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Disturbed: An Unbalanced Love
Disturbed: An Unbalanced Love
Disturbed: An Unbalanced Love
Ebook206 pages3 hours

Disturbed: An Unbalanced Love

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Venus, the second planet from the sun, is named after the Roman goddess of Love and Beauty. The second brightest natural object in the night sky after the moon, Venus rotates in an opposite direction than most planets. These facts ring true when it comes to 21-year-old Venus Alana Morgan. Neglected, physically, emotionally and mentally abused at a young age, Venus has learned to cope with her everyday life in a way that has regretfully placed many lives at risk.

Venus' alter-ego, Mars, is the protector, defender and avenger, named after the Roman god of War. Mars was given one job: to protect. But things turn deadly when she starts taking her job as Venus' protector a little too far. Growing stronger by the years and planning her takeover, Mars has proven she’s not one to be played with.

After serving time in Edna Mahan Correctional facility for a crime committed by Mars, Venus is released and reconnects with her detention crush and friend, Ladonis “Lodi” Dawson. Lodi, also known as the 'Thug Genius' is a college graduate and head dope dealer in charge around the town.

After his release from detention, he makes sure to keep in contact with Venus, giving her the support she needs in her time of need. After Venus is released, the connection between the two grows stronger but there’s just one obstacle they have to overcome: Mars. Mars is determined to have a love life of her own which does not include Lodi but the neighborhood stick up kid, Trub. Unaware of her mental disorder, Trub is determined to make Mars his Baby Luv.

One Body, Two Personalities. Who will win the fight within?
Release dateJun 26, 2016
Disturbed: An Unbalanced Love

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    Disturbed - Myiesha

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    1. 2005

    2. Venus

    3. Venus

    4. Venus

    5. Venus

    6. Venus

    7. Lodi

    8. Mars

    9. Venus

    10. Lodi

    11. Venus

    12. Lodi

    13. Venus

    14. Venus

    15. Lodi

    Get a FIRST Look!

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

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    © 2016

    Published by Royalty Publishing House

    All rights reserved.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.



    So, Ms. Morgan, tell me why you’re here? Dr. Burke, my psychiatrist asked.

    Because it’s a requirement if I want to get up out of here, I answered.

    Ms. Morgan, tell me why you’re here? he asked again. I sat there looking at him trying to think why he was still asking me that same dumb question I had just answered.

    Because I’m crazy, I answered, rolling my eyes.

    What do you mean by crazy, Ms. Morgan?

    Crazy, loco, a whole ‘nother person living in my head kind of crazy.

    Ms. Morgan, in order for you to take the next step in your treatment plan, I need you to come to terms with your disorder. I need you to accept your situation by telling me why you’re here. I rolled my eyes to the back of my head and sat there thinking about what he was asking me to do. For a while I had been in denial and telling myself this was just a phase and I was going to grow out of it. I was now eighteen years old I don’t think there was much more growing left for me. I continued to sit there quietly. I thought about Lodi’s last letter where he told me to do what I needed to do to get up out of here. A smile spread across my face as the thoughts of seeing his face again flashed in my brain.

    I’m here because I have been diagnosed Dissociative Identity Disorder, I answered.

    That’s good, now we’re getting somewhere. What can you tell me about your disorder?

    It’s the presence of two or more identities, I answered, while pushing a push pin I found on the floor into my finger, making it bleed under the table.

    Yes, and what about those identities?

    Umm, they are called alters and they have power over a person’s behavior once they switch.

    And who’s your alter? Dr. Burke asked.

    Mars, I whispered.

    Can you speak up Ms. Morgan?

    Mars, I said louder, laying my head on the desk.

    Can you bring Mars out for me? he asked.


    Why not?

    Because it doesn’t work like that, I answered.

    How does it work?

    I don’t know, she just seems to come out whenever I’m in a bad situation.

    So Mars is a good person? he asked. I started laughing at what he said.

    If Mars was a good person, I wouldn’t be in this situation, now would I? I said sarcastically.

    Can you recall a time when you needed Mars the most? he asked. I looked at him then down at my bleeding finger. A lone tear rolled down my face as I thought back to one of the worst days of my life.




    No, no, no, stop, get off me, I cried, trying to fight my way from under the big man that was on top of me.

    Wait up, you little bitch, I’m almost done.

    Mommy, help me, I begged my mother who was sitting there high as a kite.

    Jessica, either you stop the little bitch from moving, or I want my money back, the man said.

    I watched as my mother got up from the chair in the corner and came over to the bed. She grabbed my arms and pinned them down. I couldn’t believe my own mother was allowing this to happen. At the age of ten, my mother, the woman who birthed me, was pimping me out for money to get high.

    When she walked in the house and told me to shower and get pretty, I thought we were going somewhere nice. I put on my nice pink dress and I brushed my hair into a nice ponytail, and put on the black patent leather shoes I had picked up from in front of one of those boxes where you could donate old clothes. The thoughts of a nice day out with my mother soon disappeared when this big man walked in the house and handed my mother some money. At first I didn’t think much of it, until the big man gripped me by the back of my neck and attempted to lead me into my momma’s room.

    I knew something was wrong, so I started screaming for help from my mother, but she just stood there. When she wouldn’t help, I started screaming for Mars. Mars was like my savior, my protector and my scapegoat. Whenever there was a situation that I couldn’t handle, she would show up, and whatever she did always helped and made everything so much better.

    Mommy, help me, I cried as I tried kicking my way out. Still, Jessica just stood there.

    Mars, help, I yelled repeatedly.

    Who the fuck is Mars, Jessica? You have someone else in here? The big guy looked up and around the room. The sweat dripped from his forehead and onto my teary face.

    Don’t listen to her, that’s just her little imaginary friend. Now can you just hurry up, Jessica said, suddenly becoming afraid of something. The big man went back to violating my little body. The pain was unbearable, I felt like I wanted to die.

    Mars, please help, I cried again before I caught a chill and passed out.


    I laid there looking up into the sweaty bastard’s face not making a sound. Venus was the cry baby—me, I wasn’t much of a talker. I liked to make things happen. I sat there thinking about how I was going to make this jerk pay for what he was doing to Venus.

    I felt no pain; I was numb to feeling anything other than revenge.

    I think you should finish now, Jessica said, noticing that I had stopped fighting and was just sitting there.

    What? Why? the big man on top of me asked Jessica as he continued to pump on top of me. When he looked back down at me, something spooked him. He jumped off me like someone had a gun to his head.

    Her eyes turned colors. How the hell did she do that? They were just green, the big man said.

    Yes, they been changing colors since she was a baby, Jessica said, letting go of my arms.

    I’m leaving and if anyone finds out this happen, I’ll kill ya crackhead ass, Jessica, the guy said, leaving out the bedroom. Jessica followed behind him leaving me by myself.

    Once she was out the room, I got up from the bed and looked down at Venus’s ugly pink dress that was now stained with blood. I stood there and looked over to the mirror; I wiped Venus’s tears from her face and looked into my dark black eyes. I walked over to the window and opened the curtains, and looked out of the first floor apartment. As I was staring out the window, the big man walked past the window and stared in at me. I stared back at him until he walked away. I ran over to the door, trying to open it, but it was locked. I climbed up on the dresser and unlocked the window and lifted it open, then climbed out into the dark night. I shut the window, leaving it cracked just a little so that I would be able to get back in.

    I watched as the big man quickly walked across the street. I followed his every step making sure I wasn’t seen. I don’t know how that was possible with this bright pink dress. I watched as he entered what I assumed was his home, because he used a key to get in and shut the door behind him. I climbed up the stairs to the porch, unafraid of being seen. I walked across the porch and looked into one of the windows. I watched as the big man hugged and kissed an older woman. I wondered if she knew that he liked to dabble in the art of child molestation. I stood there and watched as the man went upstairs and the woman started checking to make sure the windows were locked. I stood there as she checked the window I was looking through and she didn’t even see me. She shut off all the lights to the first floor and was about to head upstairs. I walked over to the doorbell and rang it. It took two tries before the porch lights came on. I stood there as the door opened and the woman looked down at me. I put on a show.

    I need help, I cried.

    Oh my God, sweetie, are you okay? the woman asked.

    No, the man hurt me, I said, showing her the blood on my dress.

    Oh my God, come inside, she said, moving to the side, letting me in. I stepped into the house and stood there smiling, as she shut the door. When she turned around, I put back on my crying face.

    Follow me. She led me into the kitchen and told me to have a seat on one of the chairs.

    Cliff, she called upstairs, but no one answered. I assumed it was the man she was calling.

    He must be in the shower, let me go get the phone. Just sit right here, sweetie. She ran into the living room, and seconds later, I can hear her on the phone talking. I got up from the chair and walked up to the kitchen countertop and took one of the knives out of the knife block. I looked over at the refrigerator at a family picture of the man, the woman who had just invited me in, and a little girl who looked sad in the picture. All I could think of was him doing what he did to Venus to that little girl. I walked back over and sat in the chair. I was able to hear the woman describing Venus’s dress being covered in blood. She came back into the kitchen.

    Sweetie, what’s your address? she asked. I didn’t answer; I just sat there looking up at her.

    She doesn’t know. Can you just send the ambulance or a patrol car please? she asked, then placed the phone down onto the kitchen counter.

    Help is on the way. I would have my husband, Cliff, take you but he’s in the shower. I’m so sorry that man hurt you, she said, bending down to give me a hug. I brought the knife from behind my back without her seeing it, and gave her a hug back. I brought the knife back down lodging it into her back over and over again. She staggered backwards into the kitchen counter, dripping blood everywhere. She was trying to get away from me but she was going nowhere fast. I followed her, waiting for her to drop. She finally dropped dead in the middle of the living room floor. I walked around her and looked into her wide open eyes. I reached down and grabbed my knife out her back, wiped it on Venus’s dress, and stepped on her dead body as I made my way upstairs.

    I walked through the hallways of this strange house as if I lived here. I heard a shower running and walked down the hallway towards the bathroom. On the way there, I heard Monster High coming from the bedroom to my left. I slowly pushed open the door and there was a little girl sitting up in her pink princess canopy bed. Thoughts of just killing her out of jealousy popped in my head.

    I started to back away from the room, when the floors beneath me squeaked which got the little girl’s attention. She looked over at me and just stared, then looked down at my bloody dress. She didn’t say anything, she just looked back and forth from me to the knife I was gripping in my hand. I thought she was probably going to scream or call for her mommy, but she just turned her head back to the television. I shut the door back behind me and continued down to the bathroom. I could hear the man in there humming like life was good, but I had another thing coming for his ass. I pushed the door to the bathroom open. I looked down at his piles of dirty clothes that were in front of the door, stained with Venus’s blood. I walked in and sat down quietly on the toilet, looking around the bathroom until I found what I was looking for. I walked over to the counter and picked up the blow dryer. I plugged it into the outlet closest to the shower and I set it back down on the sink. I gripped on to the knife and snatched open the shower curtain, causing the man to turn around.

    Honey, that’s you? You came to shower with daddy again? the man asked. I assumed he was talking about his wife, until he promised this time won’t hurt. That’s when I knew exactly who he was talking about, his daughter. He couldn’t see me because his face was covered in soap. I looked down at his nasty thing and I grabbed on to it.

    That’s my big girl, he said with a smile on his face. I lifted up my knife and with a quick swing, I chopped at it. I was aiming to cut it off completely, but I guess the knife wasn’t sharp enough, so I just left it there hanging. The man screamed loud and fell back into the bathtub. The tub was covered in blood as he splashed around like a fish out of water. The water had washed the soap out of his eyes enough, so that he could see who it really was that was about to end his life. He looked into my face with a shocking look on his face. I set the knife down on the sink and picked up the blow dryer, turning it on.

    Venus, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, the man begged. I smiled at him.

    My name isn’t Venus, it’s Mars, I said, throwing the running blow dryer inside the shower with the man. His body started to shake and purple sparks appeared. I sat there enjoying the view as white stuff started to come out his mouth. The outlet where the blow dryer was plugged in at, started to catch on fire. I quickly ran out the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I went back to the little girl’s room and opened the door.

    You should get out of the house, I said to her. The girl didn’t move. Once again, she just sat there staring at me.

    Or stay, I said, leaving the dumb girl just sitting there. I ran down the stairs, stepping on the lady’s body before leaving out the front door.

    I ran all the way back to my house. I had left the window cracked so that I could climb back through, but decided to walk right on in through the front door. Jessica never locked the doors; anybody could have just walked in and took the light bulbs—hell, they were the only things worth taking. I walked in the house and found Jessica passed out on the floor of the living room, with a needle hanging out of her arm. I walked over to her

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