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When A Thug Loves His Girl
When A Thug Loves His Girl
When A Thug Loves His Girl
Ebook133 pages1 hour

When A Thug Loves His Girl

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Kymesha Garner is a young mother of two children fathered by deadbeat dad, Donovan Miles. She struggles every day, going to work faithfully to take care of her children while living in a drug infested public housing project. The kindness of a protective stranger, Kwad, changes her life for the better. He swoops into her life with all the comforts his dope money can buy and the need for a love like Kyme’s.

What starts as a fairy-tale romance morphs into a hellish nightmare when their bond is challenged by two murders, violations of trust, and questionable commitment. Is Kwad, the supreme boss of the streets, ready to be all the way in love?

Can Kyme find a peaceful place in his life…in his heart? Their story is an emotional roller-coaster ride, hopefully made for two.
Release dateMar 14, 2018
When A Thug Loves His Girl

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    When A Thug Loves His Girl - Shavekia Layfield


    Bang! Bang! Bang! Kyme and Donovan jumped from the bed to the sound of violent banging on the door. Kyme looked at the clock and it was a little after four. Donovan had recently arrived home after a night of whoring around. He curled up in bed next to Kyme who had been patiently waiting for his return, wide awake, as she always did.

    Who in the hell could that be at this time of night? Well, more like morning, Kyme whined.

    She had to prepare for work in a few hours. She couldn’t afford to miss any days or to report late since her prenatal appointments required an occasional shortened work day or a full day absence from her call center gig. She was carrying Donovan’s baby, her second child and his third. Donovan only claimed three children, but Kyme was sure he had more than three.

    Hell if I know. Stay here and let me see what’s going on.

    Donovan’s heart beat louder than the banging on the door. He already knew who was disturbing the peace. The police were there to arrest him. Donovan’s life was a life of crime. He had been in and out of jail since the age of eight. His first charges as a child were simple petty theft misdemeanors. He had graduated to a possible murder conviction, hence the police knocking like the police.

    Yo! Calm down, you got me.

    Donovan opened the door with his hands raised. Kyme ran down the stairs. Baby, where are you going? Where are they taking you?

    I told you to stay upstairs! Donovan shouted back.

    Where are you all going with him? What did he do? she cried.

    Ma’am, we are going to ask that you stay back. We don’t want to hurt or arrest you too. So, your best bet is let us be and go back into the house, one of the officers warned.

    Baby, get back. Call Gail, she will know what to do.

    The police cuffed Donovan and threw him in the backseat of the patrol car. She watched the officers take him away, holding her stomach and weeping at the sight. Her neighbors came out to witness the commotion. The MLK Apartment complex was no stranger to late-night arrests. Kyme slid back into her apartment, closed the door, and cried uncontrollably.

    Mommy!? Kyme’s daughter approached her in the hallway quietly, startling Kyme.

    Baby girl, go back to bed.

    Mommy, you’re crying.

    I’m okay. Do you want some milk?

    Kyme wiped the tears from her eyes and went into the kitchen to make Zaria some warm milk. Zaria followed me behind her.

    Mommy, where is daddy?

    Daddy is gone, baby. He may not be back for a while. So, it is going to be just me, you, and the baby until he comes back home. I need you to be mommy’s big girl and do what I tell you to do. I love you and daddy loves you too.

    Zaria nodded as she sipped her milk. Kyme didn’t know how else to tell her four-year old daughter that her father had been arrested. Zaria finished her milk, used the bathroom, and went back to bed. Kyme picked up her cell and called Donovan’s sister, Gail.

    I already know. I am on it. Clean up the house in case they come back. Pack anything that belongs to him and I will pick them up later.

    Can you just tell me what is going on?

    The less you know, the better. Donovan made his bed. I am going to try and help him but I am no miracle worker.

    Whatever they think he did, he didn’t do it.

    Is you stupid? These phones could be tapped and you talking shit. Girl, bye. Get your gullible ass off my damn line.

    Gail ended the call, leaving Kyme with more questions than she had before. She packed Donovan’s things for Gail’s pickup.

    Kyme couldn’t sleep. She felt sick to her stomach. She hated being away from Donovan. He was her love, her life, and everything in between. Their relationship was not perfect. They had plenty of issues that stemmed from Donovan’s infidelity and indolence. Kyme was the bread winner but Donovan was the big spender.

    As the sun rose, Kyme readied her and Zaria for the day. She had to be at the call center by eight, so she generally arrived at the bus stop by six-thirty. Fortunately, the daycare center was only two blocks away from her job. She dropped Zaria off and moved through her day as normally as she possibly could. She watched her cell, waiting for an update from Gail or Donovan. Her shift ended. No one called. She worried that things were not going well. She just wanted him home. Donovan and Kyme had been through a lot over the last five years but he always made his way back to her. In Kyme’s eyes, they belonged together. She didn’t care about the rumors in the streets or the late-night phone calls that Donovan tried to hide. She saw the bigger picture, the unfulfilled dream that Donovan served her, but she held onto the illusion faithfully.

    After three days, Donovan finally called. Hey, baby. I miss you.

    I miss you too, D. Are you gonna tell me what’s up?

    Nah, not over the phone. I want you to come visit me next weekend. Wear something sexy. I hate to cut it short, but I have to go. I love you, girl.

    I love you too.

    Alright boo. Be safe until I see you next week.

    Donovan ended the call quickly. Kyme learned from a news broadcast that he was arrested for murder and denied bond. She intended to ask him about his failure to inform her of his court proceedings, but their brief exchange didn’t allow her the opportunity to probe.

    I don’t know why you even put up with that miniscule piece of a man in the first place. You need to be thinking about your kids. The one you have and the one that’s in your belly.

    Kira, why do you always have to put him down? He took care of me and Zaria, and when he gets out he will continue to take care of us. We gonna get married. Just watch and see.

    Bitch! Do you hear yourself? You sound like one of them silly hoes that we used to laugh about. Check it out. That nigga is nevah gettin’ out. He robbed and killed a white woman. She was the wife of a police officer. They gonna hang his yella ass in jail. You talkin’ about marrying that fool? What kind of life is that for you? Making conjugal visits once a month? Be real with yourself, girl, and move on.

    Kyme refused to accept that her sister was telling the truth, even though she knew her life with Donovan was over.

    I am still going to see him Saturday.

    Do what you please. I am done talking to you. You need to get yourself a real man like me. I don’t have these problems because I am not fucking with a mediocre type muthafucka. Andre has bank. He’s the boss of scrubs like Donovan. Get you a Grade-A nigga, and all your prayers will be answered. No more public housing, no more bus stops, and no more welfare. This life you are living is so beneath me. It is time for you to level up.

    Kyme admired her older sister. Even though they looked alike, Kira carried herself like shining diamonds and Kyme carried herself like dull pearls. Kira had a supermodel persona, pulling grown men since middle school. She loved her long sewn in weave that would brush against her back and dance as the wind blew. Kyme wore her Poetic Justice braids until her new growth forced them out. Growing up, they were busty and thick in the hips, but over the years, Kira had gotten slimmer and Kyme had gotten wider, especially during her pregnancies.

    I hear what you are saying sis. But I need to see him. At the end of the day, I still love him.

    Whatever! I am telling you- find you a nigga with money and love will come later.

    Kira’s sermon did not deter her. She went to Ashley Stewart’s semi-annual sale and bought a cute red and black fitted dress that accentuated her curves. Red and black were Donovan’s favorite colors. She styled her braids in a ponytail and gelled down her edges. She glossed her lips, her only makeup. She dressed Zaria and they headed for the bus stop. While waiting for the bus she noticed a familiar face, a carbon copy of Tyson Beckford. She saw Tyson’s twin regularly but he never boarded the bus when she did. She assumed he caught a later bus. She smiled at him, seeing him in the light for the first time. She pushed him to the back of her brain as she and Zaria rode to the downtown jail. Her heart beat faster as they got closer. She couldn’t find a reliable sitter for Zaria so she brought her along against her better judgement. At least she would see her father before he went to prison.

    Sign in here, ma’am. Who are you here to see? the officer asked.

    Donovan Miles. I am Kymesha Garner.

    Oh, wait over there. Mr. Miles already has a visitor this hour. If she doesn’t stay the whole visit then you can have the remaining time. However, if she does, you will have to come back for the afternoon visit.

    Kyme was dumbfounded. Who is here? I was asked to be here.

    Well, ma’am. You have to wait your turn. Inmates are only allowed one set of visitors at a time.

    Kyme rolled her eyes at the attendant, grabbed Zaria by the hand, and stepped to the side. She bought Zaria a snack from the vending machine for breakfast. As she opened the snack for her baby girl, she

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