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It is often thought that the only child will have opportunities and benefits that others never see, but in this family they have been plagued with obstacles and challenges never expected. Follow Daichi, who grew up wanting nothing but now finds himself on a journey to find himself. As he attempts to follow in his father’s footsteps, he is exposed to the good, bad and the ugly. He travels through death, jail and tragedy. You will be amazed as one thing after another triggers situations and responses that leaves his family feeling the brunt of his actions. Just when Daichi think he’s on the right track his past comes back and turns his world upside down and threatens to destroy his whole existence. Will he stand tall through his misfortunes or will he fold when the pressure mounts.

Release dateApr 26, 2020

Tanisha Tramel Mills

Tanisha Tramel Mills born and raised in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Started writing at a very young age. Initially started out writing plays and movie scripts. Transitioned into writing books but eventually will get back into writing movies and if God willing directing as well.

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    Daichi - Tanisha Tramel Mills


    As I sit in this cell counting down the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds I often wonder what my life would be like if I had just listened. It seems like I just attract bad luck, I’m cursed or I’m just getting karma from some shit my parents dodged. Either way I’ve been through some fucked up shit. I had every opportunity to do right. I mean, I had everything a kid could ever ask for: a stable home, unconditional love, material things, and a great education. I had real friends, who I trusted with my life. Everything and anything my heart desired. My name is Daichi, pronounce Dah-Che. It’s Japanese for firstborn, great son. My mama was always obsessed with the Japanese culture. I mean I am the firstborn…. And I am great, so I see how it would fit.

    Since we’re talking about my mother, she left when I was only a week old. She brought me by my godmother’s house, saying she would be back in a few days. No one heard from her until about five years later. My dad told her she could go back to wherever she came from, that he would never deny her from seeing me, but she couldn’t take me from him. She rarely came by anyway. It wasn’t like she was on drugs or anything, but she didn’t want to be a full-time parent.

    My mother told me once that she felt like my dad trapped her, that she was too young, blah, blah, blah. She was just irresponsible. She should have thought of the consequences of fucking without a rubber. It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t ask to come into this world, yet she was taking it out on me. Didn’t she know I needed her? Obviously, she didn’t care, but oh well, it’s over and done with now. These days, she writes me often and tells me how much she hates that she missed out on so much of my life. She says that if she could do it all over again, she would have been there for me … blah, blah, blah. I know the way I treat her seems harsh, but it is what it is. I forgave her, but I will never forget, so that other shit is for the birds.

    Now, how did I end up in jail doing these years you ask? My mom dropped the ball, but my dad did the best he could to give me a great upbringing. The only thing is he needed to practice what he preached to me. When he told me he didn’t want to see me selling drugs, maybe he shouldn’t have sold them around me. Okay, okay, I’ll admit I should have learned from his mistakes, but I was a kid. I was rebellious, so sue me… shit!

    Chapter 1

    10 years earlier

    Boom! Boom! Boom! I still remember the sound that woke me one night. I was ten years old, lying in bed. Someone was in our house.

    Get on the ground right now, motherfucker, I heard a man yelled, before you leave out of here in a body bag!

    I didn’t know what to do. A part of me thought I was dreaming, but when I heard my father’s voice, everything felt very real. Man, my son is in there, he told the man. You don’t have to be so extra. I climbed out of bed and went to go peek in the living room. A man had my dad pinned down and another one stood over them.

    Fuck that, the officer was saying, putting his knee in my father’s back. Now, even though I was young, my dad had taught me what it meant to be a man early. Without thinking, I grabbed my Scooby Doo baseball bat and ran out like a mad man, with only my boxers on ready to protect my dad. Of course, they snatched me right up.

    Let my motherfuckin’ daddy go, you bitch! I yelled, as I dangled in the air legs kicking and arms swinging now realizing it’s the police. I’m going crazy because they wouldn’t let me get to my pops.

    Daichi, calm down, my pops said, but I barely heard him.

    You muthafuckas ain’t taking my daddy, I screamed. Let him go!

    You teach him to talk like that? asked the smart-ass officer.

    Man, don’t you worry about what I teach my son, my dad said.

    The officer shook his head and confirmed my suspicions. You have the right to remain silent, he began. I felt myself grow numb.

    Fuck, I thought to myself. Now, what am I gonna do?

    Y’all just can’t leave him here by himself, my pops said.

    Well, first, the officer said, we’re gonna wash his mouth out with soap, and then, we’re gonna take him to Social Services. The officer then let out a hearty fake ass laugh and the rest joined in. What the fuck was so funny about Social Services? I wondered.

    Hell nah, my dad stated damn near in tears, you can’t do that to him. You gotta let me call my mom.

    What’s the number? a younger officer asked, he dialed the number, then held the phone to my dad’s ear.

    When my grandmother answered, my dad started talking really fast. Ma, he said, you gotta come get Daichi.

    Why? I heard my grandmother ask.

    Just hurry up and come get him, Ma.

    Ok, she said. It sounded like she was starting to say something else, but the officer in charge walked up and snatched the phone from my dad’s ear and hung up.

    Chapter 2

    As we all waited for my grandmother, those punks tore up our shit. My dad was in the police car by then. I had smoke coming out my ears as I watched the officers ruin all of our stuff, most of which they probably could never afford and my daddy worked so hard for. I was so pissed. I had my mug on and everything, ready to take on the whole police force! All of a sudden, everyone got this look of failure on their faces. After all that searching, they only found a gun that was registered to my dad. Plus, he didn’t have a criminal background, so that put the icing on the

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