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Quick Tips on How to Lose Weight
Quick Tips on How to Lose Weight
Quick Tips on How to Lose Weight
Ebook41 pages29 minutes

Quick Tips on How to Lose Weight

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About this ebook

Obesity is a chronic disease and has become one of the major public health problems in most industrialized countries.


Obesity is gaining a truly menacing scale due to the inevitable development of severe concomitant diseases that are in direct causal relationship with overweight


.Various tips to effectively combat this deadly disease has been discussed in this book.

Release dateApr 26, 2020
Quick Tips on How to Lose Weight

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    Quick Tips on How to Lose Weight - Robert Stonebraker


    This book is dedicated to my parents, my wife and my son for their unflinching support as always.


    This is book is a total reflection of my personal experience and review gathered from online. Please do not consider any part of it as a legal or professional advice.

    You are solely responsible for your action as you act on the thought and point of view share in this book.

    Introduction To Weight Loss

    It is no secret that many people today are overweight. Obesity levels are rising in the United States, but the United States certainly isn’t alone with the obesity problem. In fact, many countries around the world now find that their population is putting on weight. According to an article in the L.A. Times, the obesity level had doubled in the last three decades. In the United States., more than 30% of the population is obese, and many more are overweight. Mexico follows closely behind with about 24% of its population being obese. The United Kingdom has obesity levels that are around 23%. This affects men, women, and children.

    What is the Root Cause?

    Why are so many more people obese today? It is impossible to find a single answer. In fact, quite a few things are working in concert to make this happen. Technology, as incredible as it may be, causes some of the problems.

    Consider how many more people today have sedentary, indoor jobs where they sit all day in front of a computer. They aren't getting the exercise that they need, and they don't take time out of their schedules later, or earlier, in the day to get that exercise. Without the ability to burn calories through exercise, peoples' bodies are hoarding these calories and storing them as fat. The human body is a very efficient machine, and in the past, we needed those fat reserves. Our bodies still haven't caught up to the fact that we aren't hunters and gatherers any longer and we don’t need to hold onto all of the fat simply because we aren't going to be able to burn it!

    Yet, people today are eating more than they have in the past. Not only are people eating more, but also they are eating unhealthy foods more and more. The proliferation of fast-food restaurants that serve fatty foods is one of the causes. Some of the meals at these restaurants contain more than 2000 calories. In one

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