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The Curse of the Witchdoctor
The Curse of the Witchdoctor
The Curse of the Witchdoctor
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The Curse of the Witchdoctor

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About this ebook

The Rex Cassidy Investigators must find a gang of poachers in Congo, Africa, under the curse of a maniacal witchdoctor. Everything starts to go wrong, but is that the result of the curse or foul play by the people who don’t want them there?

The RCI must undergo encounters with vicious criminals and wild animals as well as dealing with an unusual drug that makes people violently paranoid.

The RCI Series = Kid's detective novels for adults!

Book 1 in the series

Release dateApr 13, 2020
The Curse of the Witchdoctor

Richard Pinkerton

I am in my early 50s and have been writing now since I was 12. I prefer to write light-hearted drama but have written a little fantasy horror and science fiction too. I have an entire series of high school novels (19 of them so far) set in New Zealand (The Mob from TAC series), which I will gradually publish if there is a demand. I prefer to use a mix of quirky and outrageous characters you would never come across in reality and also your every day Joes. My writings are aimed at teenagers mainly, but also young adults. I have also written a series of detective novelettes, most of which can be found on my website. The majority require work, to be able to be published here, mainly due to copyright issues. Please do leave feedback or contact me if you want to know more about my books.

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    Book preview

    The Curse of the Witchdoctor - Richard Pinkerton

    The Curse of the Witchdoctor

    (Book 1 in the Rex Cassidy Investigators series)

    Published by Richard Pinkerton at Smashwords

    Copyright 2021 Richard Pinkerton

    CHAPTER 1:

    The Curse

    Congo National Park - Congo - Africa

    'So this is Africa, huh?' Rex Cassidy sat in a safari jeep next to his girlfriend, Vanessa Dante. The sun beat down, but the air conditioning in their vehicle cooled them. 'Hard to believe we're here.'

    He gazed out at a herd of wildebeest, which roamed the plain. The landscape was mainly dry and dotted by trees including the massive baobab.

    'And hard to believe we're actually getting paid to do this,' Vanessa said. 'I'm so pleased you decided to bring me with you.' The smell of her perfume still lingered, which was good because without it all he could smell was oil and sweat which he’d noticed as soon as he climbed into the jeep.

    'I couldn't leave you back in the US. But when it comes to dealing with these poachers, I want you right out of the way.'

    'Don't worry. I don't want anything to do with those bastards.' She smiled at him, her sapphire-blue eyes alight.

    They'd always wanted to do an African Safari together, but had really intended on doing it as a vacation, not a job. Despite the fact that the mission they were going on was potentially very dangerous, Rex always felt better having her around. It was nice to have someone to cuddle up with at nights when he and the guys came back to rest at the village they were heading for.

    At least she wouldn't be the only girl because Colin Hewes’s girlfriend was with them.

    Three jeeps drove along the dusty track, each one of them containing members of the Rex Casssidy Investigators. There were nine of them in all, including the two women. Right now, it was just a sightseeing tour to get a layout of the park. However, when it came to the real work, it would just be the men; The Rex Cassidy Investigators who would be doing the majority of the travelling.

    'I guess I'll be doing a lot of sunbathing, huh?' Vanessa said.

    'I'm sure you'll get to have a lot of fun hanging out in a traditional African village.'

    'I still can't help but feel I'll be missing out on the majority of the fun... the rounding up of scumbag poachers.'

    They paused to watch a herd of gazelle bound off as the jeeps drew closer to them.

    ‘Wow,’ Vanessa said ‘What a treat. Not only do we get to see wild animals in their natural habitat, but we do it on behalf of the US government. I still can’t believe we got given the job.’

    Vaughan Hearne, Rex’s cousin, sat in the front, next to the tour operator. 'After our work on our previous case, I guess we were the obvious candidates. Especially considering the US government are doing a favour for the Congolese government. They can't spare too many resources to deal with this.'

    Vanessa touched Rex's arm. 'It worries me though... you guys going after ruthless poachers. There's no law out here. They would shoot you dead without hesitation.'

    'It's not our job to take them on. We find out where they are, maybe even infiltrate them if we can, but we let the park rangers round them up. Don't worry, Nessie, we'll be very careful. I promise.'

    She smiled, but he could still see the worry in her eyes. As the jeep rumbled on, bouncing up and down over potholes and stones, he worried about her too. He wasn't going to be there at the village with her all the time. He would need to make sure at least one of his men were there all the time to makes sure both her and Frida, Colin’s girlfriend, were safe. He'd been assured that the village was well protected. The villagers had lived there for centuries and their warrior men were well versed in protecting the village against wild animals and the occasional troublemakers. Their contact had also assured him that it was a safe village and that the poachers stayed well away from them.

    'The only thing you have to worry about is the region’s witchdoctor,' their contact had said. 'He's a bit of a bizarre chap and doesn't much like white men. But don't worry, he's all hot air.'

    Rex gazed out across the plains. A flock of vultures circled. 'Something must be dead over there.'

    The guide spoke up as he drove. 'Yes, that is why they circle. You get that a lot around here. Especially now that poachers are running rife. I just hope that whatever those vultures are after that it's not anything slaughtered by humans.'

    They drove on and finally arrived at a village. There were thatched huts, but also some more modern buildings. There were children playing and adults working around outside their huts. They all looked up with intrigue as Rex and his companions coasted in. Rex saw one individual who didn't quite fit with the look of the village. He was dressed in a dark suit and watched them as they pulled up in their vehicles.

    'That must be our contact.' Rex said. The man they were to meet was a member of the FBI. He there as the government’s official representative.

    'You've finally arrived,' he said in a suave British accent.

    Rex couldn’t help but chuckle. He expected someone more like Jack Bauer than James Banden, but this guy could have easily doubled for Roger Moore. He even had a small wart beside his nose, just like Moore did.

    The agent continued. 'Great to finally meet you face to face. The name is Banden... James Banden.'

    Rex tried to hide his amusement. He even wondered if the FBI were playing a joke on them. He shook his hand as his fellow RCI members gathered around to meet the agent. 'Rex Cassidy. Surprised to see a man in a suit. Doesn't strike me as being a particularly good Safari outfit.' Rex grinned.

    'I've just arrived myself. Still yet to get changed.' Banden smiled pleasantly and exchanged handshakes with the rest of Rex’s team. Vaughan Hearne, Joseph Ashley, Pete Cook, Tucker Pyes, Will Ullman and of course Colin Hewes, his second in command.

    'Please, come and I'll introduce you to our host, Akeem. He will show you to your quarters, then perhaps you would like to join me for refreshments.'

    'Martinis? Shaken not stirred?’

    ‘Pardon?’ Banden gave him a weird look.

    ‘Never mind.’ Rex chuckled. ‘Refreshments sound great.’

    They were escorted by a skinny African man with white teeth who eagerly showed them to their accommodations, which were in one of the new buildings. They had twin-share accommodations. Vanessa and Rex were fortunate enough to have one with a double bed.

    They then joined the FBI agent at a makeshift bar set up outside one of the huts. He was more suitably dressed now in khaki shorts and a shirt.

    A few wooden tables were set up as well as tatty metal chairs with stained seats. A few locals were there, but otherwise, it was quiet apart from a couple of noisy fans blowing air across the bar. It was still hot though and a few dribbles of sweat ran down the side of Rex’s face.

    There was a bartender there ready to serve them drinks.

    'A Martini?' Banden delivered Rex with a questioning glance. ‘Maybe I should try one?’

    ‘That’s if they have the ingredients,’ Rex said. ‘But they don’t appear to have too many options.’ The bar behind him had a few bottles of hard liquor and a fridge filled with various types of beer and wine, but that was all.

    They all ordered their drinks. Rex opted for a local beer as that’s what he often did when he went overseas. Generally an IPA or if there was none of that then any kind of lager.

    Pete Cook sat at a table with him with his own glass of cold beer. 'Did you

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