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Immortals Vol. I Attack on Omicron
Immortals Vol. I Attack on Omicron
Immortals Vol. I Attack on Omicron
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Immortals Vol. I Attack on Omicron

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Immortals: Attack on Omicron is the first entry in a series that chronicles a species of supernatural people called kin. Omicron Incorporated is a powerful pharmaceutical company. A few within the corporation are aware of the kin’s existence, and with the help of one scientist’s dedicated research, they discover a unique enzyme linked to the kin’s longevity. Omicron uses this discovery in the development of a drug called Vitaga that prevents ageing in humans. The company stands to make billions from this drug, and they will not let anyone get in their way.

Adley Anderson is an investigative journalist writing an article on Omicron Incorporated. While investigating Omicron’s Headquarters in Manhattan, Adley meets a family of kin living a low profile for the last century and a half. The head of the blended household is a young woman named Quinn. She’s determined to keep her family safe, but her cautionary policies are often thwarted by her crafty twin sister, disorderly nephews, and defiant sister-in-law. After Omicron abducts a member of the family, Adley persuades Quinn to take her on the dangerous rescue mission while opening her eyes to a world she never knew existed.

Warning: This story contains violence, drug use, and inappropriate sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

PublisherB. D. Kush
Release dateMar 21, 2020
Immortals Vol. I Attack on Omicron

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    Book preview

    Immortals Vol. I Attack on Omicron - B. D. Kush


    Nighttime had fallen upon the bright and bustling New York City. Being the Fourth of July, this Tuesday was exceptionally lively, with evening festivities and celebratory fireworks erupting across the five boroughs.

    On a quiet side street in East Harlem, the two occupants of a blue sedan sat in silence while surveying a white cargo van concealed in an unlit alleyway. On the back of the commercial vehicle, a logo spelling ‘OnI’ in red and black letters was barely visible amid the darkness.

    The car passenger, Adley, was a Caucasian female with brown eyes and shoulder-length dirty blond hair. Adley rolled down her side window and used her phone to take a picture of the van’s licence plate. She checked to ensure that the image was satisfactory before lowering her device and continuing with her surveillance.

    The driver, Arlo, was a twenty-eight-year-old male with short brown hair and blue eyes. Having no interest in the van, he spent the last few minutes silently gazing out his driver’s side window while listening to the faint popping of distant fireworks.

    Finally overcome with boredom, Arlo turned to address Adley.

    So, you mind telling me why we’re parked here? Arlo asked with a hint of irritation in his voice. I hope this isn’t for another one of your articles.

    Adley shifted her gaze from the van to Arlo and smiled. What? You don’t like spending time with your little sister? she asked jokingly.

    Arlo refused to return the smile and replied, No, but I’d like to know what kind of trouble you’re getting me into. A little forewarning would be appreciated this time, considering I’m sacrificing my day off to help you.

    Adley continued to smile as if she neither noticed nor cared about her brother’s negative disposition.

    You’re so melodramatic, Arlo. When have I ever gotten you into trouble? Adley asked with what sounded like complete sincerity.

    Arlo looked at his sister bewildered, trying to determine if she was joking or serious. You’re kidding, right? he asked, dumbfounded by his sister’s need to be reminded. How about the time they arrested us for trespassing?

    That was a misunderstanding, Adley said defensively. Plus, they only detained us, remember? They agreed not to press charges.

    And the time you had me distract—

    How many times do I have to apologize for that? Adley interrupted. It was only your nose. Let it go already.

    Adley exhaled noisily, irritated by her brother’s ability to recollect past events.

    I can keep going, Arlo said with a smirk. Despite his irritation, he could not help but smile when effectively provoking his only sibling.

    Okay, I get the point. It’s the last time, I promise.

    Arlo sighed hopelessly, having heard that exact promise on more than one occasion. Why do I not believe you, he said before redirecting the conversation. So, for the second time, you mind telling me why we’re parked here at this hour?

    Adley pointed to the cargo van. That van belongs to Omicron Incorporated. They’re a leading pharmaceutical company.

    Why are you following them?

    Lately, they’ve been driving around at night, parking in alleyways and empty parking lots.

    Maybe they’re making deliveries? Arlo suggested, not seeing the problem.

    At night, and armed with weapons?

    Well, this is Manhattan, Arlo said jokingly, his disgruntled demeanour finally starting to lighten.

    Not funny, Adley said with a smile. She shifted her gaze from Arlo to the van before motioning towards the vehicle. Last week, I inspected that van. It was full of tranquillizer darts, nets, guns, restraints—I think they are looking for something or someone.

    When Adley turned back to look at her brother, his smile had vanished entirely. Arlo did not look amused.

    I hope this isn’t like the time you had us break into that laboratory, Arlo snapped, reverting to his initial frustrated state. I told you last time, never again.

    No, it’s not like that, Adley said defensively. "And for your information, we proved that the laboratory violated the Animal Welfare Act. I call that a win. Plus, it’s not breaking and entering if someone gives you access; it’s more like trespassing."

    Arlo rolled his eyes and turned back to his window, unable to look his bleeding-heart sister in the face. You are such a liberal. It’s sickening, Arlo said while retrieving his phone. I told you last time, I don’t care about the rodents, or the bunnies, or the lab monkeys, he added while texting.

    And I’m telling you this is completely different! Adley exclaimed. I hid a GPS tracker in that van. I think they’re starting to close in on whatever it is they’re looking for.

    Suddenly, a few drops of rain hit the car window drawing Arlo’s attention. He opened the weather app on his phone and was surprised to see that it incorrectly indicated clear skies for the next two days.

    Noticing the time, Arlo was growing frustrated and finally had enough of his sister’s shenanigans. Do you even hear yourself? Breaking into vans, tracking people. You’re going to end up dead or arrested if you keep this up.

    Before Adley could respond, the startling sound of a single gunshot echoed in the distance. Upon hearing the loud bang, the siblings’ heads simultaneously shifted towards the alleyway from where the noise originated.

    What was that? Adley asked, trying to peer out the window through the now pouring rain.

    Probably fireworks, Arlo suggested, hoping his sister would not know the difference.

    It came from the alleyway, Adley said while reaching for the car door handle. She grabbed her bag and exited the vehicle before her brother had a chance to respond.

    Arlo stepped out of the car and looked over the roof at his sister. Wait! Where are you going? he called out as Adley disappeared into the dark alleyway.

    Adley ran past the cargo van and down the path leading to a small paved parking lot behind the building. The rain continued to pour as she peeked out from against the wall and spotted two males in identical dark grey uniforms. They both had handguns strapped to their belts, and one was carrying a rifle. Although they were armed and wearing ballistic vests, Adley could tell by the Omicron logo on their uniform that they were not police officers. But the strangest thing about their attire was the dark visors they were wearing, despite it being nighttime and raining.

    Adley quickly retrieved her phone and attempted to record the scene in the near darkness. She watched in silence while the two Omicron operatives gazed up towards the rooftop. Seconds later, the man with the rifle aimed his weapon upwards and peered through the scope before firing a single shot.


    Startled, Adley jumped while covering her mouth. She forced herself not to scream when the silhouette of a body fell from the rooftop onto the pavement below. The rain had now ceased allowing Adley to see the motionless figure on the ground more clearly. Fighting her nervousness, she tried to keep her phone steady while recording the scene before her.

    One of the operatives slowly approached the target while his co-worker watched with his weapon raised. The man bent down next to the body, but before he could touch it, a tall shadow attacked from above, knocking him a few feet back. Adley watched in awe when she realized that the operative’s attacker was a tall woman with dark olive skin and shoulder-length navy blue hair. She was wearing a blue knee-high backless dress and white high-top running shoes with matching light blue trim.

    With one operative down, Adley watched as the woman rushed the second male. The woman approached with lightning-fast speed and hit the man, knocking him to the ground. The unknown female looked back to check on the first operative, who was already on his feet with his gun raised. The man fired a tranquillizer dart, causing the woman to stop in her tracks. He continued to point his weapon at the injured female as she grasped her shoulder in pain.

    Seizing the opportunity to help the mysterious female, Adley reached into her bag and pulled out a handgun. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before stepping out from behind the wall and aiming her gun at the operative’s back.

    Stop! Leave her alone, or I’ll shoot! Adley warned the man with as much confidence as she could muster while trying to hold the gun firmly in her trembling hands.

    Heeding her warning, the man dropped his gun and raised his hands while Adley continued to aim her weapon at his back.

    Hearing footsteps approaching from behind, Adley was briefly startled but let out a sigh of relief when she glanced back to discover her brother emerging from the alleyway.

    Arlo was stunned to see his sister holding a gun. Adley! he exclaimed in shock. What the hell are you doing?

    While still aiming her gun at the operative, Adley glanced back at her brother. She’s unarmed and outnumbered. I have to help her!

    But why do you have a gun?

    Relax, it’s not a big deal, Adley reassured. I practice all the time.

    While the siblings were busy bickering, the two Omicron employees took the opportunity to flee the scene. One man was carrying the weapons, and the other held the body they shot off the rooftop.

    Now that the operatives were gone, Adley turned her attention to the injured female. The tranquillizer had started to overpower the unknown woman causing her to fall to her hands and knees. Adley rushed over to aid the victim.

    Are you okay? Adley asked while kneeling next to the woman.

    I-I have to help Finn, the female struggled to say. Using her last ounce of strength, she attempted to stand but finally collapsed to the ground.

    While Adley checked the girl’s pulse, Arlo stood over the two females panicking.

    I can’t believe they shot her right in front of us! I’m calling nine-one-one, Arlo said while unlocking his phone to make the call.

    But what if they come back for her? We need to get her out of here! Adley exclaimed with a worried expression.

    "We? Are you insane! We witness a crime; they shot her! It is a textbook emergency! She needs a hospital!" Arlo was looking at his sister like she had finally gone mental.

    It’s a tranquillizer dart, nothing serious, Adley said, trying to reason with her brother. Omicron’s a pharmaceutical company; they have ties to hospitals.

    Adley went to grab the unconscious woman’s arms and was surprised by how light she was. Adley could have easily carried the woman by herself if it was not for the height disparity. But unable to do it by herself, she looked to her brother for assistance. Please, Arlo. Help me.

    Arlo exhaled loudly. Surrendering to his sister, he reached down to help Adley carry the unknown female out of the alleyway.

    FYI, this is exactly what I mean when I say you cause me nothing but trouble, Arlo said as they walked towards the car.

    After placing the unconscious female in the back seat, Arlo sat in the driver’s seat and let out a big sigh.

    Adley turned to her brother to fill him in on the rest of her plan. Once we get to your place—

    Hold on, Arlo interrupted. He put his hands up in a stopping motion, unwilling to listen to another word. Now you want to bring the stranger to my place! What about your apartment? he asked in vexation.

    Please, your apartment is closer, Adley begged, holding her palms together while pleading with him.

    Arlo groaned and started the car. I don’t know why I let you drag me into these things, he mumbled in defeat.

    Adley smiled triumphantly. Because you’re my brother, and you love me, she stated, only to receive a scowl in return.

    Adley decided to remain silent as they transported the unconscious stranger back to Arlo’s apartment to avoid enraging her loving brother any further.


    July 5th, 2017

    Arlo’s Apartment (E 60th St, New York, NY) - 0945 hrs

    The morning sun was beginning to peak over the urban landscape allowing the bright light to reach the small apartment complex. On the third floor of the five-story building, inside the bedroom of a one-bedroom apartment, a girl named Brook slept in a stranger’s bed, unaware of her surroundings. The room was dark, the only source of light coming from a gap in the curtains near the foot of the bed.

    While the young woman slept peacefully, a small strip of sunlight started to drift up the bed. Brook’s eyes flew open as soon as the light touched her feet. She looked down and immediately pulled her legs towards her torso. She frantically sat up and moved to the top of the bed to get further from the drifting sunlight. As her back neared the wall, a small wall-mounted mirror behind her fell and erupted with a glass-shattering smash!

    Less than a second later, there was a quick knock before the door opened, and Adley poked her head into the room.

    Good, you’re awake, Adley said with a smile. How are you feeling? she asked while opening the door wider to enter.

    Brook paused and looked at Adley nervously before answering. I’m fine, she replied slowly, not sure what to make of the situation.

    My name’s Adley. What’s yours?

    Brook, the blue-haired girl replied. She made her way to the edge of the bed and stood up while extending her hand out to formally introduce herself.

    As Adley shook Brook’s hand, she looked up at the slender female towering over her. Now that she could see Brook awake and up close, Adley was a little taken aback by her appearance, mainly her bright blue eyes and hair.

    Nice to meet you, Adley said while also admiring Brook’s flawless complexion. Considering they appeared around the same age, she could not help but feel a little intimidated.

    I like your hair, Adley commented with an awkward smile. Realizing she was still shaking Brook’s hand and gazing at her longer than what would be considered normal, Adley let go of the female before continuing. My brother and I stumbled upon you and your friend under attack.

    Brook’s expression changed as soon as she recalled what happened last night. Oh, no, Finn! she said in a panic, her eyes starting to tear up. I have to get home! Quinn is going to kill me. This is all my fault!

    I can help you, Adley said, trying to comfort the distraught female. What Omicron did last night was illegal. I was able to get it all on video. We can go to the police and—

    No! Brook interrupted vigorously.

    Adley looked at Brook in silence, startled by her outburst.

    Brook wiped away her tears before speaking. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap, she said, trying to calm down. Thanks for helping me last night, but I need to get home and fix this, Brook explained before turning towards the exit.

    But I can help you get your friend back, Adley said while stepping in front of the doorway to prevent Brook from leaving. I’ve been researching Omicron. After what they did to you last night, I want to help you save your friend. I might have information that can assist you.

    Listen, Brook said in all seriousness. I know you think you can help, but you don’t know me or my situation. The only thing that can help right now is letting me go home. Brook’s eyes were now dry, and there was a hit of annoyance in her voice.

    Your right. I don’t know you, Adley agreed, stepping aside to let Brook pass. Can I at least give you a lift home?

    Brook nervously glanced at the small strip of sunlight on the bed before turning back to Adley. Su-sure. Thank you. You wouldn’t happen to have a big blanket I could use? she asked while smiling sheepishly.

    Why do you need a blanket?

    Brook verbally fumbled as she tried to think of an excuse. I, ah, need it to hide under in case the…men from last night are still looking for me.

    Adley smiled. I think Arlo might have something you can use, she said before turning towards the hallway and shouting, ARLO!

    Seconds later, Arlo entered the bedroom with a grim expression, as if he knew exactly why his sister was beckoning him.

    Yeah? sighed Arlo.

    Can you do me a favour? Adley asked her brother with a smile, only to receive an eye roll in return.


    Greenwich Village (7th Ave, New York, NY) - 1140 hrs

    As Adley and Arlo drove Brook home, the siblings occupied the front seats while Brook sat in the back, covered by a grey blanket. A long silence lingered inside the vehicle as the three travelled across town towards the Lower West Side. Arlo could not even use his rear-view mirror due to Brook’s blanketed mass taking up the entire back seat of his car. While Arlo, not particularly happy with this situation, drove them to their destination, Adley sat smiling in the passenger seat. The awkward silence continued until Adley looked back to address Brook.

    So, Brook, do you live with your parents? Adley asked, trying to make small talk.

    Not exactly. I live with my brother and our extended family, Brook’s muffled voice answered from under the blanket.

    Is Finn your brother?

    Brook’s voice shifted a little when she started talking about Finn. No, Finn is more like my boyfriend, she explained before clearing her throat. Sorry, but I rather not talk about my family right now.

    I understand. Sorry for prying, Adley apologized.

    The silence continued until they neared Brook’s residence. Arlo pulled over to park a few houses down from the address Brook provided.

    We’re here, Arlo informed Brook, who obviously could not see. Let me help you to the door, she offered while unbuckling her seatbelt.

    Adley opened the back door to help Brook exit the vehicle onto the sidewalk. The two walked down the street, with Adley guiding the blanketed figure towards the residence. Adley felt slightly embarrassed as passing strangers turned their heads to look at them.

    Reaching their destination, Adley stopped at the front steps of the house, causing Brook to stop.

    I think this is it, Adley said while gazing up at the old three-story townhouse. Drapes concealed all the windows with security bars mounted over the glass on the ground level.

    Adley guided Brook up the steps towards the entrance. Hanging on the solid wood door was a large antique door knocker with ‘Markovich’ engraved in cursive on the front.

    Damnit, I forgot my key, Brook’s muffled voice said from under the blanket. She did not bother trying the door handle, knowing the occupants locked it.

    Next to the front door was a metal plate containing an intercom and a small camera. From under the blanket, Brook started feeling around the wall-mounted plate for a button. Once found, she pressed it to produce a loud buzzing sound. Seconds later, the speaker erupted with the gurgle of bubbling water, followed by the sound of someone exhaling.

    What the... a female’s voice mumbled through the intercom before clearing her throat. Yo, who’s this? the voice demanded.

    Brook bent down towards the speaker so she could talk through the blanket. Freya, it’s Brook! I need in!

    Brook? What happened to you? Who’s that girl with you? the voice asked.

    C’mon, Frey-Frey! Please let me in! It’s hot under here! Brook whined while making a scene.

    Two inquisitive strangers passing on the sidewalk turned their heads as they watched the blanketed figure bang loudly on the front door. Adley awkwardly smiled at them while Brook argued with the voice over the intercom.

    Hun, ya know outsiders aren’t allowed, Freya’s voice explained. Is Finn under there with you?

    Brook stopped banging on the door and moved closer to the microphone to plead with the voice.

    Please, Frey! Finn’s in trouble! Brook said with as much urgency as she could emphasize.

    A loud sigh echoed through the intercom. Fine, but if anyone asks, you let yourself in.

    I will, Brook eagerly replied.

    I’m serious, Freya’s voice warned. It’s my day off, and I’m high as fuck right now. I’m not helping you deal with her today. You’re on your own.

    C’MON, FREY!

    …Good luck, Freya’s voice said, followed by the click of the door unlocking.

    Brook opened the front door that led into the sitting room. The room contained expensive-looking antiques such as an old chesterfield sofa, matching chairs, and two matching Tiffany lamps on top of two solid wood end tables. With thick dark crimson drapes covering the front window, the only source of light in the room came from the exterior door Brook had just opened. Brook removed the blanket immediately upon entering the middle of the room, away from the direct sunlight.

    Brook proceeded to fold the sheet neatly and turned to Adley. Thank you again for all your help, she said while returning the blanket. You should go before anyone sees you. Freya and my brother are fine, but if you see Quinn, be calm and avoid eye contact." Brook’s expression turned serious at the thought of Quinn catching them.

    As Brook warned Adley, she was unaware that a female had entered the room and approached behind. Adley, who was facing the kitchen entrance, immediately noticed the woman.

    The unknown female was wearing a backless shirt with long sleeves falling just off her shoulders. It was apparent she was not directly related to Brook by blood as she looked almost the opposite physically. The woman was shorter and had pale skin, but she was much more athletic looking. She had bicoloured hair consisting of long golden bangs flowing down the side of her face and jet-black hair tied up in a clip. Spiked up behind her head were bits of black hair that transitioned to gold at the tips. But the woman’s funky hair was nowhere near as intimidating as her eyes. Having never seen anything like it, Adley could not help but stare at the woman’s amber iris as she wondered if they were natural or designer contacts. But what intimidated Adley the most was the way the woman’s eyes looked at her. She could only describe it as a menacing yet restrained glare.

    Realizing someone was behind her, Brook’s facial expression change from worry to utter fear. She quickly turned around to discover the woman scowling at her. The woman crossed her arms defensively while glaring up at Brook.

    Quinn! I didn’t see you there! Brook said while futilely trying to block Quinn’s view of Adley with her tall frame. Listen, something happened to Finn—

    What’s she doing here? Quinn demanded while motioning towards Adley.

    Brook nervously tried to explain everything at a rapid speed. This is Adley. She helped me last night. We were—

    "She needs to go now," Quinn said, interrupting Brook for the second time.

    Brook clenched her fists in frustration. Listen to me! Finn’s in danger! We have to help him! Brook was now taking an aggressive stance, which only antagonized Quinn further.

    And whose idea was it to go out last night! Quinn reminded Brook before rudely pointing at Adley. We’ll deal with this as soon as she leaves!

    Adley uncomfortably watched the heated conversation between the two women. Although part of her knew this was a bad idea, Adley’s altruistic nature got the best of her, and she felt the drive to diffuse the situation. She raised her hand sheepishly, trying to get their attention, but when that did not work, she cleared her throat loudly to much success.

    Quinn and Brook immediately stopped arguing and turned their attention to the visitor. Quinn looked unamused with Adley’s interference, while Brook appeared genuinely worried about her new friend’s welfare now that Adley was in Quinn’s crosshairs.

    Adley was so busy trying not to look Quinn in the eye, as per Brook’s advice, she overlooked her friend's signal for her to shut up.

    Excuse me, Adley said timidly. Sorry to interrupt, but I think I can help, she added with a nervous smile. Quinn’s expression grew increasingly furious as Adley spoke, but Adley persisted while ignoring the woman’s intimidating glare. Mustering the courage, Adley took a deep breath before continuing. I’ve been investigating the people who took Finn, and I think I can help you get him back.

    Snubbing Adley completely, Quinn turned back to Brook. What have you told her! she demanded.

    Nothing, I swear, Brook replied, raising her hands defensively.

    Quinn turned to Adley, glowering. "I don’t care about what you think, you know... Quinn started to say but trailed off once she noticed that a strange man had taken the liberty of waltzing into her living room. Quinn’s scowl deepened as she pointed at Arlo. Who’s he?"

    Brook and Aldey turned to see that Arlo had entered through the opened door.

    Adley? Arlo asked. Having heard the quarrelling from the sidewalk, he wished he had the wrong house, but to no such luck.

    Infuriated, Quinn turned her attention back to Brook while Brook held her head in frustration.

    This is not going to end well, Brook sighed while silently praying for any distraction right now.

    Are you okay? Arlo asked his sister. You were taking so long. I was getting worried.

    Quinn turned to Brook, fuming. How many did you bring with you?

    Just the two, Brook explained. They both saved my life last night. If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t be here.

    Before Quinn could respond, a male voice spoke up from across the room.


    Everyone turned their heads to discover that Brook’s twin brother had entered via the kitchen. Trenton was tall and had an olive complexion like his sister, but instead of a lean frame like Brook, he was more muscular with broad shoulders. Unlike Brook’s blue hair, Trenton’s was mostly black that faded to dark blue at the very end.

    The fact that Trenton was shirtless must have caught Adley off guard as she blatantly gawked at his smooth muscular torso a little longer than what would be deemed appropriate.

    What happened to you last night? Trenton asked his sister.

    A big smile appeared on Brook’s face before pushing past Quinn and rushing towards her brother, giving him a big hug on contact.

    Trent! Brook said joyfully at the sight of her prayers answered. It’s so good to see you! They took Finn last night. They almost captured me too, but these two rescued me.

    After explaining everything to her brother, Brook turned to her rescuers. Adley, Arlo, this is my brother Trent, she said, introducing Trenton to her new friends.

    Hi. Nice to meet you, Trenton said as he reached out to shake their hands.

    As the shirtless specimen stood towering over her, Adley’s gaze could not help but linger for a few seconds of awkwardness before she realized everyone was looking at her.

    Ahh, nice to meet you, too! Adley laughed nervously while her face turned beet red. Sorry for staring. You’re so...tall, she said as she fumbled for words. What I mean is both of you look the same. I can see the family resemblance, Adley clarified, followed by another nervous laugh.

    Arlo smiled while chuckling inwardly at his sister’s embarrassment. It almost made this headache of an outing worth it.

    I cannot thank you both enough for helping my sister, Trenton said to Adley and Arlo.

    You’re pleasure, was our...welcome… Adley started to say, then trailed off while smiling at Trenton, unaware of the words coming out of her mouth.

    Standing behind Brook and Trenton, Quinn had her arms crossed defensively while her eyes appeared to glow in anger. Arlo and Adley were the only two facing Quinn, and with Adley preoccupied with Trenton, only Arlo could see the woman’s unnerving expression. Arlo wondered if he imagined the glow as he nervously watched Quinn’s unusual-looking eyes staring him down.

    Adley, we should go, Arlo said with a nudge to get his sister’s attention.

    Adley reached into her purse to retrieve a business card. Here’s my number, she said while handing it to Brook. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call.

    Brook smiled while graciously accepting the card. Thank you so much for all your help, she said to Adley and Arlo before lunging forward and giving them a big, intrusive hug.

    The four of them said their goodbyes while Quinn observed from a distance, positioned in her usual arms crossed stance and remaining eerily silent. Adley tried to say goodbye before leaving, but Quinn rudely ignored her.


    Arlo’s Residence - 2035 hrs

    The sun had just finished setting on the distant horizon. Inside the apartment, Arlo was sitting on his couch watching television when Adley entered from the hallway. She had just taken a shower and was now wearing jeans and a white button shirt with a towel wrapped around her head.

    That felt good. Thanks for stopping by my place, Adley said while drying her wet hair with the towel. I needed a change of clothes.

    Arlo glanced away from his television to address her. Why didn’t you stay? Wouldn’t you rather shower at your place?

    Yes, but I left my laptop here and thought it would be too much for you to make two trips.

    Arlo rolled his eyes at her idiocy. How considerate of you, he responded sarcastically.

    Adley finished drying her hair and pulled her laptop out before sitting next to her brother on the couch.

    Well, last night certainly was interesting, she commented while looking at the computer. And you thought following that van was a bad idea.

    It was. We almost died, Arlo said flatly, his eyes remaining glued to the television as he engaged in dialogue with his sister.

    Adley let out a little laugh. You’re so dramatic. They were using tranquillizers, not bullets.

    Having no interest in the words coming out of his sister’s mouth, Arlo rolled his eyes again but did not verbally respond, trying to focus on the television.

    You know, Adley continued, talking more to herself than to Arlo. I’m glad we stood up to those men. We did a good thing helping Brook. I wonder what Omicron wanted with them?

    Although Arlo could hear what Adley was saying, he ignored her question while she continued talking.

    I think I have a plan, Adley declared with a smile on her face and a gleam in her eye. If my source can help me access the Omicron building, I could find out what exactly they’re doing and—

    NO! No, Adley! Arlo interjected in protest, finally looking away from the television to confront his sister. I’m drawing the line. I am not getting dragged into another one of your—

    Arlo suddenly stopped mid-sentence when his eyes caught sight of something next to the television.

    Following her brother’s gaze, Adley looked over towards the living room window and was shocked to discover Brook peering in at them.

    Kneeling on the fire escape, Brook smiled and waved as Adley let her in. The tall girl awkwardly crawled through the window, almost knocking over Arlo’s end table before standing and brushing herself off.

    Hi! Brook greeted with a smile.

    Brook, is everything okay? Adley wondered with a concerned expression.

    Yeah, why? Brook replied.

    You could have used the front door, Adley said, sounding a little apprehensive with Brook’s method of dropping in unannounced.

    Well, I didn’t know your apartment number because I had a blanket over my head earlier, but I remembered which floor you were on, and this was the easiest way to find you.

    I hope we didn’t get you into too much trouble with your family, Adley said, still feeling bad about earlier.

    Nah, Quinn’s always like that. It takes time for her to warm up to people, Brook explained.

    What are you going to do about Finn? asked Adley.

    The others left to go get help, but that’ll take too long, Brook said to her new friend. I’m going to go break him out myself and wanted to know what kind of information you have on Omicron.

    As Brook talked, Adley listened with awe and excitement.

    Yes, I can help! Adley exclaimed, thrilled that she found someone with a similar plan. I was just talking about doing the same thing. Wasn’t I, Arlo? She looked over at Arlo for affirmation, but he refused to acknowledge her comment.

    Please leave me out of this, Arlo muttered without removing his gaze from the television.

    Adley sat down on the sofa and picked up her laptop to show Brook all the intel she had collected on the company.

    Omicron Incorporate is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. It started as a company call Duper Pharma but changed its name to Omicron after an acquisition a few years ago. Adley opened a document on her computer and started scrolling through it while Brook peered over her shoulder attentively. Their main headquarters is here in New York. That must be where they took Finn. Oh, and they don’t just deal with pharmaceuticals. I’ve found ties to companies dealing in biotechnology, weapons development, offshore drilling, medical equipment, even household products. They try to be discreet about everything. My contact said they prohibit employees from bringing in any outside electrical devices. As Adley slowly scrolled past a photo, Brook touched her arm to signal for her to stop.

    Wait, go back, Brook said, prompting Adley to scroll back to the picture of a male. Who’s that? she asked, pointing to a headshot of a late-middle-aged man with a grey mustache, glasses, and greying brown hair.

    That’s Doctor David Hunter. He’s a consultant for this new product they’re developing. My contact said it’s going to be revolutionary.

    Brook appeared shaken while her eyes remained fixated on the picture.

    What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Adley said upon noticing Brook’s unnerving expression.

    Can you print me a copy of this picture?

    Adley nodded in compliance and pressed a button on her computer. She walked across the room to the printer on Arlo’s computer desk. She retrieved the paper from the machine and handed it to Brook.

    I have to show this to Quinn, Brook said before turning towards the front door.

    But what about Finn? Adley asked, causing Brook to stop.

    Brook held up the piece of paper. If this is who I think it is, I might need their help after all.

    Why don’t you just call them? Adley suggested.

    We’re not allowed to have cell phones, Brook replied with a hit of bitterness in her voice. Quinn says they’re traceable, she added mockingly. It was apparent by Brook’s tone and mannerisms that she opposed this rule.

    Normally, I would find that odd, but after meeting your family today, not so much, Adley commented, then asked, Are you not permitted phones because Omicron is after you?

    No, Brook answered. I’ve never even heard of Omicron up until last night. But the guy in this picture might have something to do with it. That is if he is who I think he is. I have to talk to my family.

    Brook turned towards the exit, but Adley stopped her for the second time.

    Wait! Need a ride?

    Hearing his sister offer his services without consultation, Arlo glared at Adley from the sofa.

    I don’t know. It’s far, Brook warned.

    Come on, let us help, Adley pleaded. She was eager to tag along with Brook, knowing Brook was the ticket to her story. If we leave now, we can be there in no time.

    O-okay. Thanks, Brook reluctantly agreed.

    The three departed the apartment towards Arlo’s car and made their way out of the city. It was not until they neared Yonkers that Brook informed them that they were journeying into west Connecticut. Arlo was unhappy with the unexpected road trip and remained silent throughout most of the drive as a protest.

    After what felt like a lengthy drive, they were now deep in the Connecticut countryside.

    Who lives out here? Adley asked, turning back to converse with Brook in the back seat.

    Some of our extended family. It’s kind of like our country home.

    Sounds like you have a big family, Adley commented, curious to meet the rest of Brook’s family.

    You’re telling me. It gets a little crazy sometimes, and loud, and crowded, Brook said, trailing off a bit before changing the subject. What about you? Do you come from a big family?

    Nope, just the two of us, Adley replied. Our parents live in Wisconsin, where we grew up. Arlo and I both moved to New York for school and stayed for work.

    What do you do for work? Brook asked.

    I’m a freelance journalist, Adley explained. Arlo builds computers.

    For the first time in the last two hours, Arlo spoke up. Actually, I’m a software engineer.

    Brook smiled. An engineer, you must be really smart. You should get along with Freya. She’s an engineer. She builds all kinds of cool gadgets, Brook informed Arlo with a smile, not understanding the difference.

    Who’s Freya? Adley asked.

    Quinn’s twin sister.

    If she’s anything like Quinn, I’m not entirely sure I want to meet her, Arlo commented truthfully.

    Don’t worry, she’s not, Brook assured.

    Upon realizing where they were, Brook looked out her window and alerted the driver. Turn right here! she called out to Arlo.

    Arlo barely had enough time to make a sharp right turn onto a dirt road leading into the thick woods. They drove along a bumpy path for a few minutes until they reached a dead-end obstructed by trees.

    Now what? Arlo questioned.

    We walk, Brook said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

    You seriously expect us to walk through the woods in the middle of the night? Arlo complained, not feeling comfortable with the idea.

    Yep, but it’s not far, Brook answered with a smile. She exited the car leaving Adley and Arlo to talk privately.

    Arlo looked nervously at his sister. I don’t know about this.

    Come on, don’t you have a flashlight in your trunk?

    Arlo unbuckled his seatbelt. You’re going to be the death of me, he sighed before pressing the trunk release button and exiting the vehicle.


    Sanctuary (?????, Connecticut) – 2110 hrs

    In a small clearing deep within a remote forested area stood a settlement that those who knew of its existence referred to as Sanctuary. It consisted of a small log cabin and three wigwams made from branches and birch bark. It had many accommodations such as a vegetable garden, a gas stove, an old water pump protruding from the ground, and many other things you would find from decades of living off the grid. The only light source in this poorly lit site was a small fire and a few dim lanterns. The scene was so dark that any newcomer would find it difficult to maneuver safely, unlike the inhabitants who did so with ease.

    Immediately upon Freya’s arrival, her partner Marko and their twin boys Flint and Felix greeted her. Freya looked almost identical to Quinn in height and complexion. Freya had bicoloured hair like her sister, except hers was red and black, and her eyes had bright red irises. Freya’s red bangs flowed down the side of her face, and her long jet-black hair was tied up with the black fading to red like flames climbing up her ponytail. She wore a burgundy halter top with a detailed black design and a gold band cuff bangle wrapped around her left arm. Her black pants consisted of a custom leather-like material, and she had a military-style knife strapped to her right thigh.

    Marko was a few inches taller than Freya, and his complexion had a slightly darker tone. He had a messy mop of bright red hair and red eyes like Freya.

    Flint and Felix appeared no more than six or seven years of age. Like his mother, Flint had a mixture of black and red hair. He was wearing a black baseball hat with a green leaf stitched on the front next to the word ‘KUSH’ in white lettering. Protruding from under the cap was chin-length black hair that faded to red an inch from the bottom. Flint was head to toe in brand name clothes, from his black Crooks and Castles shirt to his Timberland boots.

    On the other hand, Felix looked more like his father with a head full of red hair. Felix was the type who could not be bothered with

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