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One Jesus, One Way
One Jesus, One Way
One Jesus, One Way
Ebook58 pages38 minutes

One Jesus, One Way

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God could have created more than one Son, but why create multiple Sons if Jesus had passed the test to prove that he is the Son of God. Our Heavenly Father, not creating a Son would mean he created the earth for himself, and why would he? Without a Son, all that he created such as man and the earth would have been a waste. Obviously this is a project of God, one that is in progress until the entire children of God abode with him. Such a life is possible only because God sent his Son to the earth. Realize we cannot test our Heavenly Father. Therefore, if he was in our sight it would mean eternal life or death. Jesus is the author of salvation, only he can prepare us for eternal life and that imparts is due to his accomplishments. Preparation is the way of the Lord.

Never have I sought to compete in the field of Christianity because salvation is more to life than is money. Knowing eternal salvation is not a privilege then how to achieve it is the reason "One Jesus, One Way" should be of importance to the majority who reads it. For starters, believers are led in the spirit because of our failure in managing the representative house of the Lord. God’s plan has not been change even after the first sin committed by man. However, he has separated the spiritual world from that of the carnal world.

"One Jesus, One Way" goes from switching leaders to the image of the Son of God. We then learn the protocol for Jesus's church. The Holy Bible is reference to prove my word true. I believe God created us to build a world that follows his protocol but sin has interrupted his plan. It is hard to imagine a world without sin because of the world we live in but it does exist. We live in a world wanting to separate from God desire. Since I cannot change the world, I work diligently to understand the Word of God because my heart desire is the Lord's. Anyone curious of my heart desire should read my book. It is worth our time if we familiarize ourselves with the Word of God because of the happenings in the present world. God has turned a void world into something meaningful but currently we seem to be heading back to the state of the world when it was void.

The manuscript of “One Jesus, One Way” is part of a news feed for the children of God. It demonstrates a true leader, the sacrifices to hold such a position and the characteristics of a congregation that is devoted to a true leader. Both the leader and congregation are expected to reach a goal because of their dedication to each other; a lesson we ought to learn and overcome our failure in leading.

Release dateApr 21, 2020
One Jesus, One Way

Proving Jesus Group

Formation of the group is from the fact that Jesus says he would build his church. We must practice that which we have learned in the body of Christ Jesus to prove him. Since we all bear this burden, rather than the “pot calling the kettle black”, do the first work which is to examine and transform oneself in the image of Emmanuel. The image of Emmanuel is to prove him.

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    Book preview

    One Jesus, One Way - Proving Jesus Group

    One Jesus, One Way

    By The Proving Jesus Group

    Copyright 2020 the Proving Jesus Group

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enlightenment in the Word of God. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents


    In Relation to the Chapters

    Chapter 1: Switching Leadership

    The Divine Bridge

    A New Movement

    Prepping the New Movement

    Removing the Council

    Chapter 2: The True Image

    Our Duty

    Of Jesus, He is the Son of God

    Chapter 3: The Last Supper Manifested

    The Voice from the Wilderness

    About this Group


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    In the Old Testament, God dealt with the temporary life we inherit from Adam by way of the daily sacrifice that was in Shiloh. Only a few believed, and the few believers, God made a way to save their souls. Sins were temporarily taken away in the Old Testament but it is only in the New Testament that souls entered into God’s rest. Life is not possible without God. Eternal life was the reason for the visit of Jesus Christ to the earth. It is granted to us as a new movement. The manuscript for this new movement is the New Testament, which the disciples of Immanuel had the privilege to write. First, they had to witness the life of the Son of God after he was baptized. One Jesus, One Way because I am a member of this new movement; who we are and our destination is my focus, and the reason for this fruit.

    The Son of God would have returned to his Father whether or not he died, but if he had not died what would have been the point of his visit? I would then consider him a celebrity rather than a savior. Knowing he is my savior, I live in his image to prove he is the reason for believing. Realize though that the image of Christ Jesus racks up enemies, so much so that after a while the enemies are ignored by us who live in the true image of the Son of God. Consider us the light of this world. We are tempted because of our faith.

    I firmly believe Jesus is the Son of our Heavenly Father. He is the Alpha and Omega. In this my first volume of this book, I eliminate the need to search for another savior. The Son of God purpose for living in the flesh made sense and on this cornerstone, I work on solving the mystery in God’s Word. It is my faith.

    This that I have accomplished is owed to Christ Jesus because of the direction he gave me. Without a doubt he directed me to the ministry of Apostle Price and after learning about faith, I studied independently to grow my faith. Finding the confidence to present my work is a fear I have overcome. Presently, I can carry on till my time is ended.

    In Relation to the Chapters

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    God has established an eternal bridge over the sinful nature of this world. In the

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