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Friday Night **ck
Friday Night **ck
Friday Night **ck
Ebook64 pages55 minutes

Friday Night **ck

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About this ebook

When Jake shows up for his weekly Friday night hookup with his wife, he can't believe the seedy country and western bar Maggie has chosen for their role-playing. Maggie is secretly thrilled with her choice, that is, until Jake changes the rules and starts to play games within the game. But she can play games, too. After Maggie flirts with Cody, a cowboy who takes an interest in what she has to offer, the stakes for this Friday Night Hookup might be too high for her to handle.

Release dateApr 14, 2020
Friday Night **ck

Melanie Silvers

Exploring erotic relationships in the new (continuing) COVID-19 world.Unexpected November Release News!Wet Wet Wet. This story came out of nowhere . . . :-) I hope you enjoy it. Unfortunately, this means that the chess story with Grandma and Johnny had to take a back seat and has been delayed. For all the chess fans out there, I'm hoping for an early 2023 release now, just in time for Tata Steel, maybe?Older news:October release! Me and Grandma: Married Not BuriedForthcoming in 2023:Me and Grandma: C4E6: Strip Chess and more erotic shorts

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    Book preview

    Friday Night **ck - Melanie Silvers

    Friday Night **ck

    Published by Smashwords, Inc


    Copyright (c) 2020 Melanie Silvers

    Cover Art (c) 2020 by Melanie Silvers

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The characters are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously.

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting this author's rights.

    Cover image(s) from creative commons.

    Creative Commons License link:

    Vladimir & Nouria original image copyright © 2009 by César Ochoa

    Original images modified under Creative Commons license terms by Melanie Silvers 2020.

    Table of Contents

    Friday Night **ck


    Other works


    When Jake shows up for his weekly Friday night hookup with his wife, he can't believe the seedy country and western bar Maggie has chosen for their role-playing. Maggie is secretly thrilled with her choice, that is, until Jake changes the rules and starts to play games within the game. But she can play games, too. After Maggie flirts with Cody, a cowboy who takes an interest in what she has to offer, the stakes for this Friday Night Hookup might be too high for her to handle.

    Friday Night **ck

    by Melanie Silvers

    Maggie took several wayward swipes at the shrieking alarm clock before she eventually made contact with the elusive stop button and silenced the urgent sound in mid-electronic beep. Lying in bed, catching her breath, she gave up trying to recall the confusing images of a dream that had her screeching in delight in someone's bed, doing something she hadn't done enough of lately, with someone she couldn't quite place.

    She flicked on the radio. The traffic report ended and a reedy blues melody filled the bright bedroom.

    Her thoughts turned to the day ahead. Friday!

    She mentally composed the first drafts of a text message before stretching and getting out of bed, trading the coolness of the silk sheets for the chilled bedroom air. Time to seize the carp, she muttered and chuckled to herself at the lame joke.

    Jake, her husband, had worked late last night and stayed overnight near the office. This morning she missed the warmth of his body under the sheets. On the other hand, she could live without his five o'clock alarm. She sent a prayer of thanks to the universe that he'd spared her a short night's sleep by staying in the city after the business meeting. With careers on the go, their busy schedules spun them around like two satellites in different orbits—the intersection of their paths at best a weekend anomaly.

    Whenever she slept alone—which seemed all too often lately—she dressed in a faded blue Rolling Stones Emotional Rescue T-shirt and cotton panties, savoring comfort over style. She removed the underwear and when her fingernail caught in the frayed waistband she debated tossing the ratty undies away. On second thought, she could wring one more week out of them. Having passed yet another inspection, she flung the briefs in the half-filled wicker hamper in the corner of the room. The Stones T-shirt with the holey underarms followed.

    The daily ritual of shedding nightclothes concluded, Maggie stood naked in the middle of the bedroom and segued fluidly into some yoga poses. Her body bent in an inverted V as she did Downward Dog. It’s always a challenge to stretch the back of the knees and those tight hamstrings so early in the day. Beginning to sweat, she moved one foot forward and stepped into Warrior One, and followed that pose with Warrior Two. Blood and warmth coursed through her stiff, middle-aged muscles, invigorating her breath and clearing her sleep-fuzzy mind. She redid the poses for the other leg but after taking a look at the clock Maggie stopped her practice as suddenly as she'd started.

    No namaste.

    No bow.

    Just a thought: I don't have time to fuck around.

    Energized with a sense of renewed self-awareness, she reached for the phone on the night table, punched in a series of numbers, and waited, counting the rings until

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