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Beyond Us: The Writings of V.M. Narrano
Beyond Us: The Writings of V.M. Narrano
Beyond Us: The Writings of V.M. Narrano
Ebook81 pages21 minutes

Beyond Us: The Writings of V.M. Narrano

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About this ebook

Life is full of choices. Make one. If it doesn't work out, make a better one. – V.M. Narrano


We're told to take charge of our lives and never let others hold us back. And at the same time warned against thinking too highly of ourselves. What is the balance, and how do we achieve it?


Thought-provoking, insightful, and sometimes satirical, contemporary philosopher and poet V.M. Narrano shares observations about relationships, forgiveness, deception, new direction and our place in the world.


The opinions are his alone. And even though he considers himself a sage, he would never insist that he is right about all things. Although…


Well, never mind.


Journal pages follow every chapter, where the reader can respond thoughtfully to a question prompt, or passionately disagree with Narrano—whichever brings the most pleasure. Regardless, your friends will be amazed when you insert these into casual conversation at your next coffee convo.


Ebook readers receive the same journaling prompts, but, of course, will need to provide their own notebook.


NOTE: This is a collection of V.M. Narrano's writings, not a suspense novel like Rich Bullock's other works.

Release dateApr 13, 2020
Beyond Us: The Writings of V.M. Narrano

Rich Bullock

Rich Bullock writes stories of ordinary people put in perilous situations, where lives are changed forever. Perilous Cove is his first published novel—it was a semi-finalist in the Zondervan First Novel Contest, 2009. His second novel, Storm Song, won the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) 2010 Genesis Contest in suspense. He is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, and the Quills of Faith writing group in Redding, California. His first writing experience was at ten years old on a well-used typewriter, where several keys added extra spaces after striking, and clearing the tangled print arms was a continual chore. The old machine lasted through high school all-nighters. Fortunate to grow up in small-town San Luis Obispo, California, he developed an eye for settings that remind people of home. He now lives and writes in Redding, California where, on most days, he sees Mount Lassen and Mount Shasta.

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    Book preview

    Beyond Us - Rich Bullock


    Why billions of stars and galaxies?

    Why not 6 stars? Or perhaps 11? Spatter a few galaxies to fill up the night sky. Do we really need billions? What’s the point?

    And how—when they are incomprehensible distances apart—are they so similar?

    Other than making us feel small, what are we supposed to do with them?

    Or maybe that’s it: Make us feel appropriately small and wonder how they all came to be—perhaps created by a power

    Beyond us


    – V.M. Narrano

    Undisclosed location

    February 2020


    Trees Breathing

    Some might think trees have no plans. Yet they grow tenaciously in crevasses, hang onto crumbling riverbanks, survive winds that strip soil from the earth, endure cold that kills other life.

    They bring beauty in their strength, conscious or not, and live for decades, or generations, or civilizations. Who can say they are without a plan?

    from Trees Breathing, by V.M. Narrano

    The forest lives, replenishing the air we breathe. Tree roots hold the soil and support other trees in times of severe storm. If only we humans renewed each other, helped each other grow deep roots, supported one another in times of storm.

    Some do.

    Surround yourself with those who build you up. Then do the same for others.

    Eyes lifted heavenward are blessed.

    We need trees as much as we need a car. A vehicle transports us across the ground to places we have to be.

    Trees transport our eyes upward, away from the troubles that often surround

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