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Taboo: Deep! Dark 5 Short Erotic Stories
Taboo: Deep! Dark 5 Short Erotic Stories
Taboo: Deep! Dark 5 Short Erotic Stories
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Taboo: Deep! Dark 5 Short Erotic Stories

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Here is a selection of short stories delving into the world of Taboo. Older guys with college girls, priests on the border of defrocking, and a story about two strangers on the cabin cruiser Taboo. They are all available individual as well as in this collection.

Dave is an indie writer, divorced and living alone when he hits the jackpot on Lotto and wins three quarters of a million. He buys a small cabin cruiser and moors it on the coast. When his step-brother calls telling him about his problem 19 year old daughter he is persuaded to baby-sit her on his boat for a few days. Dave has his libido re-ignited. Will he fulfil his desires?
The English professor is happy working with his university students and encouraging them to do well in their studying. Some students require a little more than a critique on their work and Kylie turns on her charms to encourage the professor to do more for her.
Gemma brings her best friend Tina to visit her Uncle on his boat. The two 19 years olds have more than sailing in mind as they lay topless on the deck whilst Dave watches from his seat . Will they lead his astray? Find out in this erotic short story.
Father Pat has been around the block for some time and has been tempted more than once. He confesses to his sins of the flesh in this taboo story.
Dave enjoys his new found freedom and takes the attractive owner of the local laundromat for a spin in his boat. She lights his inner desires and satisfies his needs in this sexy, saucy tale.

PublisherJim Masters
Release dateFeb 11, 2020

Jim Masters

Jim Masters has built up a reputation for short erotic stories, many with a twist. He reads many of his stories as audiobooks. He lived in London for more than 30 years before moving out and buying a small remote cottage in the Welsh hills where he spends about 3 months alone, alternating with 3 months travelling the UK with some shorter spells in Europe. He has had a varied career working in business consultancy, running training courses in confidence building and overcoming anxiety. This had lead him into meeting many interesting people who he has based many of his characters and situations on, although all his stories are created fictional folk. Jim Masters enjoys cooking and is a good artist who enjoys landscape painting. He is also a film-maker with several short documentary films behind him.

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    Book preview

    Taboo - Jim Masters

    Taboo: Deep! Dark!

    5 Erotic Short Stories

    by Jim Masters

    Copyright 2019 Jim Masters

    Published by Abigail Andrews

    Please note: Edition License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    Here is a selection of short stories delving into the world of Taboo. Older guys with college girls, priests on the border of defrocking, and a story about two strangers on the cabin cruiser Taboo. They are all available individual as well as in this collection.


    Dave is an indie writer, divorced and living alone when he hits the jackpot on Lotto and wins three quarters of a million. He buys a small cabin cruiser and moors it on the coast. When his stepbrother calls telling him about his problem 19-year-old daughter he is persuaded to baby-sit her on his boat for a few days. Dave has his libido re-ignited. Will he fulfil his desires?


    The English professor is happy working with his university students and encouraging them to do well in their studying. Some students require a little more than a critique on their work and Kylie turns on her charms to encourage the professor to do more for her.


    Gemma brings her best friend Tina to visit her Uncle on his boat. The two 19 years olds have more than sailing in mind as they lay topless on the deck whilst Dave watches from his seat. Will they lead his astray? Find out in this erotic short story.


    Father Pat has been around the block for some time and has been tempted more than once. He confesses to his sins of the flesh in this taboo story.


    Dave enjoys his newfound freedom and takes the attractive owner of the local laundromat for a spin in his boat. She lights his inner desires and satisfies his needs in this sexy, saucy tale.


    Taboo: Ready for Action

    Taboo & Lust: The Brat will do anything to pass

    Taboo: Three is More Fun

    Taboo: The Priest’s Confessions

    Taboo: Kay is Satisfied

    About the Author

    Taboo: Ready for Action

    It was a hot July afternoon. I was relaxing on my boat. Yes, my boat. She was a small cabin cruiser. Written across her bow was Taboo. Well that was a name alright. I hoped she would be when I mastered taking her out to sea. Something that I’d always wanted. But there had always been something else. It was a hot summer day. 3 o’clock in the afternoon and I was enjoying a glass of red and a cigarette. I drank beer mostly, but a wine felt right this afternoon, maybe finish the bottle. Wasn’t going anywhere. I wasn’t a smoker, had been ten years ago but stopped to save money. Health issues were the rage too. I just fancied a smoke and had bought a packet on the spur.

    Then the best news hit me. I had never been lucky in games of chance, not even in penny arcades or pub draws. Nothing! Never! Then at 52 years old, a divorcee and earning a crust as an underpaid indie writer I won the jackpot. Well £794,006 to be exact. Three quarters of a million. Not bad. I bought a Lotto ticket about twice a month, if I thought about it when I was in a shop. I’d just get a Lucky Dip. Lucky! Never for me. I’d put the ticket on my desk along with all the other junk I picked up, receipts, bus tickets, the odd leaflet handed out in the High Street, that sort of thing. Then I’d have a clear out probably every other week. I’d check my Lotto or not, or six to check.

    This time I had three, I looked up each date and read off the numbers. As usual nothing. Then, on the last one I looked: 5, 23, 27, 47, and 49. I looked again. I must be looking at the wrong date. No! I’d scooped the jackpot. How many millions? I wondered. One would do me fine.

    I sat on the bed, looking again. I put the ticket back on the desk. Then I checked again. Yes, I had won. I followed the procedure, and someone came to see me. There were three winners and my share was just over three quarters of a million. They wanted a photo, a story but I said No! So, they put the jumbo-sized cheque back into their car, took my bank details and made a transfer immediately.

    First thing next day my bank phoned me. Congratulations on your win. Can you come into the branch and we can advise you on the best way to invest your money?

    You must be joking! I thought. I’ve asked you so many times for a small loan to see me over in bad times and it’s always a No! Now you see I’ve got a windfall you can’t wait to get your share: you’ll want a fee or commission. I thought. I didn’t like these guys one bit. But I agreed to a meeting.

    I was going to be careful with my money but there were some luxuries I was going to get. I didn’t watch much television but every afternoon I sat down, had a glass of wine and watched a programme about couples, well mainly couples, looking at Spanish properties and going to live in the sun. This appealed to me. Writing in the sun. My own place (I’d been renting a tiny apartment since my divorce, never able to afford a place of my own) and in a quiet village, maybe on the coast. I’d go out to Spain for a month or longer in a few weeks when I’d settled down again. If I went now, I knew I would act recklessly.

    I’d also coveted a small cabin cruiser and a convertible car. Just a small car. That would suit me. I’d get a car first, needn’t be new. I’m not proud or really interested in cars. So long as they got me around.

    Meanwhile I went to the bank the next day. They gave me star treatment. Coffee in the manager’s office. I didn’t even recognize the man. He was never on the floor when I went in normally. When I wanted a loan, I saw a really low underling, usually in a bare office and lasting just a couple of minutes. No social chat just straight for the jugular. I have looked at your account and the history. I can’t see any way that we could offer you a loan at this time. Sorry.

    We talked for a minute or two before he said Mr. Jenkins I’m sure you will be pleased with the work I have done to prepare a portfolio for you. Now I’ve drawn up some suggestions based on the investment you have here. This will be enough to give you a reasonable standard of living for life. Now here. . . He started, pushing a print-out towards me.

    But I interrupted. Look, your under dogs have treated me very badly at times when I have been really desperate. You aren’t interested in helping loyal customers who are having a hard time. I’ll tell you now, I have a small account with another bank, and they have been kind to me in a small way. So now I wish to transfer the balance with immediate effect. No three-day nonsense. I want it there today please. If this is a problem, I will withdraw it in cash.

    No! No! he said, holding a hand in the air as if stopping traffic. There is no need for that. Is there anything I can personally do to make up for anything you feel we have done in the past?

    Of course, there’s nothing you can do now I thought. I finally gave him the other bank details and waited till he told me it had been done. I left a tenner in the account and smiled to him. I felt like shouting some abuse at them as I left but

    managed to restrain myself. I hope this hurts you! I thought.

    I had a small family, a stepbrother who I saw about twice a year if that and my wife’s parents. We had been close and when the divorce came through it just seemed natural that we carried

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