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Power & Authority
Power & Authority
Power & Authority
Ebook98 pages48 minutes

Power & Authority

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About this ebook

The Bible tells us that there are people who have a form of godliness but they deny its power! is is always a tragedy whenever I see people denying the existence of the power of God today.


A lot of them have reasons, and with some of those reasons one can sympathize and understand why those people chose to believe that.


Be that as it may, I wrote this book so the child of God can walk in the power of God. Our lives, as children of God, are predestined. That means, God planned certain things for us, and one important plan of God for us is that we walk in His power.


You should not miss out on destiny just because someone misrepresented God in your vicinity! if the power of God has been misrepresented, we can represent it truthfully since we are here.


As a result of reading this book, you will walk in power and authority. No demon will intimidate you. You will see with clarity, the mindset of God concerning your life.

Release dateApr 20, 2020
Power & Authority

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    Book preview

    Power & Authority - Donald Siwele





    One day a man was passing elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg! No chains, no cages.

    It was obvious that the elephants could, at any time, break away from the ropes they were tied with, but for some reason they did not. The man then saw a trainer nearby and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away.

    "Well, he said, when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away.

    They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free."

    This man was amazed. These animals could, at any time, break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were!

    Way too many Christians today find themselves stuck in bondage, tied down, feeling hopeless...And yet they have the power to break free at any time, yet they are completely

    unaware of the fact that they have access to this Super Power

    at any given moment.

    This is a very timely book for the day and age we are living in. So many people are lied to by the enemy, people are afraid

    of witchcraft and curses, yet the Word of God says that the enemy has been stripped off all his power and that we have been given authority over him.

    I believe this book will have an impact on the lives of Christians all over the world, even more so for us living in Southern Africa.

    As firstborn of Prophet Kobus Van Rensburg Sr., (Founder of Spirit Word Ministries) I grew up in an environment of the supernatural and have witnessed firsthand how lives were transformed by the power of God and how truth literally set people free.

    I believe that by reading this book, limiting mindsets that have kept you back from living the life that God intended you to live will be destroyed and that you will be transformed.

    I would also encourage you to read this book more than once.

    In order to have God’s results in your life, you need to do things His way.

    This book is filled with scripture upon scripture that will set you free and empower you to live the life God intended you to live.

    Through life’s journey, occasionally we cross paths with exceptional personalities, people who seem to be overflowing with joy and peace, people who add value to our lives, rather than subtract from it.

    I am fortunate enough to be blessed with just such a

    friendship in the Man of God, Pastor Donald Siwele, a man that I respect and look up to.

    God placed an in season word in Pastor Donald’s mouth, as you read this book, open your heart and mind to receive everything God has in store for you.


    Kobus Van Rensburg

    Chapter One



    What is this power? What is this authority?

    These are very important questions to attend to because, often times, people interchangeably use these two terms. What does power mean in this context of ours? Well, in simple language, when we refer to power in this book we are actually talking about ABILITY TO CAUSE CHANGE.

    We are talking about the same thing Jesus talked about when He said


    "But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon

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