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Protecting Joyce
Protecting Joyce
Protecting Joyce
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Protecting Joyce

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After Alex saves her from being assaulted on the side of the road next to her broken down car, Joyce quickly discovers the only way she feels safe is by sleeping in his arms. But despite the security he gives her, there are questions about Alex that Joyce can’t seem to bring herself to ask. Will he ever want a commitment? What does he feel for the woman who used to have a “friends with benefits” relationship with him for over a decade? More importantly, can he ever love Joyce with the same intensity she feels for him?

Alex has never met a woman more perfect than Joyce. Her innocent sensuality delivers a hard kick to his gut. She’s sweet and talented and brave. She’s more than he could have ever dreamed of, and their relationship seems, at times, to be too good to be true. So what’s keeping him from saying those three little words he longs to say?
Release dateOct 11, 2019
Protecting Joyce

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    Book preview

    Protecting Joyce - Cameron Allie


    Chapter One

    Alex drummed his fingers across the table while listening to Riley drone on about baby Seth. She was showing him, for probably the hundredth time, pictures from when he first rolled over.

    He was excited and thrilled for his friend, but there was only so much excitement he could gather for someone else’s baby. Alex smiled at the chubby-faced little guy in the image before handing her back her phone.

    He didn’t often come to the Avalanche, but it was Riley’s first night out since the baby and he’d wanted it to be special. When she invited him to join her and her brother for drinks, he hadn’t realized she’d be sipping a water because she was still breastfeeding. He was glad he hadn’t taken a cab, and instead drove himself. After his first beer he switched to water as well.

    Okay, Riley, her brother, Scott, scolded. Put the phone away. Tonight is supposed to be about you. Not the baby.

    Alex hid his grin. Even the uncle was starting to get bored.

    Rolling her eyes, she tucked the phone into her pocket. Fine. What’s new?

    For those of us that didn’t just have a baby, Scott told her. Last week Mercedes has me trying on suits for the wedding.

    Oh, do you have pictures?

    No. He frowned. Despite you trying to dress me up when we were little, I’m not a chick.

    I bet Mercedes has some. I’ll ask her, Riley said, with a cheeky grin.

    Scott shook his head.

    What about you, Alex? What’s new?

    Before he could answer, another voice joined their conversation. Can I sit with you guys?

    Of course, sweets, Scott informed the blonde who stood nearby holding a big bowl full of lettuce in one hand and a fork in the other. You know better. You don’t have to ask.

    Her smile was bright. Thanks, Scott. She pulled out the chair next to Riley and took a seat, placing her directly across from Alex.

    He remembered meeting her once, or maybe twice. He was pretty sure she was the chef’s daughter. Joy or Janice or something.

    It’s late for dinner, Riley commented.

    Plunging her fork into the salad, she nodded. Yep. We’ve been pretty busy tonight. One of the part-timers called in sick. I wasn’t going to bother eating until I got home, but Dad insisted, and since it’s quieter now, and everything is under control I feel better about taking a little break.

    It was nearly closing time. Alex suspected it was much quieter in the kitchen now, but he knew there would be dishes and prep work for the following day.

    When she took a bite that seemed crunchier than a salad ought to be, Alex frowned and took a closer look at the bowl. What’s in that?

    She looked from him to the bowl and back again. Lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, shaved beets. She moved the fork around. Um, tomato.

    What are the hard bits? Alex pointed. They didn’t look like any crouton or nut that he’d even seen.

    Oh. Her face lit up with that brilliant smile. Pretzels.


    Yeah. I like them in my salad. Not only are they extra crunchy, but they give it a little bit of a salty taste. I keep telling Dad to put it on the menu.

    Scott laughed. You’re the only one who would eat it.

    She shrugged. I bet you’d be surprised. Her attention returned to him, and between bites of lettuce she asked, It’s Alex, right?

    Yep. Now he felt bad for not remembering her name. Joy, right?

    Close. Joyce. She grinned again, and suddenly Alex wasn’t sure why he hadn’t remembered her name. She was charming. She shifted toward Riley. How’s the baby?

    Want to see pictures? Excitedly, Riley grabbed her phone from her pocket.

    Scott’s groan was exaggerated, and Alex tried not to laugh.

    Joyce cooed over the pictures and praised Riley on what a great job she was doing so far. Alex doubted it was the first time she was seeing the pictures, since Riley was constantly posting them to Facebook.

    It didn’t take long until Joyce’s bowl was empty, and after a fast goodbye she returned to the kitchen. Alex watched her walk away, the jeggings she wore accented her long, lean legs, but they disappeared beneath a low hanging top, obscuring his view of what he imaged was a rather shapely ass.

    Quickly, before Riley caught him staring, Alex returned his focus to the table. He didn’t need her teasing him or trying to play matchmaker. Since their on-again, off-again friends with benefits relationship had ended last year she seemed to be eager to see him settled in with a new woman. Just because his bed was more often empty rather than occupied these days didn’t mean he wanted Riley meddling in his sex life. Not anymore.

    Soon their glasses and plates were cleared away and the restaurant closed. They remained seated awhile longer. Since Scott worked for the brewery it wasn’t a problem if they lingered. Alex was grateful for that, as Riley seemed to be enjoying her evening out.

    But as the night grew darker, Riley said it was time to go. She wanted to get in a few hours of sleep before the baby woke at three to nurse. In the parking lot they lingered a little longer, but soon he hugged Riley goodbye and waved to Scott.

    Not quite ready to head home, Alex decided to drive around for a while. The spring weather was beginning to give way to summer. The air was fresh, the sky was bright from the full moon. He took the scenic route home, enjoying the night air and the nonstop rock music his satellite radio offered.

    When he saw a car on the side of the road with the hazard lights flashing, and its hood up, he slowed down.

    A second vehicle was parked in front of it. In the high beam lights he made out two forms, a blonde who looked strikingly similar to Joyce, and a big brute of a man.

    For a second he thought about pulling over to offer help, but it seemed she already had assistance. Fleetingly he wondered if the man was her boyfriend.

    Then he realized they weren’t talking. They were arguing.

    The guy grabbed her wrists and pulled her close in an attempt to kiss her. When she resisted he shook her.

    He tossed her against the hood of his truck and when he copped a feel of her ass, trying, it seemed, to pull down those skintight pants, she elbowed him.

    Alex stopped his car, but he wasn’t fast enough.

    The man backhanded her so hard she went flying, spinning away from the truck and landing on her hands and knees on the gravel shoulder.

    * * *

    It was later than she hoped when Joyce and her father finished work. She dropped him off at her parent’s home before driving toward her small house.

    Her dad had worked harder than normal today, pushing himself, barely stopping for food. He’d fallen asleep on the drive home, making her especially glad she’d decided to drive them that day.

    We’ll take your car into a garage tomorrow, okay? he’d said when she picked him up that day. The primary reason she’d wanted to drive was so he could hear the knocking noise her car was making, but as he snored softly against the passenger side door that night, Joyce was doubly glad she’d driven.

    After leaving him at home, with a promise to text when she was safely tucked away in her own bed, Joyce started on her way again.

    With the radio blaring the latest Keith Urban hit, she sang along and tried not to think about the only break she’d had that evening.


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