importer for a company that makes hand-made women’s apparel, Shy jumped at the opportunity. A meeting was quickly arranged in Palermo, Sicily to meet the owner and negotiate a deal. That’s when the trouble begins...
...and that is when Shy is glad that she brought her gun.

PublisherRoy Glenn
Release dateApr 8, 2020
The Mike Black Saga Volume 9

Roy Glenn

Multi-genre author Roy Glenn is best known as the Master of Urban Suspense for his iconic Mike Black Saga. A three-time Bestselling Author, winner of The Reader Warrior Choice award for Best Male Author and a B.R.A.B award for Best Duo, Roy Glenn always had a very vivid imagination. He began making up stories at a very early age, but his passion for writing those stories didn't come until much later in life.   His first novel, Is It a Crime, became a bestseller and gave birth to the popular character Mike Black. The Black series has spun off two other series, The Reign of Rain Robinson and a look into the past with The Vicious Black years. Roy was born and raised in the Bronx, and currently lives in Jacksonville, Florida, where he is working on the Above The Law series and Boss of the Family for television.  

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    The Mike Black Saga Volume 9 - Roy Glenn


    The Name Of The Game

    By Roy Glenn

    Escapism Entertainment, LLC

    Atlantic Beach, Florida

    © Copyright Roy Glenn 2015

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

    This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

    Chapter One

    Once the plane had arrived at the gate, they got off quickly, made their way through the busy terminal, and went to the parking lot. They piled into Nick’s new Cadillac XLR and headed back to the Bronx.

    On the way, Black called Shy. Hello, Cassandra.

    Hi, baby. You back in the city?

    Just got off the plane. What you doing?

    Same place you left me, on the couch watching TV.

    How’s my baby?

    "I just told you, your baby is fine. I’m sitting on the couch watching TV. However, if you’re asking about our daughter, Michelle is fine; she’s at Pam sister’s house. I

    called to check on her a little while ago."

    Trying to get me alone, huh?

    You figured that one out all by yourself.

    I missed you, baby. I can’t wait to see you.

    Well hurry up, I’m here waiting for you, Shy said.

    Did you talk to Bart today? Black asked.

    Yeah, he said he was coming by later tonight to kill me.

    If he gets there before I do, tell him to wait for me.


    So I’ll see you in about an hour, baby.

    I love you, Shy said. So much.

    I love you, too. Like I said, I’ll be there in about an hour.

    I heard you, Michael. But this time, I’m ready for him, Shy said confidently.

    What do you mean, you’re ready for him?

    I’m gonna take care of him, Michael.

    No, Cassandra! Wait until I get there and we’ll take care of him together. Black looked at Nick. Drive faster.

    It’s not going to matter. You and I both know that he is here right now and as soon as I hang up this phone it’s going to happen.

    Cassandra, please listen to me. Do not engage Bart alone.

    If I don’t make it, kiss Michelle and Easy for me. And please Michael, I think that you can do better than an ex-hooker. I don’t care how much money she makes for you now, she’s still a ho, Shy said and laughed.

    Cassandra, please don’t do this.

    I have to. Don’t you understand, I have to kill him myself, just like you did, otherwise I’ll never be free of him.

    Cassandra, please! Black shouted as Shy ended the call.

    Shy placed her phone down on the coffee table and reached for her purse. She took out her Beretta and the PLR-22 and placed them on the table as well. Then she got the silencer, put it on the Beretta before she got up, and walked over to the window.

    Shy looked out and saw a car parked outside that looked like it had a man and a woman in it. She felt that it was safe to assume that the man was George Swanson and the woman was her body double. For years it bothered her that neither her husband nor Wanda knew that it wasn’t her. There was a part of her that wanted to see what the woman looked like before Bart beat her and shot her in the back.

    At least it would end that debate.

    All there was to do now was wait for Bart to come out of the basement to make his move. She went back to the couch, turned off the television and sat down. It wasn’t long before she heard the sound of the basement door opening and she readied herself.

    When Bart came in the living room, Shy had the Beretta pointed at him. Hello, Bart.

    He was startled to see her there and that she was expecting him. When Bart rushed at her, Shy shot him in the kneecap. He grimaced in pain and dropped to one knee. Bart grabbed his knee and got to his feet. When he did, Shy shot him in the other kneecap and Bart went down again.

    Shy got up quickly and went back to the window. She looked out and found that Swanson and his passenger were still in place. Good. That would give her some time. She walked up to Bart and kicked him in the face. Bart reached out and grabbed Shy’s leg.

    Got you.

    No you don’t, bitch. Shy shot him twice in the arm and Bart let her go. Me and you gonna have some fun now. Shy laughed and shot him in the thigh. You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this.

    Shy moved Black’s chair so it was facing Bart and then she sat down.

    Do you know how many years I sat on that fuckin’ island … Shy fired again; this time to the other arm. … there were days at a time when my captors wouldn’t show up and they’d leave me alone, in the dark, chained to that fuckin’ bed and all I could see is that face. YOUR FAT UGLY FACE! Shy shouted. Then she aimed carefully and shot Bart in the cheek.

    Just get it over with …, Bart said.

    Shy laughed. If I have the balls? Is that what you were going to say? Michael told me that’s what you said to him before he killed you, Shy said and looked at her watch. Look at the time. It sure goes by fast when one of us is having fun.

    Shy put a fresh clip in the gun and stood over Bart.

    I promised myself that I’d be done with this before Michael got home, Shy said and fired shots to Bart’s head and chest.



    You okay, Black said as he slid in bed next to Shy. Were you having a nightmare? he knew that she still had nightmares about her ordeal from time to time.

    Not this time. It was a dream, Shy said excitedly.

    What did you dream?

    I dreamt that I killed Bart.

    Congratulations, he said as he slid in bed behind her and ran his hand around her waist pulling her into him.

    Hmm, feels like somebody is happy to be getting in bed with his wife, she purred as she snuggled back against him enjoying the feeling of his hard length pressed against her backside.

    I am.

    Pressing harder into her lush ass, he started to mimic what he planned to do to her. Her soft sigh was an indication she wanted it as well. Black’s hand traveled his beautiful wife’s warm naked body; enjoying the smooth soft skin of her luscious curves. When he reached her twin peaks, he ran his fingers around the pebbled flesh before pinching each tip gently.

    Shy rolled on her back and Black took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucked it, while Shy held his head in place and squeezed the other. She pushed them together into his hands and Black accepted the gift.

    He caressed her breasts before taking the other juicy nipple into his mouth and sucked it gently until her sighs turned into deep moans. Shy turned to him immediately seeking his lips as his fingers ran through her hair. Black pulled her close and began to lick and nip gently at her neck.

    Shy panted her pleasure as his lips brushed around her neck, her chest, and her breasts before following the line of her stomach to her dripping wetness. Black spread Shy’s legs and moved in between her thighs. He opened her wetness with his tongue and licked her lips up and down slowly; she gasped each time he spread her lips with his fingers and stuck his tongue as far as he could inside her. Shy’s fists clutched the gold colored Egyptian cotton sheets until her lips parted … Michael, she said in a whisper.

    It must have been due to her finally killing Bart in her subconscious mind that made Shy feel a surge of feminine energy. She felt empowered and exhilarated and didn’t want to wait for what she wanted. Shy grabbed her husband’s wide shoulders and pulled him up to her before planting a gentle kiss against his lips. She savored the taste of her on his lips and devoured him before shoving him back on the bed. She straddled his waist and lowered herself on top of him, taking the thick girth of him into her. As she slid up and down on him, rolling her hips with his while he grabbed her ass.

    She slowly began to move her hips from side to side and they worked against each other, her clenching tightly around him. Black was in ecstasy as Shy sucked his nipples while she moved up and down on his dick.

    I like how you feel inside me! Shy moaned and ran her fingers through her hair.

    Black arched his back and pushed himself as deep and as hard into her as he could. Sweat beaded on his skin as he pushed it to her so hard that she collapsed onto his chest. Cassandra felt powerful, wrapped up in her husband’s passion for her and she tightened around him. Shy’s mouth opened wide, but no words came out. Black’s eyes were locked on hers and his body tensed. They stared into each other’s eyes as Shy began slamming her hips furiously into him until she had taken it all from him.

    Black immediately wrapped his arms around Shy; still hard inside of her and kept moving in and out of her. They caught their breaths and Shy smiled as she rested her head against his damp skin. Black kissed her temple.

    I like it when you take what you want, Gangster.

    Every once in a while you need to be reminded who the real boss of this family is.

    Chapter Two

    Reese flipped Alexis over so she was on top of him and began moving slowly in and out of her. She loved the way he gave it to her because it always made Alexis eager for more. He grabbed Alexis’s ass and she arched her back to take all of him inside her.

    Alexis felt Reese deep inside her and all she wanted in that moment was to satisfy him. With her eyes closed, Alexis grinded her hips in circles and then up and down trying to get all she could. His entire body began to tingle and his head swelled from the sweet sensation he felt as his head hit her spot over and over again.

    The almost sublime experience made her eyes start to cross as Reese took her fat nipple into his mouth and sucked it hard. Alexis felt her muscles tighten around him and she rocked her hips furiously until his cell phone began ringing.

    The I Go To Work by Kool Moe Dee ringtone let Reese know that is was Smoke calling and there was work to do.

    It’s Smoke.

    So she said, not caring about the phone or who was on it. You ain’t going nowhere.

    Alexis planted her feet, put her hands on the headboard and she rode Reese harder and faster. The tension built to crescendo as Alexis felt her thighs begin to tremble. She threw her body into his to get him to go a little deeper as her body convulsed uncontrollably. Reese moved in and out of her faster, and he slammed it in her harder as the phone began ringing again.

    Reese was so deep inside her, hitting her spot that her body started to tremble and they exploded together. As soon as he was able to catch his breath, he rolled out of bed and grabbed his phone.

    What’s up?

    What you think? It’s time to put in work.

    How long you gonna be? Reese asked as he grabbed his clothes and went in the bathroom.

    We’re outside, Smoke said.

    He was parked outside the apartment building with Teon. Rain had called him and that meant that there was work to do. So come on. You know she don’t like to be kept waiting.

    Be out in five.

    Make it two, Smoke said and ended the call. Once Reese was in the car, Smoke drove to J.R.’s to see what Rain had for them to do.

    The three of them had become known as the new purple gang. It was an honor that Smoke rejected, and when he was asked why, he would tell them.

    All them niggas died doing stupid shit. Every one of them, except for Chris Toney. He died with honor. That mutha fucka went out on his shield to protect Rain.

    When they arrived at J.R.’s, they pushed their way through the crowd and headed straight for Rain’s office. But Along the way, they ran into Mileena Hayes and she stopped them.

    What’s up, Mileena? Smoke asked.

    After years of bartending at Impressions, Rose reached out to her and offered her the assistant manager job at J.R.’s.

    Mileena gladly accepted the position and she was honored, but to this point, Mileena had spent most of her time playing Wanda’s personal valet. But that was fine with her because now that Rain was running the show, J.R.’s was the place to be.

    How are you doing tonight, Mileena? Teon asked.

    I’m fine, Teon. Mileena knew that he was really digging her, and even though she wasn’t the least bit interested in him, she was always polite. How are you?

    I’m good. Wishing that you would let me love you the way a beautiful woman like you deserves to be loved.

    That is so sweet of you to say to me, Teon, she said and turned to Smoke. Rain is in her office with Wanda. She wants you to wait at the bar for her. Rain said to tell you that she won’t be long.

    Tell her we’ll be in the VIP room waiting for her, Smoke said.

    There’s a private bachelor party going on in there, Mileena advised.

    So, Smoke said and headed that way.

    As Smoke, Reese and Teon headed for the VIP room, in the office, Rain and Wanda were having a discussion about the way forward. In the wake of them dealing with their internal issues, which included killing Lyric Skye, Jaden Duncan, Cassius Lacey and Lennox Pulliam, they were talking about the way they were going to deal with Patrick Molson.

    Monika says that they are building up, Rain said.

    Bringing in muscle from Carriacou and Bequia.

    Those are two of the smaller islands, right?

    You’re asking the wrong person. Geography was never my thing, Rain said and laughed. Shit, I should be asking you. You the one with all the degrees.

    All I can tell you about the islands is that Mike was born on one of them and how much more money we’re making down there since Jada West took over, Wanda said.

    Honestly, I expected her to step it up down there. I know none of y’all like her, but one thing’s for sure; the bitch knows how to make money.

    I knew she would too. If for no other reason than to piss off Shy. Wanda sipped her drink and looked at Rain. You know, the way you used to do things to piss me off.

    Rain laughed because she knew it was true. She would go out of her way to make sure that Wanda knew exactly what she was doing. I pissed you off so much that you were ready to go to war over it.

    Wanda didn’t really like being reminded of the mistakes she had made, but she took it there so she figured that she had that one coming and turned the conversation back to business.

    Has Monika given you anything about what’s going on in Nassau?

    Patrick doesn’t talk much to Fleming Molson’s other nephew, Malcolm. But they talked last week so now she’s expanding the circle to include them.

    I worry that Jada is too focused on making money that she isn’t paying attention to him. Wanda paused. You may want to send somebody down there.

    Rain looked at Wanda. Black said that I should let Jada West run her own program the way she sees fit, she said and Wanda knew that she should back off. Besides, if she needs help, who you think she’s gonna turn to; me or Black?

    Black. Wanda laughed. If for no other reason than to piss off Shy.

    Both ladies laughed, but Rain knew that even though Black said to let Jada run her program, that he would expect her to call Jada to make sure that she wasn’t too focused on making money, that she isn’t paying attention to the potential threat The Grenadines posed.

    The office phone rang and Rain answered. This Rain.

    It’s Mileena. Smoke is here. He’s waiting in the VIP room.

    Thanks, Mileena, Rain said and hung up.

    You’re going to meet with Leon and Arturo now?

    Yeah, Smoke and them are here. You wanna ride?

    I do and I don’t. But I know that Arturo has a problem with woman having power. Having both of us there will make him harder to deal with, Wanda said.

    You’re right. Rain got up and put on her vest.

    There were times when Wanda felt out of place in this new world where the roles were reversed and it was Rain that was carrying power, but she was getting used to it. All she knew was that it was her responsibility to fix everything that she had broken. It was a responsibility that Wanda took very seriously. And truth be told, Wanda was enjoying her new role as adviser and assassin.

    Any advice you want to offer before I go? Rain asked as she armed herself.

    It’s important that each man thinks that he got the better end of the deal; especially Arturo. He expects you to favor Leon, so for that reason alone, he’s gonna be harder to satisfy no matter what you do. So play to his ego; I hear it’s massive.

    Good advice, thanks.

    After the meeting, Wanda left Rain’s office and went to the bar with Armani. While she was there, a man came and stood next to her and ordered a drink. Wanda noticed that he was tall, dark, handsome, and very well dressed.

    Too well dressed for J.R.’s, Wanda thought.

    As he waited for his drink, Wanda thought that he looked more like a professional man. When Wanda turned away, he checked her out and was very impressed with what he saw. Because he liked his women tall and fine, he started a conversation with her.

    James Austin.

    Wanda Moore.

    He told her that he was there for a bachelor party in the VIP room. As they continued to talk, the two found each other to be intelligent conversationalist and then he told her that he was a lawyer.

    Really? I’m a lawyer too, Wanda said.

    Somehow, I’m not surprised.

    Why is that?

    It’s the way you ask questions. James paused as Wanda waited to see if he would elaborate. Like you fully expect your questions to be answered.

    Wanda thought for a second about how true that was, especially these days. Now, if you didn’t answer Wanda’s questions, she’d kill you.

    What type of law do you practice?

    My specialty is international business law.

    Interesting, Wanda said.

    Since they had international businesses, Wanda, who always had an eye for business, was now intrigued for more than one reason. Wanda took his card and after a bit more conversation, he offered to take her to dinner and she accepted the invitation.

    Wanda watched as James Austin made his way back to the VIP room. She looked at the card that he handed her and then put it in her clutch.

    I’m ready to go, she told Armani and they left J.R.’s.

    Where to? Armani asked when they were in the car.

    I’ll tell you in a minute. Wanda took out her phone and made a call.

    Hello, answered an obviously sleeping man.

    Hello, Blair. It’s Wanda. Are you busy?

    I’m never busy for you, Wanda.

    See you soon.

    Use your key.

    Wanda ended the call. Take me to Glen Cove.

    Yes, ma’am, Armani said and started the car.

    Chapter Three

    After Rain left the office, she went to the VIP room to get Smoke, Reese and Teon and take them with her to the meeting with Leon and Arturo Hoyas. He was Hector Villanueva’s man in New York. He had acquired a reputation as a street-smart ruthless killer in the late nineties, before being locked up for engaging in a conspiracy to distribute heroin and cocaine.

    When Rain arrived at the warehouse where the sit-down was being held, Smoke told Reese and Teon to stay outside and keep their eyes open while he went inside with Rain. When they went inside the large empty space, there was nothing but a table and a few chairs. Both Leon and Arturo were already there and they were in each other's face, each shouting at the top of their lungs. Diamond and Pearl, as well as two of Arturo's men had their guns in their hands, but not raised. And each crew was ready to shoot if the word was given.

    Rain was there to settle a dispute over Arturo wanting to move uptown and Leon wanting to get a better price from Hector. Leon knew that with a better price, he can pick up the business the Lennox and Cassius were doing, and then he wouldn’t miss the business.

    Hey! Rain yelled as she came in the building, but nobody heard her over the argument. She shook her head and took out her gun. Rain held the gun over her head and fired twice.

    Everything stopped.

    Now that I got your attention we can get started, Rain said and came toward them.

    Rain; you need to tell this fuck that the shit he’s talking … Leon shook his head. It ain’t fuckin’ gonna happen. That he needs to take his ass back where his ass came from; talking that shit, Leon shouted.

    Then why the fuck am I here; wasting my time with the likes of you?

    Rain walked up to Arturo; his chest was heaving from his anger and she got in his face.

    You’re here, because I invited you here. You’re here because you’re a man of distinction who deserves respect and to have his grievances heard; that’s what the fuck you’re here for.

    She stood steely eyed in front of him as an eerie silence enveloped the space. Arturo’s breathing slowed and a half smile eased across his lips. He bowed at the waist.

    Please forgive me, Rain. Sometimes I lose my temper when it comes to certain individuals, he said and looked at Leon. How are you, Rain?

    Arturo didn’t like Rain, didn’t have any respect for her personally and wondered why he had to come to her with his issues. But what he did respect was Black, and he was fiercely loyal to Hector. Arturo respected the business relationship between men. As far as he was concerned, Rain had no business being involved in it, but he was smart enough to play the game.

    I’m fine, Arturo, Rain said and Leon shook his head. Why don’t we sit down and see if we can settle this shit, so both of you can go back to making money.

    As soon as both men sat down, the shouting began again. Rain let them shout it out for a while before she had grown tired of it. Once again, she took out her gun and fired two shots at the ceiling.

    This shit ain’t getting us no fuckin’ where!

    Sorry, Leon said.

    Arturo flashed his easy smile. This temper of mine.

    It’s cool. I got a fuckin’ temper too, but we need to settle some shit here tonight and it ain’t gonna get done unless you two stop that bullshit and get fuckin’ serious about working this shit out.

    Arturo looked at Rain for a second or two like she was crazy. Nobody, especially a woman, ever got away with talking to him like that. Once again, my apologies.

    He didn’t like it, nor did he like admitting it, but Rain was right. He had come there to settle this so they could get back to making money like Rain said. Right now, nothing was moving as both sides beefed up their security just in case things couldn’t be settled.

    Why don’t you tell me what you're issue is, Arturo? Rain asked and now it was Leon that looked crazy at Rain. He was her family and if that were the case, why was she going out of her way to show Arturo favor.

    While Arturo explained his issues to Rain in more detail than she really wanted or needed, she called Smoke over and whispered something in his ear. He leaned close to Teon and whispered something to him.

    Teon nodded his head casually; paused for a moment before making his way to where Pearl was standing. Once Teon whispered in Pearl’s ear, she leaned close to Leon. He listened to what Pearl said and then he nodded his head, looked at Rain and smiled.

    Rain nodded once and then turned her attention back to Arturo who was just wrapping up, … and that is why I think it is important to the furtherance of our business relationship that I be permitted to expand and do business in those areas, Arturo said and looked at Leon.

    He had noticed all the whispering that was going on; it didn’t surprise him, in fact, he expected it. But Hector told him that he had to go and assured Arturo that he would be treated fairly and that was the best he could hope for. Arturo came in having no delusions that this would work out in his favor.

    Once Arturo was finished, Rain looked at Leon and then she turned and faced Arturo. Other than the sound of water leaking from a pipe into a puddle below, there was quiet in the room as the two stared at each other.

    What’s it worth to you?

    What’s it worth to me?

    That’s what the fuck I said. What’s it worth to you? Rain leaned forward and pointed in Arturo’s face. You just fed me all that shit about the importance of the furtherance of our business relationship. I wanna know what that shit is worth to you?

    Arturo sat back in his chair. He wasn't expecting the question, but it was a logical question so he should have. He was surprised that Rain didn’t even bother to hear Leon’s side of their issue. Arturo glanced at Leon. Judging from the look on his face, Leon was surprised too.

    What do you want?

    I want you to do what’s right, Rain said and Arturo looked at her strangely. You came here in friendship hoping to settle this shit so everybody can earn. That’s what we here for, right? When neither Leon nor Arturo said anything, she repeated. Right?

    This time both men agreed and Rain paused.

    You asked me what I wanted. Only thing I want is for you to be a friend to Leon and give him what he wants.

    Now everybody in the room was looking strangely at Rain. But then, Arturo turned slowly toward Leon and then he nodded his head. When he stood up and extended his hand, Leon stood up and the two men shook hands.

    Meanwhile, Reese and Teon, as well as Arturo’s men, were outside of the warehouse. They were standing on either end of the street, talking on the phone to one another while they waited.

    I wish they’d hurry up in there, Teon said and looked at the car as it drove past them.

    Why; you got a hot date? Reese asked.

    Something like that.

    Well don’t worry about it. If you don’t get to her in time, I’m sure you can find another one and maybe she’ll charge you less, Reese laughed.

    It ain’t even like that. I just wanted to get back to J.R.'s so I can catch Mileena before she leaves, Teon said.

    Reese laughed. You’re wasting your time on that, young buck. So you might as well roll by La Chatte after you drop me off and have Mercedes set one of her lovelies out for you.

    Why you say that?

    For one, that woman ain’t got no interest in you.

    Yeah, well, I’m interested in her. She’s a woman, and if she’s a woman I can get her.

    Sometimes I wonder if you ever listen or think before you open your mouth. Mileena Hayes is a well-put together woman. Both in the body and in the mind. You ain’t even on her level.

    Watch, see if I don’t get her fine ass.

    Reese laughed at Teon again. Until Carter Garrison gets out and takes back everything that was his.

    Who is Carter Garrison? Teon asked as a van drove by him and turned on the street where the sit-down was being held. I got a white van coming your way.

    I see it.

    Reese and Teon watched as the van parked across the street from the warehouse. Both men started walking toward the van to check it out, but stopped when they saw a woman get out of the van and walk to the building that she parked in front of and went inside.

    False alarm? Teon asked.

    I think so, but I’m gonna check it out anyway. Watch my back. Reese said.

    It was just then that Arturo and his men came out of the warehouse and headed for their cars. Reese and Teon stood and watched them as they met up with their men and got in two cars. Reese watched them until they left the block.

    They should be out soon, Teon said.

    Good. Then you can go waste your time with Mileena, Reese said as Leon came out of the building with Diamond and Pearl.

    They’re coming out now.

    It was then that the side door on the van opened and two men opened fire on them with automatic weapons. Leon, Diamond and Pearl quickly ran for cover behind a car as the rear doors to the van swung open and then more men jumped out and opened fire.

    When the shooting started, Reese and Teon began running toward the action. The shooters had them pinned down behind that car; the blanket of automatic gunfire kept them unable to return fire. Reese and Teon opened fire as soon as they were close enough.

    Hearing the shooting outside, Rain and Smoke came out firing at the shooters. Teon shot one of them in the chest. When the other saw him go down he tried to run, but he didn’t get far before Reese shot him. As Rain and Smoke approached the van, they came under fire from the two shooters with semi-automatic weapons. They took cover, but that gave Pearl the chance she’d been waiting for.

    Cover me, Diamond! Pearl stood up and fired wildly at the shooters to cover Rain and Smoke.

    Rain moved out from cover and opened fire. Smoke moved in the opposite direction and when he had a good angle on the van, he opened fire too.

    When Diamond stood up and opened fire with the MAC, Leon took aim and got the shooter in his sights. He fired and hit one of the shooters in the shoulder. He went down from the impact, but was able to get to his feet, before Diamond shot the other man in the head.

    With the big guns down, Rain saw one of them come out from hiding, firing at her as he tried to run and she shot him on the back.

    When the shooting stopped, everybody moved back toward the warehouse. Just then the one shooter that was in the van, burst through the doors and ran down the street. Smoke and Teon fired a few shots at him but he was too far out of range.

    Rain looked at the rest of the shooters. Anybody know who these guys are?

    I do, Reese said. That’s Clint Royce and those are his boy’s Noah, Daniel and Ellis.

    Those are Akil Garvey’s people, Smoke said.

    And he works for Howard Owens, Rain added.

    Chapter Four

    The Waldorf Astoria New York is one of the world’s grandest, most iconic hotels. Proudly setting the benchmark with over a century of unrivalled hospitality in Midtown Manhattan. It’s the hotel Conrad Hilton labeled ‘The Greatest of Them All’.

    It was just after five o'clock on Friday afternoon when a chauffeured driven Mercedes sedan parked in front of the hotel. The driver came around and opened the back door; Black’s brother, Elias stepped out and looked around.

    Welcome to The Waldorf Astoria, sir.

    Thank you, he said and helped his wife Beverly get out of the car.

    Since there were no direct flights from St Vincent, And you don’t have a private jet, like your brother, Beverly pointed out; they had to make stops in Barbados, Trinidad and Miami, before they could reach New York.

    On Monday morning, they caught a forty-minute flight to Barbados. Their connecting flight to Port of Spain, Trinidad didn’t leave until nine the following morning, so they stayed the night at the Silver Point Hotel in Christ Church Parish and dined on Japanese seafood and sushi at Cafe Luna.

    Their next stop was Port of Spain, Trinidad. Tuesday morning, they left for Barbados at nine and arrived an hour later. Their flight to Miami left at three that afternoon, but Beverly had heard so much about Maracas Beach, that they stayed the night with the intention of leaving in the morning and catching the first flight to Miami on Wednesday morning. They ended up staying in Port of Spain for two days before arriving in Miami late Thursday afternoon.

    I can’t go back home and tell me girls that Elias took me to Miami, but we didn’t go party at South Beach, Beverly told Elias.

    They stayed the night, hung out in South Beach and left for New York early that next afternoon. It had taken five days for them to get there, but since Beverly had never been off the island as Shy so embarrassingly pointed out, she didn’t care. Beverly was just overjoyed to finally be in New York City.

    That evening, Elias and Beverly dined on Black Angus Filet Mignon at Bull and Bear Prime Steakhouse in the hotel, before enjoying the New York City nightlife at Santo's Party House and Kiss and Fly.

    Beverly had the following day all planned out for them. She wanted to take Circle Line Sightseeing Cruise around the city. Then she wanted to see Discovery Times Square to see Body Worlds and Marvels Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N..

    Then we have to go to Top of the Rock, she told Elias excitedly.

    What is that?

    Top of the Rock is an observation deck at Rockefeller Center.

    And just one more thing, Elias baby, please.

    Where else do you want to go, baby?

    I want to go on the New York Skyride, Beverly pleaded.

    Anything to make you happy baby, Elias said.

    There was actually one more thing that Beverly wanted to do, that she didn’t have to mention because she hadn’t stopped talking about it since Black and Shy’s visit to St. Vincent. Elias took her shopping at Saks Fifth Avenue and Macy's in Herald Square and she spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening shopping.

    It was late Saturday night when Scarlett’s son Gordy looked out the window and saw the Mercedes parked in front of their house.

    Mommy; there’s a car parked outside of the house.

    Scarlett went to the window and watched as two people got out of the car and headed for the house.

    Go upstairs to your room and stay until I say different.

    Why? I want to see who it is, Gordy said.

    Scarlett looked at her son, popped him on the butt and he ran upstairs. Once he was upstairs and she heard the door close, Scarlett went to the closet in the foyer and got her gun. Black had given it to her when the shooting started.

    You know, just in case. You know how to use it?

    Daddy taught me how to shoot, just like he did Quentin and Elias, Scarlett said and noticed the look on her brothers face. Does it bother you when I talk about daddy?

    A little, Black admitted. Sometimes when you talk about the things that he used to do with you and your brothers—

    Our brothers, Scarlett quickly corrected. Our brothers. It’s gonna take you some time to get used to that, isn’t it?

    Yeah. Black smiled at Scarlett and she smiled back. Anyway, sometimes when you talk about the things that our father used to do with you and our brothers, I don’t know, I feel a little jealous that you guys grew up with a father and I didn’t.

    I can’t even imagine how that must feel, Scarlett told Black the day he gave her the gun.

    As she made sure that the safety was off and that there was one in the chamber, Scarlett went to the door; hoping that she wouldn’t have to use it.

    When the doorbell rang, she stood to one side before saying, Who is it?

    Open the door.

    Scarlett looked out the peek hole, but a thumb quickly moved to cover the hole.

    Move away from the door and step into the light or I’ll start shooting! Scarlett shouted and Beverly quickly ran down the steps.

    Knowing that his baby sister was serious, Elias moved his thumb and quickly stepped into the light with his hands in the air so Scarlett could see him clearly.

    It’s Elias! Don’t shoot!

    With the gun still in her hand, Scarlett snatched the door open and threw her arms around her brother’s neck as Beverly came tipping back up the steps.

    What are you doing here?

    I came to see you, Elias said as Scarlett led him and Beverly in the house and put her gun away.

    For the next thirty minutes, while Elias played with Sherraine and Gordy, Beverly told Scarlett they were staying at the Waldorf and all about her trip. And of course, she had to tell her about all the things that Elias bought for her.

    This dress is a Tamara Mellon lace-inset sheath dress and its cut from virgin wool, Beverly boasted and then she purposely let it slip that the dress cost over eleven hundred dollars. And these shoes, they’re Manolo Blahnik.

    Those are nice, Scarlett said, quickly tiring of Beverly’s bragging, but knowing that she was far from finished.

    They simply ought to be for six hundred dollars.

    It was then that Elias called Beverly to come and hear Sherraine play the piano. Beverly stood up.

    You coming?

    I’ll catch up, Scarlett said and was glad for the interruption. She picked up her phone. I need to make a call.

    Okay, Beverly said and tipped away, because those leather pointy-toe pumps were killing her feet.

    That night, Black was at home watching a movie with Shy and his mother. When his phone rang, he looked at Shy. She paused the movie, folded her arms across her chest and rolled her eyes since the only one that usually called that number was Jada West.

    And she always calls at the worst times; like there is a good time for her ass to call my man, Shy mused

    Black answered. Hello.

    Hey. Big brother, Scarlett sang.

    Hey, Scarlett, what’s up? he asked and stuck his tongue out at Shy. She rolled her eyes again and looked away, but not before she gave him the finger.

    You’ll never guess who’s here?



    Elias, Black said more so Shy could hear.

    And Beverly, Scarlett said.

    And Beverly. He looked at Shy and smiled.

    She rolled her eyes at him again and stood up. I’ll get the children ready to go.

    We’ll be by in a little while. Black ended the call and looked at M.

    That one of her brothers? M asked.

    Yes, Ma, Black said and stood up.

    I see. M nodded her head. She was still a bit conflicted about his relationship with his father and his siblings. And no, I don’t want to go meet him, so please don’t ask me and hand me the remote. Black smiled and handed the remote to his mother. Just because y’all are going out, doesn’t mean I can’t see the rest of the movie.

    When Scarlett announced that Black and Shy were coming with the children, the reactions were different. Sherraine did her happy dance and rushed to the window to look out, because Michelle was her best friend. Gordy shook his head, because he didn’t like playing with Easy because he was too young.

    Good, Elias said, nodded his head and went back to playing with Sherraine and Gordy.

    How long before they get here? Beverly asked and she looked a little pale.

    They don’t live far from here, Scarlett said. Ten, fifteen minutes maybe, she said and went in the kitchen to hook up something for her guests.

    As soon as Scarlett was out of the room, Beverly rushed to the bathroom. She wanted to make absolutely certain that everything; her hair, her nails, her makeup and her outfit were all perfect before Shy got there. While she touched up her face, she wondered what Shy would be wearing.

    Beverly looked in the mirror and regretted not wearing the Herve Leger contrast fluted dress and the Manolo Blahnik ankle-strap sandals, or at the very least, brought it with her so she could change in to it if need be.

    When she heard Sherraine start clapping and began chanting, ‘Best friends, best friends, best friends’, Beverly rushed to finish her hair, straighten her dress and rushed to the door. She posted a smile and struck a pose just as Scarlett opened the door.

    Michelle was the first one through the door. She came in stomping her feet and chanting, Best friends, best friends, best friends, and after Sherraine joined in, they giggled and ran off together.

    Black came in and hugged Scarlett. Hey, girl.

    Hi, Mike. Where’s Shy?

    She’s coming. She’s getting Easy out of his car seat. He looked at Beverly and smiled. How are you, Beverly? he asked and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Welcome to America.

    Thank you, Mike. I’m doing fine. Just so glad to be here.

    You look nice, Black said as the door opened.

    Shy came in with Easy. Hey, everybody, she put him down and he went and hugged Scarlett. She picked him up and kissed him.

    Beverly was d o n e done when she saw what Shy was wearing. She had on a pair of old jeans, and a Straight Out The Bronx sweatshirt. Shy had a scarf around her head and some ankle boots that she picked up on sale.

    Shy did hugs and kisses all around and Beverly seemed just a little put out that Shy didn’t seem to notice the outfit she had on, or if she did, she didn’t mention it.

    That’s it, she’s just not going to say anything, because I’m dressed and she’s not, Beverly thought and that seemed to keep her ego intact for the rest of the evening.

    It was then that Gordy came into the living room. Hey, Uncle Mike.

    What’s up, Gordy, he said and shook his hand as Shy snuck up behind Gordy and started tickling him.

    He practically jumped out of his skin laughing. Stop it, Aunt Shy.

    Why? You know you love it. Shy said and started tickling again.

    No I don’t, Gordy laughed and ran away from Shy, but she was dead on his heels.

    Where you going? Come back and show your favorite Auntie some love.

    Shy saw Elias coming down the hall.

    Hey, Elias. Shy stopped, gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek

    How are you, Shy?

    I’m good. Be back in a minute. And then she resumed the chase. Don’t think you’re getting away from me that easy, tickle belly.

    Elias laughed and came in the living room.

    There he is, Black stood up and hugged his brother. Good to see you, Elias.

    Good to be here. How are you, Mike?

    I’m good. No worries for the moment.

    Elias laughed. And we both know how that can and most times will change, he said as Shy came back in the living room.

    Scarlett came in with a tray of homemade spinach and cheese quiche and mini beef patties and a big pitcher of her pain killer punch, which she made with Wray and Nephew rum, pineapple juice, orange juice and cream of coconut.

    They ate finger food, drank pain killer punch and talked for a while about family and then Scarlett told Elias and Beverly what she was working on and, I’m gonna be on two episodes of The Breakout this season, Scarlett said excitedly.

    The Breakout was a reality series that starred fellow Big Night Recording artist and top seller, Cristal. Artists that were trying to break in the music business compete for a chance to be one of two acts that Cristal herself would produce for their new label.

    That is our favorite show, Beverly said. Do you think you can introduce us to Cristal before we go home?

    Tomorrow morning, Scarlett glanced at Black; Unless Mike has something for you two to do … he shook his head. I will take you to the studio and give you a tour. I don’t know if she’ll be there, but if she is I’ll introduce you.

    Can’t you call her if she’s not there?

    Scarlett laughed a little. She and I aren’t friends like that.

    Why not? Elias asked.

    Because the same bitch she is on reality TV, she is in real life. Not the kind of person I want to be around.

    See, Beverly, I told you Scarlett would have nothing to do with her, Elias said, pointing in her face.

    You know me, Elias and you know I just don’t care for people like that.

    Black had grown tired of the small talk and turned to Elias. What brings you to New York?

    Well, Beverly said. Elias had been promising to bring me to New York to see all of you. Do some shopping and just see New York.

    How was the trip up? Shy asked innocently and, not wanting to hear the story again, Scarlett gave Shy her fiery dart look.

    Beverly smiled and began telling the story of her trip again. After a while, Elias leaned close to Black. We need to talk.

    Let’s talk outside, Black said and stood up. When he did, Easy jump down from his spot next to Shy and followed his father to the door.

    We’ll be back in a minute, ladies, Elias said and followed them out.

    Once they were outside, Black sat down on the steps, Easy sat on one side, and Elias sat on the other.

    Does he always come with you when you talk business?

    If he’s around. You see where his favorite spot is. But let somebody come to talk. Black laughed. It’s like he knows there’s business being discussed and he knows that he needs to be there. Like he knows that one day he’ll be the boss.

    Daddy would make me and Quentin. Didn’t matter what we were doing; Daddy would come find us and say, you boys come, sit and listen. Said he wasn’t about to raise stupid boys that grow up to do stupid shit.

    How’d you and Quentin feel about that?

    Now I know that it was the best thing he could have done to make me a man. But I used to hate it.

    "He taught you life lessons that life would have kicked your ass teaching you.

    True. Elias let out a little laugh. Now Scarlett, she was like my man Easy. Elias poked at Easy. She used to follow Daddy around from since she small and he would shoo her away when time come to talk business.

    It’s funny. He thought about how much he allowed Michelle to be with him when he talked business and it never bothered him. I go out of my way to make sure that what I do, what I am, never came near Michelle. But this guy … I agree with … I agree with Daddy, best place for him to learn is at my right hand.

    It is amazing how much you have of Daddy and him not raise you. He used to say the same thing to us. Amazing. Elias shook his head. Anyway, Mike, despite what Beverly say, it is because of Daddy that I am here.

    What you got for me?

    Daddy was able to arrange a meeting with you and Fleming.

    Good. That’s the best news I’ve heard for a while. Fleming’s other nephew is out in Brooklyn gearing up to go to war with me. And I gotta tell you, I am tired of fighting.

    That’s what being on top is like, somebody always standing in the shadows to knock you off, Elias said, And in case you’re wondering, Daddy used to say that too.

    You just let me know when this meeting is and I’ll be there, Black said and thought about all the things that he missed not having a father in his life.

    Chapter Five

    Grace Bay Beach, Turks and Caicos Islands

    The Turks and Caicos Music and Cultural Festival was taking place at the Turtle Cove Marina. Eight days of world class performances and non-stop entertainment featuring a lineup of local and international artistes, a beauty pageant and a festival of booths set up to honor cultural food and dress.

    Lawrence Nevis had been on the island for months. He and three of his people were there to organize the island. That meant gambling, prostitution and extortion; shaking down anybody who made money on the tourist industry. Tour operators, bus and cab companies, tourist boat cruises, fishing excursions and the port merchants.

    But that day, Lawrence and his men were enjoying the festival. He was wandering around, listening to the Rake 'n Scrape music being played on traditional instruments: saw, goatskin drum, hand-made maracas, and acoustic guitar. They walked through a sea of booths; sampling foods like Hominy, which was pigeon peas and grits served with fish, conch, or pig's tail. Conch fritters and conch salad, as well as fresh lobster and fish, fried to perfection. Lawrence talked with the people who were selling any and everything from basket weaving, plaiting palm leaves for straw hats, and weaving fanner dishes and bowls to binding mosquito brushes and net-making and other native crafts, which were important to the way of life of the people of the islands.

    Lawrence was looking at a local artist painting of incredible waterfront scenes made with oils and watercolors, when he saw one that he liked and picked it up.

    Think Sarah will like this behind the bar? he asked.

    When he got no answer, Lawrence turned around and noticed that his men were gone. He looked around the crowd of people and since he didn’t see them anywhere nearby, Lawrence put the painting down and started walking. He walked down the aisle until he got to the end, then Lawrence stopped and looked around again.

    Where did they get off to?

    It was then that Lawrence felt the feel of steel in his back.

    Don’t do anything stupid and I won’t have to kill you.

    Another man stepped in front of him and took his gun. Then another man patted him down as quickly and as discreetly as possible in a crowd of people before the three men led Lawrence away at gunpoint. He was led to a car, driven to Grace Bay Beach, and then turned onto Princess Drive.

    The Palms Turks and Caicos Resort, one of the top ranking resorts in the Caribbean, stood at the end of the street. The car pulled up in front of the resort and the valet came to open the door. Once inside, Lawrence was led to a bank of elevators and was taken to the penthouse level.

    As he was escorted down the hallway, Lawrence could see two men standing outside a door and knew that was where he was going, what he didn’t know was what this was all about. When he was led into the room, Lawrence saw a familiar face.



    Although he felt a little better seeing a familiar face, but since neither Aaron nor anybody else in the room was smiling, he got anxious. He was led up the stairs, through the dining room and into the living room.

    Don’t just stand there, explain yourself.

    Lawrence stood there for a second or two looking confused. Then he felt a blow to the back of his head that knocked him to his knees.

    You were sent here to do a job, Aaron said and Lawrence struggled to get to his feet, but before he could, Aaron hit him again and once again he went down. Get up and explain why you have not done what you were sent here to do.

    He got to his feet slowly and looked around the room. Lawrence was sent there to organize gambling, prostitution and extortion, but to this point, he’d had a few problems taking control of the illegal gambling forcibly and most of the merchants weren’t on-board.

    The reason why … the problem is … you see what it is, is this, he began and felt the pain from a punch to his jaw. The force of the blow didn’t put him down this time, but Lawrence had to steady himself to keep from falling.

    Complete a sentence, Mon, or I kill you where you stand, Johnny said and put a gun to his head.

    Akris Mendel, Lawrence said quickly.

    Who is that?

    This man runs things here on the island. It is because of him and the men that work for him that I have not completed my task.

    Why haven’t you killed them?

    Beg your pardon, Lawrence said quickly and looked toward the bedroom door.

    I asked you why haven’t you killed them.

    Jada West stood in the doorway wearing a Narciso Rodriguez color block sheath dress, cast in a neutral, color block palette and shaped to accentuate Jada's every curve and Manolo Blahnik ankle-strap sandals. She walked to the dining room table and Leonard pulled out her chair.

    Thank you, Leonard. Jada sat down and crossed her leg. You said that the reason you have not completed your assigned task is because of this man, Akris Mendel. Is that correct?

    Yes, ma’am.

    I asked you why you haven’t killed him.

    Well, you see … Lawrence began, but Jada interrupted.

    You don’t understand, Mr. Nevis. The time for you to explain has past. Now is the time for you to listen and understand that you are going to kill Akris Mendel and the men you feel will retaliate against you. You’re going to do this tomorrow night and then you’ll be able to complete your assigned task. Is that understood clearly Mr. Nevis?

    Very clear, Ms. West.

    When he answered her, Jada cut her eyes at Johnny.

    That’s it, Lawrence, you can go, he said and Lawrence left with the men that brought him.

    Jada cut her eyes at Leonard. You can go too, Aaron, he said.

    We’ll speak later, Aaron, Jada said in disgust as she got up and sat down in the living room. I am not happy, she said once Aaron was gone.

    I understand, Ms. West, Leonard said.

    Why isn’t this done with?

    Jada had already purchased Sapodilla Bay Estate; a one of a kind and spectacular nine-bedroom compound and was looking to renovate, expand and open another house on the style of Paraíso.

    Leonard sat down across from her. I don’t know Ms. West. I told Aaron to send his best man down here.

    That’s another thing.

    What’s that?

    If this is Aaron’s best man, I have to seriously question his judgment.

    I never thought Lawrence was a good choice to send here, Leonard said.

    I always think it was because Aaron is— Johnny paused knowing how Jada felt about foul language in her presence, Having relations with Lawrence wife.

    Jada’s eyes narrowed as she shook her head and then she turned to Leonard. I need you to do something for me Leonard and I know that I am asking a lot of you.

    Ask me to do whatever you need me to do, Ms. West and I will see to it that it is taken care of, Leonard said and in his mind, he flashed back to his conversation with Black about loyalty.

    It was at Paraíso the night that Black officially announced that Jada was taking over running their operations in the Caribbean. At the time, there were many people, especially Leonard, that thought that once Black replaced Jamaica, that he would be the one to step into the spot, but it wasn’t to be. Black handed power to Jada.

    After the announcement, there was a small gathering in Jada’s office, but Leonard didn’t stay. He left and went down to the bar in Paraíso and had a drink. In his mind, he should have been the one that Black put in charge. He was angry, and as he sat and thought about it, the resentment built up and it was hard to conceal it.

    Leonard had just shot his third glass of Ridgemont Reserve Bourbon, when Black came into the bar. After speaking with a few people, he went to the bar, got a drink and came to sit at the table with Leonard.

    You probably want to know why I didn’t choose you.

    It is not my place to question your decision, Boss, Leonard said.

    I know that. But man to man, you do want to know why; don’t you?

    Leonard looked at Black for a second or two and then he finished his drink. Yes, Boss, I do want to know why you choose Jada West over me, and then he quickly added, with all due respect.

    Black laughed. You’ve been running this island and I see no reason to change that. he paused.

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