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Profit from Facebook Instagram Stories Marketing Ads
Profit from Facebook Instagram Stories Marketing Ads
Profit from Facebook Instagram Stories Marketing Ads
Ebook86 pages2 hours

Profit from Facebook Instagram Stories Marketing Ads

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Stories Marketing Ads

I know how discouraging it can be to put your heart and efforts into a project or business, only to feel like you've been left holding an empty bag. It can really make you want to throw in the towel; but, hang on. Don't give up on yourself or your business just yet. There are several things you can do to turn this situation around.

If you're not setting and consistently meeting your business goals, something's got to give. You will need to identify where the breakdown is and fix it. Depending on which and how many goals are falling short of their marks, you may discover that you need to make multiple changes, in a variety of areas.

However, this doesn't mean you'll have to put in a lot of extra time and effort to achieve your goals. In fact, this is an opportune time to make the needed changes. I say this because now is your chance to implement a very beneficial marketing method, social media stories.
Storytelling has always been popular, particularly when it comes to marketing. However, stories have emerged as an amazing strategy to use in conjunction with social media marketing.

If you want to attract more business with social media stories, incorporate more visuals, interact with your target market, and meet your business goals you're about to learn.

Why audiences love social media stories
â ¢ Visual stories excite, intrigue, and empower the viewer with choices.
â ¢ Whole stories can be consumed in seconds.
â ¢ Stories with hashtags are easy to find and access.
â ¢ Relevant stories make audiences feel more involved and important.
â ¢ Audiences like seeing the "real" you in "real life" situations.
â ¢ Stories address their impulse wants, as well as here-and-now needs.
â ¢ Stories can provide many, highly-visual forms of info within one story.

Social media stories are still new, in the big scheme of things. By adding these very visual stories now, you can still get early-adoption benefits, which include being one of the people in your niche, who is on the ball with the latest marketing methods.

If creating visual content makes you want to run for the hills, you're not alone. Producing videos can be scary and creating images may seem out of your league, but they're not! This book will show you how to quickly attract more business with social media stories, incorporate more visuals, interact with your target market, and meet your business goals.
Release dateApr 7, 2020
Profit from Facebook Instagram Stories Marketing Ads

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    Book preview

    Profit from Facebook Instagram Stories Marketing Ads - Hillary Scholl

    Table of Contents

    Profit from Facebook Instagram Stories Marketing Ads | Disclaimer:

    Profit from Facebook Instagram Stories Marketing Ads


    Every effort has been made to be accurate in this publication. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation. We do our best to provide the best information on the subject, but just reading it does not guarantee success. You will need to apply every step of the process in order to get the results you are looking for.

    This publication is not intended for use as a source of any legal, medical or accounting advice. The information contained in this guide may be subject to laws in the United States and other jurisdictions. We suggest careful  reading the necessary terms of the services/products used before applying it to any activity which is, or may be, regulated. We do not assume any responsibility for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment.

    Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations, and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious, is purely unintentional.

    Some examples of past results are used in this publication; they are intended to be for example purposes only and do not guarantee you will get the same results. Your results may differ from ours. Your results from the use of this information will depend on you, your skills and effort, and other different unpredictable factors.

    It is important for you to clearly understand that all marketing activities carry the possibility of loss of investment for testing purposes. Use this information wisely and at your own risk.

    Hillary Scholl © Copyright  2018

    Table of Contents

    Profit from Facebook Instagram Stories Marketing Ads


    Chapter 1: Welcome to  Instagram 

    Instagram Does  Matters 

    Chapter 2: Instagram’s History and Trending  Features 

    How the  Stories features was created   

    Chapter 3:  Choosing a Niche and Setting Up 

    Instagram Stories Set Up Guide

    Selling the Dream 

    Examples of Highly Effective Instagram Accounts 

    Choosing Your Niche 

    Chapter 4: How to Grow Your Account 

    Growing an Instagram Account, the Basics 

    How to Gain Followers

    Chapter 5: How to Use Instagram Stories 

    Instagram Stories: The Basics 

    Going Live 

    Making Boomerangs 

    Tips, Tricks and Hidden Settings 

    Chapter 6: Making the Most of Instagram’s Powerful New Features 

    Why We All Should be Excited by the Trend Toward Live 

    How to Create Great Stories and Live Videos – Tips and Advice 

    Chapter 7: How to Create Stunning Pictures and Videos 

    Hardware  and  Composition 

    Chapter 8: Monetizing Your Instagram Account and Finding Sponsors 

    Promoting Your Own Products and Services 

    Finding Sponsors 

    Chapter  9 : Instagram & Facebook Stories Role in  Driving  Brand Awareness

    Facebook Stories Set Up Guide

    Chapter 10 : Useful Apps for Story Creation on Instagram and Facebook

    Frequently Asked Questions about Facebook and Instagram Stories


    Welcome  to INSTAGRAM

    Chapter   1 : Instagram Does Matters

    Instagram will often be relegated to ‘afterthought’ in a number of internet marketing campaigns. If you have an ebook or a blog to promote, then there’s a good chance that you will have thought long and hard about how you’re going to handle your SEO and how you’re going to dominate Facebook; but won’t have given much consideration at all to how you’re going to kill it on Instagram.

    This of course is a big mistake, as you will learn in this chapter.

    In fact, you only need to take a look at how other brands are treating Instagram in order to see why it’s such a big deal...

    And what you will find when you do look into this, is that an awful lot of money is spent on Instagram. There are countless brands that are spending large amounts of cash investing in influencers, or becoming influencers themselves. Many particularly savvy individuals have even managed to make a full-time living on Instagram by getting high paying sponsors to support their channel.

    Brands are willing to support channels in this way because they know what a massive impact Instagram can have on an audience. Instagram is not only impressive in terms of the numbers but also the engagement and the way it is able to ‘sell a dream’. Like they say: a picture tells a thousand words. Add some impressive filters and your word count goes up big time!

    And while you might not think of Instagram right away as one of the ‘main’ social media channels... well, you should really think again! Instagram actually has an incredible 500 million users, which is 1 million more than last year! That makes it the second largest social media platform just behind Facebook – it is actually bigger than Twitter!

    What’s more, is that Instagram is growing faster than the majority of other platforms. It does appear to be somewhat slowing down in the growth department but it is still a juggernaut with incredible momentum when compared with other platforms.

    Instagram also has more monthly advertisers than Twitter and engagement is also particularly high.

    Instagram has over 700 million active monthly users with about 500 million  daily  users  and those users have shared over 40 billion photos in total. That’s 95 million photos and videos each day!

    Instagram also has some other very appealing statistics behind it. For instance, it is one of the very best platforms for reaching women. In fact, 31% of all American women use Instagram (compared with 24% of all American men). This is a great opportunity for brands that are marketing their goods to women then and it also has a particularly international audience – with 80% of users being outside the US.

    A survey conducted by Iconosquare in 2015 revealed that 70% of users have at some point sought out a brand to follow on Instagram. 62% have followed brands they love and 41% are open to marketing messages and discounts. 65% of users also reported that they found it flattering when a brand liked their post.

    All this engagement sounds great on paper but it’s even better when you compare it with other platforms. Instagram – according to research

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