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It’s Time to Sleep for Amelie and Amos
It’s Time to Sleep for Amelie and Amos
It’s Time to Sleep for Amelie and Amos
Ebook52 pages35 minutes

It’s Time to Sleep for Amelie and Amos

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About this ebook

Little Amos is staying over with his cousin Amelie for several days because his Mum is away. It is much more difficult for two to fall asleep than one. There is always something exciting happening! They meet a fairy and a nose biter, and Amos’s hamster disappears. In addition, they make secret plans, sneak up on Amelie’s parents, play games in the dark, and much more.

Release dateApr 12, 2020
It’s Time to Sleep for Amelie and Amos

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    It’s Time to Sleep for Amelie and Amos - Eva Markert

    Lots of Good-Night Kisses

    Good night, sleep tight, Amelie’s mum and dad say.

    But Amos and Amelie can’t sleep yet! They are much too excited for that. The reason is that Amos, along with his hamster Toby, is staying with his cousin Amelie, Aunt Martina and Uncle Richard for fifteen days because his mum is away in a different city. She has to spend all day studying there. She was sent there by the company where she works. It is so far away that she can’t come home in the evening. She sleeps at a hotel every night.

    Amelie is glad that Amos is staying with her for so long.

    In fact, Amos is also glad. But he misses his mum. It is especially bad now when he is lying in bed. He would so like for her to come and say good night to him and give him a kiss!

    Amelie begins counting again. That is one of her favourite pastimes. She always needs her fingers and toes to do it. She can already count to twenty, and she is determined to teach Amos how to count to twenty.

    I don’t want to, Amos says. He is much too sad to count anything.

    You’re just afraid to because you know that you can’t.

    Amelie always says that when Amos doesn’t do what she wants.

    Of course I can! Amos defends himself. Anyway, I will be able to count, too, when I am as old as you.

    Amelie is indeed one year older than he is.

    People who are daft stay daft forever, Amelie asserts.

    Now with Amelie being so mean to him, Amos wishes even more that his mum was there. He starts to cry and presses his face into the pillow so that Amelie won’t notice.

    But she notices all the same. Hey, she says and gives Amos his cuddle cloth, which has fallen to the floor. We can play something else if you want.

    Amos doesn’t want to play anything. He tries to stop crying, but it isn’t working.

    Amelie finally goes to get her mum. Her dad comes, too.

    Amos doesn’t need to explain anything. They both understand immediately why he is crying.

    Tomorrow you can have a nice long talk with your mum on the telephone, Aunt Martina tries to console him.

    But I want a good-night kiss. Now Amos is wailing quite loudly.

    Well, that wish we can fulfil for you, Uncle Richard offers. And you won’t get just one, but lots and lots of good-night kisses! Aunt Martina will start.

    Aunt Martina kisses Amos first on one cheek, then on the other, and finally on the forehead.

    Amelie counts along: One, two three.

    Then Amos is able to stop crying.

    Now my turn, says Uncle Richard and kisses Amos first on one ear, then on the other, and finally on the chin.

    Four, five, six, Amelie counts.

    Amos even laughs a

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