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Addicted to Him: Loving a Boss
Addicted to Him: Loving a Boss
Addicted to Him: Loving a Boss
Ebook151 pages2 hours

Addicted to Him: Loving a Boss

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Driven by the need for love, Shayla, a lonely housewife becomes tangled in a web of deceit when she finds herself craving attention from her husband’s hit man, Imani.

Dame likes to lace his wife in the finer things, but his inability to love Shayla properly leaves her feeling like a hopeless romantic, that is until she is left all alone with Imani.

Imani’s business affairs with Dame soon turns into a steamy love affair with his wife, Shayla. Their first sexual encounter leaves Shayla wanting more of Imani and she starts to fiend for him like a highly potent drug.

Which each satisfying thrust, Imani leaves Shayla’s body screaming for more. The mouthwatering pleasure that he gives her is all that she can think about, but things quickly take a turn when they develop feelings for each other and fall in love.

Conflicted and overwhelmed with guilt, Shayla tries her best to leave Imani alone and work on her marriage, but her body and heart just won’t allow it. With Imani, she finds herself doing things that she wouldn’t normally do, and exploring sexual fantasies that she would’ve never imagined, taking her into another world that she never knew existed. Although Shayla is sliding down a slippery slope, she can’t leave Imani alone.

Forgetting that her husband is a big time drug lord and how he deals with people who cross him, Shayla realizes that her actions and undying love for Imani can lead her to consequences that she can’t handle.
Release dateSep 13, 2016
Addicted to Him: Loving a Boss

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    Book preview

    Addicted to Him - Sha Jones

    Chapter 1

    Y es, daddy, fuck me just like that, Deborah moaned as she pressed down on Tommy’s ass cheeks, trying to get him to dig deeper inside of her.

    As Tommy deeply penetrated his wife, giving her all that he had, he bit down on his lip and grunted like a wild dog. The wet and tightness of her pussy made his dick grow larger and harder.

    I love you, Deborah whispered as drool slid from the corners of her mouth.

    I love you more, Tommy whispered back as he continued to dig inside of her.

    While Deborah rested her legs on her husband’s shoulders, sweat slowly trickled down them like a flowing river.

    As Deborah felt her body starting to reach its climax, she closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and gripped the sheets tightly, but that moment was snatched from her when she heard her husband gagging and coughing, but not in a satisfying way.

    Tommy, baby? Deborah asked as she opened her eyes.

    She was so caught up in the moment that she didn’t realize what was going on with her husband and why he was freaking out. Her confusion was soon resolved when the harsh reality of what was happening to them finally hit her like a ton of bricks.

    Oh my God! She screamed at the top of her lungs as a man stood over her husband stabbing him the back.

    As she tried to wrap her arms around her husband to shield him from the deadly blows, she was stabbed in the hands and arms. The strikes to her hands were so deep that she could hear her bones cracking, causing her to scream louder.

    Deborah couldn’t make out who the assailant was because he was wearing all black like a ninja and even had a ski mask to match. All she knew was that he looked like a giant standing over her as he wielded the knife like a psychopath.

    Blood from Tommy’s mouth gushed out and onto Deborah’s lips, nose, and eyes, almost blinding her. He was shaking like a vibrator, and it was almost like she could feel her husband’s spirit starting to leave his body.

    After there were no more movements from Tommy, the intruder turned his attention to Deborah and began viciously stabbing her in the neck, shoulder, and head.

    As she was brutally stabbed in the head, she imagined a sharp blade penetrating her brain and ripping it apart. He was stabbing so fast that Deborah had no more lung power to scream for help. Every time she tried to open her mouth, she was stabbed again, so she decided that it was best to be quiet in hopes that it would possibly save her life.

    The act was so heinous Deborah could hear a squishing sound, which was her flesh being savagely ripped apart.

    With the way that the assailant was stabbing Deborah and Tommy, it was obvious that he had come for one reason and one reason only, and that was to kill them, but why? Was this an enemy on the street seeking out revenge on Tommy? Was this a bad drug deal that had gone terribly wrong?

    The answers weren’t clear, but Deborah was sure that she wouldn’t live long enough to find out.

    Deborah was so exhausted from the stabbing that she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and decided to accept her fate, which was to die in her own home with her potentially dead husband’s dick inside of her.

    God, please accept me and my husband, she prayed.

    Deborah was aware of the fact that she nor her husband were saints. Since she was going to die, she said a prayer, hoping that God would forgive them for their sins and that the afterlife would be everything that she imagined it would be.

    In the middle of her prayer, the assailant suddenly stopped stabbing her and without warning casually walked out of the room like it was nothing. As if he hadn’t just attacked her and Tommy. He didn’t take the time out to make sure that Deborah and Tommy were really dead, or at least look around and see what valuables he could steal. It didn’t matter to Deborah because the sooner he left, the faster she could get some help for her and her husband.

    From upstairs, she heard the front door slam so loud it shook the window in the bedroom. To her surprise, she was still alive, but barely. Her adrenaline was pumping so hard she could barely feel her wounds and didn’t know how severe they were. All she knew was that her body felt heavy and there was a lot more pressure on it due to Tommy lying flat on top of her with all his weight.

    A part of her wanted to stay in bed out of fear that the masked intruder would come back and finish her off, but she didn’t want to just lay there and die. There was no telling how long it would take for their bodies to be found. Their kids were visiting her mother for the weekend, and the last thing that she wanted was for them to come home and find their mommy and daddy lying dead in a compromising position. Deborah was damned if she moved and the intruder walked back in, and she was damned if she lay there because either way, she would end up dead. Although she knew what to do, she was still feared for her life.

    What if he realizes I’m not dead? She wondered.

    As much as she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to call for help, she was still very much afraid. Her wounds mixed in with fear felt paralyzing.

    Tommy… baby… She moaned as she tried to caress his back.

    When she moved her fingers, a shocking pain shot through them, and it felt like pins and needles circulating through her body causing excruciating pain that she had never felt before. She was in so much pain, she wished that the assailant would’ve just come in and shot them both in the head, making the kill a quick one.

    With each second winding down, Deborah felt herself starting to fade out. She needed to act quickly, so she slowly turned her head toward the nightstand and blindly felt around for her phone, knocking keys and a bottle of liquor off of it.

    Finding her phone was becoming painful, but she couldn’t give up. If she didn’t call for help, she would die right along with Tommy, and they would decay.

    Finally, when she felt her phone, she took a deep breath and fought through the pain. When she tried to grab it, another horrible ache ran through her hand, causing her to gasp as if the feeling had caught her off guard. Her hand felt swollen, and when she tried to make a fist to grip the phone, it almost felt impossible. The inflammation of her hand was overwhelming, and she felt like she was wearing a too small leather glove.

    After struggling with her cell phone for several minutes, she decided to block out the pain once again and just grip it in her hands. When she finally grabbed it, she wasted no time calling the police.

    Tommy’s body was starting to feel heavier and stiff, making it hard for Deborah to put the phone to her ear and talk.

    Not sure if the dispatcher was on the line, she still cried out for help.

    Help… we’ve been stabbed, Deborah moaned.

    Sir, who? the dispatcher asked.

    Deborah’s voice was so raspy from weakness that she was mistaken for a man.

    Please get here… She moaned again.

    As the dispatcher spoke through the speaker, Deborah closed her eyes because she was no longer able to speak or go into detail about what had just happened to her. She didn’t even give the dispatcher her address, but she hoped that she would be wise enough to find her location and send the police along with the ambulance to the right house.

    As she continued to lay there, desperately fighting for life, her chest felt like it was caving in and she could barely breathe. For her, it was similar to being buried alive because she couldn’t move at all.

    The room became silent and still, almost like another world or zone. Deborah was there, but it was almost like her spirit wasn’t. Her entire body was wet with her husband’s blood mixed in with her own. Her mind was so gone, she wasn’t sure if he was dead, or just too weak to move.

    Either way, she feared the outcome.

    When Deborah finally came to and opened her eyes, she could barely see, and everything was a blur. All she heard were voices surrounding her.

    What was once a dark and gloomy room was now lit up with lights and the sounds of loud sirens.

    Get her on the stretcher! she heard someone yell.

    Deborah felt her body slowly being lifted, and that’s when the pain really started to radiate through her entire body. Initially, it was just her hands, but now it was every single part of her body.

    Mmmm… She moaned in pain as the paramedics carefully laid her bloody body on the stretcher.

    You’re going to be alright. Just take it easy, one of the men said.

    Tom… Deborah moaned.

    She was trying to ask about her husband and find out the condition that he was in, but her throat was so dry it felt like she had dust in it. She kept trying to say Tommy’s name, but there was a hold on her throat that just wouldn’t allow her to speak. Each time she tried, she couldn’t, which frustrated her.

    Cops along with the paramedics were scattered all over Deborah and Tommy’s house like army ants, frantically running in and out of rooms. There were crime scene techs on the scene as well, trying to collect every piece of evidence that they could.

    Even neighbors from around the corner were coming out of the woodworks, walking through the traffic that took over the entire street. With all the commotion, they too were trying to get to Deborah and Tommy’s house and figure out what the hell had just happened.

    While everyone was standing inside and outside of the house trying to make sense of the horrific crime that had taken place, a detective name Veronica Stone pulled up to the house and parked her vehicle on the curb behind a police car.

    She stared straight at the house and shook her head at the events that were playing out right in front of her. There were so many cop cars and ambulance trucks running up and down the streets; she knew that this was something serious that would most likely make it to the ten o’clock news.

    Although Veronica was a fresh detective on the scene, she was good at what she did, which was why she was called out there by another detective. She was stacked up on work, so she knew that she would not take on this case, but it wouldn’t hurt to help out with it if she could.

    Her occupation was predominantly male, so she made sure that she wasn’t just noticed for her beautiful coconut brown skin complexion and banging body or long curly

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