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Falling in Love with Me
Falling in Love with Me
Falling in Love with Me
Ebook125 pages1 hour

Falling in Love with Me

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About this ebook

Do you struggle to like yourself? Do you battle with negative thoughts about your body, your worth, or your personality? Do you wish you were like someone else? What if you could learn to love yourself? Falling in Love with Me is a book full of nuggets of wisdom on how to love yourself, even if the world keeps on telling you otherwise. In thirty days, you can grow your self-love muscle and change the way you speak to yourself in your head. And maybe become a more peace-filled and happy person.

Falling in Love with Me is written in a casual, intimate style without the clutter of academic jargon and multiple exercises and worksheets. It's a self-love book that can be read as your daily companion. Each day's write-ups are short and sweet but pack a punch in whispering those loving thoughts right in your ear, like a dear best friend who always has your back. Born out of grief, this book shows a way to heal your broken heart and bring you back to love.

PublisherKathy Bosman
Release dateApr 15, 2020
Falling in Love with Me

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    Book preview

    Falling in Love with Me - Kathy Bosman

    Day 1 – Put Yourself First

    Just this once. Try it.

    I’m a busy woman; I’m a single, working, homeschooling mom. This is an almost impossibility, yet it’s about survival. But more than that—it’s radical thriving.

    I’m not saying you must drop all your responsibilities and go on a twenty-day tour all over Europe, spending every last cent of your savings, forgetting about the attention your child needs with their schooling for the next few months.

    No, I’m saying—think of your needs, for a change.

    Take time out to do something just for you.

    Something you love.

    But don’t stress about it having to be something perfect. It doesn’t have to make you euphoric. It may even frustrate you because you’re trying so hard to enjoy yourself.

    Do it anyway.

    Do it often. Spend a few moments every day doing something you love, whether it’s reading that latest Mills & Boon, chilling in front of Netflix with your favorite series, or cooking up that batch of double-choc biscuits you want to inhale all in one go with your favorite café latte. Use a gorgeous coffee mug and your favorite plate.

    Or go outside on a warm summer’s night, set up a beach towel on the grass, and stare at the stars. Even if you’re in the city, you’ll still see a few from your window.

    Pamper yourself.

    I’m not saying splurging so that your finances cause you stress; I’m saying treat yourself to something so lovely and romantic—albeit small and simple—in order to fulfil that longing you have to be loved, adored, and cherished. Do it to yourself. Even if you have a fantastic partner, find the time to give yourself this gift today. Pleasure yourself. Revel in it. Find what you enjoy.

    But by all means, splurge if you can. If you wish.

    And the greatest gift you can give to yourself is to make it a habit from now on.

    Sure, you’ll have some difficult days when you don’t get a chance. That’s not for you to feel guilty about. Accept it, and plan to do it the next day. We all have very busy days at times, or days that hit us hard with challenges and experiences that leave us dry and battered. It would be wonderful if you could pamper yourself on those days, too, because it would restore you a bit, but if you can’t, no stress.

    Be your own best friend.

    Be your lover.

    Daily Affirmation: I am wholly loved and adored by The Universe. I am worth receiving everything good. I am worthy to be cherished and pampered. I am a vessel of pure love to myself and the world.

    Day 2 – Meditate

    What? You’re telling me to find time to do one more thing in my already harried and overwhelming life?

    Or: I don’t even believe in meditation. It’s only for Buddhists or New Agers.

    The reason I put this one right near the top of this journal is because...

    It really is the greatest act of self-love you will ever do.

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but self-love sometimes requires a little work.

    Although, you’ll find that meditation is the most peace-inducing, glorious thing you ever do.

    Be warned: It’s not easy. It sometimes and often doesn’t feel like it’s working at all. It’s confusing. It’s crazy.

    It does work.

    That’s the paradox.

    When you think it’s not working, it’s actually doing an amazing job.

    It’s one of life’s mysteries.

    And that’s what I love about it.

    How to meditate?

    Well, first of all, find a quiet spot and sit. Be comfortable. I don’t believe in sitting so perfectly that you spend your whole time wriggling around and concentrating on your discomfort. Find a special safe-haven place where you’re at peace. I like to go to my bedroom, and I sit on my bed. Often, I lie down. I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day. A long week. A long year.

    Put on some really peaceful music or even a guided meditation. It’s great to start off with those as they get you in tune and teach you the basics. There are some great apps out there, or just find something on YouTube. I promise you—there are thousands available.

    It’s often great to concentrate on your breath to start off with. I admit, this has been one of the most difficult things in meditation for me, and it was such a big barrier. I hated concentrating on my breath. I’d start hyperventilating and getting all tense. It just doesn’t work for me.

    Eventually, I realized that I don’t have to do that just because everyone else is doing that. I instead concentrate on a safe word like love, peace, safety. I feel the safe word.

    You’ll notice that thoughts will bombard your mind—constantly.

    That’s good. It means you’re perfectly human and totally normal. Our brains are designed to think. It’s like breathing—they never stop. The key is to not let those thoughts bother you. Don’t judge them. Allow them to come and go, and allow the emotions you attach to them to be felt. But try not to dwell too much on them. Try to focus on your breath, a beautiful image, or your safe word.

    Do it for five minutes. Ten. Twenty. Thirty. Or even just two to three minutes. Whatever works for you that day.

    You’ll get good meditation days and bad ones. They’re both just as effective. And in the beginning, it will feel really hard. For someone who has suffered with anxiety, I have to say it can make it a bit worse in the beginning. The key is to focus on your safe word and find a way to relax yourself

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